femalewerewolfff · 3 hours
:( :( :(
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femalewerewolfff · 20 hours
Me: I'll study this weekend because the exam is next Wednesday.
The Exam, that was actually today: 😀
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femalewerewolfff · 2 days
On a lighter note, here’s Uncle Barfur with his Bug
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femalewerewolfff · 2 days
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femalewerewolfff · 2 days
Guys I think my strabismus is getting worse and my head hurts
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femalewerewolfff · 5 days
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Got tired of seeing moeblob young catgirls. Give me butch and GNC catladies in their 40s and 50s (more will be drawn)
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femalewerewolfff · 5 days
I'm like if I was the older son in a misogynistic family but female.
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femalewerewolfff · 8 days
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femalewerewolfff · 8 days
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femalewerewolfff · 8 days
Everybody secretly wants to be in a time loop at least a little bit
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femalewerewolfff · 8 days
I joke but the teachers legit give me free candy everyday
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femalewerewolfff · 9 days
That and I like what I'm learning here.
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femalewerewolfff · 9 days
Am I getting paid? No, but my teacher is bringing me candy everyday and inviting me to lunch so I made a good choice of internship.
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femalewerewolfff · 9 days
We really do need a stronger backlash to the backlash to the “not like other girls” trope. Complaints about female characters being “not like other girls” mostly amount to gender-conforming heteros being threatened by the slightest sign of gender non-conformity in a female character, who is still heterosexual and feminine 99% of the time. An author or scriptwriter writing a female character with a disinterest in makeup, fashion, and boys isn’t “devaluing femininity,” they’re making the character relatable to the average insecure teenage girl who reads the book or watches the film. That female character will still, almost always, go on to get a makeover and a boyfriend, and this assures the young female reader/viewer that even if she feels she isn’t good enough, she too can attain the standards of femininity and earn male affection. She can be normal.
Many of these stories depict girls as vapid, shallow, and only able to see each other as competition, which is unfortunate. There definitely need to be more genuine friendships between girls in media. But, I hate to break it to all you feminine hetero women who feel maligned by stories about your fellow feminine hetero women learning how to be more feminine and man-loving, but the “mean popular girl” trope isn’t a myth made up by misogynistic men. It’s not surprising that most of these stories are written by women. Feminine girls really do make fun of other girls for being different. Feminine girls really do police other girls’ appearance and behaviour for not measuring up to the standards that are expected of them. Many lesbian girls were bullied by hetero girls in school—it’s not like there’s a wealth of stories about lesbian girls (esp. unfeminine lesbian girls) being happy and proud of who they are.
The people who think that feminine hetero women are becoming a rarity in media and complain about how “all the strong female characters have to be masculine or lesbian now” probably can’t name three pieces of media with masculine lesbian main characters. Their whining is all the more stupid when you realise that most of the female characters they consider “manly” or “masculine” are actually just feminine hetero female characters who are a little less feminine than other feminine hetero female characters. Most actual gnc female characters in media are hetero, and sometimes bi, but almost never lesbian. Yet in those rare times we do get an actual gnc lesbian character, gnc hetero women complain about lesbians getting all the rep as though most writers aren’t quick to dispel any notion of their gnc female character being homosexual. There is something about being part of a dominant group that skews your ability to perceive statistics because you’re too busy being bitter and resentful over another group getting some scraps. 
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femalewerewolfff · 12 days
Picture a frail tiny old lady carrying three full backpacks and next to her there's a fit young woman carrying nothing. Apparently my grandma sees nothing wrong with the image above. Maybe she wanted to cosplay as some servant and her princess in the medieval times because I had to physically take the backpacks from her and she would constantly try to get them from me...like Grandma, I'm not giving this to you 😒😭
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femalewerewolfff · 12 days
Traditionally “Feminine” Female Characters
THAT person: We need more traditionally feminine female characters again!
Me: Oh… okay. What exactly makes a female character “traditionally feminine” in your opinion?
THAT person: Traditionally feminine female characters are kind! They are soft, peaceful, express their emotions all the time no matter what, and maybe they are also smart idk, but they are NOT warriors that are tough and “badass” just for the sake of it.
Me: Well, it sounds like you are voicing frustration about two dimensional female characters that so happen to be tough and “badass”. What I DON’T understand, is why that’s a problem when the character is a woman/femme, but not when said character is a man. Especially when, historically speaking, one dimensional male characters tend to be reduced to “just badass and strong and unemotional” and nothing else way more often than AFAB characters ever have. Whereas women have largely been reduced to “soft and emotional and weak” for the better part of western written history.
That person: Because men are supposed to be strong and tough and women are supposed to be soft and kind and weak—
Me: Oops! There it is.
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femalewerewolfff · 12 days
My life is exactly like that of a noble man from a wealthy kingdom but with modern technology and without any responsibilities over land
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