feltitude · 3 years
The Cycle
The silence is broken
By doors slamming
Knees crashing
To the floor,
And heart wrenching sobs.
There’s so much empty
She has to get it out
In some form or another,
But it looks like it already started
As red drips to the floor.
The broken pile of things
That lay where they fell,
Remind her of herself,
All the bruises, cuts, and scars
Holding together,
Because she was told to be strong.
She doesn’t know how much more she can handle
Her light is fading out,
There’s an emptiness that fills her,
Consumes her,
Leaving a shell of who she used to be.
Will he come back?
Wasn’t she the one?
She sought the broken ones,
The hurt,
The damaged,
Anyone who needed fixing,
She wants to fix the world,
And everyone in it,
One broken soul at a time.
She sees the light in others,
And seeks to bring it out,
She blames herself for their problems,
As if the weight of the world
Rested on her shoulders.
She can’t live up to her
Impossible expectations,
She just wants to fix,
Any and everyone,
But they always leave her,
With more to fix about herself.
He’s gone,
And she’s more lost than ever.
It was supposed to work this time,
He promised.
He was her everything,
And she would give him,
Her cries echo off the walls,
As she wonders,
If this is it,
Is it all really over?
Her defeated screams
Echo off the walls,
As background music,
To vocals created by,
The sounds of her possessions
Breaking off the walls.
Her empty cries are all that fill the room,
As the front door is pushed open,
And he is left standing there.
And her eyes meet,
With the one person who,
Can make all the pain go away.
Yet is the same person that caused it.
Without hesitation she’s back in his arms,
And it is in that moment that,
The cycle repeats.
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feltitude · 3 years
As Moon Rises
As the moon rises, we run away.
Away from our problems. Far
from our lives, away from everything
and everyone we know. We’re
quick to increase the pace,
As the moon rises, we run away.
Our worries flying away like
our hair ruffles in the breeze.
To the land where nobody
knows us. We push on even farther.
As the moon rises, we run away.
Let’s experience the world,
we can start over. Nothing here feels
right, we don’t belong. The need
to be free keeps us going.
As the moon rises, we run away.
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feltitude · 3 years
Found Poem - Devised of Quotes from all my Favourite Novels
It’s Complicated
She burned to bright for this world
The best part of beauty is that which no picture can express
It’s ironic really, the man who hates the world, is most loved by it.
They lived in fearful perplexity and passed it off as imagination.
It was life, often unsatisfying, frequently cruel, usually boring, sometimes beautiful,
Once in awhile exhilarating.
I’m here because she’s here, and she belongs to me.
My life before him was so simple and decided now after him it’s just...after.
Don’t ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody.
Sometimes it’s better to be kept in the dark than blinded by the light.
You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.
When you love someone, you don't have a choice. Love takes your choices away.
If you really love something, you never try to keep it the way it is forever. You have to let it be free to change.
Life, unfortunately, doesn't seem to care.
You are my life now.
I'm really not good with impulse control.
You are, and always have been, my dream.
Whatever our souls are made of yours and mine are the same.
It’s a long way back to Eden, Sweetheart, so don’t sweat the small stuff.
People are always ruining things for you.
People always clap for the wrong reasons.
I can’t promise that I will never hurt you again, but I can swear that I will love you until the day that I die.
I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.
Today’s worries are yesterday’s fears and tomorrow’s stories.
I like when somebody gets excited about something. It’s nice.
My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away.
I don’t exactly know what I mean by that, but I mean it.
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feltitude · 3 years
It’s Over
You have to keep your head up,
You gotta keep fighting,
Everything does get better,
No, it doesn’t,
I’m tired of trying,
My eyes are done crying,
They don’t understand.
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feltitude · 3 years
Mixed Emotions
Replace the fear with rage,
Burn baby burn.
Weakness is. . .
You're only as strong as you think you are.
Replace the fear,
Be stronger,
Care intensely,
Cut deeper,
Find the feelings of the weeper,
Replace the knife with pen,
And ask her when,
The frustration all began.
She is somebody's mother, daughter,
And quite possibly lover.
There are no words,
To summarize that little girl,
Except she makes broken look beautiful.
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feltitude · 3 years
Poem I wrote on my mental illness
The Question
How do I tell you what is wrong?
When I don’t even know myself.
When my heart feels like it will beat right out of my chest,
When my lungs can’t seem to catch a breath,
When nothing is wrong, but nothing is right.
How do I tell you what is wrong?
When all I can do is cry,
When it feels like I’m alone in a room full of people.
When you don’t understand the tics, the impulses,
When the voice in my head is screaming that nobody cares.
How do I tell you what is wrong?
When all my fight is gone,
When nothing feels like it matters,
When the world feels against me,
When you don’t understand that a blade on the skin brings the feeling back again.
How do I tell you what is wrong?
When the problem lies inside my head.
When every part of me feels wrong and I want out of my skin,
When I feel as if I am drowning in a sea of thoughts, where do I begin?
When there is no escape.
How do I tell you what is wrong when I don’t even know myself?
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feltitude · 3 years
yes! When they mention in recordings should we pause the video? It angers me so much because they are clearly about to do something that they shouldnt. Especially common when cops catch someone above them like their captain drinking and driving!
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