feministvillain · 3 years
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feministvillain · 4 years
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I can’t believe it’s canon that Naruto wears Sasuke’s clothes ( or Sasuke had clothes with the Uchiha crest made for him) 
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feministvillain · 4 years
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Why did nobody tell Garu kisses stopped being yucky once you grow up!?
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feministvillain · 4 years
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hinata goes to tokyo for the weekend to hang out w/ lev + alisa + kenma anD UNCLE VICTOR HAPPENS TO DROP BY 
**edit** i just realized why this was blurry af, so i cropped the panels so they’d be smaller 
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feministvillain · 4 years
are u god
BNHA ch. 252
(Manga Spoilers Ahead)
Yes, yes we are all choked up with feels about Endeavour and Natsuo
and, frustrated to heck with Katsuki witholding his name....(God, who is going to tell him that the first person he wants to divulge his Hero Name to, (Best Jeanist) was last seen in a fucking body bag??!)
...but I'd like to ramble about this one page that I absolutely LOVED.
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I love everything about this page. Everything.
From how darkened Enji's face is, to the shock on Natsuo's. And in the very next panel is Shouto who is clearly awed by those words.
The NEXT PANEL is Bakugou -fucking- Katsuki, who is turning away from Endeavour and Natsuo, NOT IZUKU. Izuku comes AFTER Kacchan.
Now, normally in a manga the panels move in the way a normal camera does while panning across a live set- so as not to disrupt the moving quality of a manga (or any comic for that matter). Therefore, the way the panels should have appeared- while panning away from Endeavour and Natsuo scene should be in this order: Katsuki (closest to Endeavour), Shouto (second closest), Izuku (furthest away).
But it's not necessary that the camera always has to follow such a sequence of closest to furthest.
There are a few expections - like when the 'camera' focuses on different people to catch their reactions. It is in these places that the 'director'can take initiative and add extra depth to the narrative.
In this case, the camera should move from those who should have the most reaction to this given scene to the ones with least reaction.
Thus the sequence should be:
Shouto (who is directly implicated in Todoroki affairs and is taken aback by Enji's words)
Izuku (who was the person who said the exact same thing as Enji did to Natsuo. In the previous chapter, He said that Shouto doesn't have to forgive Enji, but it seems like Shouto is waiting to forgive him)
Katsuki, who is at best a distant observer of this family drama.
However, You will notice that NEITHER of these sequences are followed although the second sequence is MOST LIKELY.
Which IMPLIES that Katsuki had a BIGGER REACTION than Izuku when Endeavour says "It's Alright If you Never Forgive Me"
Throughout this arc, we have seen very many examples of Katsuki vehemently denying physical contact and jealously protecting his personal space.
He is shown edging away from Izuku and Shouto in the 'small ass car of the No. 1 Hero' while literally poking his head out of it. He consistently bats off Toshinori's head pat as well as Mitsuki's. He is thoroughly disturbed when a family drama erupts right in middle of a family dinner.
Bakugou Katsuki is a person who deeply values personal space and it's sanctity and it's reflected most clearly in the fact that his dorm room was one of the few that was left out from the Dorm Interior Design competition. He inherently respects other's personal spaces as well. We can venture to say that maybe he is even afraid of someone breaching his space or vice versa.
So what is Katsuki's normal reaction when personal spaces brush sides?
Katsuki turns away.
Which is exactly what he is doing here.
When Enji says, "It's Alright If You Never Forgive Me"- To Katsuki, It is like a breach of personal space. Those words are brushing too close to his own thoughts and feelings (That Deku doesn't have to forgive him, ever) Thus, His reaction is more significant and second only to Shouto and not Izuku, because He is a Parallel To Enji.
So let's look at the sequence again. Reaction wise:
Shouto > Katsuki > Izuku.
Now if you'll notice the persepctive of the Interns is also something that is odd. It could be artist's license of course - but if you look deeper you can find something really clever:
As said before, the actual distance between Katsuki and Enji is the shortest among the three interns. Yet he is drawn with the furthest perspective.
Shouto's perspective is closer because he is directly related to this.
Izuku's perspective is midway, and observant - and ideally as an observer his perspective is supposed to be the furthest but it's not.
It's because he is the bridge between the perspectives of 'Katsuki' and 'Shouto'
'Shouto' who is 'waiting to forgive'
'Katsuki' who is in parallel to Enji's - 'it's alright if you never forgive me'
And putting Izuku perspective wise between them is GENIUS - because it implies that Izuku has already moved past the point of simply 'waiting to forgive' and closer to/already-at the point of completely forgiving Katsuki (if he hasn't already.)
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feministvillain · 5 years
Haikyuubu Masterlist
I reread them pretty often, so I decided to make this
All of them are posted by @kuromantic, so thanks!
Please note that this post will only be updated, not reblogged, so you will need to keep the direct link to see the latest version.
This week: Ukai and Saeko
Last week: Tanaka and Nishinoya
Next week: Seijoh!
Chapter 1: Akaashi Predicts (Almost) Everything
Chapter 1.5: Akaashi Hosts a Bokuto Pop Quiz
Chapter 2: Kenma the Champion
Chapter 3: Ushijima, Spirit Destroyer
Chapter 4: Kita (Almost) Never Laughs
Chapter 5: The Association Drinks A Lot
Chapter 6: Mika is Sick of Volleyball
Chapter 7: Hana Puts Up With Way Too Much
Chapter 8: Nakashima Has Too Many Fans
Chapter 9: Aone Keeps Too Many Secrets
Chapter 10: Oikawa Gets a Translator
Chapter 11: Tora Tries to Get a Manager
Chapter 12: Tendou Makes Manga
Chapter 13: The Managers Make Food
Chapter 14: The Miyas’ Bodyswap
Chapter 15: Aone and Yachi
Chapter 16: Seijoh Washed Ashore
Chapter 17: The Coaches
Chapter 18: Bokuto and the Principal’s Office
Chapter 19: Let’s All Become Hyakuzawa
Chapter 20: The Cats and Snow
Chapter 21: (No One Wants) Oikawa as a Youtuber
Chapter 22: Terushima Tries to Get a Job
Chapter 23: The Karasuno Neighborhood Meeting
Chapter 24: Isekai Shiratori
Chapter 25: Kanoka’s Delinquent Love
Chapter 26: Bokuto and Kiryuu’s Interview
Chapter 27: Tanaka and Nishinoya’s Exams
Chapter 28: Ukai and Saeko’s Meeting from Hell
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feministvillain · 5 years
listen… the fact that kenma loves hinata’s energy, finds him to be so interesting, texts him throughout the year, stays close to him during training camps, is able to share the things he loves with him, is able to talk to him about anything, feels comfortable around him to the point where he’s not anxious, and the fact that everyone notices the way he looks at him. hinata is kenma’s little sunshine, no one can say otherwise.
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feministvillain · 5 years
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“Your hands kept supporting me while I let loose my own - and I felt like I could really fly.” |290919
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feministvillain · 5 years
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so.. many.. parallels…hhhhkjlfhksjah
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feministvillain · 5 years
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“Your hands kept supporting me while I let loose my own - and I felt like I could really fly.” |290919
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feministvillain · 5 years
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more Hinata headshots bc. i love him
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feministvillain · 5 years
babie birb is hungry…for affection 🐣
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feministvillain · 5 years
P/s: whenever i listen to this song i just cant help thinking about bkdk with this one sided pining.
Title: Stella
Song by All Time Low
“Three p.m., on my feet and staggering
Through misplaced words
And a sinking feeling, I got carried away
Sick, sick of sleeping on the floor
Another night, another score
I'm jaded, bottles breaking
You're only happy when I'm wasted
I point my finger but I just can't place it
Feels like I'm falling in love
When I'm falling to the bathroom floor”
This is when Kacchan went to a party for Deku but only to find out Deku is kissing someone else IN FRONT of him.
“I remember how you tasted
I've had you so many times, let's face it
Feels like I'm falling in love alone
Stella, would you take me home?
Stella, would you take me home?”
They once had few night stand and basically just thirsty boys who just finds each other whenever but Kacchan is just dumb as shit who is too coward to confess bcs Deku is an amazing person and Kacchan thinks he is just Kacchan. Even though Deku had flirted with him for so many times Kacchan just DONT get it.
“One more reason, I should never have met you
Just another reason I could never forget you
Feels like I'm falling in love alone”
That night Kacchan found Deku kissing someone else, he regretted having that feelings T—T and one night decides it all Kacchan swears to himself to move on bcs Deku found someone else or maybe a nice ending at the end :3
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feministvillain · 5 years
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feministvillain · 5 years
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Based on that scene from the movie Little Rascals 
💖Patreon 🛒Redbubble:Spatziline
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feministvillain · 5 years
When your dad tries to guilt trip you into visiting him: “well I guess I’ll just spend the weekend all by myself...”
You say “glad to know we’re on the same page.” Slowly, he will have to adapt to just outright telling you what he thinks instead of playing mind games.
When your friend tries to hint that they’re mad at you without saying anything: “Oh, I’m fine, clearly you don’t need to worry about me,”
You say: “I’m glad you’re doing well. Call me if you want to talk, though!” Soon enough, they will accept that they can’t be passive aggressive with you.
When your boyfriend says: “All your friends are great, I really love *insert male friend* especially.”
You say: “I’m so glad you like my friends! I should invite them back soon.” He needs to understand that if he has a problem with your friends, he needs to just voice his concerns instead of being sarcastic and accusatory.
As someone who has lived through several toxic relationships and has an abusive father, I think one of the most important manipulation tools a toxic person has is excessive subtext and hidden meanings in their conversation. It hides all of the actual fighting from the eyes of onlookers while still hurting you, which is scary and makes you feel like you’re making it all up. Don’t put up with this bs. Make them stop hiding.
Make. Them. Say. What. They. Mean.
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feministvillain · 5 years
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kiss cam??? pt. 1
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