femmefatalelilgirl · 2 years
Life is so easy when you dont care. He didnt like you? Theres plenty of men better than him.
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femmefatalelilgirl · 2 years
1. If he tries to make u jealous with another girl, dont give him a reaction itll feed his ego. Act unbothered. Maybe even pretend to like the girl.
2. If he tries to manipulate u the first 2 times or w.e, pretend to fall for it, itll give him reassurance that his technique works and he'd do it again in future. But after that if it happens again, you have the the power to avoid his manipulation, expose his truth, and let it him know that you KNOW hes manipulating u.
" In order to be smart, you have to act dumb"
"Always stay in control"
3. Be vulnerable with him, itll reassure him that he can be vulnerable with you as well. But dont let the amount of advice/reassurance of HIS overpower/be greater than yours. So during future arguments you can say you were there more for him than he was for you. Pull up receipta of advice if u need to.
4. NEVER use his trauma against him. It makes u look bad its way too far.
1. Personality has two components:
I.Having deep personal talks and giving paragraphs of advice to him, really get into his childhood trauma, act all soft and mommy with him, have a bit of female masculinity.
Have personality switchups from soft innocent girl to bad bitch mentality.
!! DO NOT BE TOO CONFIDENT/BIGHEADED. Maintain shy, softspoken personality like Lina. ANGELIC.
II. Actual characteristics.
masc AAVE slang, roasting eachother for fun, switching up to soft&innocent, being funny, TikTok humor phrases, good comebacks, general daily life talks like Lina, what did u do today, eat today, likes/dislikes, hit the gym, ask questions like "how long did it take",
3. NEVER brag abt anything. Always stay humble, stay broke.
4. Men secretly love the chase but dont play hard to get for too long or else they will lose feelings. Let him chase you but dont make him run a marathon just to say hi.
5. Act unbothered. If theres a fight dont lash out, call him names/ raise your voice. State the facts, not insults.
6. If theres arguments sometimes, let him win. Dont always try to win even if your good at it, or else he's gonna think "She always wants to be right"
7. Talk slower and dont rush your convos.
(( Getting obssesed is ur coping mechanism bc Daddy issues, but dont let that get in the way of your daily tasks ))
I. Get rid of that idea of him you created in your head. They probably arent all that.
II. Start prioritising yourself and self love more.
III. Instead of thinking abt him and his life. Think abt yourself and what you want to achieve and work on your own goals.
III. Dont blow up their phone with texts. Allow them to be who they are.
8. Dont be needy
9. When a man is not replying, give him 3 days. 3 days of no texting, no calling, no anything. If you stay attached to him and keep looking around for him, he knows and can feel that. If you give yourself time to detach, he will always come back.
I. ALWAYS live by your own rules. If you wanna do something do it, if you dont wanna do something, dont do it,
II. Move to your own rhythm instead of dancing to the beat of someone elses drum
III. Choose what you will or will not tolerate
10. Shower him with love then Ignore him for a while, keep the convos short, this drives the human need for consistency and validation.
Dont ignore fully just enough to keep him wanting more.
11. If he tries messaging other girls, let him. If he wants to ignore you, let him. If he wants to play with your feelings, let him. It will give you the clearest picture of when your gonna leave him or not and youll save yourself from bigger hurt in the future.
12. Give him compliments but dont overdo it.
Men love validation.
13. Dont let ppl walk all over you/be a doormat, stand up for yourself. Maintain bad bitch energy.
14. Find out his hobbies. Does he like working out? Does he like music? Does he like gaming? Figure that out and find out more abt what he likes and talk abt the subject to relate to him more.
15. Men subconciously pull back when they fall for a women because they experience a panicked feeling.
16. A girl that doesnt need anyones attenrion, not trying to make everyone happy, full confidence
17. To make him obssesed w cute things, be like "Like my hair?" "Like my outfit."
18. Make the moments memorable. You can tell if he likes you if he brings up past things u said to him. Thats how you know hes interested.
19. DONT speak bad about people. Always maintain that kind, soft, coquette energy. Never cross anyone unless they cross you first but try stay unbothered.
20. Walk out if he invalidates your feelings if your tryinf to get your point across on whats morally right thing to do.
21. NEVER complain that he doesnt do/get you enough. Praise is the way to make someone do better "I love it!"
22. Never overshare about your life. Oversharing shows a lack of confidence.
23. DONT enter the stages of deep trauma talks too soon after meeting him, he will feel his personal space kinda violated, try to figure out his boundaries. Try to be vulnerable with him with your struggles in a way that he can also relate to, that will let him know that its also ok for him to be vulnerable with you.
24. If he keeps asking for more general pics of you, then he most likely likes you for your looks and not your personality.
25. Dont trauma dump/ nag him abt ur srs life problems all the time. There are online therapists for that.
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