fidelisphasma · 2 years
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Arthur Morgan / Horseshoe Overlook / Heartlands / New Hanover (with a Hosea cameo because how could I not?!) ~ Red Dead Redemption 2 © 2018; developed by Rockstar Games Caps made by purpledragongaming​.  Please do not delete credits.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
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Chapter 1: Colter Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rockstar Games
Gifs made by purpledragongifs.  All gifs are 540px wide.  Please do not delete credits.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
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Chapter 1: Colter Red Dead Redemption 2 - Rockstar Games
Gifs made by purpledragongifs.  All gifs are 540px wide.  Please do not delete credits.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
The Supernatural in RDR2
This is honestly just for reference for my RP blog, but I guess if you want to reblog it you can?  I’ll probably be adding to it as I play through the game, so it’s probably going to change as I find things to add.
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While at its heart Red Dead Redemption 2 is a story about the decline of the ‘Wild West,’ various aspects of the game are decidedly supernatural in nature.  This is one of the things I honestly LOVE about the universe.  Here’s a list of the things that the game has made ‘real’ for the RDR universe.
Aliens - There are at least two instances where you can experience UFO encounters that will leave little doubt in your mind that someone is out there watching the Earth.
Bigfoot/Yeti/Giant - The bones of an incredibly large humanoid can be found high up in the snowy reaches of Mt. Shann.  Since it’s just a skeleton, we can only guess what it looked like alive, but the existence of the massive bones points to something fascinatingly abnormal.
Ghosts - From a woman wailing in the swap who vanishes if you get too close, to a ghost train that flies by Dewberry Mill during the Witching Hour, to disembodied voices heard in various locations, there’s no doubt that ghosts are an active part of the Red Dead universe.
Humanoid Robots - I actually haven’t played through this mission yet, but I’ve seen bits mentioned/shown in YouTube videos here and there.  My impression was that the robots didn’t work right in the end?  But I don’t know many scientist who give up after failure.  (Especially ones bent on world domination. ;P)
Time Travel - While it may not be something just anyone can pull off, Francis Sinclair can’t really be anything but a time traveler, can he? 
Magic(?) - This one is a little more iffy.  Although the brew you find in the Witch’s Cauldron does pack a powerful punch, is it actually magic?  Who can say?  Is the raven that sits there watching you (instead of flying off) her familiar?  Or the witch herself?  And did the human sacrifice ritual really summon anything?  We don’t really have answers.  But given everything else that exists in this universe, anything is possible.
Vampires - While there’s no real proof that the St. Denis vampire is an actual one, he DOES look an awful lot like a classic Nosferatu.  And given all of the other cool supernatural things, there’s no reason to think he’s not the real deal.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
Arthur Lives!AU
Just what it sounds like.  There will probably be multiple variations on this verse because I’m not EVER going to kill him.  Not permanently, at least.  
Also what it sounds like.  This tag will be for any RPs that take place during the confines of the canon game.  Confession time - I haven’t made it past Chapter 2.  >.>  I don’t want to rescue Micah.  So I’m just meandering around and doing all the side quests and having fun exploring.  Yeah I have a basic gist of how the game ends, but I’ve been avoiding specific mission spoilers as much as possible so I can experience them first-hand in game.  UPDATE.  After spending over 250 hours NOT rescuing Micah, I finally gave in and did it.  >.<  Chapter 3 has officially started.  Now I’m going to see how many more hours I can play before I’m forced to visit him in his camp.
(Currently a Private Verse)
Modern Day - Arthur Morgan is an ex-con working at a ranch that helps to get former convicts back on their feet.  He mostly does mechanical work, but has learned a lot while working there and is capable of lending a hand wherever he’s needed.  
(Currently a Private Verse)
Modern Day - Arthur Morgan is an ex-con who’s Youtube Cooking videos have inexplicably made him ‘internet famous.’  He deals with the fame in classic awkward Arthur Morgan fashion… by being thoroughly confused about what everyone finds so appealing about him and his quirky charms.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
Happiness is Homemade // Albert & Arthur
Arthur was cleaning his cabin… again - for what was possibly the fourth or fifth time.  He couldn’t help it.  The guy coming in for the next interview was… impressive.  There wasn’t a better word to describe the man’s resume or portfolio.  Hell, he’d worked for National Geographic AND Discovery!  The place HAD to look good.  Better than good.  Out of all the applications he’d received, this man had the most promise.  Everything needed to be perfect!
Silently (and without any real conviction) he cursed Molly for going off traveling.  Then again… he should probably be cursing Dutch for convincing her to go.  What was so great about Tahiti, anyway?  With a grunt of dissatisfaction, Arthur rearranged couch pillows while his mind wandered.  She’d be back eventually - last he’d heard, they only planned to stay for 6 months or so.  But he needed a videographer now, not six months from now.
Hell, she was the one who’d started all of this in the first place.  He just liked to cook.  It hadn’t been his idea to start making videos for Youtube - that was all her.  Neither of them had expected any of it to go viral so quickly, though.  According to Molly, people seemed to like his ‘down to earth’ cooking style, and his openness about the time he spent in prison.  She also said being ‘easy on the eyes’ didn’t hurt, though he was pretty sure she was just teasing him.  Arthur couldn’t imagine anyone willingly wanting to stare at his dumb mug for more than a few minutes at a time.
Grumbling, he moved into the kitchen and began wiping down counters.  It was really hard to stay angry about any of it.  Molly had done her best to help him out after deciding to leave.  She’d handed most of the social media accounts off to Sean and a couple of guys he knew.  Normally Arthur would’ve balked at the idea, but the woman had gotten him this far, and it didn’t seem right - questioning her judgement just because he didn’t want her to go.
After Molly’d settled that, she’d written up a nice ‘Help Wanted’ ad and posted it to Indeed and a couple of other job sites.  Then she’d helped him cherry pick the best candidates for interviews.  Arthur hated interviewing people.  He felt awkward and more than a little stupid asking questions he didn’t always completely understand the answers to.  He wasn’t an idiot when it came to working with a camera… but his knowledge was VERY basic.  No need to learn with Molly there to make every video come out looking like a million bucks.  But now Molly wasn’t here and he felt himself floundering.  Cooking wasn’t supposed to be stressful!  It was a relaxation… a calming of the body and mind.  Arthur tried to tell himself it would be again - just as soon as he got someone hired.
A quick glance at the clock told him his applicant should be arriving… was that the sound of wheels crunching on the gravel?  Unable to stay inside a minute longer, Arthur strode to the door and stepped out onto the wrap-around porch.  This was also calming.  Nothing but forest as far as the eye could see.  Taking a deep breath in and then out, he leaned against the railing (in what he hoped was a casual pose) and waved to the indistinct figure in the car.  As the engine shut off, the forest’s natural sounds slowly crescendoed to fill the silence and Arthur took another steadying breath.  He could do this!  Everything was going to be just fine.
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
When I Think of Happiness // Kelly & Arthur
Arthur Morgan had a decent life… one he wasn’t entirely sure he deserved.  Yeah, he’d made mistakes and done his time, but it still didn’t feel right somehow.  He couldn’t figure how he’d been chosen for Paul and Kelly’s ranch over what had to’ve been an overflow of better candidates.  The two brothers were well-known for their reform program… even inside the prison system.  They helped get guys like him back on their feet after everyone else beat them down.  They were good men.  Not like Arthur.  And yet, here he was.  This ranch had been his life for the past three years.  Although he worked mainly as a mechanic, he could do all kinds of odd jobs now, too.  The ranch (and the men who ran it) had taught him a lot - something he’d forever be grateful for.
His thoughts were interrupted by the wind outside.  The snow storm was picking up, sounding fiercer by the minute.  He needed to wrap up his work for the evening and head for his room.  Too much longer out here in the shop and he was liable to get trapped in a snowdrift.  Thank god they’d seen off the last of their guests last week.  Dealing with weather like this was bad enough without having to manage irate tourists on top of it.  Just a few final notes to make sure all of his current job requests were in order…  
He’d just made his final notation when the door to the shop banged open and a harried-looking Paul stepped inside.  The man, who was usually just seconds away from smiling no matter when you saw him, looked worried.  Never a good sign.  “Please don’t tell me somethin’s up with tha generators.”  Not that he wouldn’t handle it like he always did, but Arthur’d really been looking forward to nothing more than a good book, a warm blanket, and a hot toddy (or two.)
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fidelisphasma · 2 years
Layin’ Down the Law
This is an independent, OC-friendly, multi-ship, multi-verse blog.  Don’t know what any of that means?  It’s okay to ask me.  :)  
I am OLD.  No, really.  Probably ancient by tumblr standards.  If you’re not comfortable writing with someone 35+ then you should walk away now.
I am SLOW.  Like… REALLY SLOW.  I usually manage to reply once every 3-5 months.  Sometimes it’s less, but not often.
I rarely seek out interactions for myself.  (It’s a long story, please don’t ask.)  If you found this blog on your own, then please be aware that you’ll have to approach me if you want to get something started.
If I’ve followed you, I’ve read your rules. In fact, if I’ve got any intention of writing with you, I’ve probably read them more than once.   I’m actually not comfortable following anyone without doing that first.  However, I DON’T send in passwords. Or ‘like’ posts or anything of that nature.  No exceptions. I’m sorry.  If your rules require a password and you follow me first I’ll assume you’ve read this rule and decided to make an exception for me.  I DO NOT follow blogs that ask for passwords (or anything similar) first.  EVER.
Just because this blog might look ‘dead’ doesn’t mean that it is.  It just means that I’m in-between replies or that I don’t have any partners right now.  If my muse interests you, then please send me a message.  If I weren’t interested in writing here, then I’d officially archive the blog.
This blog is multi-verse, which means all interactions will take place separately unless otherwise plotted.  I’ll RP with different versions of the same canon characters because everyone has their own interpretations and it’s fun to see how my muse reacts to different versions.  Please don’t let jealousy be a thing.  I love all of y’all equally, I swear.
I’m 100% okay with original characters and blogs with multiple muses.
I am open to RPing with just about anyone.  If we can find a way to make it work, then I’m good with any gender, any fandom, any sexuality, and any faceclaim (real or cartoon).  However, I’m not okay with blogs that RP as living people or as people who’ve recently died.  I feel it’s disrespectful.  You can follow me; I won’t block you or anything, but we won’t be RPing.  I’m generally okay with ‘real life’ historical blogs, but will examine them individually before following.
My blog isn’t Mutuals-Only, but I reserve the right to turn down RPs when and if I feel like it.  Please respect my choices.  Thank you.
I LOVE crossovers and AUs!  Even when I’m not familiar with the fandom.  :)  Just because I’m clueless about your fandom doesn’t mean we can’t write together.  All I ask is for your patience when dealing with my lack of knowledge.  :)
A firm reminder that OOC =/= IC. My ideals and morals aren’t reflected in the expressions/actions/and thoughts of my muses. If a muse has said or done something IC that makes you upset OOC, then talk to me about it.  I promise to listen and converse with you rationally about whatever’s happened.  I also expect to be treated the same in return.  If I have any reason to believe you’re having trouble finding the line between the two, I’ll come to you to talk about it.  Politely, of course.
In-character drama and angst is something I love and live for!  Out-of-character drama and angst won’t be tolerated.  Life is too short for the petty squabbles of you, your friends, and/or some other random internet stranger.  Posting callouts OF ANY KIND is probably the fastest way to get a soft-block from me.  Asking/demanding I choose sides of ANY KIND will likely result in the same.  Again - been there, done that.  I WILL NOT be dragged into ‘he said/she said/I’ve got screencaps’ levels of drama.  If you try, you WILL lose me as a partner.  No exceptions.
I’m okay with minor god-modding.  If you need my muse to follow yours somewhere or something along those lines, and you don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t, then it’s okay to do it.  Let’s save us both some additional writing time.  But for anything major or where you’re unsure what my muse would do, please talk to me first.  The same goes for meta-gaming. Unless your character has a real reason to know things about mine, please don’t do it.
In that same vein - please DO NOT try to circumvent my muse’s abilities by not telling me something that my muse SHOULD have noticed, and then having it come up in the RP.  If you’re not sure they’d notice, tell me in advance and we’ll figure out how to make things work best for both of us.  Thank you.
As far as grammar and spelling and punctuation and such - I fully respect those of you for whom English isn’t your first language.  I also respect those of you who have learning disabilities.  However - if I cannot understand your messages or your replies well enough to form a decent response, we’re not going to work out as writing partners.  I’m sorry; it’s not personal.
I generally prefer to do at least a little plotting beforehand, but starters and the like can still be sent, I don’t mind getting things started between our muses that way.
In regards to formatting of any kind (small font, icons, font embellishments, etc.) I’m okay to let you do you as long as you’re okay to let me do me.
I like for my roleplays to have an ending.  It doesn’t matter how long or how short the roleplay itself is, I just want it to have an obvious stopping point.  If our roleplays seem to constantly die rather than receive proper endings, I’m less likely to seek out future interactions.  It’s nothing against you, it’s just how I prefer my roleplaying experience to be.  We can still be friends and support each other within the community, we just won’t make good writing partners.
I tend to write A LOT.  I like to explore my character’s thoughts, and I like to explore back stories, and I like to offer up scene details.  The length of my reply will never require a reply of similar length from you.  As long as I have a way to reply, I’m not going to get upset if I write you 6 paragraphs, and you only reply with 2.
That being said, if you prefer one-liner RPs, we’re probably not going to mesh well as partners.  I just can’t do them, and I don’t want to force you to do something longer just to RP with me.
Chemistry.  Not just between the characters, but between the writers, too.  It NEEDS to be there.
I am well over the age of 18 - as is my muse - so smut could happen.  It’ll always be tagged NSFW.  If I miss something, tell me and I’ll fix it.
More about smut - if you’re not 18 or older, it’s not going to happen.  Not even ‘Fade-to-Black’ scenes.  No exceptions.  Please don’t misrepresent yourself to me in order to write smut.
Other NSFW topics - I’m okay with almost anything with the right plotting.  Please DON’T just throw it at me!  Ask and we’ll talk.  Also, please don’t think I will throw anything at you, either.  I won’t.  I take dark subjects seriously and believe things should always be discussed first.  However, this muse DOES have a dark back story, and it is entirely possible that things might get referenced within hi s own thoughts, so please be aware.
I don’t have triggers and I don’t tag them with CW or TW or any of that.  Everything I consider ‘questionable content’ is generally lumped under the NSFW tag.  Usually, if I’m posting about spiders or clowns or gore or whatever, I will tag it that way.  So, as long as you have the main words flagged or blacklisted or whatever, we should be good.  If we’re writing together and there is something you REALLY have an issue with and it’s slipping through your filters for some reason, come talk to me and we can try to work something out.
Contact me however is best/easiest for you, but please don’t expect instant replies - even when it looks like I’m online.
If you haven’t heard from me in 5+ days after sending me a message, give me another nudge.  I might’ve read it and forgotten to reply… or read it and thought I replied… or Tumblr might’ve eaten it.
If we’re writing together, I can offer you my discord handle on request.  That’s actually the quickest way to get in touch with me for plotting, etc.
DO NOT be gaslighty or passive-aggressive with me.  EVER.  I’ve been there, done that, and I REFUSE to put up with that kind of nonsense.  You’ll get one warning (and the offer to talk things out.) That’s it.  After that, I’ll probably just soft-block you/stop RPing with you.
Congratulations on making it to the end!  :D  I know my guidelines are long, but I’ve found that being straightforward and detailed makes for a much more enjoyable writing experience for both me and my partners.  If you’ve read through everything and are still interested in my muse, then please send me a message with some ideas and let’s start plotting.  ^_^
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