fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Hello! I'm Kokona Haruka from Yandere Simulator and I'm looking for others from the same canon! Doubles are fine with me. I'm specifically searching for my Saki Miyu who I was in a relationship with!
Kokona Haruka from the canon call here! I’m sorry but I forgot to put in the ask that I’m a minor and uncomfortable with anyone above 18!
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Could I get a reading? Am I The Drifter from Hyper Light Drifter?
strong maybe/yes
i drew the page of cups. the card is mostly about going off of your own instinct, but its positive nonetheless ! 
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Could I please get an aesthetic for The Guardian (Also known as the Pink Drifter) from Hyper Light Drifter? Things with the colors aqua and pink would be great (since those were my outfit colors in canon). Thanks in advance!
posted :~) !!-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
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the guardian // hyper light drifer
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
hi!! could i have a playlist and aesthetic for nina sayers from black swan?? preferably no darker themes (aka my 'black swan side') because it messes with my psychosis and all aaaaa thank you!!!
1. home - aurora 2. closer - the tiny3. body gold - oh wonder4. team - lorde5. work this body - walk the moon6. something good can work - two door cinema club
playlist via: youtube //
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
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nina sayers // black swan 
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Just so you know the ask link in the rules page redirects to the wrong page
thanks for the heads up !! it should be fixed now :~)
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
ack could i have a reading for Harley Quinn??? will i ever find my poison ivy??
i drew the two of pentacles. the card is about balance, so yes youll meet them, but itll probably take some time before you do so 
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
kin ___ masterlist
•Reminder that some will show up in more than one category if they are multipurpose!! •also reminder I’m only human I may have put it in the wrong category or put it twice in the same one!! •reblog and add any others you see fit if you want!!
Kin calling blogs: @callsforkin @callingallkins @discover-our-kin @kin-bin @kin-caller @kin-squad-finder @kincalling @kincalls @kinfinders @kinfinders @kinsearch @kinsearching @fiction-kincalls @fiction-kindex @fictionkincalls @findmykin @findingcanons @fictkinfinder @fic-kin-finder @findingyourkin @findkin @findthatkin @findurkinfriends @findyourkin @fictionkin-resource @rarekintypes @allyourkinneeds @fictionkincalls @all-kin-calls
Kin aesthetic blogs: @kin-bin @kin-aes @kinstethic @maybesomekinstuff @kin-playlists-and-aesthetics @kinprotection @kinaesthetichub @aestheticforotherkin @kintype-aesthetic @aesthetics-for-kin @fictionkin-decor @othersthetic @fictionkinaesthetic @aesthetic-kins @pretty-kin-aesthetics @kinaestheticss @aestheticsforkin @kinnaesthetic @yourkinaesthetic @otherkin-aesthetics @kinservice @whateverkinwedo @soothingkin @all-things-alterhuman @interkinnected @allyourkinneeds @kinthreads @ficaes @aesthetikins @kinsthetic @aestheticsforkin @fickinaesthetics @id-aesthetics @yourkin-aesthetic @aestheti-kins @kin-there-done-that @for-the-kin @kinrunway @kinassistance
Kin safe space blogs: @kin-safe-space @other—kin @kin-there-done-that @kin-essentials
Kin self-care blogs: @kinstethic @maybesomekinstuff @selfcare4kin @otherkinselfcare @selfcareforkin @soothingkin @kin-there-done-that @kinselfcare @helpforkin @for-the-kin @kinrunway @kinquests
Kin playlist/music blogs: @kin-bin @kinmusics @kin-playlists-and-aesthetics @interkinnected @wekinhelp @allyourkinneeds @for-the-kin
Kin positivity and comfort blogs: @kin-bin @kinstethic @positive-kin @kinsuggestion @kinprotection @comforting-kin @happykin @fictionkin-resource @all-things-alterhuman @sweetkins *factkin inclusive @interkinnected @wekinhelp @allyourkinneeds @otherkinthings @posikin @kinquests @kinassistance
Kin fashion/cosmetics/shop blogs: @kincosmetics @kinshoppingcentral @kin-aes @cheapkinstuff @thingsforkin @things4kin @otherkinshop @fiction-kinfashion @other-otherkinshop @otherkin-games-and-fashion @uncommonkinfashion @coolotherkinfashion @kinfashioncentral @allyourkinneeds @otherstim *personal fave @otherkinthings @kinlooks @stuff4kin @otherkinshop @fiction-kinfashion @other-fashion @otherkingifts *no fictionkin @smotherkin @for-the-kin @kinrunway @kinquests @kindressed
@hskinclothes @fashionablehskin @hskinthings
Kin confessions/vents blogs: @kinfessions @kinfessionblog @fictionkinvents @thatkinfeelwhen
Kin network blogs: @kintalia-net @obscurekinnetwork @dave-net
Other blogs: @kin-diy @kindulums @otherstim *personal fave @drawingkin @weirdkins @kin-eats
Don’t know??: @everything-kin @thekintalk @otherkin-sanctuary @otherkin-guidance @kiniloveyou
a homestuck section im not going through: @homestuckkinsafespace @hskinplace @hskin-needs @hs-kin @hs-kinhub @hskinphernalia @hskinpositivity @hskinstuff @hskincare @hsfashkin @hskinhelp @hsswapkin @hskin-memoryhub
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
uh hey im hanzo shimada from overwatch. im looking for everyone i guess? no doubles though. im also 17 in case that squicks anyone out . (like/rb and ill msg u)
check them out :~) !!
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Henry Cheng and Gansey from the Raven Cycle looking for Blue Sargent. (Possible Spoilers for TRK follow.) In our canon, we were all together. Cheng starting dating first Gansey and then Blue while on the Road Trip. The Cheng in our canon was a trans boy who began transitioning before puberty and our Gansey was bigender and came out to Cheng and Blue on the Road Trip. Both of us are over 18, and not comfortable talking to minors. If any of this sounds familiar, please hit us up @npdbeeprince!
check them out :~) !!
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
I'm a Wally from Pokemon (specifically ORAS) looking for others from my canon! I'm currently a minor in my country but I'm okay talking to anyone, even doubles! I'd love to meet my May but anyone is cool!
check them out :~) !!
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
Heyo in Ronan Lynch from The Raven Cycle and I'm looking for everyone but noah, whos in my system. My blog is ronandreamtheiflynch and noahs is smudgy-czerny hmu?
check them out :~) !!
ronan noah 
-mod lane
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fictkinthingss-blog · 8 years
 shoutout to those fictionkin wih popular kintypes that get constantly hated for being popular characters your good and your valid
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