feytherstorm · 1 year
You are allowed to send antagonizing anons about my muse
(i was gonna put this on my rp blog last night, but i decided to make it a post on here so anyone else who likes antagonistic anons can reblog it as well without borking my notifs)
people are allowed to send anons about what goes on on my blog and the circle of blogs that interact with me, this includes trying to get under my muses skin or tell them the hard truths about what is happening, or even about their fellow friends and enemies!
berate them for putting up with something dumb, point out flaws in someone's story, mention how something they believe is not the truth, do it, have fun!
just be sure that the antagonistic anon you sent is directed at the muse, not the mun, and make sure to read the rules of the blog you wish to send anons to, some antagonizing might be seen as godmodding and will go unanswered or blocked.
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feytherstorm · 1 year
Instinctively, she flips her hand over, gently taking Ahri’s in hers. Its been so long since the warmth of... close friends washed over her. The Lhotlan’s ears flick as their former teammate spoke, her words heavy with something still unresolved in a way.
“I’m not going to lie... When I watched you and Sarah take off... I held onto that bitter feelings for... well forever. But thinking about it... really thinking about it... I realized why you made those choices...”
She chuckles, a hollow noise, before looking at the fox.
“Look, i don’t blame you... not as much. It was probably difficult. I’ve had to make choices I didn’t want to while it was just me and Rakan going through space... following her.”
Xayah raises a brow, looking down at her feathered cloak and darker colors before looking over to Ahri and all her... bright ones. By the stars how it used to annoy her sometimes but, now, after all of this, they colors give her a sense of longing.. for what? she doesn’t exactly know yet.
“Mhh.. Maybe, but I think I’ve seen enough of the other side of this coin to know that may not be in the cards anymore. Tell me... Why did you try so hard for... me? For Rakan... For us? You didn’t even know if it was possible to save us.”
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feytherstorm · 1 year
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feel free to reblog and use them yourself :)
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feytherstorm · 1 year
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Not taking these personally unless I specifically state I will, but feel free to use these yourself! Just reblog and let your followers know you’re taking expression requests ✌️
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feytherstorm · 1 year
//i gotta get a xayah comm one of these days for my banner and icon...
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She lowered her feather daggers, ears slowly perking back up as he spoke. So he wasn’t trying to do anything weird.. for now. Xayah held onto her feathers, crossing her arms over her chest, mouth set into a scowl.
“As of now... What’s a noxian doing so far from his home?”
@feytherstorm followed -
Vastaya? His nose crinkled a little at the sight of the bird woman. This was rather unprecedented. Although, anticipated with the current news of the animal like beings attacking those who entered the forest. "I do believe.. I have no reason to quarrel with you as of now."
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feytherstorm · 1 year
"Witness the stars shatter before you, survive or be destroyed, there is no other choice" ~ Welt Yang, 2023
Xayah looks at the well dressed man, ears flicking.
"Listen, I've seen more than just stars shatter... I've seen worlds be ripped apart, light snuffed out, and had galaxies swallowed whole right in front of me... A star shattering would be the least of your problems."
0 notes
feytherstorm · 1 year
Xayah raises a brow, looking down at her feathered cloak and darker colors before looking over to Ahri and all her... bright ones. By the stars how it used to annoy her sometimes but, now, after all of this, they colors give her a sense of longing.. for what? she doesn’t exactly know yet.
“Mhh.. Maybe, but I think I’ve seen enough of the other side of this coin to know that may not be in the cards anymore. Tell me... Why did you try so hard for... me? For Rakan... For us? You didn’t even know if it was possible to save us.”
She huffs, looking over at the other.
“yeah... well... I tries to see what you do and it just doesn’t feel the same. Sometimes I really wish I could see things the way you do.”
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feytherstorm · 1 year
Violet Devotion
Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realise they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it. And what if they choose to walk away? Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
tagged by: @settriigh
Tagging: @perfect-fourth @umbane @stahri-light
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She chuckles.
“I think you’d more than hear him if he was around. Golden feathers on a tall vastaya seem to stand out a lot more than he anticipated but I think he likes the attention. He’s not as tall or big as you but he would definitely make a spectacle of himself... Hell maybe he’d have found you before I did, pretty friendly guy so he introduces himself to just about everybody.”
She takes a peek at him, though its a little obvious since she’s so much smaller.
“Well damn... I’ll have to come back every so often to see if I can’t witness you send some idiot through a wall or two.. Seems like one hell of a thing to see, then again just getting here was a journey.”
She shrugs.
“Never really got a chance to uh... talk... to him. I don’t know exactly what he was doing but whatever it was, sure as hell messed with the wild magic of the forest around this little... cave thing he was storing that giant gem.”
She looks at him as he welcomes her, clawing gently at the dirt with her talon.
“I can, yeah... Not as much as some of the others but its definitely there. If it’s any uh.. consolation... The place is doing better than it was when I was here last.. Heard there’s a huge vastaya running some kind of fight club ‘round here. Any idea where I could find him? Heard he’s punched a couple people through a wall or two.” She smirks, elbowing his arm though he probably didn’t feel a damn thing with all that muscle.
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She huffs, looking over at the other.
“yeah... well... I tries to see what you do and it just doesn’t feel the same. Sometimes I really wish I could see things the way you do.”
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‶We look up at the same stars and see such different things.‶
@feytherstorm liked this post for a starter
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feytherstorm · 1 year
Where Should You Be Kissed?
( i only have two verses here)
Xayah: Palm
you give and give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing... always lending a hand for those who need it, expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
Star Guardian Xayah: Forehead
over-worrying and overthinking everything, your mind is always a whirling storm. no matter how you try, the fears overwhelm all else. you need someone trusted to press a kiss to your forehead, helping to quiet the thoughts that just refuse to settle.
Tagged by: @stahri-light
Tagging: @settriigh @sonofshin @shukuchiisms and anybody else who wants to do this 
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She chuckles.
“Nah, messin’ with you. I knew about you before I came here. It’s kinda hard to miss your reputation spreadin’ like wildfire through the forest... Specially when I have to chase Rakan all over. Thought he might have wandered around here and got himself in trouble..”
She shakes her head at the his statement.
“I assumed fighting.. But mostly curiosity led me here.. I havent had a chance to come back to Navori and when I heard there was a big new vastaya punchin’ guys through walls... I mean, c’mon who doesn’t wanna see him?”
She shrugs.
“Never really got a chance to uh... talk... to him. I don’t know exactly what he was doing but whatever it was, sure as hell messed with the wild magic of the forest around this little... cave thing he was storing that giant gem.”
She looks at him as he welcomes her, clawing gently at the dirt with her talon.
“I can, yeah... Not as much as some of the others but its definitely there. If it’s any uh.. consolation... The place is doing better than it was when I was here last.. Heard there’s a huge vastaya running some kind of fight club ‘round here. Any idea where I could find him? Heard he’s punched a couple people through a wall or two.” She smirks, elbowing his arm though he probably didn’t feel a damn thing with all that muscle.
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She shrugs.
“Never really got a chance to uh... talk... to him. I don’t know exactly what he was doing but whatever it was, sure as hell messed with the wild magic of the forest around this little... cave thing he was storing that giant gem.”
She looks at him as he welcomes her, clawing gently at the dirt with her talon.
“I can, yeah... Not as much as some of the others but its definitely there. If it’s any uh.. consolation... The place is doing better than it was when I was here last.. Heard there’s a huge vastaya running some kind of fight club ‘round here. Any idea where I could find him? Heard he’s punched a couple people through a wall or two.” She smirks, elbowing his arm though he probably didn’t feel a damn thing with all that muscle.
She nods, sure of herself as she puts her hands on her hips and a smirk on her lips.
“He can take care of himself and if he needs me he’ll... i would say whistle but gods if I know if he learned since last time... He’ll find away to call for me. And yeup! Can’t have shadow man takin’ all our magic from the lands, ya know?”
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She nods, sure of herself as she puts her hands on her hips and a smirk on her lips.
“He can take care of himself and if he needs me he’ll... i would say whistle but gods if I know if he learned since last time... He’ll find away to call for me. And yeup! Can’t have shadow man takin’ all our magic from the lands, ya know?”
@feytherstorm followed
He stares, unblinking, like a deer in headlights at the vastayan.
“Isn’t there a second half to you somewhere?”
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feytherstorm · 1 year
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Confused chitters! Does not know what that word means! Is not an anom-lily! Is a poro! Is snuggly! Speaking of which, gives snuggles!
Xayah shakes her head, pressing the little guy to her cheek to offer her own snuggles. Though nobody's going to believe their eyes if they actually see her.
"Can's resist a poro"
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feytherstorm · 1 year
She stares right back, raising a brow.
“I mean yeah. He isn’t here right now though. Probably off bothering someone or trying to get himself into some kind of trouble. He’ll be fine.”
@feytherstorm followed
He stares, unblinking, like a deer in headlights at the vastayan.
“Isn’t there a second half to you somewhere?”
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