ferruginous-blog · 9 years
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
Do you actually care about ace representation, or do you just want to infantilize that autistic character while expressing it in a sexual/romantic way and to get them out of the way of your abled/neurotypical fave at the same time? A Tumblr Essay
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
&&pretentious emo trash;
Fang wasn’t an idiot but sometimes he just couldn’t help being the sarcastic little ball of feathers that he was.
“I mean for starters I don’t know who that is but they sound like some boy band member Nudge likes.” Well that was probably going to get him locked outside for a few hours or get his butt kicked during a sparring practice. “But uh otherwise there’s nothing wrong with your music collection except that none of my music is in it.”
❝Uh, okay, disbelief at the fact   that you don’t remember who   my favorite singer is aside--❞
                    I put my hands on my hips, annoyed.                     Fang was definitely starting to give me                     some pod people vibes. If that smug,                     pretentious narcissism of his wasn’t                     dripping from every word? I probably                     would’ve thought the School’s goons                     pulled a Max II on us again. And you                     know how the phrase goes. Fool me                     once, shame on you, fool me twice?--
      Get kicked repeatedly    where the sun don’t shine. 
                           ( What do you mean that’s not                              how the phrase goes? Shut up.                              That’s totally how it goes. )
        ❝Pop boy band isn’t Liam’s style.          But what, exactly, is wrong with boy          bands? Can you think of a single          legitimate criticism other than the          fact that they’re marketed towards          young girls? 
                             Guys sure love to bash anything                              meant for young girls, purely                              because teenage girls are written                              off as vapid and stupid, so anything                              they like must also be vapid and                              stupid. If you can give me an answer                              that doesn’t make you sound like a                              complete sexist pig? I’ll try your weepy                              emo music. For posterity.❞
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
&&the other one;
“I understand completely and I used to be like that before moving to Seattle a few years ago. You can say Seattle is my home after eleven years on the run.” 
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             ❝That’s amazing! I’m really                happy for you, Max. Hopefully,                me and mine will get to settle                down somewhere soon, too.❞  
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
Something you may not know about severe head trauma: The line between conscious and unconscious is a bit fuzzy. 
                                     Awful, but truthful pun ENTIRELY intended.
            “Hnggh...geez...the way they              try to crack my head open, it’s              like they think coconut milk’s              gonna come out of there...” 
    Good going, Max.     Now’s not the time     to talk to yourself.     Find Iggy. Got to     find Iggy. Focus. 
                        Reaching up to grip at my                         throbbing head, I shuffled                         pathetically into the closest                         to a sitting position I could                         manage in a Medium sized                         dog crate. 
 ( Funny how we’re the inhuman ones. ) 
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
My muse has been kidnapped for experimental 'research.' After months of searching, yours has finally found mine. How does your muse react to the condition mine is in?
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
i admire the betta fish because i also am beautiful and want to fight everyone
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
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|| Hey it’s munday so here’s me cosplaying the other Max I RP--Max Caulfield from Life is Strange! ||
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
&&Daddy Dearest;
“I can admit that what I did may have looked like attempted murder to you but answer me this Max. Are you stronger because of it? Has your Flock become an efficient team and fighting force over the past few years?” Jeb was, in his own twisted way, partly right about acting for what he assumed to be their best interest. Although he supposed sending teams of trained murderers after his daughter wasn’t the best way of doing it. “You don’t build up muscles or improve skills by living a comfortable life free of work Max. Maybe I should have backed off a little bit with a few of those attacks but you wouldn’t be the strong, independent, young woman I know today. I’m very proud of you Max.”
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            ❝How DARE you? How dare you try to              take credit for my strength? For o  u  r              strength? We survived everything on              our own. We took what little you gave us              before leaving us for dead, and expanded              on it. We tried, and made errors, and              learned, and we fought tooth and nail to              keep ourselves alive while you were sitting              pretty at a lab bench, cleaning blood out              from under your disgusting, guilty fingernails. 
You want to take credit for what your kid has become? Then take credit for Ari--because all of his pain, and suffering was your fault! Until the day he died; EVERYTHING he did was for   you, and what did you repay him with? 
                                             ----N  o  t  h  i  n  g!❞ 
        ( Damn, I’m a badass. )
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
things to leave:
me alone
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
Reblog if you RP a character from the Maximum Ride series.
Genderbents and OCs welcome.
Find your fandom here.
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
&&pretentious emo trash;
“Mm.” Rolling his eyes, the dark clothed boy couldn’t resist the urge to pay Max on her head, trying to remind her of their height difference in an attempt to get back at her. “You and Iggy needed some more musical culture anyways.”
     Oh no. He did not just pat my head.      He’d pay for that. Dearly. Can I ask      you guys something? You know, as      readers? Am I too violent? Because      my first thought when his large hand      condescendingly patted the top of my      messy hair was ‘you won’t be taller      than me anymore if I lob you off at the      knees.’, and I’m just wondering if that      was a little e  x  c  e  s  s  i  v  e...
                            ❝Hey, what’ wrong with Liam Rooney?!❞ 
            He’d better hope for his own sake that             he answers that carefully, I thought,             because he was on thin ice already.    
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
“You’re still holding that over me? Max honey you’ve got to let certain grudges go. It wouldn’t have been safe for you if I had stayed at the E house with you, you know that.” Of course the pack of erasers that had been sent to the Flock’s old home probably didn’t help his point but that wasn’t something he was going to admit. “You and I both know I’m only trying to act in your best interests, even if you don’t want to admit that to yourself.”
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    ❝I’m sorry, but do you actually      hear yourself when you talk or      do you just take an uneducated      guesstimate and roll with it? 
                        ----You tried to kill us. Multiple times.                         How is that what’s best for us? Unless                         you think we have potential for a bright                         future in the worm food industry.❞
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
“Jeez alright I’ll turn it down. Besides maybe the dead would be grateful for me waking them up Max.” Pouting a little bit, Fang stormed into his room to turn down the music before coming back out, looking a bit annoyed and a little bit upset that maybe Max and Iggy were right. “You happy now?”
❝Pleased as punch. Thank you.❞  
                     I reached up to pat his cheek in                      approval, which may or may not                      be adding insult to injury. But how                      could I help it? Fang was being a                      petulant child. It was well within                      my right to poke fun at him for it.
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
"Hello Max. Still keeping your family safe?" ( theloyalfatherinwhite )
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           ❝Yeah, as a matter of fact,                I am. No thanks to you.❞ 
Not that I’d ever let it show, but it shook me to my core every time I saw Jeb. He taught me everything. He taught us our hand signals, he taught us to fly. He taught me to protect them, then tried to rip them from my h  a  n  d  s. 
                    Over my dead body.
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ferruginous-blog · 9 years
"Hey Max is my music really as loud as Iggy keeps complaining about?"
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        ❝I don’t know, Fang. Look me in the          eyes and tell me if you think your          music is loud enough to wake the          dead. Take a guess.❞
  My expression fell somewhere   between my intense pain face   and my I’m going to kill you face,   two expressions that he knew all   too well. Fang’s a smart birdkid.   
                                 He’d figure it out.
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