fettssmile · 1 year
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Tarot art by Hélène Lenoble
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fettssmile · 1 year
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fettssmile · 1 year
an internal memo leaked from ceo steve huffman saying the "noise" of the blackout will die out and they just need to weather it until we give up. fuck you spez.
first of all it's OVER EIGHT THOUSAND subreddits that went dark.
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second of all he clearly doesn't give one single shit about the users or the UNPAID army of mods who slog through a million miles of shit every day to keep illegal and offensive content off the site (i'm a mod in a small fandom subreddit and even the shit i've seen is beyond the pale) and therefore make it appealing to the advertizers.
you have no fucking business without us. and you don't care one single bit about it.
he clearly did not mean for this memo to leak, but someone at reddit thought it was important enough to send it out anyway. please spread it (spreddit?) especially because so much of reddit is still in blackout.
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fettssmile · 1 year
And speaking of scurvy, I am eternally amused by the thing where some ancient form of healing that was born in a time where people didn't know exactly how the human body works, or what causes it to stop working sometimes, that still somehow worked. Like how so many old folk medicinal plants were listed as a cure for various ailments that - from a modern view - are clearly just symptoms of scurvy, and the plant itself is rich in vitamin C.
I recall reading some story, no recollection of the exact time or place, where the king of a large empire suffered from constant horrible headaches and was incapable of falling asleep unless drugged or blackout drunk. Sick of taking temporary fixes to dull the pain and having to be sedated every night, he called up some old sage healer who was said to know how to fix things nobody else could explain, and the healer heard his symptoms and went
"Hmm. You spend too much time being a king. Your skull is packed so full of kingly thoughts that they don't all fit in there and that's why your head is in pain. You need to spend time not being a king." And prescribed him to schedule three days every month where he must go to a peasant village where nobody knows he's the king, live with a family there under a fake name and identity, work in the rice fields with them, eating the same food and sleeping on the same mats. Absolutely nobody is allowed to address him as the king, speak to him of any royal or political matters, and he himself is not allowed to think any kingly thoughts or think of himself as the king.
And naturally, this worked. Taking a regular scheduled break from a highly stressful office desk job to completely decompress, paired with physical exercise in the form of hard but simple physical labour, plain and simple food and Just Not Thinking About Your Fucking Job All The Time does help chronic stress, which here was worded as "spending too much time being a king clogs your brain."
Sometimes you do have ghosts in your blood, though I'm not entirely sure whether you should do cocaine about it.
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fettssmile · 1 year
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Source: https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/college-level-mathematics
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fettssmile · 1 year
What's that poem about the cockroach and the moth where the cockroach is like "I wish I've ever wanted anything the way that moth wanted to burn itself up in that lantern" because we had to read that in high school and it still fucks me up to this day
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fettssmile · 5 years
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Art By IG: @leocaillard | Pinterest: @artwoonz 
Twitter: @artwoonz_ Entrümpelung Wien
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fettssmile · 5 years
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fettssmile · 5 years
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Amazing art by Brian Serway
Bserway on ig
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fettssmile · 5 years
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At the beginning, she works hard to get into Harvard Law School so she can impress her boyfriend and win him back. Then she becomes much more conscious of her own identity. She fights for the respect of her peers and her teachers. She evolves into a determined young woman eager to pursue her ambitions. She overcomes the stereotypes associated with being an attractive blonde.
I think that’s a pretty good message that the film sends out. That you can be the way you are, look the way you want, and still achieve your goals if you work at them. - Reese Witherspoon
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fettssmile · 5 years
You can literally make anything and anyone problematic if you try hard enough seriously give me people and things and I’ll make them all “problematic” right now.
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fettssmile · 5 years
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Gwenpool Strikes Back #3 (2019)
written by Leah Williams art by David Baldeon & Jesus Aburtov
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fettssmile · 5 years
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Crowley at Halloween dressed as Aziraphale
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fettssmile · 5 years
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Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 — 2003)
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fettssmile · 5 years
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proper response.
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fettssmile · 5 years
catsup or ketchup?
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fettssmile · 5 years
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