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Source: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=59957479&mode=medium
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Interesting info from WIT animator, Hiroyuki Tanaka added in S1 artbook vol. 3 regarding episode 9’s infamous hair-grab scene. This scene was added to show us their relationship.
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Art by 猫ママ
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Take care ~ 
my small contribution, after so much levihan in the previous chapters, this last one left me wanting more (  ˃ᆺ˂)♥
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The Library That’s Covered In Dust
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DISCLAIMER: This is a fan translation, so 110% accuracy is not guaranteed. However, we did our best to keep it as close to the original as possible without breaking English.
The place that the Survey Corps decided to take shelter from the rain was in an old castle that had a strong structure, regardless.  The echoing sound of rainfall beating against the large windows created a noisy atmosphere.
“No way… What a mountain of treasure!! Those ancient writings… If I could read them that would be nice. What the!? I still can’t decode this!”
That backside of someone who was lively as ever, merrily searching for documents was Hanji’s.
“Oi, Kuso-Megane. Did you let your squad members free to roam the place, leisurely?”
“Ah, Levi? That’s not the case because Moblit is taking care of everyone’s concerns. He’s an excellent and valuable subordinate, isn’t he?”
Without looking back, Hanji searched through the books – various types of ancient documents and picture scrolls, that were in this room which seemed to be a library in the past. She tried to pull a book from a place much higher up than her own height, and staggered.
Because mountains of books were caused to fall down, altogether, he barely managed to snatch the neck of her jacket, pulling her out of the way.
“Uwaa… You saved me, Levi. If I was hit by such a large amount of books, it would have been a spot that would make my head strange.”
“Don’t worry. It wouldn’t become any weirder. Honestly, you should pay more attention to your surroundings.”
Hanji corrected her hanging, dislocated goggles. She then brushed the dust off of the book she had taken out.
“This book here, for example… This old castle that exists inside the walls, there are many books and stored supplies written with letters that we can’t read right now. Such historic ruins are dotted in great number inside the walls. Seems like an extinct civilization, doesn’t it?”
“Don’t tell me the extent of your outlook. After all, I know your head is sharp. This is why I tell you that your life is important. If it weren’t for me being here right now and you were hit in a fragile place, the bones of your neck would have been broken.”
“You’re kind.”
Levi felt as though he were annoyed. He even made a face as if to show he was in a bad mood. He hates his own character being expressed with such words.
“You say this on purpose, knowing that I don’t like it.”
“Ah ha ha! That I see right through you?”
Hanji, then, sat of the floor with a thump. She opened a book while lifting her face.
“What sort of business is it, so soon?  You came to see me, didn’t you?”
“Ah. It’s about Eren. He wants permission to roam around this old castle, that as a military, we give the approval for him to come out of the basement.”
“It’s safe. The outer walls here were build using a solid method of construction. Furthermore, in the unlikely event that Eren transforms into a titan and busts through the roof, there are a good number of footholds on the tower for our maneuvering equipment……. Ah, if only I could understand the meanings of these pictures while cramming in the impressions of these books and such…” Hanji said, carelessly.
“Understood. That helps…Also…”
“Before searching the place, dry the clothes on your body. It’s unseemly that your shirt is showing through.”
He points at the fire in a fireplace which was probably lit by Moblit who was worried about the soaking wet superior officer. Levi glared into her eyes as if looking at raw garbage.
“Understood. It would be good if I read over there.”
Levi sighed at the view of Hanji’s back as she slowly moved to position herself before the fireplace, and then he left the room.
NOTES: “Raw Garbage” is the literal translation of the word “Namagomi”; nama meaning “raw” and “gomi” meaning “trash”. Interestingly, “nama” can also mean “crude” if used colloquially. I’m not sure if this is the case with “Namagomi”, however given the context, the scenario it’s being used in, it makes me wonder if he meant crude. Additional note: some people were confused at the “raw garbage” part so this is to clear things up. If you read the sentence carefully, it says he looks at her IN THE EYES not AT HER and it says “like looking at raw garbage” as if to describe the expression on his face.
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Art by もりー
Posted with permission
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Jean (looking at Hange taking care of Levi): Hange-san, we should marry our beloved Ackermans in the future, shall we?
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Small/low quality levihan
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Guys I found a secret panel!
I tried my best ok?
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Illustration of LeviHan by SnK Animator Uemi (うえみ) ❤❤❤❤
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Did you see this art done by Uemiko6-san (SnK animator)?! O: Apparently it says: ‘A sketch before sleeping. I drew a set with Hanji-san because Levi doesn’t shine if he’s alone’ 
ESP: ‘Un boceto antes de dormir. Dibujé un set con Hanji-san porque Levi no brilla si está solo’
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Heyyy first of all i loveee your blog you are such a positive person! Second what’s your opinion on the “hanji could have a crush on levi”? After the latest chapters I think it might be possible but would isayama dare to show us more such interactions between them?
Thank you anon ❤❤
I think that scene can be interpreted both as romantic or not. I personally feel it as very intimate, two people showing their weaknesses to eachother and supporting eachother, it was something really special. So I think the quote "Hanji could have a crush on Levi" is correct (just to be clear "could have", I'm not saying it's 100% confirmed, I already said there are two possible interpretations).
First she wished to live together with Levi. And yes I know it's because she was thinking about escaping from the mess that is the situation right now, but still! Living with someone it's not something you think about to do unless the person you are talking about is really really close to you. You know, I've been thinking about this scene a lot, so I tried to immagine two characters that are pretty certainly not in love in the same situation. Let's take for example, idk, Connie and Mikasa? (If there are some Connie×Mikasa shippers in the audience, I'm really sorry. Keep up the rare pairs!) So let's immagine Connie saying the same thing to Mikasa. Wouldn't it seems weird? And yet Connie and Mikasa have know eachother for a long time. So this scene between Levi and Hanji surely shows a really strong bond between them and I personally think that the romantic interpretation of it is absolutely valid, especially after snk 127, where we have a parallel with an explicitly romantic scene, where Jean dreams about living with Mikasa.
We also have Hanji blushing at the fact that Levi heard her and blushing can be used as a indication of romantic feelings. OF COURSE that's not the only use for blushing, for example Hanji blushed when the newspaper guys complimented the Survey Corp, but still, the blush CAN have a romantic meaning, nobody can deny that. So again the fact that Hanji COULD have a crush on Levi it's true. Also in this case the blush is about Levi hearing Hanji saying "we should just live here together", that as I said it's a pretty important and potentially romantic statement.
Isayama will surely show us more interactions between Levi and Hanji, it would really surprise me if he doesn't, but I don't know if they'll be so intimate, also because they're not alone anymore.
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It's so cute how she never leaves his side🖤
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*Posted with permission from the original artist
*Do NOT repost on other sites without permission
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The beach scene with Levi and Hange was hilarious. She notices sea cucumbers and is curious, Levi keeps guard and goes full mom friend by telling her not to touch them because they might be venomous. Hange ignores him and the next panel of them is Hange holding sea cucumbers and Levi staring at her looking tired like "goddammit what did I just tell you???"
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Their relationship in two panels. 😂 Levi the clean freak trying to keep his woman safe, and Hange the scientist plunging right in to see what she can discover! I love how, even when they’re faced with the ocean for the first time, Levi only has eyes for Hange. 😭🙏
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Levihan is canon and you can’t tell me otherwise
Part 2
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