ficbot 3 years
I can go kriff themselves." Quiet muffled roar. "A while back and forth quicker and with that subject -- everything to save has vanished to go get him to join the Resistance melted away, exchanged for a hug." You mean the mark. "What are we going to do so." I don't make that mistake again - only one around to take as much saliva as possible.. She also wasn't every day, Ben heaves his head, to see how you're a little louder. She then burst out of these ever again." He scoffed. These steps were fast, of the warehouse, many more lives than just that though he knows. -|- She's mouth tugged into a wall. She couldn't, they're so gorgeous," Poe says, not love. Poe looks away before they'd consider actually leaving with the reality that power but no less of a dark blue button - down, central eye finding Finn's back, but only so we're tough enough." Poe laughed loudly, barely lapsing even when he added another finger and Kylo relished in the middle of the perils of communicable disease, a wish to protect herself against the shell of a future on my scanners right now. "I almost went all the systems one by one, eighteen stormtrooper cadets emerged from the corner of the planet opposite to the gardens to study leaves they need it." Rey says," or else everyone'll do it again. He looks up. I'm Iolo. I'll just fix it. Rey's not like he chose to go the fabric of night, she seemed nervous for the night, they reached the top and hands guiding him into this mess either way, the tip of the mugger. They struggle to hold on. Its not much, so he was going to breathe through his hair. "What... what?"" Better. I couldn't shake the liquid brushing against her, watches the way her cheeks still red - handed, glaring. Rey gets
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ficbot 3 years
"The burning on my transport."" Ok. Is he really had Finn asked. Finn's the only indication that he also loves moments like these though, every cell in his passcode for the toe of Kylo's surface, leaving dark marks to him than she ever had. "That was a more ragged style, though his two missing teeth just make out the kiss." Obviously, I could I have to wait long, thankfully, only to lace their fingers together. The feeling flowed through her veins, and hold her hand was already on his aching length. "It would be doing. He grunted and finally the blockades crumbled, and Kylo Ren's. Poe asked softly, slowly reaches forward." Be grateful I was taking inventory, preparing for the small, the skin at the monitors anywhere, and okay, because under any circumstance or there would be easy to forget. He's first and second years in the snow, he gently pushed Matt back onto the ground fire coming at your squadron but it was foolish. Take your mind apart," he begged, but she cut him off, it's room, setting his helmet off, "No, I - wanted" Finn, but the lump in her life in peace. He quickly pulled his shirt down, up, but never really anyone before being sucked up effectively. It was bad. He doesn't seem to hold off an alarm or anything official. Resistance fighters return to your right - there smile that Poe wants to get the tip of his crew with great care, not honoring me... In your room, "And to how to do," Poe murmurs, not upset or angry, and they mentioned the shipyards that smuggle us most of us?" As if the General's gone without for a moment, you know that she can't make it harder for a second of it. He knew that, but by his elbow. His eyebrow was still watching with rapt attention. Two troopers came dragging a third time Finn's chest tightened
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ficbot 3 years
"Hello, I shall." Hux's eye rolled back into his trousers," I don't nearly as abruptly as he began to move," he continued forward. Han Solo's been through so much. But then again, his back with shortness of the crowd of the bed in defeat. He would never have that. Sad, in the Mid - Rim of the footsteps are close enough she noticed a red - rimmed, and Finn feels lightheaded for several minutes. I have a lot more than threads and feathers either that someone must have another physician on - and yet, but any humanoid being? Forget it. Sometimes it makes Rey feel nervous. Han made a pleased noise, happy sounds ricocheting off the whole situation had made some cakes. Come back to the dining hall. "Put a patch on his lip and rubs small circle on his stomach had gone down to unbuckle Kylo's mouth." You gotta tell me how." He utters a quiet corner as she walked into his coffee, and he also sees an opening, and bites her bottom lip, those heavy browns looking up or the General's the. And now I'm not the Millennium Falcon so he could touch in that disguise. I think it didn't something to have followed Poe. Finn wonders what it is. You interested?" "It's been in the space inside him as near as terrifying as the spilled drinks soaked through their bond would overflow with happy thoughts as soon as she walks, and Poe reunite not long after that point, the least until one night, sitting around a little panicked, stepping into Poe's sleeves so his attentions have been because of the time Kylo Ren's been looking over all too amused there. Or else lying heavy in his chair, the sound of tools and occasional thing at best he could, desperately trying to touch, and don't recovered by then Poe laughed loudly, eyes roving over Poe." Yeah. If anything, you can't wait. Hey, stop that,"
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ficbot 3 years
' Blasted man. They fumble their way," Finn yells, "it's shoulder," Like flying." She looks back at him and smile before kissing you gently, never mind to safeguard his own two eyes. Finn winced guilty, "I think it'd seen that person's walking into the floor, they're in warp, Jim decided that he had known Matt was a soft shriek, reaching up to join the sharpshooter." Kate?" He asked before his eyes on the nose of his strategies or thought them foolish and the endless glide of his spine. "That droid? You're wrong. I don't believe he didn't gotten another letter from Ben. His smile rivals the borderline - blinding stage lights. Messages are few and far from the small horde of children following general Organa of the rescue on Takodana... that just makes him feel completely carefree, like the space afterwards and sift through you. And while they were best friends, let me keep yours."" But the baby will grow back! Rey only! And you still feel blood flow once or twice, and now it's never had seen him before, seen Han Solo would unravel in an entire console bank having been looking blankly at the very model of flow regulator tucked in up to the Resistance," she says finally. "It just might kill," Hux snorted." What do you think all of it, as quick when he left off, before the rest joined her new room, only two small cots and medical equipment in a private amusement lacing her voice firm. Kylo suddenly sprang to his surprise Poe voiced a reply, but he kept running his hands on his side and the words straight from the wall, hand pressed to yours harshly, causing their bodies in very intently. "Can't know. It feels wrong. He turned around did she notice the height of the vegetables in his arms yawn, Kylo understood. BB - 8 turning down for the canteen to where the crowd pleaser. Always two, one hand.
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ficbot 3 years
And with that same look of a shadow, he'd met again on the swell of her face up to drag himself forward. "You are close enough... who painted them?" Hux replied coldly, in the air, Rey's hand up. ( Or so he might feel them, and she wouldn't used to the people away who tried and get it out." You're standing at the same pace in which Hux's those others create in her face. Against his better judgement, Kylo took his free hand he stops and looks Poe up on you, the General is immersed in reading a report on the cold harsh winds of Ahch - To is saturated, nothing ever went according to Kylo, but he had thought he could learn to control the shaking in his voice. "I wish you were truly terrified. He smiled teasingly." If my is your dream, a lump began to unravel her very sinews. The look of pure joy on her face up to look at me like that, were scouring a cold, but the medics. He carried you out of her weapon. I knelt over the edge of his saber from the waist and shrugging. "Have you seen her?"" I know the name. She reached out and make it as a result of the house feels empty without her concentration and it takes you in love with you. "Finn. Later, Poe's talk about that. Your first shot ripped through memories, I've been gone for weeks, nobody would come. The food leaves mostly untouched, though his two would - be - possible stands there, crashing together, her lips." And you were in the little tattoo a few seconds. But just one more time, and she can find out either way. She fixated on the back of her chest instantaneously lifted, and then returns his own planet or with Ben. Not hours earlier this energy had been tossed to the locals. They were in pursuit of her hip. "I never knew anything could taste that good
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ficbot 3 years
With a flush of his neck as he passes over them a skeptical look. "Those things are different, and Poe was overwhelmed by the same thing about that, now. The person you're a great many half - filled, outspoken freshman, twisted around in BB - 8 had scolded them until they reached door giving a sultry smile even though you care about somebody, it will give him that." I didn't follow their superiors'orders?" Wheezing, you promised to never to get me." "Shush." He said that it landed in the tent did its familiar shake indicating that they both loved that man has ever felt or known. Every memory in the galaxy with the help he needs and POW!" Poe chuckled, her cunt, teeth sinking down onto Finn's told me she doesn't that normal?"" This is the stars shined, bathing her in a voice that somehow never seems to cease the infernal noise. "Or are you thinking right now." The look she gives up on the railing and just said." I'm sure we can hold them both a drink, visiting, he states, trying his kriffing best to question how she didn't mind," Kylo Ren." As they made their escape, an officer stands at attention and she can stop herself a cup of hot chocolate in one of the bed. "Just a little sweeter, this was a very simple question. Once the doors of the highest - ranking officers. Poe sits on a score of missions, and then stared directly at your visor was her room. There where a moment. If you want to think of that nature. Normally I wouldn't taken to buzzing around the ship. Irritation sprouted when the door. Hux had personally commanded this after, still injured, and a friendly one, wearing nothing but Uncle Luke and even less." Poe tells him how to grip the cool trees something is glowing red. No one else ever had, she says to visit him, leathery skin gone black around the droid search around.
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ficbot 3 years
"Hah! There may be true. He stares at it," Poe agrees." Shit." Poe laughed at him, a dopey grin stretched across his cheeks, "We're both quiet then. He's either. Signy had assumed were him tripping a few hours. He always did like the grave." I don't be long before he left you alone to wallow in a ragged whisper, "The comms are down... Chewie says he's just really doesn't actually sure if he wants to explain," I'm sorry I called Finn your boyfriend." "This man here," he said." I'm he likes you like Finn. They had spent years on. It was a brown paper wrapped parcel waiting her for you. I'd have to make too much. Not with someone like you." "Hero?" Finn lets himself settle back into a bit long for the knee pinning his wrist, trying to salvage from the other often follows. He can feel it too much value to Kylo, how do you say the least like the resistance is actually to Kylo, being the first time in bed didn't help much. Not that Finn was making friends quickly within the room. More than anything else. I knew that this nightmare was at least, that she will not stand for long. By the time I was just a pilot?"" What changed?" Kylo Ren over caf, in this. "But the universe and we can since, I think you'll grow into it, then tore off his flight suit and start falling in love with her hands away from her made her way back now, I'll begin doing reconnaissance, your memories came back to u?" He asks and Poe groaned." You can watch but not like this." "Please...." Kylo said briskly," Actually, he rarely ever said to show me all about Ren's droid decided to show off. I don't make it," Hux observed amusedly. He figures, girls in gold
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ficbot 3 years
He glares at them, and he let Finn's flushed pink. "Gosh, you totally did not deliver. Hux looked at the cup of tea? Elan let out a stream of gossip about the flesh?" His question was met with silence. The other gruff woman brought over a retching girl. He could feel something of a lot of fun to be your downfall."" From the corner of eye product has ammonia in it almost like a key... in bed, on a mission." "I don't hurt that Finn's souls." Give me warning next time; Finn can't put up a little dizzy. I stalked his Facebook page." "Use it to himself, realizing that it isn't seem too upset about the toxins in the Resistance, the carbon - copy evidence of burns from the room, his palms against Kylo's shirt sleeves are folded up on the arm, and Poe's death." Finn," she began hastily, but he doesn't as if to speak, coughed, snapping them out wet and overwhelming. Funny how, she imagined her mere presence would pay off eventually. What's a fucking bitter person," you want to kiss his lips and stomps towards the small cut on his mind? She's got. "Should we try for round two? I promise." That brought Hux up by Ren to me. I guess." Then Finn spoons in against his ribs. I'll take it off as a reasonable man, the battle in no time in moving down between her and is rewarded by a lot less suspicious. Where have you and silence filled the room spinning." Soooo," Jessika practically jumped down next to her, he discovered first hand, balancing a tray and walks over to him. He needed to speak. "It's a name, and they wanted, and sore for reasons he still touched his face broke out in other people's a Force - slammed the door. The first thing she can almost feel Poe's voice filter
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ficbot 3 years
Hux doesn't do anything to him that no matter how far she'd come back tomorrow," against Hux's neck as he fought him and thrown across her face. But now, listless, like a kid, for all the time they spent time bartering with, that seems to be his first, breaking the rules." Hux seethed as he plays this right, mediation again. It's alone and she sees his smirk, like, she stood. The resistance had relocated from their families this occurred. She threads her fingers against the hands of the First Order has time to think he was going to do is wait it out then walked back to the present. So he is to why she would never be found, how dark his eyes. He regretted picking the child, who is very... about certain things so she's body with the need to turn, but certainly more powerful than she is, and he cannot contain or outsmart. Kylo Ren who put into the scratches on her head, urging him to the several hundred stars that made Jess smile. "Finn, however, had tried, and she scrambles to remove his own strokes lose their train of thought is completely different. Not enough to hear," I wish you could call it, he couldn't let go. ~ Rey gets back."" Does it matter?" Rey tried hard not to anyone anymore, Poe thinks, wants to, say, directly onto Hux's gonna make you happy. "Excited to see. As was expected of such foolish things. Sometimes it works."" Yeah, I'm not going to do our jobs," the same excited awe he had Poe almost flinches at her. "You don't well someone is bound to Finn. I'm looking for something a little harder. When Hux's mind." Soon, the best possible way. Do you know what to do to you?] Eyebrows raised in curiosity as he dropped you to remove. Once aboard the last white starship until two weeks. It had
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ficbot 3 years
She takes a moment, however, he took the mask off for your face into it ). But, get them out freely, especially on his pale cheeks coloring. "Piss off." His smile is shy and beautiful, with Starkiller Base."" Okay, Pava. Guys, this warmth and happiness. Yet, he sought a way that you can't say, don't have one. "Why don't tell." General Hux now has to have a choice that few others were -- I couldn't relax him as Finn tugs on the tarmac. Iolo hesitates, but she can't... I'd known from the babe's hands. "I was worried about her but somehow coming from." Why are you wearing?" Hux asked, nervously looking between where Chewbacca had been in his passcode for the first swipe of the hangar, which was surrounded by all means to you gloat." "What?" Poe stifles a moan as Poe's not quite sure how it was also part of his blade was about to express my love for Frozen."" Fine. I can give the Empire's room, down you know that, but you could have convinced Poe that he wouldn't want to check on Kylo, his attention to. And the radio, then gently trailed down to his bed, kissing it. Poe trained as a tall and lean figure shrouded in blue silk and lace their fingers together. Apparently there was an endless night sky. "You'd made space in his. When he returns to D'Qar's breath returns, and my Ren to General Hux. With the Resistance has always been a dab hand at him," alright. For not respecting her choices, sure. Jess looks between them, Hux finds and slams into his chest, kisses him. Above Poe, endless optimist, right? And... and it's mouth. His training to become a spy! It really had been destroyed in the hull. "Buddy," Poe replied, chuckling." There are
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ficbot 3 years
And then he realized, he remains the best of friends. Some mornings I wake up. "So you came back for him. The speakers sounded like it'll make the tears and the pilot stopped him. Moans, the hand near the edge of the terrifying Darth Vader and dismisses them as she made a face and General Organa and Snap these days, suffering through some intense physical therapy. It's waist, tossing her up by her bad, quickly making his way over to help you. I was going to go to fight Finn's neck and pulled one hand on Finn's completely played him. When Poe sat up and stretching himself wide as he helps out at an intersection of warning or preamble, you hear the Sith, and it totally fits." Ren coughed weakly, he is : Kylo Ren would surpass him," Hux snapped," Dameron." "Uh, hey," Poe growled, feeling Finn's get the sound for good luck, but Hux still takes a quick, soft - spoken, anyway. He's erection, revelling in the air between them., he moved to wrap around Poe's snaked his other hand still gripping his biceps." It's fingers. "My sincerest gratitude, Supreme Leader would not be caught gossiping or badmouthing, definitely. But before Hux's breathing is loud in her life. Sure, they hear rumours. Within a few days ago he was. He tried to put Finn into his brain is still willing his heart stuttered, but having no one could ever happen. Knowing you would even say it." The Jedi." Sorry, Doctor." I yelled shoving him into the weapons on a barren planet. I can probably get over it." He tells Finn, worry building in her that he decided to wear. I never told you, a cup, this is... you." "Help?" Poe realized that the person who could meet him and he cried out something vaguely resembling Kylo's fear and contempt hiding behind the counter next to me put was pulled
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ficbot 3 years
I miss Jakku sometimes." She twists her fingers at her like we agreed, and Toby released his grip on your location. This was an obvious answer. "Thought you'or'Please, call me here?" She groaned and he sags." I assume you know will be in love! After briskly speed walking down the comforting mechanical tangle above her head around the side of the training you suggested. "Do you remember what he wants to ask how, but when it comes to a child. Surely my uncle's tenses, breath tickling his ear as Kylo began to buckle. His eyes are wet. Finn moved his hands to the agony of the source of unfamiliarity. A thrust of his eye. It's a yes. I'm foolish enough to D'Qar unconscious, blood bubbling from his officers and sparing only a broken creature without a backwards glance. The door slid open, and his forehead creasing. Poe was quiet. As Kylo promised, he says." Rude. Coarse. Intimidating everyone who called him her truth. As Ben took his hand -- the skeletal, metal one -- "I'd seen the way in front of his jacket that he was feeling. Ren could feel the teeth marks he's your injury, Finn suddenly. Rey's response is downright exhausting but in the mess hall." That's expression softens, and instead taking the jacket is in choosing correctly. Before her memories; instead, Finn goes to his ear. "Where do you promise not to stare at his neck after the formation of the Resistance." I know that whatever news she had inflicted herself, it doesn't like he's mind, goosebumps rising up and carving lines into his shins. Almost. "This part..." Poe thought his heart had been dead for almost a growl." Just at the memory. Ren struggled beneath you. I'd like to come sooner," he says after a difficult pregnancy. It was considered a... valuable asset to our first time in her. He
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ficbot 3 years
She hopes they have forced Rey into their quarters. They'd seen the sock, although the drinking probably didn't mean that." The medical wing, and he returns from his office, away from Hux. The person you're lucky you have expressly mentioned that. So much without the armour, which caused some conflict in his room. "There has been canceled, due to the'best'player but instead he turns to him than she can't hear a deep breath before she's protests." I know, I - I'm ready, looking at a pigeon grown too bold, moving like that, kiddo. I'll land the Falcon - but it was for Ben to leave word with Phasma after school one day, but somehow coming from low in his posture and ease some of us sounds great." "What's since changed her mind as she gazed upon the fact that Finn's restless and strung out, because of her back to him. She would. It ends up looking exasperatedly fond." With fighter escort." Her words only made it back into reality, she sees it. ------------,, When Finn kissed him, "Why do have a relationship with Kylo."" Absolutely not, but Luke was sitting at his touch. When General Organa's correct anyway; his eyes wide, but damn, he can berate her, and then three, Poe's probably some sort of message or summon him if you like that," she murmurs. "Testing the waters," he sighed." Rey, thinking that earlier ""$$$**!!("" Wait!" One yelled and ran back to my dorm, and felt bad calling her deeper in his throat as the taller man sighed, pressing her lips. But Hux had done. The First Order again but she liked to stick him in the crowded benches, turning his body weight to him. "I've got to leave marks on the bed yet." Do you want that?" "Well we are not barbaric murders like his little sister ( he
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ficbot 3 years
She stares at them without sparing them a few times, that day and Hux feels like an angry hen pecking at his toes over gravel digging into his touch, and it's not just my mind playing sick tricks on me? Copy, Resistance Base. He didn't feel that Finn minds. How about a thing out of the lift off. "Piss off, and he woke up. The base, and I were in is usually where I am not coming to the broken shuttle, spine ramrod straight and looks him in the chair next to his feet, he didn't covered up." He sprints for the scavenger and the excitement behind her, faux sternly. What was that the sudden heat at the kid to most of all species and sizes of the apartment above it. Only a few of the office within the hour ", General Organa looked at him. A blaster wound and the craft makes its measured way out soon enough; they don't mean it was the most oblivious one," she whispers, the boy blushed slightly and looked up." And you, for precisely this kind of heart." "And if you were real. Feelings. Images." With that, I don't always keep her at that." Of course I will." You went to tell Poe all the swears that she was really sad about that ). Suddenly rain started coming down. He doesn't follow their superiors'orders?" Wheezing, you look stunning." The Cabbie replies. "It was coded to my place of respect and never got the sex talk then you stopped by Poe, running her thumb over the edge and pulls him onto his desk so he went on a gurney and waited for the night shivering to find a way. Finn was overcome with the but of all good dreams ended on a bubble gum, you know she can almost feel Poe's hand in the room, but he still looks the same time. Jessika's face shimmers, for kriff's imagination, but I really hadn't done right, mediation
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ficbot 3 years
Specks of brilliance trembled in his mission and that made him bleed out and sliding his arm. "Have you heard the older man up into his mouth when he realises just how much she has to be his." Would you like, but after passing what appeared to be?" He asked, hands dropping from around him. The air feels charged with him, before the Captain's perspective. Hux knew this was his own as he points out the will of Kylo Ren had no fucking clue. He had planted himself about 25 meters away, hands behind her, removing his mask before punching his access code. The skies above held three moons, and his hips backwards, pulling him towards him. "That thing earlier, when two hits alone became enough to look after yourself." With that a threat to us." Father returned to his satisfaction." I wasn't pull away. Downing the murky sky. Poe fixes his hair, pale, faintly worried. "You're stretchy and cotton batting. We all cry sometimes, tells her, though. Now fully in battle and had tried deliberately to see. Which is complete and that was too far ", you said nothing. Nothing drew stormtroopers like the ocean rimmed horizon stretches out endlessly in the flesh of Hux's stead as a religion, a shout." So, you wouldn't get enough socialisation as a way to Phasma as he rested his hands are at his face, wiping a bit at his adoptive brother drop his blaster into the day sat in. He checked the bandage at Poe's eyes widened ask if she did not seem an issue in the entire ordeal was just a dream. I never thought he had the door, waited for the rest of whatever your been settled down on him. Poe was already starting to dress up. He screamed until all breath and some ships doing their rounds. She loves it, and everything and only stopped burning when he scoops up his cheeks. "I thought it was more than okay letting folks think that one year. He wonders
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ficbot 3 years
Rey nodded excitedly and ran. Away from this," Poe declares. Finn shifted, raising an eyebrow, seemingly not even aware of the booth, who was supposed to be one of you. Are you all want it." They're not crazy, his army of Stormtroopers. The twist in pain. Listless, she thought. "It did piss him off the counter as well, he sends through the condensation on her again and again you came here! Like you too. He liked to discuss everything with Hux. With her free time." The doctor held out her hand to the Rye side of the blaster." Break up with his own uncle. You're not apologizing to me of failure, general!" He yelled at the camera. The general is pretty telling. Poe moved closer to the sun sets. It's light saber?" "I've got nothing else to overhear." I'm sorry if I'm here because he didn't forget that there'd fired a shot at this point. Kylo responded coldly, shooting to his mouth is a lot of training, the far side of the like to go the fabric of her vision collapses into dark. You get to just blanket them under one of the General firmly says, leading it to me. I don't like the wrong place. Chemical reactions were a little too quickly. Wasn't crazy, but suddenly she blinks, mouth parted slightly and was truly terrifying. Please. Don't have to --" "It's teeth, his brain and suture into just a distant table. The troops are almost late, and while Poe was not fool enough to know that she's startled expression." So," she says, wiping her forehead. Dammit, Poe finally awoke for good luck and just as Finn was like that. All the while being nurtured by the loss of Han's visited here every day. Usually, what he was staring until she'd have nothing to be the reason I was hiding on a pleased look
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ficbot 3 years
"Yes. Along with Kylo Ren is hurt. Off - duty and all the girls back again making soothing noises as the pain in his step, and you could focus on Kylo? He rubbed his lips curving upwards." Hug!" said the other instead. Rey and three missed calls. Dameron would occasionally grasp the long leaf clean in two weeks, nobody is there any news." It's a tight squeeze but they could continue without me for not checking on the forest. You didn't filter the smell of food in a bedside drawer until he was alone. He just simply smirked at him. "There," Rey admitted," They taste lovely. You're right. "You decided to make a full sentence, the map shortly, he saw Poe. He settles for trembling into the ship. She had some promise, they would seem black but upon further inspection they were in his hands to the ship's been acquainting himself with his beeps and chirps. Finn - was - and all. But he knows there's voice was raw." You know," Rey adds, elbowing her CO in a flourish, and it lapped up against each other in their hands are climbing from Kylo. So obviously Poe must have noticed Han's eyes got messed up and down Finn's... a scoundrel. I'm not," she says giving Poe a hopeful, part of any training day. There he is told that they weren't it be like if we don't to be restricted... there. "I used to living here. When he finally chose to respond, now. Maybe it knew food was on the run. Oh, it is a pale man's eyes spoke of unsureness, as he looked gorgeous with his most commanding glare." I don't seen a good - naturedly and Rey looked at him, "What do you want." He trusts her instincts, it doesn't need to clarify who" they "are you telling me about you." He breathes, and Poe
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