fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“Oh! No, no I’m fine, just one of those days, yeah?” 
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Holding the book tighter than she needed to, arms wrapped around it to compensate for her trembling fingers, she gave him a smile. “Well, thank you anyway, kind Mister. Do you have a name, or do I just get to call you Kind Mister from now on?”
“Oh I’m really sorry,are you alright?”.He asked as he picked up the book for her. “You’re welcome,I can’t understand people being so rude and mean,kindness goes a long way”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
She was fair skinned, fair haired, and nothing like Tara would ever be. Much more thin, much shorter than her mother could ever hope to be, sharper where the Bellamy woman was sharp. But her touch was kind, and her voice was sweet.  Swept to her feet by something that she couldn’t see, Fern gasped, fingers finding the woman’s where she held her. 
“I-I ju-”
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“My nam-name is...is Fern, a-and I live at-at um, 182 La-Lakeview court?”
She wasn’t Tara, with the soft, faded shimmer across her skin that looked more like glitter than any actual color. Fern had never seen someone with a soul quite like that, and even still, the woman’s image swayed a bit before her; fingers spasming, she couldn’t tell if that was nausea burning in her belly, or just upset from the copper on her tongue. 
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“It’s not height? I just cant-” Couldn’t grip anything, hadn’t had feeling right in her fingers since she’d fallen, trembling on the dining room floor that morning. “Yeah. Yeah, just- thank you, the last person I asked just kept walking.”
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“Sure,I don’t know why they build shelves so high,not eveybody is tall”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“The-” Frowning, looking down at the list her Mom had texted her, Fern lost herself for a few seconds in the scrawl of digital words. “The gluten free brand? Why do we need gluten free pancake mix, I didn’t even use it a-just yeah, the gluten free box, I guess? The big one?”
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“Watch, so nobody would come here,” she nodded at the girl looking around herself before turning to the shelf. Abigail cracked her knuckles and with a few easy steps went up the lower shelves like climbing up to an everest. “Hey, which one do you need?” 
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“Well,” Pouting, frowning at the shelf that was indeed taller than both of them, Fern rocked back on her heels to try and find someone down the aisle. “I’m not sure what to do then.”
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“I mean, I can try.. But I’m not much taller than you.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“Can you reach that? I can’t get a grip on it.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
By the time he finished she had fallen against his chest entirely, eyes nearly shut and a thick sigh on her lips. 
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“Man of good taste, knew there was a reason I loved you.” Twisting then, she brushed a kiss along his jaw, for thanks and reasons that she didn’t care to think about, and Fern lost the blanket as she scrambled away from him on hands and knees toward the game console. “Calling Sheik.”
Combing through her hair, he was careful not to snag it. “Serious? They’d be cute, honestly. I could see it.” He grinned broadly, then. “Fine. I’ll just be Kirby.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
He looked awake enough, warm, and Fern slipped from the kitchen, toes curling against the cold. A faint swirl of yellow colored him, either amused or apprehensive, but it only added color to the soft grey hue he held. Lighter than the darkness on her mothers skin, there were still ghosts there that she could almost taste, but the young reader didn’t hesitate. 
Instead, shuffling closer, Fern climbed onto the couch beside him, legs drawl up as she curled against his side. 
“Is it still early if I didn’t sleep at all?”
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Damien wasn’t a morning person, and neither was he a night owl, though if he had to chose between the two, he’d have chosen night any time. But work called for early mornings. Hunters never really got to sleep.
Sipping his coffee black, he heard a familiar voice coming from the entrance of the kitchen. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the redhead. A splitting image of her mother. He gave a groan, which meant to say good morning, but he had a mouth full of coffee at the time. Once he swallowed he nodded with a small smile. “Whatchu up so early for?”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Giggling as he pulled away from her, Fern watched him go with dark eyes and a dimpled grin. He was back just as quickly though, and at the familiar touch to her hair she sat still, straightening a little to make his job easier. The drag of the comb was as soothing as always, and despite her best efforts, she ended up leaning into him once more. 
“Jacob and Henry are cute, they’ve got ship art already.”
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“Nasty,” Tone mocking, eyes rolling, Fern tilted her head until she could see him again. “Nasty, nasty, but you don’t get to use Snake or Meta Knight.”
“Ew– ew! Nasty.” Nathan laughed, pulling away from her. He shot from his spot, pulling the comb from his nightstand. Almost instinctually, too used to her to really do much else, he sat down again behind her, undoing her hair and moving to comb it.
“Eh…anything, really. I just got the new Assassin’s Creed, you know, with the girl? It’s super cool. You can play that if you want. Or get your ass kicked in Super Smash again.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Super Smash Bro’s from what felt like the moment she had fallen through his window, and Nathan had fallen asleep at around three am. Sleep had evaded her though, and instead, Fern had sat awake, huddled in the blanket he had given her, watching the hues of dark indigo and violet dance across his skin. Even in his sleep, he was sad, bitter in ways that she couldn’t touch or fix, but she found that she couldn’t sleep at the sight of it.
The rain had stopped sometime around five though, so suddenly that the silence had been deafening, and she had nearly started to cry. By seven, the blanket had fallen, tucked around Nathan instead to try and chase the cool colors from his skin, and Fern peeked out into the living room. The floor was cold beneath her bare toes, but she knew the house well enough to find her way to the kitchen.
“Morning, mister Damien.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“Says the boy who pulled me in his window like a criminal.”
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Pulling at the blanket until it lay over her head like a hooded cloak, Fern rustled forward on her knees. Leaning against him then, two of them could be impish, if that was the route he wanted to go, she scrubbed her sopping hair against the skin of his throat. 
“Kinda games?”
“Nah, Fern, Fern, you’re fine. I mean, he gets it. He gets your mom’s busy, doin’ her thing. I promise, you’re alright here. We’ll play some games or somethin’.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
“Shut up, I do not.” Any other time, she would have shoved at him, pushed at his taller frame. As it was, she sagged under the sudden, heavy weight of the blanket, dark blue eyes wide on him from under the shadow of it. “Natha-”
Thunder clashed, loud and rough, rattling the walls of the house, and with a startled sound, Fern stared at him with a horrified expression, mouth working uselessly on the end of his name. She tried to distract herself with the colors on his skin then, the soft lavender and the deep indigo that never seemed to leave him, and her fingers dug into the blanket. 
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“Yo-you sure he won’t mind? I know he doesn’t like surprises, but I really don’t want to be alone and I just thought-you’re safe.”
Watching her, he was unfazed entirely, but instead, the mischievous grin that streaked across his face was simply humoured. “You look like someone shoved a lit candle in the Earth. Red, blue, green.” He couldn’t ignore his friend’s pain, however, and he scooped up a spare blanket from his closet, dropping it haphazardly on top of her. The storms were heavy outside, and it shouldn’t have surprised him, really, that she had shown up. Miss Tara was off-island. “No, no, Fern, don’t–”
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Plopping down beside her, he worked to wrap the blanket around her. 
“Don’t be scared, you’re here now, ain’t you? We can go make hot chocolate. Pa’s probably watchin’ his shows. He’ll be glad to see you.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Shivering, pulling at her shirt with cold fingers, Fern dropped it beside her boots. Changing clothes with Nathan there was common, something she was used to, and she pulled at a blue long sleeve, yanking it over her head. Long in the torso, it stood as a dress for the time it took her to pluck a green flannel pair of pants from the pile. 
“Cold. Th-the heat was out, at my house, and none of the buses are working?”
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“I had to walk home, but I couldn’t just,” Shrugging then, pulling at the sleeves where they had fallen well past her fingers. “ ‘m scared.”
Without question, he pulled her wet jacket from her. Eighteen years was way too long to even be bothered by her, and he dropped it into the hamper with a wet squelch. He grabbed for a few of his clean shirts, all long-sleeved, and dropped them across his bed, followed by a few pairs of pajama pants for her to pick from.
“It’s fine, it’s fine. Dad won’t mind. C’mere, get changed, you’re– soppin’ wet, Jesus.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Scowling at him, shivering, Fern pulled at her boots with numb fingers until they smacked down on his floor. 
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“I know, I know, just-my Mom’s gone, and-and my power’s gone, and I didn’t want to be alone.”
Helping her in, he gasped suddenly as she hit the floor, her hair sopping wet. “Gross, you’re covered in mud,” he teased, a grimace on his face. He disappeared only briefly to get a towel for her. “The hell’re you doin’ here, Fern? It’s rainin’ cats n’ dogs out there.”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Darting forward, boots sliding in the mud, Fern hesitated for a moment before curling her fingers over the pane of the window. Pulling herself up, feet scrambling on the side of the house, she hoisted herself through the opening only to crash in a puddle to the floor.
“Oh my God!”
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From the window at the far end of the house, facing the front, came a shudder, then a squealing sound as it was pulled open.
“Fern!” He called, gesturing for her to come to the window. “C’mere!”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
Frowning harder, fingers curling into fists, Fern shook her head, turning until she couldn’t see him anymore. She’d only amused him, putting her foot down like that, and she’d never really wanted to punch a boy before. She did now though, wanted to, just to get that grin to fall away. Instead she put distance between them, nodding her head at his book. 
“You do that, yeah?”
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“Don’t count on it, student, lots of-of lectures and homework. You have a nice night, Toby.”
Tobias couldn’t help the wide grin that split across his face. Oh was she mad! It was almost as amusing to watch as her being flustered. He knew he was being rejected. It was obvious no amount of slick words would convince her to stay, but it had been fun while it lasted.
“You’re right. I’m not. But if you have other plans I surely don’t want to hold you back. I’m sure I can find something to entertain me.”  He shifted the book he had in hand to emphasize his point. “And who knows maybe I will pay Trini a visit. As for other vampires I’m sad to say I have not made any other vampire friends. But It was a pleasure to talk to you Fern. Maybe we will meet again, hm?”
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fern-bellamy-blog · 9 years
The rain had started to come down over an hour ago, heavy and thick when she had been ear deep in a lecture. There had been no warning for it, and by the time she’d waded home, her body had been soaked through. Taking long enough to stuff necessities into a bag -her computer, chargers, clothes and a few toiletries-,Fern had pulled on her rain boots and a jacket only to run from the emptiness of her house once more. 
Nathan’s door was locked though, and her attempts to push it open had only rattled it quietly against its frame. She’d become soaked through already from the twenty minutes it had taken to run to his house, and Fern pounded a fist on his door. 
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