ferrumstark · 9 years
Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.
Ibn Taymiyyah (via wordsnquotes)
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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ferrumstark · 9 years
Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.
James Frey, A Million Little Pieces (via wordsnquotes)
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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My armor was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon, and now I’m a changed man. You can take away my house, all my tricks and toys, but one thing you can’t take away - I am Iron Man.
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ferrumstark · 9 years
Death was the equalizer in the world, be it to kill or be the ones left behind to live on. In any case, the man of metal had a heart himself, though suddenly feeling it sink down wasn’t beyond his multitude of feelings. It was hard to see youngsters hurt, admittedly. Youth was a softer being, a mind more prone to feeling harsher pain such as loss. 
She might have been able to see into everyone’s minds, but Stark was able to see through these emotions. Some talking could do them both good, but whenever Tony kept his mouth shut to listen instead of speak, he found he’d get farther with people, at most.
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   “ Good sign, really, his logic. Shows
     he had brave stuff in his system, or      at least whatever it is that makes up a hero.      So really, no matter what, he was always      a hero to someone.
        I’m betting he let you win races a few times. ”
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            ▐ ▒  ⊰ FACE YOUR FEARS ⊱
                                                 she  refused  to make eye contact with him                                                  until she felt the u n w a v e r i n g weight of                                                  his  hand  extended  towards  her,  a  peace                                                  offering   between   fingers.   she  looked  at                                                  it   with  confusion  before  taking  it  with                                                  a  trembling  hand,  TREPIDATION  painting                                                  her gaze. 
                                                 she  swiped  at   her   cheeks,   tinged   pink                                                  with   embarrassment,   her   damp   lashes                                                  brushing their surface. but, her gaze flashed                                                  upwards when the man spoke, automatically                                                  poised for  d e f e n s e .  
                                                 her  lips  parted,  partially  in  shock.  no one                                                   had   bothered   to   ask   about   him.   there                                                  was no funeral. she had hardly spoken at all                                                  in the painful weeks after his death. the pain                                                  of his absence was still choking her, she had                                                  simply learned how to hide it better.
                                                 she severed eye contact once more, pooling                                                  at   the   corners   of   the    handkerchief.                                                  she shrugged before speaking quietly.
                                                            ❝ he was IMPULSIVE                                                                                                 and r e c k l e s s.
                                                             he never thought before he acted…                                                              unless   it   was   to  keep  me   safe.                                                              he was always  R U N N I N G,  but i                                                              knew  he   would   never   leave   me                                                              behind. he was my home. ❞
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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              “ Proper computers can break a hack                 themselves. Itself? Techselves. Huh...
                      I just don’t think anything with more                       than four legs will be able to counter                       a multi-strand virus. 
               Do they eat people? Do they shoot                 jelly or sleep in webs above the stairs? ”
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“The Keepers? Beats me; all I know is that they’ve been carin’ for the Citadel since before my people found it thousands of year ago. ‘M pretty sure no one but them knows how the Citadel actually ticks … which I could see bein’ a problem all on its own. But I dunno. Would a computer actually better? I don’t think Keepers can be hacked.”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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      “ Oh I gotcha, you’re the angsty type         that likes to throw all you see wrong         in people’s faces while you brood in         corner about your angry world.
             I’ve got a tab to keep at the garage, so              go earn your big boy points when you              shoot things and leave the small talk to              human beings. ”              
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“should I give you a ‘good boy’ pat on the head? I don’t hate everything happy. I love puppies, for example. I have two of them. 
I’m just not what you would call a people person. I kill things for a living; not a lot of small talk going on there.”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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      “ Well, given that the post war-torn countries          are enjoying clean water and energy          without a stray gun in sight,
                     yeah, I’d say it does.
        Why does it seem like you hate the world         and everything happy? Because the vibe I’m          getting here is ‘serial emotion killer’. ”
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“right, because those sure save a lot of people. thanks for that. you’re putting me outta work there. look around; there’s plenty of stores. have you tried walking into a few, seeing what they’re offering? or are you too good for that?”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
❝ Is that a threat ? ❞  ❝ These lips are sealed . ❞ ❝ It is better to be feared than loved .❞  ❝ I’ve seen the way you look at ___ , okay ? You’re not foolin’ me .❞ ❝ You’re not as bad as everyone says you are . ❞ ❝ Anyone ever tell you you got a big fuckin’ mouth ? ❞ ❝ Whatever . I’m too out of it to get into it . ❞ ❝ We all have our parts to play . ❞ ❝ You can’t change the past . ❞ ❝ ____ , I’m gonna break your fucking face . ❞ ❝ I’ve heard stories about you . ❞ ❝ In some tiny little bottled up way , deep inside … you kind of enjoy it when things go wrong . ( Because it gives you an excuse to just … stop pretending ) . ❞ ❝ Life is easier with friends . ❞ ❝ Well I’d appreciate it if you’d fuck off . ❞ ❝ But no , hate’s the wrong word . They fear you more than anything . ❞ ❝ I know you like this whole ’ lone wolf ’ thing you got going for yourself . ❞ ❝ I wish I could have seen it. ❞ ❝ I’ll see you around . ❞ ❝ You almost looked peaceful . Except you’re lying in a dirty alley . ❞ ❝ Just … try not to be like ( yourself ) … ❞ ❝ Pardon the intrusion . I wasn’t aware this was a munchkin’s house .❞ ❝ I didn’t realize you were the bitch of the bitch . ❞ ❝ Hey , what are your plans now ? ❞ ❝ I’m not yours to lose ! ❞ ❝ Blah blah … blah blah blah . ❞ ❝ Are you saying you need a friend right now ? You can trust me . ❞ ❝ People are scared of you . I mean , look at your hands . ❞ ❝ You looked like when you take an action figure and bend it’s limbs the wrong way . ❞ ❝ But at the end of the day I’m still the bad guy . ❞ ❝ Everything used to be so simple … we had a beginning , a middle , & an end . ❞ ❝ When we suffer , we do it in silence . ❞ ❝ You should worry about your own fucking situation . ❞ ❝ I’ve made mistakes . ❞ ❝ You do what you want … you always do what you want . ❞ ❝ I’m glad you’re not dead . ❞ ❝ We need to do things the right way ! ❞ ❝ Wait a minute … someone’s watching . ❞ ❝ I know it’s dangerous , but I’m not helpless . I can take care of myself . ❞ ❝ Not now , not now , shhhh , the grown ups are talking. . ❞ ❝ Out of my way ! I’ll show you how it’s done ! ❞ ❝ Do you want the Big Bad Wolf to take you away ? ❞ ❝ That was about 8 on the asshole scale … ❞ ❝ Cut the bullshit & quit wasting my time . ❞ ❝ This was really the wrong day to try & pull this shit ! ❞ ❝ You’re a monster ! A fucking monster ! ❞ ❝ You understand wanting to protect what you care about , don’t you ? You’d do anything . ❞
the wolf among us || starters
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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   “ That makes two of us then because      I never get invited to those things. I       host them, but I forget to send out      invitations, I guess. Too busy      maintaining ‘fake’ peace summits      and hanging with the superhomies.
            Listen, just tell me where a shop is             and I’ll get out of your lookless hair. ”
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“who’d wanna invite you to a photo op? last I checked you haven’t saved the galaxy or anything. it’s not a ‘look’ at all. I don’t have some fake image to maintain.”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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    “ Personally, I don’t see why       those ...uh...gangly
                            Bug-faced stenographers                             are doing the work a highly                             more efficient computer could                              do. Easier on the eyes and faster                             security run times. ” 
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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   “ My face? Mine’s customized for       modern style and overall prime       choice for photo ops,
         unlike yours, which is the... 
          is that the classic ‘I’m inbetween jobs’          look? No wait, that’s gotta be ‘I’m too cool          to shave each day’ look. Right? ”
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“how about you buy yourself a razor to shave off whatever that is growing on your face.”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
Anxiety can just as well express itself by muteness as by a scream.
Søren Kierkegaard (via fyp-philosophy)
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ferrumstark · 9 years
    “ New energy stocks in an all-time        high, the Expo’s been pumping out       a few brain-babies for world peace,
                   and I successfully learned how                    to say ‘please show me the bathroom’                    in Portuguese. ” 
Darting up to the kitchen, he grabbed at the ingredients, setting them up in a messy pile by the chrome-coated stove. It must be damn refreshing living in a world without news. No war, no tragedies to worry over. Tony’s most self-annoying penchant, of course, was to go to the shop on anxiety sprees and leave the television on to worry some more while soldering wires. Ah, hobbies. 
Head peeked over to her, his hand lifting a small plastic container up, rattling the contents.
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       “ You like blueberries? ”                    
News? What news? Sheila shifts her gaze to the left, then sliiiiides her eyes to the right, dubiously casting about her memory for snippets of news reports, tabloid headlines, anything that might trigger a recollection of whatever newsworthy event he might be referring to.
“… I don’t watch the news,” she says slowly. Or read the newspapers. Or browse the internet. Honestly, she stopped paying attention right around the time man landed on the moon. How insulated she is from the rest of the world, she muses silently.
“Why, what happened.”
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ferrumstark · 9 years
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   “ You. Yeah you, Spaceballs.
      Got any idea if these shops have        super-stock in semi-blasted alloy        or concentrated steel slabs?
         I’m bored and I need to buy something.”
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