ffstedward · 9 years
Though he was not quick to admit it, there were many things that Andromeda did on a daily basis that would send jolts of electric desire through his body and he often caught himself wanting to go beyond the superficial fondling that usually happened when they were kissing. He was a teenage boy, he was no stranger to these desires but Andie’s presence heightened everything. Her supple and smooth skin growing red beneath his lips as he pursued every inch of the other wise unexplored territory. It was the first time he’d ever seen her body completely bare and though his thoughts were clouded with his carnal need for her body, he still found himself overwhelmed with the beauty of the girl beneath him. Epic poems could be written about every inch of her slim figure. 
The eager boy pulled the reigns on his otherwise needy body as he pulled back slightly only to remove his clothing as he was entirely overdressed for the occasion. His gaze locked with hers as he removed his briefs, exposing his nude body without the slightest hint of shame. Not many could see it over his robes, but Teddy’s athletic nature had awarded him with quite the body and he’d always been secure of that fact. It was only now that they were both throwing their inhibitions out the window that his true sensuality bloomed and he took pleasure in her appreciative glances. 
He descended upon her once more, his lips meeting hers in a gentle yet slightly forceful kiss, his desire seeping through his touch as he ran his hands along her slide and towards her lower back. “There is nothing I need more in this world than you right now.” He whispered, his voice gruff with lust. He reached between them, gently moving her legs apart as he positioned himself between her, his eyes searching hers for any sign of hesitance though he could see none, probably because she was too busy enjoying the way his fingers crept up and down her inner thighs tantalizingly. 
tutor me senseless || tedromeda
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ffstedward · 9 years
“Trust me, I’m sure you’ll be hearing about my troubles more often than either of us imagine,” as much as she would like to act like it was easy for her to put things out of her mind, she was a creature who was prone to dwelling. She grinned at his words, “Selfishness isn’t an inherently bad thing, you know. Clearly it’s working out in both of your favors!” she paused, holding up her hands towards him and closing her eyes, “I see… you will have to do a great many things to convince Andromeda to get a dog… I see… making dinner… buying her flowers… and… yes… chocolates…” she trailed off. “Yes, I’m certain you could talk her into it!”
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"It would be no burden at all, I'm happy to hear you out and perhaps help out when I can." Teddy blushed with her words, his eyes cast downward as he hid the pride that came with speaking of his girlfriend. It was still so odd to be a couple openly and for people to consider them a good match well, that was overwhelming as well. “Aha, my future bodes well indeed! Your visions are definitely a good tool to have but I must say I will keep this skill a secret, I wouldn’t want anyone to take advantage of your sight. And I will of course reward you with an equal amount of sweets.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve just got to let what happened stay in the past. Stop dwelling on it so much, y’know?” She smiled at his hand on her shoulder, grateful for the gesture. Ted had been so cool that night in the kitchen, he didn’t seem fazed by their being trapped. He had this air about him like he truly believed everything would work out. No one else would be able to persuade a Black sister from the pureblood dogma. “No surprise she’s with you, you are a perfect pair. I could feel it the moment I saw you both in the kitchen, you two are going to have a prosperous and bright future,” she gave a small laugh, “Now, that was your first free reading, if you want any more you’ve got to pay like anyone else.”
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“Yes, no one else need to get trapped on their own. Really we should just try to keep everyone from wandering off…”
"I suppose if you think that's the way to go, it's commendable. If it does get to be a little too much, You're always welcome to share the burden with me. We got through that night together, there's no way we can't get through the rest." He chuckled, patting her back gently before pulling back his hand and crossing his arms. “I’d like to think we are only because I’m entirely too selfish to think of her with someone else. Although, now that you’ve got a good tap on our mystical future, do you think she’d be open to getting a pup? I’ve always wanted one and your opinion would save me the backlash should I go out and adopt one to surprise her. I promise I will pay you well.... in chocolate.” 
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“I’m sure our lovely prefects and head students will see to that, we don’t want anyone getting into trouble. Or causing it for that matter. I’m sure it’ll be a hoot.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
“Alright, that’s a fair point. I’d hate to see you past out from anger even though you’re really cute when your face gets all red.”
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"I don't think I'd ever pass out, at least not while you're around. I've gotta keep that cool vibe of mine going. But I’m going to start blushing if you keep doing this.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
“I’ve been…uhm” she took a moment to find the right word, “alright,” she finally settled on as the silence dragged on just too long, “Yes, I’ve been alright. How have you been? Have you heard Andromeda may be planning a bonfire of some kind? I think it’s a brilliant idea. Though we should definitely have a buddy system in place,” she joked weakly.
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"You sure about that, love?" He questioned, his brows furrowed together as he stepped forward and placed his hand on her shoulder, hoping it would come across as a reassuring gesture. “Right, I heard something about that going around. ‘Dromeda has those from time to time, she’s quite bright. Makes you wonder why she’s with a bloke like me huh? Anyways, since i’m sure I’ll be dragged along to help, I’m sure I could help out with the buddy thing. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea given recent events.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
Andromeda Black had never been more thankful for anything in her life than she was for Ted Tonks. The boy had been her best friend for what felt like forever. He had been the person she turned to when she needed to vent about her family or simply just get away from the world for awhile. He made her forget about all the bad things in the world, even if it was for the shortest amount of time. The girl had built a home within him that she never knew she needed or wanted. It was like they were meant to be together, like every part of them fit in the most perfect way and it wasn’t until recently that they’d realized that in a sense that was a bit more than just friends. 
It probably had always been there, that inkling that they were more, but the two had never bothered to explore it. The idea had always seemed so crazy to her. He could never be into a girl like, not when he was so honest and down to earth and she was one egg short of the crazy basket. She’d always assumed he deserved and wanted better, that he yearned for someone that didn’t come with so much baggage at her feet. Yet here they were, practically inseparable - literally. The two had snuck away to the room of requirement to study, Andromeda desperate for his help, but that isn’t exactly how things ended up. It felt like every inch of her skin was on fire from how much they’d touched one another in the time they’d been there, her hunger for him growing stronger every second.
“Maybe that’s because it’s meant to happen. We should really just stop fighting it….or we could give up and study,” The corners of her swollen lips turned up into a sultry smirk, the girls fingers grabbing at the hem of her shirt as she lifted it up and over her head, carelessly letting it fall to the floor. The white bra she dawned underneath made her slightly tanned skin look ever darker, her bust standing out like sore thumb as she purposely made it hard for him not to look at it. “Your choice…” She peaked up at the boy through her lashes, putting on the most innocent expression she could manage though her teasing was the furthest thing from innocent. She just hoped Teddy would catch on and go with it. They’d messed around a few times before, but their rouge study sessions never went too far and the girl had more built up tension than she wished to admit. 
If there had ever been any doubt as to what his cause of death would be, Andromeda's advances confirmed what he already suspected. He was going to die at her hand and he was going to enjoy every painfully delicious moment. His brown hues darkened as lust overtook him, his tongue gliding over his swollen lower lip as she teased him, not so subtly arching her back so his eyes immediately fell to her lace covered breasts. His heart was already beating quicker than usual and any self control he had was flung out the window as her sultry whispers registered in his brain. There was no way he was going to stop what was happening, not when his body ached for her touch, desire igniting within him as he ran his fingers gently along the side of her body, his hands coming to a halt at her lower back as he urged her forward. “And pass up this opportunity?” He choked out, the corners of his lips turning upwards into a soft smirk. “Not happening.” 
There were many sides to Teddy not many could see, mostly because he wasn’t close enough to just everyone to let them. Andromeda was the only person that was exploring all of Teddy’s personalities so closely and he constantly found himself surprised at the ease with which he revealed himself to her. He could be himself around her and she wasn’t shocked. He’d only had the luxury of showing other sides of his personality with his close friends, at Hogwarts only Dung could be considered a close friend. So this erotic awakening, the sensual grins and cocky remarks were all new to them both but it only fueled their anxious bodies and damn did he enjoy it. There was no wiping the smirk off his lips, only fleeting smiles replaced the expression. His fingers explored her body vigorously, his pink lips scattering soft open mouth kisses along her supple skin as he removed what was left of her robes and clothing, his eyes taking in every inch of her glorious body. If there ever was a nirvana, teddy imagined it would look a lot like what he was seeing now. 
“If you want to stop,” He whispered, the words stumbling past his parted lips as he worked his way back up to her neck. “just say so. I don’t want to hurt you..” He pulled away momentarily, his eyes boring into hers, his fingers brushing away loose hairs that fell onto her delicate features. He was overwhelmed with emotions, mixing with the lust that encircled them in an irresistible cocktail. There was so much more to what they were going to do than just sex. He was going to be a part of her and he’d be damned if he ever forgot that moment. This represented the beginning of their life together, their relationship crossing onto a whole other level. The least he could do was make sure she was ready for it. 
tutor me senseless || tedromeda
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ffstedward · 9 years
I’m sure that’s exactly what you’re giving me you’re jacket for, hun. Totally not because I have more skin showing than necessary and there are more eyes than there should be on me. I’m your Leia, Han. No one else’s.  
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Of course that's why! Not because half of Slytherin is looking at you like you're some five star meal served on a silver platter and it's making my blood boil. I'm clearly too confident to pay attention to that. All the same, please to take it. Even though you saying that is very reassuring.
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ffstedward · 9 years
Sybill had been a little wary of the kitchens since the events on Halloween. Something about being down there just made her skin prickle. But it was such a rainy day outside and nothing would be better than a hot cup of tea and a pasty. She rounded the corner of the corridor and bumped into someone “Oh, I’m so sorry, I was.. distracted.”
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"Oh, that's okay." Teddy hadn’t been down to the kitchens since the Halloween disaster, not that he thought too much about it. Of course, he did find himself concerned with what had happened to his classmate but he didn’t really want to think about it too much. He couldn’t really avoid the kitchens even if he wanted to, he was much too hungry too often and his small stash of snacks from home was dangerously low, hence his visit. “Hey Sybill, how’ve you been?”
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ffstedward · 9 years
As much as I appreciate the costume and I really do enjoy the view, maybe you should take my jacket before we go to bed. You might uh... get cold.
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ffstedward · 9 years
"Alright there's no reason to panic...Sure we're stuck and there's no visible way to get out and there's a creepy voice whispering threatening things into the darkness but hey, I've got my wand here and there is comfort food to last for days. We'll be fine."
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ffstedward · 9 years
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                                                                     (( …. )) 
                                                       “Could you pick that up for me, please? This                                                                          wig is restricting me beyond belief.”
“Of course! You look great though so I’m guessing the wig is worth it. Really does tie up the whole, you know.. costume. What are you again?”
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ffstedward · 9 years
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Teddy Tonks as 
                             Han Solo
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ffstedward · 9 years
tutor me senseless || tedromeda
Back in year three of school at Hogwarts, Edward Tonks realized he didn't give a crap about his school work. Hell, he'd known that from the start, way before wizarding school was even a reality. He just wasn't cut out for life behind a boring old desk and boring old tasks that would be graded by stuffy old teachers that never ventured out of their class rooms. He found it to be suffocating so as a result he never really tried to out do himself. That of course didn’t mean he could slack much, no he still had to put in a little effort to keep his mother pleased if he still wanted to live. But he never really saw the appeal in excelling in anything other than his social life. 
That didn’t change as the years passed by. He was still getting decent marks in astronomy, potions, transfiguration... he did however take a liking to the Study of Ancient Runes right about the time when he overheard Andromeda Black complaining that she needed some assistance getting her grades back up to their former glory. After all, don’t blokes always do stupid things to get the pretty girl to notice them? It was thanks to the god awful class that they had even begun to speak and form an unlikely friendship. So every now and then, Teddy would pick up their tutoring lessons once again and it was a time for them to relax and do their assignments together, a moment when Ted felt a little smarter than usual and where he could gawk at her without any wandering eyes catching a glimpse of them which might lead to some trouble.
Now that they were dating, the dynamics hadn’t changed much. Except that it was much more difficult to actually get to the actual studying since he was much too busy reviewing an old muggle subject he’d become quite fond of: Anatomy. They had been in the room of requirement for several hours now and they had promptly shoved the books aside as soon as the room conjured up a queen size bed they desperately needed. He pulled back from her intoxicating lips to catch his breath, his lips hovering over his skin as he feared if he pulled away too much she would disappear and remind him that it was impossible that he was actually dating her. He could call her his girlfriend and she wouldn’t be appalled. Hell, she didn’t seem too disturbed to have him nipping at her neck while she dug her fingers into his bare back. He needed to gain some composure though, as his pants were getting uncomfortably tight in the pelvic region and he was afraid if he didn’t pull away now, nothing could stop him later. 
“Remind me again why we thought we could actually study this time around? It seems like every time we’re in an empty room we find a way to come right back to this.”
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ffstedward · 9 years
“you’re put a bit late…” gideon grins at the other, raising his lighted wand to see their face, “what’s your excuse?”
"Does general tardiness count mate?" He chuckled as he covered his eyes lazily. "I'm not good with punctuality I'm afraid. Makes the professors mad, I'll tell you that much."
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ffstedward · 9 years
          “ oh sweetheart — unless you’ve got wine, i’m not interested. ”
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"Damn, no wine... I do have chocolate though, is that good enough or is that not an equivalent to wine?"
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ffstedward · 9 years
“I know that my team really deserves a break because we’ve been working so hard, but I am slightly tempted to talk the captain into a practice today. If Hufflepuff is going to have any chance at winning then we need to be on that field right now.”
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"Hey, I'm all for Hufflepuff kicking some arse, sadly I'm not on the team so I don't think my advice will be of much use. I say you march right up to him and demand some steady hard practice, I wanna win the cup this year!"
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ffstedward · 9 years
“Trust me when I say that she won’t.” Andromeda mumbled against his soft lips, the girl trying incredibly hard to not break their kiss again, but the huge smile on her face made it impossible. It was like it was permanently glued there, a reminder of the happiness that was now surging through her heart and overwhelming her body. They really needed this. After everything they’d been through together, this uninterrupted joy felt way too good to pass up on. 
The tiny moan that escaped her lips when he started to touch her neck was inevitable, Andromeda automatically tipping her head to the side to give him more access to the semi-exposed skin he was already trailing his lips down. The amazing feeling of his kisses mixed with the words coming from his mouth only furthered the smile plastered across her features. 
“It sounds absolutely perfect,” She whispered in a blissful sigh, her hands gripping at the fabric of his robes, “I can’t wait.” 
A past memory of them popped into her head and a tiny laugh exited her throat, the sound so rare for Andromeda lately. “You still owe me a game of football, mr.”
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Her soft moans and melodious laugh fueled his advances on her flesh, his smile breaking through the soft kisses he placed on her flesh while simultaneously pulling her towards him as he backed into one of the mountains of pillows scattered across the room. It truly was convenient to come up to the tower, the commodities already placed there made these encounters even more pleasant. His fingers traveled along the curve of her body, diligently searching for the opening to her robes to remove them hastily. 
“You’re absolutely perfect.” He whispered back before playfully biting at the supple flesh just above her collarbone. His lips were swollen when he pulled away from her, evidence of his sweet attack on her lips present though he didn’t really mind. All he felt was peace, happiness, like he was floating in nirvana, by her side. He could look ridiculous and it wouldn’t matter to him. 
His brows pushed together as she pulled him out of their little bubble of lust and passion, mentioning a past conversation. “Football?” His soft chuckle echoed through the quiet room. “Right, I almost forgot about that. I’ll have to arrange a match, though now i’d rather just show you myself, I’m quite selfish when it comes to you.” He teased, pressing gentle kisses along her cheeks once again. “How’s about instead of footy, we have a rather lazy day some time soon. I’m rather fond of the idea of us just staying in bed doing absolutely nothing.”
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