fenixblaise · 4 years
This is the rabbit version of yawning and stretching just to put your arm around your crush.
How to surreptitiously stretch within reach of kisses
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fenixblaise · 4 years
Well, at least that makes it less awkward for me 🤣
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a rough wakeup call :b
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fenixblaise · 4 years
Don't tell me that's Pinky herself on that pillow 🤣
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a rough wakeup call :b
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fenixblaise · 4 years
*record scratch*
Is that a Dakimakura?!
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a rough wakeup call :b
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fenixblaise · 4 years
My rabbit does this too when he's hungry. Whenever we hear him "throw a fit", it means it's time for me to feed him.
I'm hungry
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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(Fact Source+info) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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Chibi Baroness Von Bonbon
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fenixblaise · 4 years
CW: Ableism
I don't know how much longer I can deal with Autism Mom groups. I want to be in there to educate and help encourage parents towards acceptance. I want to connect with parents near me, support others, and help their children feel loved and included. And usually things are fine.
Until they aren't.
Until I see posts promoting ABA Therapy, or parents lamenting and saying things like "My kids are of age and I know they will never be able to hold a job or get a date or have kids and I feel like I'm missing out because all my friends are grandparents now." And other members are supportive of comments like this, agreeing and congratulating each other on being "warriors"...whatever that means
Only one person that wasn't me responded saying "I actually know and am friends with many Autistic adults who are living full and happy lives."
I shared my story. How I have a life partner, have strong supportive friendships, have worked, and am raising a child while pursuing creative endeavors. I wanted to share hope and how possible it is to be a thriving Autistic adult.
While other comments are being acknowledged and liked, mine is being ignored.
And it makes me sad.
It makes me sad that these parents can't see the potential future their children have by seeing me and other Autistic Adults who have found a way to make a place for themselves in the world.
That these parents can only see the world because of the lie they have been told and keep telling themselves: that their child is not normal, will never be normal, and that their life (the parent's life) is over.
Because that's exactly what it is. A fucking lie. And I'm not sure how much more emotional labor I can keep doing in there.
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fenixblaise · 4 years
Also I think people really fail to understand how badly being dyslexic fucks you up emotionally. Like literally one of the symptoms is depression and low self esteem, nothing about dyslexia inheritly causes that. The school system doesn’t even attempt to accomidate us, they just shove us in reading support and other special ed classes where you’re made to feel like an even bigger moron.
Why aren’t the NT kids taught about invisible disabilities? Why aren’t they taught that literacy is not a sign of intelligence or worth? Oh that’s right, because the teachers are on the same bullshit. The teachers say shit like “LEARNING DIFFICULTLY” instead of calling it what it is: a disability. This allows them to think it can be overcome if you just put in the effort, and will shame you for not trying hard enough. The school system opts to give you as much internalized ableism as possible instead of making any meaningful effort to teach you. This makes us both intellectually and emotionally inequip for adult life. When you’re dyslexic it’s hard to keep a stable job, it’s hard to understand important emails or calls, it’s hard to communicate in an ‘acceptable’ way, it’s hard to access information, it’s hard to live in a world that refuses to accomidate us! Even smaller things like talking to friends, texting, watching videos/movies/shows and other things that are supposed to be relaxing. It’s fucking hard! It’s not just some small quirk, it’s a disability! Even as an adult I’m mocked by peers, people talk to me like I’m a toddler, everyone thinks I’m stupid and incapable. Why are we not taught skills to work around our disability? Why are we not taught how to ask for help? Why are other kids not taught about this?
It’s not a small ‘uwu spelled santa and satan’ quirk, it literally affects every aspect of your life. And we’re taught to hate ourselves and just shut up and try harder for NT comfort. You guys need to do better at educating yourselves, not just on disabilities like dyslexia but on ableism in general. I shouldn’t have to out myself to be treated with respect, you should know that ability to read, write, spell, do math, comprehend verbal language and speaking are not connected to intelligence. Just because someone speaks with bad grammar doesn’t mean they’re stupid and making fun of them until you find out they’re disabled is ableist.
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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Reblog art guys. Seriously.
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fenixblaise · 4 years
I found this really important tiktok about what to do if a Jehovah's Witness or Morman missionary comes to your door:
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fenixblaise · 4 years
I can smell this video
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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Yeah this is probably how Pachinko was made. 
King:”I want to have a kid, Boss! I’m sorry but I’ve always wanted to be a Dad!”
Devil:”Alright! Great timing! Hand me a toaster, some wheels, a bell, and a hammer. I got an idea!”
3 Months Later!
King:”Mr. S, Oh my GOSH, he’s adorable!! I love him already! What’s his name?”
Devil:”Pachinko! He’s got your head shape and my toast. He’s the son that every proud Dad would want.”
King:”Our little Pachi-Pachi!”
Pachinko:”Cling Cling! Clang Clang!”
Devil:”Mmm, delicious. Good job!”
Pachinko:”Cling Cling!”
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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You tell me that THIS adorable little shit is BAD LUCK??????
Black cats are some of the most loving cats you'll ever meet!
They're only bad luck if you mistreat them.
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fenixblaise · 4 years
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fenixblaise · 4 years
*sneaks behind the booth and steals a kiss (literally)*
hm what if I want to smooch your william afton?
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fenixblaise · 4 years
Some of the long term Effects toxic parenting a child can hold onto into adulthood summed up in this quote:
“Because it’s about them, no matter how hard we try to ingratiate ourselves to our parents, their feelings toward us won’t change. When we fail to win their approval we might feel hurt or even angry, but many of us also believe that we haven’t tried hard enough to please them. The truth is, love is not a commodity to be bought and sold. Our parents will love us if they are able to, and for no other reason.
Still, it’s easier for us to keep blaming ourselves because it’s preferable to facing the unthinkable: the fact that our parents don’t love us. This is an extremely painful realization to come to terms with. Most people would rather do anything than accept this as the truth. Not only is it painful; it’s humiliating.”
-Marcia Sirota, MD
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