fernyear2 · 4 years
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Final works imagery - edited on my phone for vibrancy
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fernyear2 · 4 years
edited artist statement - ready to print.
Fern Buncuga
This artwork pairing displays natural as well as sacred subject matter, such as kawakawa and banana leaf plants, Symbols of the Tibetan Om, with its meaning of interconnectedness, and disjointed parts of the body depicted for their tattoos. These are emptied of meaning for aesthetic purposes, as my work is influenced by advertising and is used for commentary on how the subject matter in the art are viewed as commodities and sold in mainstream media for profit. Eye-catching colours, busy visuals, digital illustration, bold symbols, grids, and neon lights are used to engage as the advertising which saturates our everyday lives. Both artwork’s titles mimic advertising slogans and refer to an idea of being sold fake ideals through advertising, and ties in to the way advertising takes on street culture and copies it to appeal, and therefore sell, to a youth demographic. 
Adobe Illustrator is used to make these digital illustrations, which are drawn from personal photographs. The designs being printed on corflute also references their common use for advertising signage. Each work is backed with neon lights to further mimic the attention-grabbing idea of signage. 
Key New Zealand artists working in the same visual field as me are Serval Fandango and Shawnee Tekki. Serval creates illustrations for advertising that include bright colours and repeat patterns to create work with an ‘eye-candy flair’. Shawnee has similar concepts as well as visual elements to my work, due to her art being influenced by mainstream media. She draws inspiration from graphic design in advertising and branding, resulting in bold, attention seeking works. Discussions of how visual elements command attention and influence perception and mood have been considered as with Eiman Negm and Passent Tantawin’s essay, “Investigating the Impact of Visual Design on Consumers’ Perceptions towards Advertising.” 
West Side, 2020, Digital illustration on corflute, 1200 x 1800. 
Stay True, 2020, Digital illustration on corflute, 1200 x 1800. 
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Notes on what to edit in my statement
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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contextual portfolio final 
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Final works - individual shots and exhibition shot
overall I am very happy with my works, and although I think their are some minimal flaws (the slit in the stay true hand design and the fact the plus aren't hidden as well as they could have been) the designs, the lights, the size, the colours and the subject matter work harmoniously and create an eye-catching, advertising like display. Im really happy with how the lights add to the work and think that the use of these elevated my designs to the next level, and the holes in the work accommodated the lights nicely and added form, shadow and glow throughout the design and not just on the sides. 
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Brought some more 5m lights to replace the broken ones - these worked a lot better then the versions I brought first, and the colours are slightly different but I think it works well and both works are elevated a lot more with the neon lights behind them
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fernyear2 · 4 years
-edit my statement so it talks directly to what the viewer is seeing. 
-take a picture of the painting circle work on the wall and maybe include a close up shot of my Sherton Hotel work for the contextual portfolio 
by thursday morning 
-buy an extension cord and a clear file 
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fernyear2 · 4 years
Fern Buncuga
This artwork pairing displays Kawa Kawa and Banana Leaf with their references to lush native bush on the one hand and sunny or tropical climes on the other. Symbols of the Tibetan Om are also present with its meaning of universal interconnectedness. All this forms the backdrop to parts of the body, depicted for their tattoos, and so are emptied of meaning for aesthetic purposes. 
An advertising format from design is used for commentary on how commodities are usually sold in mainstream media for profit. Eye-catching colours, busy visuals, digital illustration, bold symbols, grids, and neon lights are used to engage as the advertising which saturates our everyday lives. 
Stay True refers to an idea of being sold fake ideals through advertising, and West Side ties in to the way advertising takes on street culture and copies it to appeal, and therefore sell, to a youth demographic. 
Adobe Illustrator is used to make these digital illustrations which are drawn from personal photographs. Their being printed on corflute also references their common use for advertising signage. Each work is backed with neon lights to further mimic the attention-grabbing idea of signage. 
Serval Fandago’s interest in rock-poster art and comic book illustration has been of interest as a way of thinking about contemporary approaches to pop art. Gina Kiel’s work as an illustrator and muralist has also been important for her graphic approach to imagery.
Discussions of how visual elements command attention and influence perception and mood have been considered as with Eiman Negm and Passent Tantawin’s essay, “Investigating the Impact of Visual Design on Consumers’ Perceptions towards Advertising.” 
West Side, 2020, Digital illustration on corflute, 1200 x 1800. 
Stay True, 2020, Digital illustration on corflute, 1200 x 1800. 
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fernyear2 · 4 years
Tomorrow after crits -
-buy masking tape to apply the access neon line wires to the back so you can’t see them, and to maybe tape over the extension cord so it’s less visible
-Buy another 3m extension cord for the other artwork
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Notes from glen - editing my artist statement
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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The neon lights on the back of the stay true artwork - these aren’t working properly, at the start the part that was lit up worked and it was just the other section that wasn’t turning on, but now the first section isn’t turning on either. I will try and see if it’s a connection problem but I also will go to Bunnings to see if I can find lights similar, due to the fact that I can’t order them from the same place online as it won’t come in time.
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Different colour presets for the neon lights. I actually really like how the neon lights transforms the work and elevates it. Although you can’t really see the last one and it looks more blue in the image, it’s actually white which works really well with the image and also gives it the same glow that advertising does. I also really like the second to last green light as it matches with the banana leaf and contrasts with the pink underwear. Once I have both neon lights done I can work out what works the best for both.
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Artwork placed in the space. I think this works well, as they’re two seperate works but can still be seen together. It lets the viewer view each on as their own work so they look at them longer, but then can also see them together and see how they play off eachother
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Both artworks in the space - I decided to put them this way as I like how they play off eachother and think due to the stay true being a bit more vibrant it works better on the larger wall
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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LED light instructions
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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Placing the work on the wall. I placed the foam board on the back of the work using high grade double sided tape, and then measured out the middle of the artwork. I then cut a slit going down from this, and two slits 30cm away from this slit on either side so I could put the nails in the wall and slide the artwork on the wall using the slits. This actually worked really well and the work stayed on the wall so I will use this technique to hang both works tomorrow.
-Nails have to stick out 1cm from the wall to line up
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fernyear2 · 4 years
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A1 foam board from look sharp - I was originally going to do one for each artwork but now I might use the industrial double sided tape to stick both of the boards together on one as I don’t think they’d be thick enough to hold up the work with nails on its own.
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