ffffffffrothy · 14 days
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going fast 🍔🌸
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ffffffffrothy · 3 months
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Rain and Thunder
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ffffffffrothy · 3 months
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Oh shit, who's that?
One day I'll post more than once or twice a year lol.
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ffffffffrothy · 6 months
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ffffffffrothy · 7 months
Obscure Webcomic 2.0 - Round 1-A
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Pandemonium Wizard Village - Finished
A vagrant wanders into a mysterious "wizard village"
the pale - Hiatus
[no description given]
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ffffffffrothy · 7 months
Yo!! First off, thank you so much for the GOTF stream, it was a real treat getting to see how things wrapped up, and just getting to listen to y'all chat about the creative process!
The questions surrounding character designs got my gears turning, and it reminded me I had a design question myself, albeit for the IDW comics, so I figured it was more appropriate to wait and ask this here rather than the stream:
When you designed the former Diamond Cutters for T&W, were any of them based on personal fan ideas that you wanted to make a reality, or were they more or less created from scratch? Also, did you have any favorites when designing them?
(I'm personally a big fan of Claire -- which isn't exactly a shocker, I guess, considering I'm a huge fan of Vennie and her powers! Even if the way she got said powers was tragic...)
The DCs weren't based on any particular ideas of mine, other than the occasional octopus character I've drawn in the past and how I wanted to handle the tentacles. Since they were all riffing off of Whisper's outfit (and the MGS characters they're referencing), that's the material I focused on.
Claire is my favorite too! In her case, her species was switched mid-production from a mantis shrimp to a howler monkey. For the monkey version, I decided to draw on some of the style of a midcentury jazz singer. She also has a bit of a "spooky fortune teller" vibe, which was requested. I dunno how much of that came through in the final, but it was fun for me.
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Also here's the first pass on the whole crew, cause why not
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(I got Smithy's name wrong. Also He was a raven at this point.)
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ffffffffrothy · 7 months
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What's for breakfast?
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ffffffffrothy · 8 months
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First Sucker for Love photoshoot from Otakon came back and it's amazing!!
Photos taken by bdoubleu.media on IG!
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ffffffffrothy · 8 months
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la goblina…
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ffffffffrothy · 9 months
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Happy Bunday, Christmas Eve/Christmas, Year of the Rabbit, and whatever other holidays or traditions are going on or whatever.
Once again, it has been like over 2 years since I made anything substantial, and there was kind of a lot that's happened since then that has kept me busy. From a new job, living arrangements, a new pet, various games and shows and other excu- I mean things going on, I've had quite a lot to distract me from art. That being said, since that time, I've also been working on this thing off and on in a similar way to my Braxien animation. And just like Braxien, this is another one of my favorite Pokemon, Lopunny. Actually, its my literal favorite, if that wasn't obvious before. I just like the bun a lot. So much, that I felt that I wanted to make an animation that I ended up making exactly 428 frames (Lopunny's dex number) because I'm a moron. It honestly could have and probably should be a smidge longer, but I also just wanted to be done by that point. Making an animation of this length and trying to keep the quality consistent is still something I'm a novice at. It takes way longer than it should, much like this post.
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I hope to make something a little sooner than 2 years next time, but you never know with me. I have a bad habit of locking myself to a project if I start it.
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
Not only did you get him to shoot first, but you included the Maclunkey too.
Objective for this project: Take the iconic Han Solo and Greedo scene in New Hope and re-direct it like it was Genndy Tartakovsky that did it in the 2003 CW show
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
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so a friend just introduced me to the webcomic Pandemonium: Wizard Village http://www.ikki-para.com/webcomic/Pandemonium-en/index.html I really like it, and Miss Domika is absolutely adorable.  Why is she so perfect?
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
New crowd funding launch!
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
The latest Kickstarter for Flower Knight Dakini's English translation has begun!
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
Hey, everyone. Been a while. And yes I'm aware my previous post says I'm not posting here anymore. Well...
I need all the help I can get and that means swallowing my pride and reaching out on every platform I can. Even platforms that don't care much for me.
I've created a GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/5541538c
That GoFundMe is an attempt to get my family and I out of California and into a new place. We're barely surviving here.
We're unhealthy, living on a diet of Taco Bell and Little Caesars, along with a second-hand grocery store that sells next-day-expiration food for like 4x the price of any other grocery store in any other state.
Please, if you can, either reblog, repost, share the video, share the GoFundMe, or watch the video yourself and donate whatever you can. Literally even one dollar helps.
Every dollar earned is going into our debts to help us cut ties to California and get out of here.
Not gonna make this a huge textwall, already did that on the GoFundMe and in the video.
Thank you. I love you.
And I hope I can get my life back on track by getting out of this awful state and knowing I helped my family.
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ffffffffrothy · 1 year
I know you probably don't care about Skullgirls, but they just dropped an update that made a bunch of stupid censorship changes. They removed the armbands on Parasoul and the Black Egrets because 'they reminded people of Nazi imagery', censored Big Band's origin where he gets crippled by crooked cops because 'a black guy gets beaten up by cops' (nevermind that he was a COP), and some other shit like removing the comb in Filia's afro in her burst, but Fukua keeps it because she has dark skin.
I'm aware. Unfortunately.
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