feyyrunes · 16 days
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Kalina surana, my canon warden Kamelia’s older sister, who will be my rook!
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feyyrunes · 17 days
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feyyrunes · 17 days
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My favourite Merrill banter
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feyyrunes · 17 days
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When I first played Dragon Age Origins, I knew nothing about it and found out very quickly that the combat was a bit miserable (at the start) So, big shout out to Alistair for keeping me interested in the game long enough for me to fall in love with it ❤️
(Also, lads, how many of these do we think I can finish before Veilgaurd comes out? I’ve got like 20 thumbnails done lol)
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feyyrunes · 19 days
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I recently heard the banter between Alistair and Leliana regarding the Ferelden stew he made and I couldn't get the image of him cooking for the party out of my head 🥰
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feyyrunes · 21 days
this is kamelia surana as the Moon! thank you so much to fenrin for this BEAUTIFULLLLLLL rendition <3
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feyyrunes · 21 days
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got more commissions from @namizu for my surana sisters worldstate~~
delphinia surana, youngest, inquisitor
kamelia surana, middle child, warden
kalina surana, eldest daughter, who will be my rook!
tyvm <3
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feyyrunes · 22 days
being OCpilled is so fucking mortifying honestly. like oh... yeah..... heres my guy. i invented him. i can't think about anything else except for him this week. but he isn't cool or anything. he actually sucks. im just ill.
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feyyrunes · 23 days
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started inquisition today. here's delphinia aka "finn" surana. in my surana sisters worldstate, she was taken from the alienage to be sold into slavery, but her caravan was intercepted and she was rescued by clan lavellan age 12. she joined them then and through a stroke of pure luck, she became first to the keeper. she's shy and awkward, and her personality can best be described as "autism creature"
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feyyrunes · 24 days
clutches head...... my ocs...
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feyyrunes · 26 days
spill the T y we anti Eamon i never pay attention when he speaks what did he do
It’s actually more of what Alistair says when talking about his childhood. He is very nonchalant about the whole thing, and in his head Eamon is a great man, but that doesn’t change the fact that he downright suffered from child neglect, in the least.
In the conversation where Alistair tells you he’s Maric’s son, he says quite a few things about how his childhood was less than ideal, depending on your dialogue choices. “The arlessa made sure the castle wasn’t a home to me by that point. She despised me.” “I wasn’t raised as the arl’s son, though, if you’re picturing that. I slept in hay out in the stables, not on silk sheets.”
In Redcliffe Castle’s dungeons, Alistair says “I locked myself in a cage, once, when I was a child. For an entire day. Ahh, good times.”
In Eamon’s Denerim Estate, Alistair says “The arl used to come here in the winter when I was small. I, uh… slept with the hounds.”
He then of course forcefully shipped Alistair off to templar training, because Isolde “felt threatened” by Alistair’s presence. The King of Ferelden entrusted him to raise his son, and he decided to send him away the minute he could.
He then lies to the warden in Denerim when trying to convince them Alistair is the most fit to rule: “I only wish Maric had taken more time to instruct the lad in the politics of ruling. I did my best, but…” You did your best? Your best was raising him as a stable boy, locking him up with dogs, letting your wife make him feel unwanted, and then sending him away at age ten?!
So, that’s my biggest problem with Eamon. But there are a few more things here and there that also add up to me not liking him:
He was needlessly a jerk to Anora, and tried to convince Cailan to divorce her, even though there are such things as concubines in Ferelden?
Also, he doesn’t seem to care for elves. After you encounter Loghain at the Landsmeet, he has the gall to turn to an elven warden and say “You can’t know what it was like to grow up as a vassal in your own land.” (???) He apparently doesn’t care that his human staff treats his elven staff poorly; if you talk to one of the elven servants in the Denerim Estate, she’ll say that “The Chamberlain disapproves of us. If Lady Isolde hadn’t brought me into this household from Redcliffe last year, I’d never have been given a place. I beg your pardon, ser, but I really can’t be seen standing about. The housekeeper will have my head. Good day.” And after you discover that there’s slavery in the Denerim alienage, he says that he’s glad to hear that they have dirt on Loghain, and not, you know, horrified and disgusted that it happened.
Finally, it is highly suspected that his true goals of putting Alistair on the throne, was to rule through him. If Alistair is put on the throne, and the warden does not become one of his aids, he remains in Denerim as his regent and gives Teagan control of Redcliffe. But if Alistair is killed at the Landsmeet, his only concern is that there will no longer be Theirin blood on the throne, which really shows you just how much he truly cares for Alistair personally.
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feyyrunes · 27 days
as a lesbian my shameful crush is tom cruise. i think it's mostly a competency thing tbh. and i think he'd be a calming presence during a crisis
Tom Cruise? Calming? You think Tom Cruise would be calming? A calming presence? Tom Cruise? Competency? You think Tom Cruise is competent? Tom? Tom Cruise? Calming? During a crisis? Calming? Tom Cruise? A calming? Presence? Tom Cruise? You think during a crisis Tom Cruise would calm you down? Tom? Tom Cruise?
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feyyrunes · 27 days
i’ve read a lot of fanfics that explain cullen’s lip scar with stuff like “he was slashed with a knife/sword” like no he was definitely not because if it were a knife, the marginal chances that said blade only going through his lip (and not into his gums/teeth) is TINY and really i guarantee you it’s because cullen was punched in the mouth with an armored fist
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feyyrunes · 27 days
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a few people on twitter have asked if my warden kamelia ever finds her sisters again and the answer is YES, kamelia tracks them down after she irish goodbyes into the fade, then upon getting out finds Ina (who was scribing for a private Tevinter house before setting it on fire and escaping, where she joined the Mourn Watch) and Finn (who was rescued by the Dalish).
thank you so much to the amazing @buriedgalleon for this piece of the surana sisters' reunion roughly ~8 years after the blight <3
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feyyrunes · 29 days
your canon DA worldstate
as veilguard's premiere comes closer, an ask game with a couple of lore-heavy questions for your warden/hawke/inquisitor — answer for all three in your canon worldstate, or for the protagonist of your choice.
your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor's opinion on Orlais?
are they skilled in The Grand Game?
opinion on blood magic?
attitude towards Andrastianism?
attitude towards the Chantry?
attitude towards the Qun?
if they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be?
who do they hate the most, and do they have an arch-nemesis?
what is their love language? 
are they good horse riders?
what are their religious beliefs, if any?
attitude towards Mabari?
their thoughts on the Grey Warden order?
who are they closest to from their family?
preferred weapon of choice?
do they get sentimental about their weapons or armour?
what were they like as a child?
do they have any irrational fears?
are they afraid of death?
where would they like to be buried?
what is their biggest regret?
have they ever been to Tevinter?
do they have, or want to have, children?
what languages can they speak?
what did they plan for their life to look like before the events of the game happened?
do they get a happy ending?
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feyyrunes · 1 month
me, on my posts: *writes as little info as humanly possible* 
me, in the tags: so anyway, all my problems started on a hot summer day in the late 90′s, when i was born… 
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feyyrunes · 1 month
i think everyone owes a debt of gratitude to jimmy eat world for the middle. you ARE in the middle of the ride. and everything WILL be just fine. and you SHOULD live right now and be yourself. and it DOESN'T matter if it's good enough for someone else. thank you jimmy eat world
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