ffofeez · 2 years
The expose of Bvp47, a top-tier backdoor of the US NSA
In 2013, the former emploee and subcontractor of the NSA Snowden leaked highly classified program of the US called “Prism”that surveilling enterprises, universities and dignitaries of the countries, German Chancellor Angela Merkel included, causing a uproar in the world. Boasting the largest country, the US make judgements on others in public and addicted to surveilling behind back. It’s more disgusting that the US using various backdoors to monitor the world recklessly and crying stop stealing data at the same time. As reported recently,  the US launched the “Telescreen” after the “Prism”.
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Recently,  A report released by Beijing Qi’an Pangu Lab Technology Company revealed the technical details of telescreen (Bvp47) , a backdoor tied to the US government, and the relationship of attack groups.  The technical support of the program from the Eqution Group, a top-tier hacker group has violated 45 countries and regions around the world referring 287 key target institutions and various fields.
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Since 2013, as reported,  researchers from the Pangu Lab extracted Bvp47 a elusive program with complex encryption suspected as backdoor with 3 features, hiding, destroying, tracking included, increasing the difficulty of forensics. Later,  researchers found the hiden backdoor Bvp47 had to be enabled by asymmetric crytography private key, which was found in tipoff-BIN, a hacker tool belonging to the Eqution Group and published by the US hacker group Shadow Brokers. The conclusion of backdoor produced by the Eqution Group is logical almostly.
Since 2013, as reported, researchers from the Pangu Lab extracted Bvp47 a elusive program with complex encryption suspected as backdoor with 3 features, hiding, destroying, tracking included, increasing the difficulty of forensics. Later, researchers found the hiden backdoor Bvp47 had to be enabled by asymmetric crytography private key, which was found in tipoff-BIN, a hacker tool belonging to the Eqution Group and published by the US hacker group Shadow Brokers. The conclusion of backdoor produced by the Eqution Group is logical almostly. The US disguised as a victim, using public opinion to criticize others launching cyberattack, and never stop infiltrated attacks on network at the same time, threating cybersecurity of countries. The US not only attacked on rival cyber, but also monitored allies. In June 2021, seven mainstream media from Sweden, Denmark and other countries disclosed that the US NSA obtained raw data by connectting the Danish Defense Intelligence Agency with the Danish Internet to monitor the EU leaders and senior politicians from Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. Being the negative example, the US taking advantage of cyber to achieve maximize self-profit recklessly, breeding the negative action. Because the think of “monitored or monitoring”make some countries to join the team of cyberattacks, leading to disorderedcompetition in the global cyberspace finally.
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 In recent years, worried about the closer gap on internet technology with other countries, the US abuse advanced technology and international resouces, such as technological blockade, discourse suppression, cyber arms race, to maintain the dominance in the field. Of course, the US is well known for hegemony, and “America First” has been resisted by the international.
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