fellarjaven · 15 days
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Original desc.:
Ena shares some turron with Moony.
Ena and Moony belong to Joel G.
Release date: Jun 22, 2021
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fellarjaven · 4 months
Go megaman, go!
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fellarjaven · 4 months
hi. I see that you have tumblr
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fellarjaven · 6 months
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Who are they? Does Javen know them? Alien robots from another galaxy? Are they allies or enemies? How powerful are they? Let's find out soon!
This is a photo taken by a group of aliens from an unknown planet. They are last seen leaving this jungle world in a massive ship. Authorities warn that these robots are potentially hostile towards any life form and would like to caution anybody who gets close to them.
Upload date: Jun 21, 2021
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fellarjaven · 6 months
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These are the Retaliatorz.
Name: Julius Kilos Gender: Male Height: 6 meters Species: Runadian Gem: Red topaz Gem location: Left leg Alternate mode: Speed Masters sports car Weapons: M55 pistol, QZ90 sub machine gun
Name: Commandor Gender: Male Height: 10 meters Species: Runadian Gem: Peridot Gem location: Right leg Alternate mode: SUSDF CT90 Oblivion tank Weapon: GL716 grenade launcher, L68 light machine gun
Name: Turbis Gender: Male Height: 14 meters Species: Runadian Gem: Howlite Gem location: Left arm Alternate mode: White Hawk combat helicopter Weapon: E44 pistol, AR500 assault rifle
Name: Kimojin Tarvo Gender: Male Height: 10.8 meters Species: Runadian Gem: Carnelian Gem location: Right arm Alternate mode: F65 Red Hunter jet Weapon: M12AA pistol, Deadstriker sniper rifle
Original release date: Jun 21, 2021
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fellarjaven · 6 months
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Ena And Moony
Original desc.:
This is ena and moony together.
Here are the links to the 3 episodes to ena.
Auction day: www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUwJWv…
Extinction party: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Td7CBN…
Temptation stairway: www.youtube.com/watch?v=juBv2X…
Upload date: May 17, 2021
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fellarjaven · 6 months
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Original desc.:
This character is moony.
She is the friend of ena.
Moony belongs to joel g.
Original upload date: May 17, 2021
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fellarjaven · 6 months
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Original desc.
This is Vordaax
He is the arch nemesis of Fellar Javen and the 13th brother of the alpha diamonds.
He is the leader of the Duvera/ Duverian Empire
He is very smart, evil, violent, ruthless, sadistic, takes pleasure in torturing his enemies and treats almost everything as a joke.
He smiles and laughs a lot.
He is one of the most powerful and most evil villains in the Kairdeas Universe.
He is armed with the dark cannon and the dark scythe.
He is about 30.5 meters tall.
Weight is 715000 metric tons.
His vehicle mode is the S-66 Gunship.
He is voiced by David Kaye and speaks in a demonic voice.
He takes inspiration from the Joker from DC, emperor Palpatine from star sars, Megatron from transformers and Makuta Teridax from bionicle.
Upload date: Apr 14 2021
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fellarjaven · 7 months
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Original desc:
This is an Ema meme made by me.
Ena belongs to Joel G.
Original upload date: Apr 14, 2021
0 notes
fellarjaven · 7 months
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Aqua Noire
0 notes
fellarjaven · 7 months
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Joel G ENA
Original desc:
I drew ENA. ENA belongs to Joel G
This is my first fanart basically.
Original upload date: Mar 13, 2021
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fellarjaven · 7 months
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Fellar Javen with spear and shield
Original desc: This is Javen with his spear and shield.
Original upload date: Apr 13, 2021
0 notes
fellarjaven · 7 months
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This is an archive post
Me in hero maker, anime chibi maker and mecha maker.
0 notes
fellarjaven · 7 months
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Fellar Javen Gacha Club Edition 3
This is a reupload.
Original desc.:
I updated Javen's design as I am not impress with the older design. I will updated Javen 's profile.
This is my own creation (OC) and avatar, Fellar Javen with stats. Fellar Javen belongs to me.
Pt. 1:Name
Name: Fellar Javen
Alias: Lord Javen
          Commander Javen           General Javen
          5th Brother (Alpha Diamonds / Javen’s siblings)
Pt. 2: Appearance
Gender: Male
Age: 10.6 Billion years old (Total physical age)
         4.5 Billion years old (Current physical age)
Birth date: 3 billion ATBB (After The Big Bang)
Weight: 50 metric tons/ 50000kg
Height: 25.2 meters
IQ: Around 180
Species: Runadian
Gem name: Moussaieff Red Diamond
Gem location: Upper left arm
Shape of gem: Square
Vehicle mode(s): Faralynn M1811-7J Red Dragon Jet
                          Faralynn H11-B114 Tank Pt. 3: Relationships
Allies: Knifeshade (Formerly)
            Duvera (Formerly)
            Alpha diamonds (They are his siblings.) (Currently)
            Kairdeas (Currently)
            Organic Aliens
Enemies: Knifeshade (Currently)
                Duvera (Currently)
                Alpha diamonds (Formerly)
                Kairdeas (Formerly) Pt. 4: Game stats
Faction: Kairdeas
Class: Stealth Brawler
Rank: Supreme leader
Elements: Electricity, Gravity, Metal
Level: 100
Hit points (HP): 50000000 / 50 million (75000000 with 50% durability enhancer)
Top speed: 300km/h (kilometers per hour) (Running speed)
                 4500km/h (with 50% speed boost)
                 12000km/h (Flying speed)
                 100km/h (Tank mode speed)
                 1000000ly/h (Light years per hour)
Robot mode weapons: J-System MM1080 Light machine gun (Primary weapon)
                                     J-System P17 Super Ion Pistol (Secondary weapon)
                                     Combat Knife (Melee weapon)
                                     Spear and shield (Melee weapon)
                                     Many more weapons Javen picked up
                                     Many built-in weapons. Pt. 5: Abilities
    1.      Split: Javen can split himself into an endoskeleton and a liquid nanobot mass. Both unit are able to function autonomously. The liquid nanobot can form stabbing weapons while the endoskeleton has a variety of built in weapons installed into his arms. The nanobots are used to fill the gaps around the endoskeleton and act as metal sheet. The liquid nanobot can scatter to avoid attacks or to attack.
    2.      Super Artificial Intelligence (SAI): Javen can process 2 petaflops of data and can make more than a thousand calculations.
    3.      Stamina: Javen can fight non-stop for almost a single earth day (86400 earth seconds).
    4.      Fast reaction time: Javen is able to react at 1/1000000 for a second. Javen is able to dodge bullets from a minigun.
    5.      Omnilingualism: Javen is fluent in almost a million languages such as Spherian, English, Russian and many more but he speaks mostly in English.
    6.      Super strength: Javen can lift a planet with just one hand with little to no effort. He can easily blow up a planet with just one punch.
    7.      Super speed: Javen can normally run up to 120km/h (180km/h with speed boost). Javen can travel at 1 million light per hour.
    8.      Shapeshifting and stretching: Javen can change his physical appearance to disguise himself as anyone or stretch his arms, legs and torso. He can up stretch his arms, legs and torso up to 100 meters. He is also capable of transforming in a jet or a tank.
    9.      Voice changing: Javen can change his own voice in order to mimic the people he disguises himself as.
    10.  Atmospheric creation: Javen can create his own atmosphere out of nanobots and oxygen with a radius of 2 km.
    11.  Auto targeting system: This system allows Javen to shoot his targets without missing a single shot most of the time. It will be useless against enemies that are using stealth.
    12.  Vehicle scanning: Javen can scan any vehicle and take up its form.
    13.  Fusion: Javen can fuse with any Runadian. He can merge with at most 50 Runadians.
    14.  Runadian gem containment: Javen can contain the gem of his fallen foes by generating a small containment cube and putting the gem in the cube.
    15.  Built-in weapons: Javen can activate his built-in weapons to dish out additional firepower from a minigun to missile pods.
    16.  Hologram projection: Javen can project a hologram from either of his bottom wrists.
    17.  Evolution and mutation: Javen can evolve and mutate himself to make himself more powerful, incorporating as many powerful abilities as possible until he reached peak power levels.
    18.  Durability: Javen is unfazed by bullets and energy weapons, being able to soak up a lot of damage which makes him near indestructible. His hull is also protected by even further by a durability enhancer module. Neither electromagnetic pulse nor nuclear weapons could scratch his armor. It is best to shoot him with rockets and missiles. Javen is able to survive getting sucked into a black hole and coming out with no damage. However super weapons can deal some actual damage towards him. Once enough damage is taken, the nanobot generator will dettach from the arm and Javen will explode. Melting point of Alphanium is 50000 degree celsius.
    19.  Regeneration: Javen can quickly recover from any injuries sustained during battle. If he receives a scratch or worse, have half of his body ripped in half, he can always repair himself in a matter of seconds.
    20.  Body part detachment and reattachment: Javen can safely detach or reattach any of his body parts.
    21.  Elemental powers: Javen can manipulate any element at his own will and can pull of some of the most powerful elemental attacks easily without using a lot of mana such as elemental storm, planetary freeze, divine laser etc.
    22.  Energy absorption: Javen can absorb energy from any source to recharge himself.
    23.  Telekinesis: Javen can move objects using his mind. He rarely uses it.
    24.  Hacking: Javen can hack into even computers with the most powerful security system.
    25.  Virus uploading: If hacked, Javen can upload a virus that would corrupt any complex electrical devices. He rarely utilizes it.
    26.  Anti-stealth radar: Javen has the ability to detect enemies using stealth.
    27.  Tank: Javen’s firepower increases tenfold in tank mode. He has a lot of weapons from a railgun to some missiles. Javen also gets a  durability enhancer. It will only deactivate when transforming into jet mode.
    28.  Jet: Javen attacks his foe’s with machine guns and missiles in jet mode.
    29.  Multi-purpose vision: Javen has night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision and anti-stealth vision.
    30.  Future vision: Javen can predict thousands of years into the future. He does not use it often.
    31.  Past vision: Javen can see thousands of years into the past. He does not use it often.
    32.  Telescoping eyes: Javen can see from thousands of light years away.
    33.  Micro scoping eyes: Javen can see any objects as small as an atom.
    34.  Mind reading: Javen can read the minds of anybody except for a few individuals more powerful than him. He does not use it often.
    35.  Record: Javen can record a video from his point of view. He is also capable of live streaming certain events.
    36.  Investigate: Javen can analyze a scene from different points of view at different times. He does not use it often.
    37.  Time manipulation: Javen can reverse, speed up or even stop time. He does not use it often.
    38.  Time travel: Javen can create a portal in order to transport himself hundreds, thousands, or even millions into the past or into the future.  He rarely uses it.
    39.  Dimension hopping: Javen can create a portal and travel from one dimension/universe to another. Ability can be used on soldiers as well. He rarely uses it.
    40.  Decoy deployment: Javen spawns a decoy in order for his enemies to mistake the decoy for the real deal.
    41.  Soul stare: Javen can see anybody’s soul. He does not use it often.
    42.  Tractor beam: Javen can retract his hand and shapeshift it into a cannon designed to move even celestial objects. The beam is red in color. He does not use it often.
    43.  Long distance mass teleportation: Javen can teleport anything around a 200m radius from one planet to another planet of a different galaxy. He activates this ability, key in the coordinates and has to wait for 10 seconds before teleportation can be initiated. Cooldown duration is 1 hour. He does not use it often.
    44.  Psychometry: Javen can learn about the information of the object simply by touching it.
    45.  Self-destruction: If Javen dies, he will not go down without a bang and a massive bang it is. The size of the explosion may vary from a big nuclear blast to a planet destroying one.
    46.  Mind control: Javen can make his enemies turn against each other at will
    47.  Cloaking device: Javen can turn invisible for a short period of time (At most 60 seconds). Setting him on fire or splashing him with any liquid would blow his cover.
    48.  Berserk: Javen will become a merciless and barbaric fighter after picking up a berserker pack.
-Effect last for 10 seconds.
-He can generate his own berserker packs and store as many as 10 packs, using them when needed.
    49.  Aura: Javen emits an aura which turns the sky red and turns normal soldiers into barbaric warlords. He does not use it frequently.
      -Aura gives 50% speed boost, 50% damage boost and 20% durability enhancer to any ally  within a 100m radius.
-Aura duration is 10 seconds.
-Mind control ability is often used with aura.
-Ability cooldown time is 50 seconds.
50. Flight: Javen can fly in robot mode or in jet mode. Javen can stay up in the air for as long as he wants and can always land at anytime, anywhere.
-Cooldown time before next flight is 3 seconds.
51.Stealth: Javen can activate stealth and gain a speed boost and a 50% damage boost for 14 seconds.
-He can also use it with the flight ability.
-Once 10 seconds is up, stealth, speed boost and damage boost are deactivated.
-Ability cooldown time is 20 seconds.
52.Sneak teleportation: Javen teleports towards the back of his enemies and attacks them from behind. -Can activate ability from 600 meters away.
-He gets 5 seconds of stealth, a durability enhancer, a speed boost and a 50% damage boost to any weapon he is holding.
-Duration of ability last for 20 seconds.
-When the ability cools down, the durability enhancer, damage boost and speed boost will deactivate.
-Ability cooldown time is 30 seconds.
53. Fury ability: If Javen activates this ability, an absorption force field would be activated and he would transform his arms into Plasma Hyper Cannons or PHC for short.
-Force field radius is 50 meters.
-While force field is active, an anti-stealth radar will activate.
-The absorption force field can absorb unlimited amounts of damage from any type of weapons except for melee weapons. (Absorption force field can only be broken by the force field breaker active module.)
- Ability will last for 16 seconds. PHCs will charge up for 10 seconds before firing for 10 seconds. He can initiate the attack early, but the absorption force field will not deactivate until 20 seconds is up.
-Once 6 seconds is up, the tentacles would shoot plasma shots.
-Firing rate of PHC is 2 shots per seconds.
-Damage output of direct plasma shot is 300000. Splash damage is 50000. (Damage dealt can be increased by 300%.) (Maximum damage output is 300000 * (2*10 *10) * 300%.)
-Plasma shots mitigate the effects of durability enhancers.
-Splash radius of plasma shot is 50 meters.
-Ability cooldown duration is 25 seconds.
    1.      1 Survivor module (passive): If Javen is brought to 30% health, the survivor module would activate making him invulnerable for 5 seconds. It cannot be activated once used.
    2.      1 Negative effect repellant (passive): If Javen is locked down or has the damage output of his weapons reduced, the negative effect repellant would kick in, thus removing all negative effects on him and making him immune for 10 seconds. It does not work against corrosive or freezer weapons. The module would activate once every 50 seconds.
    3.      1 Durability enhancer: Javen’s durability is increased by 50%.
Weakness: Even if Javen is seemingly invincible, shooting him with freezer, and cadmium weapons at the head and torso is the only way to make him take damage. Sonic weapons and corrosives weapons are effective preventing him from recovering from any wounds sustained during prolong battles
Super weapons can cause him to lose a small portion of his durability.
(Javen is one of the strongest and most powerful character I have ever made. He has way too many abilities to be explained and is quite overpowered. Thus, I covered all of his abilities in general.) Pt. 6: Personality
Good: Selfless
           Likes animals
Neutral: Precise              
Bad: Aggressive          Unpredictable
         Difficult to calm down once angered
         Easily flustered
         Bad tempered
         Easily bored
Favorite colors: Red
Favorite animals: Cats
                          Hippo                           Dogs
Favorite type of music: Rap music
Electric dance music (EDM)
Deep house Lo fi Vaporwave
Hobbies: Watching videos on video sharing websites
 Browsing images
 Playing video games
 Shopping online
Shooting guns Pt. 7: Bio
Quote: Victories give you power but defeats gives you more power.
Origins: Spherak Magnal, Spherak Star System, Andromeda Galaxy
Bio: Javen fought in the second half of the sixth Duverian war and the whole seventh Duverian war and is one of the Alpha diamonds and former second in command of Duvera. He is a firm believer of justice, peace, compassion, honor, equality and freedom. During the eighth Duverian war, he, his troops and his siblings are forced to evacuate Spherak Magnal when the war rendered his home planet uninhabitable. He and some of his soldiers crash landed on Mars, a planet in the milky way galaxy. The war continues to this day. He currently has a rivalry with Knifeshade. Pt. 8: trivial
    1.      Javen speaks English with a robotic voice and in an American accent.
    2.      Javen and the Retaliatorz betrayed Duvera when he learn that Knifeshade is about to use a super weapon to destroy Spherak Magnal which would effectively destroy the universe.
    3.      Javen’s unhappy personality is the result of more than a million years of misjudgment.
    4.      Javen is powered by a small artificial red dwarf star which is basically his core.
    5.      Javen’s nanobots are made of a thick layer of Alphanium, a near indestructible metal.
    6.      The average life span of a runadian is 5 thousand years but the lifespan can be reset via refueling.
    7.      Javen is one of the most powerful and strongest character in Kairdeas.     8.      Javen used to have 2 black sclerae and two purple irises     9.      Javen is voiced by John Cena/ Jon Bailey
Original upload date: Mar 5 2021
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fellarjaven · 7 months
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Julius Kilos Gacha Club Edition
This is a reupload.
Original desc.:
This is Javen's sidekick, Julius Kilos.
His gem is a red topaz.
Original upload date: Mar 3, 2021
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fellarjaven · 7 months
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Fellar Javenn Gacha Club Edition 2
This is a re-upload:
Original desc.:
This is my own creation (OC) and avatar, Fellar Javenn with stats. I am using this picture as I have not drawn him in my art style yet. Fellar Javenn belongs to me.
Pt. 1:Name
Name: Fellar Javenn
Alias: Lord Javenn
          King Javenn
          Commander Javenn
          8th Brother (Alpha Diamonds / Javenn’s siblings)
          Fellar. Jack. Artillery. Vulcan. Elite. Nuclear. Neutralizer. Plasma. Electromagnetic. Gravity.  (Full name)
         F.J.P.E.G. (Fellar. J.A.V.E.N.N. P.E.G.) Pt. 2: Appearance
Gender: Male
Age: 10.7 Billion years old (Total physical age)
         4.5 Billion years old (Current physical age)
         15 Billion years old (Soul age)
Birth date: 3 billion ATBB (After The Big Bang)
Weight: 34 metric tons/ 34000kg
Height: 20.3 meters
IQ: Around 180
Species: Runadian
Gem name: Moussaieff Red Diamond
Gem location: Upper left arm
Shape of gem: Triangle
Vehicle mode(s): Faralynn M1811-7J Black Dragon Jet
                             Faralynn H11-B114 Tank Pt. 3: Relationships
Allies: Knifeshade (Formerly)
            Duvera (Formerly)
            Alpha diamonds (They are his siblings.) (Currently)
            Kairdeas (Currently)
            Organic Aliens
Enemies: Knifeshade (Currently)
                Duvera (Currently)
                Alpha diamonds (Formerly)
                Kairdeas (Formerly) Pt. 4: Game stats
Faction: Kairdeas
Class: Stealth Brawler
Rank: Supreme leader
Elements: Electricity, Gravity, Metal
Level: 100
Hit points (HP): 50000000 / 50 million (75000000 with 50% durability enhancer)
Top speed: 120km/h (kilometers per hour) (Running speed)
                   180km/h (with 50% speed boost)
                   200km/h (Flying speed)
                   100km/h (Tank mode speed)
                   1000000ly/h (Light years per hour)
Robot mode weapons: J-System MM1080 Light machine gun (Primary weapon)
                                     J-System P17 Super Ion Pistol (Secondary weapon)
                                     Combat Knife (Melee weapon)
                                     Spear and shield (Melee weapon)
                                     Many more weapons Javenn picked up
                                     Many built-in weapons Pt. 5: Abilities
    1.      Agelessness: Javenn’s physical body cannot age.
    2.      Super Artificial Intelligence (SAI): Javenn can process 2 petaflops of data and can make more than a thousand calculations.
    3.      Stamina: Javenn can fight non-stop for almost a single earth day (86400 earth seconds).
    4.      Fast reaction time: Javenn is able to react at 1/1000000 for a second.
    5.      Omnilingualism: Javenn is fluent in almost a million languages such as Spherian, English German and many more but he speaks mostly in English.
    6.      Super strength: Javenn can lift a planet with just one hand with little to no effort. He can easily destroy a planet with just one punch.
    7.      Super speed: Javenn can normally run up to 120km/h (180km/h with speed boost). Javenn can travel at 1 million light per hour.
    8.      Shapeshifting: Javenn can change his physical appearance to disguise as anyone or stretch his arms, legs and torso. He can up stretch his arms, legs and torso up to 100 meters. He is also capable of transforming in a jet or a tank.
    9.      Voice changing: Javenn can change his own voice in order to mimic the people he disguises himself as.
    10.  Atmospheric creation:
    11.  Auto targeting system: This system allows Javenn to shoot his targets without missing a single shot most of the time. It will be useless against enemies that are using stealth.
    12.  Vehicle scanning: Javenn can scan any vehicle and take up its form.
    13.  Fusion: Javenn can fuse with any Runadian. He can merge with at most 50 Runadians.
    14.  Runadian gem containment: Javenn can contain the gem of his fallen foes by generating a small containment cube and putting the gem in the cube.
    15.  Built-in weapons: Javenn can activate his built-in weapons to dish out additional firepower from missile pods to a railgun.
    16.  Hologram projection: Javenn can project a hologram from either of his bottom wrists.
    17.  Evolution: Javenn can evolve and adapt to make himself more powerful, incorporating as many powerful abilities as possible until he reached peak power levels.
    18.  Durability: Javenn is unfazed by bullets and energy weapons, being able to soak up a lot of damage which makes him near indestructible. Neither electromagnetic pulse nor nuclear weapons could scratch his armor. It is best to shoot him with rockets and missiles. However super weapons can deal some serious damage towards him.
    19.  Regeneration: Javenn can quickly recover from any injuries sustained during battle. If he receives a scratch or worse, have half of his body ripped in half, he can always repair himself at a rapid pace.
    20.  Body part detachment and reattachment: Javenn can detach or reattach any of his body parts, whether it is an arm or a leg.
    21.  Elemental powers: Javenn can manipulate any element at his own will and can pull of some of the most powerful elemental attacks easily without using a lot of mana such as elemental storm, planetary freeze, divine laser etc.
    22.  Energy absorption: Javenn can absorb energy from any source.
    23.  Telekinesis: Javenn can move objects using his mind. He rarely uses it.
    24.  Hacking: Javenn can hack into even computers with the most powerful security system.
    25.  Virus uploading: If hacked, Javenn can upload a virus that would corrupt any complex electrical devices. He rarely utilizes it.
    26.  Anti-stealth radar: Javenn has the ability to detect enemies using stealth.
    27.  Tank: Javenn’s firepower increases tenfold in tank mode. He has a lot of weapons from a railgun to some missiles. Javenn also gets a permanent durability enhancer. It will only deactivate when transforming into robot or tank mode.
    28.  Jet: Javenn attacks his foe’s with machine guns and missiles in jet mode.
    29.  Multi-purpose vision: Javenn has night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision and anti-stealth vision.
    30.  Future vision: Javenn can predict billion years into the future. He does not use it often.
    31.  Past vision: Javenn can see billions of years into the past. He does not use it often.
    32.  Telescoping eyes: Javenn can see from very far away.
    33.  Micro scoping eyes: Javenn can see objects as small as an atom.
    34.  Mind reading: Javenn can read the minds of anybody except for a few individuals more powerful than him. He does not use it often.
    35.  Record: Javenn can record a video from his point of view. He is also capable of live streaming certain events.
    36.  Investigate: Javenn can analyze a scene from different points of view. He does not use it often.
    37.  Time manipulation: Javenn can reverse, speed up or even stop time.
    38.  Time travel: Javenn can create a portal in order to transport himself hundreds, thousands, or even millions into the past or into the future. Ability can be used on soldiers as well. He rarely uses it.
    39.  Dimension hopping: Javenn can create a portal and travel from one dimension/universe to another. Ability can be used on soldiers as well. He rarely uses it.
    40.  Decoy deployment: Javenn spawns a decoy in order for his enemies to mistake the decoy for the real deal.
    41.  Soul stare: Javenn can see anybody’s soul. He does not use it often.
    42.  Tractor beam: Javenn can retract his hand and shapeshift it into a cannon designed to move even celestial objects. The beam is red in color. He does not use it often.
    43.  Long distance mass teleportation: Javenn can teleport anything around a 100m radius from one planet to another planet of a different galaxy. He activates this ability, key in the coordinates and has to wait for 10 seconds before teleportation can be initiated. Cooldown duration is 1 hour. He does not use it often.
    44.  Psychometry: Javenn can learn about the information of the object simply by touching it.
    45.  Energy horn blade: Javenn’s horn can temporarily enter an energetic state in which it can cut though any material with ease. The temperature of the energized horn is 1500000-degree Celsius. He does not use it often.
    46.  Self-destruction: If Javenn dies, he will not go down with a bang and a massive bang it is.
    47.  Mind control: Javenn can make his enemies turn against each other.
    48.  Cloaking device: Javenn can turn invisible for a short period of time (At most 60 seconds). Setting him on fire or splashing him with any liquid would blow his cover.
    49.  Berserk: Javenn will become a merciless and barbaric fighter after picking up a berserker pack.
-Effect last for 10 seconds.
-He can generate his own berserker packs and store as many as 10 packs, using them when needed.
    50.  Aura: Javenn emits an aura which turns the sky red and turns normal soldiers into barbaric warlords. He does not use it frequently.
      -Aura gives 50% speed boost, 50% damage boost and 20% durability enhancer to any ally                     within a 100m radius.
-Aura duration is 10 seconds.
-Mind control ability is often used with aura.
-Ability cooldown time is 50 seconds.
51. Flight: Javenn can fly in robot mode or in jet mode. Javenn can stay up in the air for as long as he wants and can always land at anytime, anywhere.
-Cooldown time before next flight is 3 seconds.
52.Stealth: Javenn can activate stealth and gain a speed boost and a 20% damage boost for 10 seconds.
-He can also use it with the flight ability.
-Once 10 seconds is up, stealth, speed boost and damage boost are deactivated.
-Ability cooldown time is 20 seconds.
53.Sneak teleportation: Javenn teleports towards the back of his enemies and attacks them from behind.
-He gets 5 seconds of stealth, a durability enhancer, a speed boost and a 20% damage boost to any weapon he is holding.
-Duration of ability last for 20 seconds.
-When the ability cools down, the durability enhancer, damage boost and speed boost will deactivate.
-Ability cooldown time is 30 seconds.
54. Damage bypass: If Javenn activates this ability, he will glow bright red, will stop taking damage and will gain a speed boost.
-He cannot fight back while in this invincible state.
-Ability last for 3 seconds.
-Duration before activating ability again is 3 seconds
-Number of ability charges are 2
-Ability cooldown time is 18 seconds.
55. Fury ability: If Javenn activates this ability, an absorption force field would be activated and he would transform his wings into 4 tentacles. (The tentacles are armed with Plasma Hyper Cannons or PHC for short.)
-Force field radius is 50 meters.
-While force field is active, an anti-stealth radar will activate.
-The absorption force field can absorb unlimited amounts of damage from any type of weapons except for melee weapons. (Absorption force field can only be broken by the force field breaker active module.)
- Ability will last for 16 seconds. PHCs will charge up for 8 seconds before firing for 8 seconds. He can initiate the attack early, but the absorption force field will not deactivate until 16 seconds is up.
-Once 6 seconds is up, the tentacles would shoot plasma shots.
-Firing rate of PHC is 2 shots per seconds.
-Damage output of direct plasma shot is 200000. Splash damage is 50000. (Damage dealt can be increased by 300%.) (Maximum damage output is 200000 * (4 * 2 * 8) * 300%= 38400000.)
-Plasma shots mitigate the effects of durability enhancer.
-Splash radius of plasma shot is 50 meters.
-Ability cooldown duration is 25 seconds.
56. Nuclear dive: Javenn jumps 200 meters into the air and activates stealth and land with a devastating blow.
-Once he lands on the ground, he has 3 seconds of stealth
-Explosion radius is 100m.
-Damage output is 350000.
-Will reduce the damage output of enemy weapons
-The damage output will not decrease the further the enemy is standing from the explosion.
-Ability cooldown time is 20 seconds.
57. Discharge: Javenn will overload his own body with extreme amounts of nuclear radiation and heat before discharging it in a powerful blast of energy. If any runadian is caught within the 150m radius of the explosion, they will take severe damage.
-Will detonate in 10 seconds
-Explosion radius is 150m.
-Damage of explosion is 500000.
- The damage output will not decrease the further the enemy is standing from the explosion.
-Cooldown duration is 5 seconds.
    1.      Survivor module (passive): If Javenn is brought to 30% health, the survivor module would activate making him invulnerable for 5 seconds. It cannot be activated once used.
    2.      Negative effect repellant (passive): If Javenn is locked down or has the damage output of his weapons reduced, the negative effect repellant would kick in, thus removing all negative effects on him and making him immune for 10 seconds. It does not work against corrosive or freezer weapons. The module would activate once every 50 seconds.
    3.      x3 Armor plating kits: Javenn’s durability is increased by 20%.
Weakness: Even if Javenn is seemingly invincible, shooting him with freezer, corrosive and cadmium weapons at the head and torso is the only way to make him take damage.
He is prone to overheating even though the melting point of the metal that Javenn is made of is 1550000 degree Celsius.
Super weapons can cause him to lose a portion of his durability.
(Javenn is one of the strongest and most powerful character I have ever made. He has way too many abilities to be explained and is quite overpowered. Thus, I covered all of his abilities in general.) Pt. 6: Personality
Good: Selfless
           Likes animals
           Thick-skinned (unfazed by rude and/or disrespectful comments)
Neutral: Unpredictable
Bad: Aggressive
         Difficult to calm down once angered
         Violent (If infuriated)
         Easily flustered
         Bad tempered
         Not easy to be pleased
         Easily bored
         Rude and disrespectful (if upset)
Favorite colors: Red
Favorite animals: Cats
Favorite type of music: Rap music
                                      Electric dance music (EDM)
                                      Deep house
Hobbies: Watching videos on video sharing websites
                Browsing images
                Playing video games
                Shopping online
                Shooting guns Pt. 7: Bio
Quote: (He has yet to speak.)
Origins: Spherak Magnal, Spherak Star System, Andromeda Galaxy
Bio: Javenn fought in the second half of the sixth Duverian war and the whole seventh Duverian war and is one of the Alpha diamonds and former second in command of Duvera. He is a firm believer of justice, peace, compassion, honor, equality and freedom. During the eighth Duverian war, he, his troops and his siblings are forced to evacuate Spherak Magnal when the war rendered his home planet uninhabitable. He and some of his soldiers crash landed on Mars, a planet in the milky way galaxy. The war continues to this day. He currently has a rivalry with Knifeshade. Pt. 8: trivial
    1.      Javenn speaks English with a robotic voice and in a German accent although he can speak in an American accent. The reason for this is due to the fact he wanted to sound more unique than his siblings.
    2.      Javenn and the Retaliatorz betrayed Duvera when they have enough of being mistreated by Knifeshade and other Duverians.
    3.      Javenn’s unhappy personality is the result of more than a million years of misjudgment and abuse.
    4.      It is difficult to make him smile as a result of his moody natured.
    5.      Javenn used to has a black sclera on his left eye. This is due to a scuffle that lead to Knifeshade stabbing him in the left eye. Although, he is still able to see perfectly with his left eye, the fight left his left eye permanently scarred and it is difficult for him to repair the damage. Javenn does not like to have the black sclera although he does not mind the scar on his face as he feels that the black sclera makes him look ugly. However, he eventually fixed it via programming purification and mechanical purification.
    6.      Javenn is powered by a small artificial red dwarf star which is basically his core.
    7.      Javenn’s nanobots are made of a thick layer of Alphanium, a near indestructible metal.
    8.      The reason why he is 4.5 billion years old even though he is created 3 billion years after the big bang is due to his switching bodies. This means that switching bodies can reset the physical age of a runadian but the soul age would only increase.
    9.      The average life span of a runadian is 1 milion years but the lifespan can be reset via refueling.
    10.  Javenn is one of the most powerful and strongest character in Kairdeas.
Original upload date: Oct 11, 2020
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fellarjaven · 7 months
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Fellar Javenn Gacha Club Edition
This is a reupload.
Original desc.:
I have not drawn Javenn in my art style yet so I am using this picture as a place holder instead.
Fellar Javenn is owned by me.
Gacha club is owned by Lunime
Original upload date: Sep 23, 2020
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