femmefairytales · 2 months
"Considering most of the time you never stop running your mouth? No..." Gwyn had been hesitant to meet the Sheriff's son. Just as she had been hesitant to meet her semi-cousin, Eleanor. John's daughter. Their parents had caused nothing but pain and misery to not only her own family but all the people of Nottingham. Still....her mother, and Tuck, had been quick to talk about forgiveness and so...
"My mother wants to invite you for dinner. Says this must be overwhelming for you. No one will blame you if you say no, though..."
@femmefairytales asked: "For a man who loves to talk, you've gone awfully quiet." (For Reed from Gwyn)
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his eyes stayed closed. leaning back against the wall, feeling the sun on his face for what felt like the first time in his whole life - it pretty much had been his whole life, reed had only been a baby when he'd been shipped off to the isle with his father and sun wasn't something that they got very often under the barrier. so he kept his eyes closed, but there was a twitch of his lips that let gwen know he was listening. " maybe i just wanted some peace and quiet, ever think about that? "
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// Not me, being annoyed at myself, because I cannot remember the log in to my oc account for The Boys. I really don't want to have to remake this account a third time.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
feel free to change pronouns / wording! potential spoilers!
" we have been apart for far too long. "
" seems as though your business is thriving. "
" there's no need to shout. "
" you've gotten rather good. "
" do you not wish to greet me? "
" i was nowhere and everywhere. "
" the lack of interest here today shall usher me to an early grave at any moment. "
" i simply could use some peace. "
" the truth has a way of rearing its ugly head. "
" i take it you are finally done with daydreaming? "
" do you find yourself back in town for any particular reason? in search of something or... someone? "
" i do not wish to see a citrus colour, ever again. "
" you have never been one for silly romances. "
" a man cannot tell his secrets. "
" i have kept your secret exactly because i do not wish to keep revisiting the past. "
" i must make a good impression. "
" i wonder what whistledown will write about next issue. "
" what a striking gown you have on. "
" i should like a moment alone. "
" once one finds oneself on the wall, it is difficult to come off it. "
" you do not much like attracting notice, do you? "
" it is a pity you did not choose something sturdier. "
" if you are going to make me say it out loud, i miss you. "
" what you did was cruel, and unnecessary. "
" i'm sorry for intruding. "
" it pains me to see you upset. "
" if a husband is what you seek, then... let me help you. "
" what i have learned is that charm can be taught. "
" i do love a game, especially when i am so often the victor. "
" i do not fear change, i embrace it. "
" i do not care what lady whistledown writes about me. "
" i should like to see your skills as they are, first. "
" i suggest you make good use of it. "
" you agree, i am unteachable. "
" you already know how to do this. "
" it is impossible to be in society and not care what others think. "
" do you think me a magician? "
" we needed a place to be alone. "
" you don't have to be embarrassed, you know me. "
" that's exactly why i will feel even more embarrassed, because i know you. "
" somehow my character gets lost between my heart and my mouth, and i find myself saying the wrong thing or more likely nothing at all. "
" your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue. yet, somehow, they shine even brighter when you are kind. "
" your writing... it is very good. "
" they've taken to hunting in packs. "
" you know, whenever i have a disagreement with an acquaintance, i find the best course of action is simply to pretend they are dead. "
" talents? no. unless you consider a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time a talent. "
" now i can stuff my mouth with chocolates without fear of appearing impolite. "
" i do not much care for idle gossip. "
" i think i am somehow afraid i will do something wrong. "
" despite the cover of night, there are still eyes upon us all at all times. "
" what is foolish is being unreasonable about what you can achieve. "
" men can often cause much more trouble than they are worth. "
" i bribed her to give us a minute alone. "
" a small taste of the light can lead to that most dangerous of emotions: hope. "
" once hope is lost, a lady may become reckless. "
" would you kiss me? "
" i do not wish to die without ever having been kissed. "
" i apologise for the late hour, but i had to see you, immediately. "
" you occupy my every thought. "
" you slept late. "
" i slept peacefully. "
" a week sequestered in your room, and you come down and you say this to me? "
" i noticed you have not been seen in society for some time. "
" i would certainly rather be predator than prey. "
" i think i see a corner in which to hide myself. "
" you must simply follow your heart. "
" it is the mark of a good man, to help a friend in need. "
" unfortunately, i require all pity for myself. "
" i find your frankness immensely refreshing. "
" is there some reason you are trying to escape civilisation? "
" we can do whatever we want. "
" i have heard a great deal about you. "
" that was a thrilling distraction, was it not? "
" it was a good thing no one was injured. "
" a man can be pensive, can he not? "
" i am in awe of your heroism. "
" some cannot help being heroes. "
" in need of some quiet? i have been in search of it all night. "
" perhaps we can enjoy the silence together. "
" well, then you have misjudged me. "
" i am not afraid of you. "
" courage is within us all. "
" as long as we are honest with ourselves and about our feelings, it is possible to do anything. "
" the person i was earlier today... i was pretending to be someone i am not. "
" how many yous are there, exactly? and where do you hide them all? "
" i have come to call on you. "
" i do not wish to be called on. "
" step another pace backwards, you read me too well. "
" i do not wish to interfere. "
" i cannot have you growing distracted. "
" i do not mind a stirring tale or a book of fact but, in truth i find myself drawn back time and time again to stories of... love. "
" i do not believe i have ever had a friend call to the house before. "
" a gentleman must keep some things to himself. "
" do not tell me you are holding out for love. "
" love is make-believe. "
" do you know what is romantic? security. "
" i am grateful to you, for keeping me company. "
" past lives are dangerous places to revisit. "
" if you need to keep your distance from me a while, i understand. "
" you are unlike many people. "
" i do not feel much like talking. "
" i am not a man of many words. "
" my work has such a large portion of my heart it may be difficult to make more space. "
" i cannot stand by and watch you make a mistake. "
" the only mistake was me ever asking for your help in the first place. "
" it is said that the heart is forever making the head its fool. "
" will you please let us ride home in silence and leave me alone. "
" what if i did have feelings for you? "
" i have spent so long trying to feel less. "
" these past few weeks have been full of confounding feelings, feelings like a total inability to stop thinking about you. "
" do not say things you do not mean. "
" do you think anyone saw us? "
" are you going to marry me or not? "
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// So my gf is a crazy person and I love her. We are going back to WDW for the first time since the Pandemic in Dec and she booked up into a club level room at AKL and got tickets to BOTH Christmas Events -- Jollywood and Very Merry Christmas Party.
Our bestie from England will also be joining us and OMG. WTF.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// Now that I think most people in the fandom have seen Rise of Red, go ahead and like this post for a movie based starter. If there's a particular muse of mine you want the starter from (and/or a particular muse of yours you want the starter for) let me know. Otherwise, I'll just randomize it. :)
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femmefairytales · 2 months
"Mmmhmmm. He's not pleased by the influx of visitors." And not just the pirates. Pirates were as much a part of Neverland as the faeries and mermaids were. And Pan needed someone for the boys to hunt. Keep their skills sharp. No, it was the others. The ones who attempted to come over from Auradon.
Those were the ones that really pissed him off.
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"What brings you back to our shores?"
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And this was the exact reason why bringing random trinkets to mermaids paid off.
Grinning as she held the bottle out he took it from her, pausing long enough to determine that it was sake, before popping the cork from the top with ease. "Pan sinking ships again?"
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Settling back on the rocks he let his gaze shift to the horizon, unworried about where he was currently stranded. His bounty was rumored to be hiding in Neverland anyway.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
Watching her husband with their daughter, the Queen smiled. The midwives along with Merlin had already been by and declared the new princess to be the epitome of good health. A blessing upon the Kingdom and the royal family.
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"Speaking of....how long do you think we have before they all start clamoring to see their new little sister?"
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@femmefairytales sent: ❝ You’re going to spoil them. ❞ (For Arthur from Gwen)
ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʙᴀʙʏ sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴇ!| Accepting
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Arthur looked at her. "I am not." He said at least at first thought. A tilt of his head. "Alright maybe I am, but who can blame me? I think I've done it equally with our kids."
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femmefairytales · 2 months
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Life is brief, but when it's gone, love goes on and on
-Robin Hood (1973)
Directed by: Wolfgang Reitherman
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femmefairytales · 2 months
"She means..." Fay aimed her wand, attempting to blast another of the creatures. "That we can keep sitting back and letting Pan's monstrosities come to us or...we can go to him."
"Precisely." Melody glanced about, watching to see if there were any more incoming.
The skies clear for now, Storm and Tansy landed on the deck. Storm grinned. "I could do with a trip. Plus, we kind of owe him..." Their last trip to Neverland had not been good.
"The boys aren't going to like this." Poppy told them.
"They didn't like it last time. They'll get over it." Storm? Not letting anyone get in the way of a fight. Especially not one that had been this long in coming.
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Slashing through one of the monsters that had been about to take out Melody in her blind spot he couldn't help but furrow his brow half way through the fight. "What the hell do you mean by go back to the source?"
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And what in the sevens seas had he gotten himself into? Sure he'd heard from Jun that the girls seemed to have a knack for getting into trouble, but he was starting to think that might have been an understatement.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
Slipping the bracelet on her wrist, Lorelei took a moment to admire it in the sunlight before responding. "Let me check...." Diving under the water, she was gone about a good ten minutes before re-emerging with a bottle. Sealed with a cork and still full.
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"You're in luck. We had a shipwreck last week." Pan had been in a particularly nasty mood and had not done well with someone trespassing in his waters. "Found this among the ruins...."
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".....the lack of taverns." Narrowing his gaze he cut it to the side towards the mermaid who had apparently decided to join him, the sun flashing in his eyes for a moment before a cloud moved over it. Only then did he recognize who'd responded to his muttered irritation. Lorelei.
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"Got anything hidden away?" As he spoke he shifted, reaching into the bag and pulling out a jade bracelet before tossing it to her. While gifs weren't really his thing he was a pirate and sailed upon the sea. Every sailor knew that staying in the good graces of a mermaid was a wise life choice. So he made a point of grabbing things for her from time to time.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
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femmefairytales · 2 months
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🌟patreon | commission us🌟🌟
We'll give ourselves — and you — what "Wish" has failed to grant us! Marriage between Strictness and Magnificence.
We're sooo doing them pillow talking, folks...
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femmefairytales · 2 months
"No promises!" Unleashing her wings, Storm flew up to join her cousins in the air. While Melody lunged forth with her dagger -- doing her best to drive it into the nearest creature. She wasn't usually the one at the forefront of these battles, but today it seemed she had no choice.
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Ever since they journeyed to Neverland, the hits just kept coming. Apparently when they said Pan could hold a grudge, they meant it. "I'm beginning to think another visit to the island might be in order." Her husband would hate it, but... "Go right to the source."
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"Should have known this would happen." He muttered under his breath before drawing two of his katanas as he allowed the freezing calm of battle to wash over him. Not waiting to see what the others would do before throwing himself into the fray with a. "Don't you dare hit me with a spell."
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Whatever they had gotten themselves into this time he didn't want to know, but he was pretty sure he was now involved. Which meant no relaxing beer and meal.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// New Muse Alert: I've been meaning to add her for some time, but I've finally put Xiomara -- daughter of Queen Amaya and King Magnifico -- on the list. She's an Auradon kid, raised by her mother. But there is a dark streak inside of her.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// All right, People. It's Rise of Red time. Thoughts below the cut.
So it says that Mal and Ben are off making treaties with foreign lands. So are there still lands that didn't join with Auradon? And were they also sealed off like Wonderland? Or was Wonderland the only hostile one? Cause in the books, Camelot didn't join. But they just kind of chill as their own little dominion in the middle of everything.
Wonder if with Morgie, this movie's going to retcon that, though...
I love FGM's office. It's so pretty. Fay volunteers to be Uma's Deputy Headmistress / Dean of Students.
The confirmation of Carlos being dead in world hurts my heart. (And I think goes against Kenny Ortega's vision -- I believe he said that Carlos would always be alive out there somewhere). Also poor Jane.
I also don't love the retcon of Wonderland being sealed off. Mostly because earlier sources (like the books and cartoon) confirmed that the Queen of Hearts was on the Isle and had a salon. She did Cruella's hair.
I do love Red's design, though.
Yeeeah I don't love the whole Hatter being stuck in Wonderland. Cause Ally and Maddie and all that. Wonderland being sealed off will probably not be part of my own canon.
Camille would also like to fence with her father and sister. I just need entire family fencing matches.
CINDERELLA AND CHARMING ARE EVERYTHING. THE WHOLE MOVIE COULD JUST BE THEM AND I WOULD BE HAPPY. (Though while I know they had to use 'This is Love' cause Disney movie, I wish they could have reprised 'Ten Minutes Ago'....)
Empress? Seraphina likes that. She wants to be Empress.
The Charming's Car is SO CUTE. Love it.
Chad mention! Camille is probably also at college, and being so excited her dad is about to visit.
Uma's new look is fab but also giving Cleo De Nile from Monster High. (I think it's all the gold).
Seraphina can't say she's upset about the coup. She just wishes she was there.
"I will never kneel to a tyrant." -- Camille is just sitting here like THAT'S MY MOM! (Also, I'm gonna need a thread of word reaching the University and Camille and Chad and their dad mounting a rescue mission).
The glimpses of Red's future. How sad she looks :(
So I'm gonna nitpick for a second. Cause in the first movie Ben tells the VKs that his parents converted an old castle to make Auradon Prep. So even if there was a Merlin Academy, wouldn't it have been...somewhere else? Closer to Camelot, maybe? Cause Camelot is FAR from Auradon proper. Like sixish hours?
Chloe loves history! Camille just loves her baby sister.
"There are no swords in these stones". I swear. If we see Archimedes, I will die happy. Just give me an owl flying about.
So I guess Fay is named after her mom. LOL.
Camille seconds that ew.
Hades being totally uninterested in helping is a mood.
Does Chloe not know about her mom's past? Cause Chad seemed to know...and Evie definitely did....
Also I think we just found out why Chad is the way he is, if Ella and Charming's kids are getting randomly rewarded all the time.
So Cinderella's whole story plays out while she's in HS? Interesting....
Guess a rescue mission would not go well....
THE FUCK. JFC. That got dark.
ROBIN HOOD NAME DROP! HELL YEAH! Gwyn definitely thinks stealing for a good cause is okay.
How does Chloe's hair length keep changing? Cause it went from shoulder length to butt length in like an hour...
THE ROUND TABLE. I couldn't tell earlier but now you can see all the names and yessssss.
THE SWORDS RISING UP OUT OF THE TABLE. For all the Sword and the Stone / Camelot references, this may be my favorite scene thus far.
That ending was....abrupt. And not at all what I thought it was going to be. Also I feel kind of cheated we didn't see the Castlecoming dance but I am here for consequences of our actions sequels.
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femmefairytales · 2 months
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Brandy & Paolo Montalban in Cinderella (1997)
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femmefairytales · 2 months
// All 3 Descendants down plus the wedding; time for Brandy's Cinderella.
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