ffxivquestlogs · 5 years
Intro Cinematic
Hear... Feel...
Hear... Feel... Think...
???: ...Oi!
???: Y'all right, lass?
Grizzled Passenger: You were moanin' in your sleep an' sweatin' buckets besides.
Grizzled Passenger: That'll be the aether, I reckon. Some are more prone to the sickness than others.
Grizzled Passenger: No need to fret, though. You'll soon get used to it.
Furry Creature: Feeling better, kupo?
Furry Creature: Aha! You can see us! I had a feeling you could, kupo!
Moogle: We're moogles, and we live in this wood.
Moogle: Normal folks can't see or hear us─which makes you special, kupo!
Moogle: And seeing as how you're special, maybe you can tell us something.
Moogle: The wood's been restless of late─lots of strange things happening. Have you chanced to witness anything suspicious, kupo?
Moogle: But of course you haven't─you've only just arrived.
Moogle: Well, there's nothing for it, then─we'll just have to keep looking. Nice to meet you, kupo!
Grizzled Passenger: Gridania's still a fair way off, in case you were wonderin'. Seein' as you're awake, how's about you keep me company till we get there?
Grizzled Passenger: Them young'uns don't much care for conversation, see.
Bremondt: Bremondt's the name, an' peddlin's me trade.
Bremondt: As for your good self, judgin' by your unusual garments, I'd say you were one of them new adventurers. Am I warm?
Bremondt: I knew it! Goin' wherever the wind blows, seekin' fortune an' glory─now that's what I call livin'!
Bremondt: So long as you can avoid dyin', I mean. Ain't no secret that adventurin's a risky business─these days especially.
Bremondt: What was it that first attracted you to it?
Character: To gain power.
Bremondt: ...Power? As in, er...power to do good? Like protectin' the weak, an' fightin' for what's right, an' all that? Aye, I thought that's what you meant. Well, adventurers do get up to a lot of fightin', that's for sure. You'll never be short of a chance to polish your warcraft in the adventurin' business.
Bremondt: When you arrive in town, you'd best enroll at the Adventurers' Guild─they'll set you on the right path.
Bremondt: An' it wouldn't hurt to join a guild, neither.
Bremondt: Gridania's home to a few, so if you fancy learnin' how to fight with a bow, a polearm, or even spells, you should think about seekin' one out.
Bremondt: Just remember, though: there're more important things than fortune an' glory. Such as breathin'. Ain't no profit in bein' dead, an' that's a fact.
Wood Wailer: Halt! Go no further!
Bremondt: What's this, then?
Bremondt: Uwaaah!
Carriage Driver: Wh-What's going on!?
Wood Wailer: A skirmish has broken out up ahead with the Ixal! For your own safety, you must remain here until─
Wood Wailer: Bloody hells! We shall hold them here! Try to break clear!
Bremondt: That was too bleedin' close...
Bremondt: Nice of the Ixal to send us a welcomin' party, though, eh?
Bremondt: Jokin' aside, this won't be the last time you meet those feathered fiends, so just you take care, all right?
Bremondt: By the by, is this your first trip to Gridania?
Character: Yes.
Bremondt: It is!? Well then, let this journeyed itinerant tell you the ins an' outs of your destination.
Bremondt: The city of Gridania lies slap-bang in the middle of the Black Shroud─the biggest, lushest forest in all Eorzea.
Bremondt: Though it ain't near as lush as it used to be, sayin' that. Not since the Calamity laid half of it to waste.
Bremondt: The destruction prompted a herd of new nasties to move in, an' gave the Ixal unneeded encouragement. Birdman raids've become a daily occurrence.
Bremondt: Ah, at long last.
Bremondt: Behold Gridania, the forest nation blessed by the elementals!
Narrator: The Black Shroud ─ The ancient forest close to the heart of Eorzea.
Narrator: Beneath the bows of its towering trees lies the woodland city-state of Gridania.
Narrator: Once a sanctuary from the world beyond the Hedge, even the mighty elementals, eternal guardians of the forest, could not forestall the coming of the seventh umbral era. 
Narrator: However, the goddess Nophica was never one to forsake Her children, and today She welcomes another brave soul... One who may yet play a telling role in the tale of this great realm.
Bremondt: An' here's where we part ways, lass.
Bremondt: I'm off to the markets to deliver me wares, then it's back to the highroad for me.
Bremondt: Here, I want you to have this─by way of thanks for keepin' me company.
Bremondt: Hey─you never did tell me your name, did you? Well, here's an idea...
Bremondt: Become the sort of storied personage I can brag about havin' met, an' I'll consider us square.
Narrator: May the Matron take her to Her Bosom, that she may never want.
Narrator: And in her heart, sow serenity, purity, and sanctity.
???: You there! Yes, you!
Wood Wailer: Your face is not known to me. Newly come to the city, no doubt. Bertennant: I am Bertennant, a Wood Wailer of Gridania.
Bertennant: It is my duty to protect our nation from her enemies while welcoming those who may yet prove her friends. Let us see which you are.
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