festive-samirah · 7 years
I ain’t saying Give me Percy who’s actually affected by Tartarus, who’s tired of wars, who’s scared, who has nightmares constantly and he’s tired. He can’t sleep, he can’t think, he’s breaking on the inside but everyone expects him to be such a hero, be their rock, and I ain’t saying one day.
Alecto comes running into Hades’ palace and he’s like “Yes?” “Uh…. Your Nephew…. Perseus is here.” and he just nods and says “Let him in” and waits but she’s looking anywhere but him and “well?”
“My lord… I meant… He’s here”
And it takes him a moment to understand. But Alecto swears he’s never gotten up so fast and strides right out the gates.
Persephone was there and just… “Oh my god” and Instantly Iris messages her mother.
I ain’t saying Percy’s is standing there looking between Asphodel and judgment. Because he’s tired and knows if he gets judged, he’ll have to deal with it all, and that Asphodel would be the end. Floating around liftlessly as a ghost for eternity.
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festive-samirah · 7 years
festive goals
@festive-apollo @festive-falafel
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festive-samirah · 7 years
@festive-falafel @festive-apollo @festive-olympus @festive-sameirah cough.
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