fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
a rant about the music in the portwell confession scene :D
i've been thinking about this just now, and i think that part of the reason why i love the cheesy music that they used in the background of the portwell kiss is not only because they're idiots in love, but because they're finally happy together.
in the r*na confession scene, gina is bawling her eyes out telling ricky that she wouldn't quit on them. she calls the fact that she's crying stupid and gets crushed when he ultimately chooses nini over her.
after breaking up with nini, ej becomes scared of rejection, wearing black on valentine's day and hopelessly trying to win her back in season 1.
when gina asks if she could kiss ej, she is totally free, happy, and honest with her feelings instead of holding back. after the heartbreak in 2x12 and in the past episodes, they finally found happiness with each other. the background music being sentimental and sad wouldn't really make sense in this case because it's not a sad moment. it's a celebration of the fact that they're in love, smiling, and happy together.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
matt ej x gina interview
since i've been in a slump after the finale, here are some of the best things from matt's new interview on portwell :D
- i'm seriously hoping that in order to build suspense, there is a flashback of the 2x12 kiss in 3x01.
- i totally agree that ej and gina have pretty similar character arcs in that they both were seen as the "villains" in season 1 and changed in season 2. they show each other that it's ok to not have everything figured out, and have finally found the person that treats them right. when they were apart, it felt as though their whole world was crumbling and falling.
- part of what makes portwell so amazing is not only the acting, but also matt and sofia's real friendship. they're so comfortable with each other and that transitions onto their characters. i love that they were thinking about eating risotto since it was mentioned in the show and neither one of them knew what is was. as for their on screen date, i really hope that maybe they can somehow show it in season 3 since ej and gina know of each other's feelings and it'll make the entire thing so much better.
- second chance is such a powerful song because as much as it is about relationships like portwell, every single character mentions their own pains and how they feel individually. nini wants to explore new things, gina contemplates wether or not she is safer on the run, ej thinks he misread the signs and ricky begins again. they throwback to season 1 really made me personally think about how far they've come.
- i really hope that in season 3 ej thinks more about the what the future holds for him and what he wants to do in college. having a summer season would be perfect to show more of his development and maturity when it comes to what's next for him.
matt doing these interviews is like the only thing giving me hope for season 3 and keeping me going and i love them so yay :D i'm so excited that he loves ej and gina so much.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
every time i rewatch 2x12, i get so sad when i see just how MISERABLE ej and gina were without one another.
after ej canceled their date, his eyes filled with tears and his "smile" fell. he looked hopelessly after gina as she left and probably wished that things were different.
gina sobbing at the makeup table showed just how excited she was to go out with ej. she cared about him so much and was absolutely heartbroken. i can't help feeling that when she said to nini that he "cancelled for good," it also meant that she thought it was the end of their relationship.
the idea or possibility of them not being together made them both feel so wretched and hurt. it takes a really valuabe person to cause such strong emotions. they were each trying to put on a brave face while crumbling inside.
i'm so glad that everything was cleared up because those scenes were painful :D
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
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i know that’s right!!!!
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
fools in love
not sure if it's just me, but i honestly LOVE the way that the portwell confession scene was done.
gina running after ej: for so long, gina wasn't sure about a lot of things in her life. even in the couch scene, she mentioned to ej that she was constantly one natural disaster away from landing in a new place. she was never able to get closure with ricky and he kept pushing her away for nini. with ej, she found the ability to take control and became sure that the person she was giving her heart to wouldn't tear it apart.
can i kiss you?: instead of saying something along the lines of i like you, the fact that she wanted to kiss ej was honestly the most adorable thing. it's so spontaneous and really shows that gina no longer wants to put up her walls like in second chance and longs to open up her heart.
the background music: probably controversial, but the background music being super upbeat and cheesy really highlights their relationship. i think back to their homecoming plan when gina took ej out and poured a drink on his head in the hopes that they could somehow get the leads. the idea made no sense and i think that this foolish aspect of their relationship is so cute. they're just idiots in love who found each other when they needed it most.
the feeling of surprise: after heartbreak and miscommunication, ej probably wasn't expecting gina to run after him. when he said can you what? combined with his speechless look of shock were the best.
i love that they can shamelessly and openly be in love with one another :D
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
definitely not over the portwell kiss
probably one of the main reasons why i love portwell and think they will stay together for the long run is because they have the ability to acknowledge the other's worth.
in the first season, both ej and gina were constantly second choices, ej with nini and gina with ricky. even if it wasn't totally obvious, they seemed to be in second place to someone else. nini was still not fully over ricky, causing ej to hurt, and ricky was not fully over nini, causing gina to hurt.
even in something as trivial as the improv exercise, ej asked gina because he genuinely wanted to, not because someone wasn't there. he gave her compliments and made her feel like the only girl in the world. he wanted her to open up and talk about her experiences. when ej brought his concerns to gina, she gave him advice, care, and attention.
it's so important that gina wanted ej to be her first kiss because that is something so monumental and requires total faith in the other person. he wasn't stuck in second place anymore. standing in front of him was a girl who trusted him, loved him, and wanted to be with him.
in the airport scene with jack, gina mentioned that she wanted to get her first kiss once she found the right guy who would show up and stay around. throughout the entire season, ej proved just that. from picking her up at the airport to asking her out, he showed her that she is worth so much and was always there for her when she needed him.
so yes, the finale ended in the best way possible and i love that they have such a strong underlying connection between them.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
portwell x fanfic moments
now that it's the end of season 2, i thought i'd make a big compilation of portwell moments that were straight out of a fanfic:
plane ticket: the first sign in season 1 of them actually becoming friends. i absolutely love this moment and it's so deeply personal to me. their conversation while the show kept on going and the way they looked at each other, it felt as though it belonged on ao3 instead of being canon but i'm so grateful for it :D
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fake dating at north high: honestly everything about this moment is so pure and so adorable. the way he brings her in and puts his arm around her, the risotto - i will never get over it.
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ej picking gina up from the airport: her flight to louisiana was cancelled. he went to bring her back in the morning. the moment was actually so perfect and on top of that, he brought her the granola bar she forgot. the entires time, she wore his sweatshirt which was so comforting and cute.
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the risotto date: he remembered their little moment at north high and got the courage to ask her out for for real. their facial expressions and gina's excited walk away was so perfect.
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can i kiss you: after the mutual heartbreak because of miscommunication, gina went to him outside slices and asked him to be her first kiss. the way they walked ran towards each other and were so unconditionally happy after so much tears was straight out of a rom com.
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they finally got the happy ending that they deserved and i'm so happy :D
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
first off, i want to say that THERE WILL BE SPOILERS so please be careful, thank u.
yayy, I STAYED AWAKEEEEE:) let's do this, i'm sobbing.
- ok, so this was probably my favorite recap. i loved the flashback of the whole season, so adorable.
- redlyn was so cute, and it was really sweet that big red made the sign for ash on her big night. i'm really happy that kowie are back on good terms. loved kourtney's mom in the background.
- the whole storyline with mr. mazarra and the caltech program was so interesting, and it was nice of ej to most likely persuade his father to call them. the ending when mr. mazarra said that the only thing keeping him in salt lake is ms. jenn was *chefs kiss*
- speaking of ms. jenn, i liked that she apologized to ricky after the whole jump off something high thing.
- portwell: no because the scene when ej cancelled their date and said that they should go to slices instead was HEARTBREAKING. then he had to clarify that he didn't want to reschedule and her face fell, i wasn't okay. gina sobbing at the makeup table was gut-wrenching. i actually kept looking at the amount of time until the end of the episode to make sure there was enough to not leave them open-ended. AND THEY DIDN'T. literally to end the episode, ashlyn told her about the whole big brother thing and how if she knew that was how she felt, she would have given gina different advice. obviously gina was confused, ran to ej as he was leaving, and asked him to be her first kiss. i was hoping they would bring that back, so yep, i'm happy :)
- second chances was ofc AMAZING. the whole video and song were super sad but like i love the throwback and the harmonies were so good. i hope we hear more of matt and sofia's voices.
- i loved rini and their little card scene backstage. i really hope that they stay friends, but i was absolutely positive that they would get back together by the finale as always.
- the whole thing with ricky and lily, i would totally be here for it if not for the fact that she's most likely using him and never told him about the harness.
- i'm so happy that gina helped nini with her music and contacted jamie. their scene by the makeup table was so heartfelt, and i'm glad that they got the closure they deserved in the finale.
- the whole ending, with the phone calls and the portwell "kiss", yes it was cheesy, but i loved it in every way possible and i'm so happy that everything fell into place. it left so much room open for a season 3, with nini calling jamie and ricky calling lily.
- at the very end though, natalie and antoine basically confirmed a season 3 with the whole buckle up, wildcats. this summer's about to get hot so maybe there will actually be a summer season.
- the bloopers at the ending - i sobbed. matt was so sweet with you are the music in me and i just love the whole cast.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
i was watching a portwell edit getting ready for the finale and i completely forgot that gina was the only one who wanted to do the morning announcements with ej.
i rest my case.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
maybe it’s just me but if portwell hadn’t been a thing i would not have been even 1/5739238752 as invested in this season of hsmtmts
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
i love them your honor
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
gushing over matt :D
one of my favorite things is how fondly and vulnerably the cast talks about the show.
like in matt's live stream, he fully expressed how much he loves portwell and their development from season 1. it makes me so happy that he also realizes their potential, likes the couch scene, and cares about the characters as much as the fandom.
i have high hopes for tomorrow knowing that he likes them together.
+ the way he described the fake dating scene with sofia at north high was the BEST thing.
i just screenshotted these gems of matt talking about portwell sooo i thought i would add them :D
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
second chance meltdown
i've taken a look at the actual lyrics of second chances since it got released in full today, and let me just say that i am HEARTBROKEN.
imagine giving your all to someone just to feel betrayed. imagine liking loving someone so much that you're willing to stay friends and are proud of how far you've come. imagine feeling so comfortable with another person just to think that you've completely misread the signs as you read in between the lines.
imagine placing so much trust in someone just to think that it's safer with a closed heart. imagine losing the person who made you smile the most and think it's safer on the run. imagine heartbreak affecting you so much that you build up your walls and hide.
and the worst part is, it's all in their heads. it's just miscommunication.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
by specifically taking a hit at gina and ej’s relationship to one another, the writers carefully set up portwell angst so that the only way it can be resolved with both of them being happy is with a love confession.
no matter which way it goes, one of them will have to say that they think of them as more that just friends and actuallly really like them, if the topic is brought up.
i think that’s beautiful :D
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
“y’all just don’t want to see gina with the lead male of the show!!!111”
portwell: having the most screentime/focus out of all the ships this season
rina: haven’t interacted in 5 episodes straight
…dots luv
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
main ship energy
it always makes me feel better when i think of how much time and effort the writers have put into creating and setting up portwell since season 1.
history: the very first portwell interaction was in 1x02 when gina stole nini's phone for ej and suggested that because they want the same thing, they should work together. in season 1 alone, they went from enemies to friends, having been a team from the start. portwell has had so much development, and contrary to the belief of some, it wasn't something random that just popped out of nowhere.
moments: since their talk during the Quinceañero in 2x05 up until 2x11, portwell has had 7 straight episodes of just pure fonding/cute moments and conversations.
2x05: you're glowing and gina not believing how sweet ej was being. bonus: ej gazing at gina while mr. mazarra was talking to him.
2x06: gina choosing ej for the improve exercise.
2x07: fake dating at north high.
2x08: laughing in the classroom and the intimate couch conversation + ej giving gina the duke sweatshirt.
2x09: ej looking at gina during the video call, him picking up gina from the airport and bringing her the granola bar she forgot to pack + gina wearing the duke sweatshirt.
2x10: ej asking gina out for risotto and her accepting.
2x11: ej showering gina with compliments during the show, her not wanting him to stop, and constantly looking at each other during something there.
guest stars: since i'm considering lily, antonie, and howie as traditional members of the show, the characters brought in for season 2 each had something to do with portwell's development either positively or negatively.
jack: towards the very end of 2x09 when jack and gina were saying goodbye at the airport, she said that the right guy has to show up and stay around. a few minutes later, she saw ej standing at the bottom of the escalators ready to bring her back in the morning, even saying gotta show up for your peeps. the best part was gina's moment of realization at the end.
jamie: other than serving as a source of support for gina, the only other person that jamie talked to the entire episode was ej. his entire character served to bring angst into the relationship and potentially cause the connection to a portwell love confession in the next episode.
north high kid: although he wouldn't really be considered a guest star, i wanna put him in anyways. because he approached gina, ej put his arm around her and they pretended to be together.
portwell is on it's way to becoming one of the main relationships of the show, if it hasn't already. they have caused so many of the events that happened and even guest stars like asher and jordan were put in for the purpose of their story.
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fieldsofdaisies · 3 years
"and he saved me in every way that a person can be saved"
this is probably one of my favorite parallels between titanic and portwell. it perfectly describes the relationship between ej and gina as a whole from the very beginning.
ej and gina started off as strangers, eventually deciding to work together and come up with a plan for ej to get nini/the role of troy and for gina to get the lead. gina stole nini's phone for ej, and took him as a fake date to the homecoming dance. she poured punch on him afterwards. yes, their plan was flawed, but that's exactly what their relationship was, foolish and carefree. feeling bad that gina had to move and miss the show, ej bought her a plane ticket so she could perform in the second act.
gina fell for ricky, and was constantly disappointed when she was his second choice. in the end, he always ran back to nini. it was rarely about gina's feelings, but rather him frequently asking her for advice about his relationship with nini. when she expressed concerns about not getting chocolates from her mom on valentine's day, he made no effort to ease her heart ache. why should he when nini was his top priority?
at a time when she was at her lowest and contemplated moving away, ej came into gina's life and filled it with sunshine. he showered her with compliments and made her feel capable of anything. "you're glowing," he told her. during the improve class, instead of doing the exercise with ricky who only went to her because nini wasn't there, she chose ej. that was only the beginning. when they went to north high to get the beast mask back, it was ej who accompanied her on the lookout and got her out of an uncomfortable situation. he made her laugh with her whole chest. they had the ability to talk about serious topics involving the future, and she felt safe enough with him to not only fall asleep next to him, but to wear his sweatshirt. it was ej who picked her up from the airport when her flight was delayed. he asked her out for risotto. gina constantly kept looking at him during the school's play, and didn't want him to stop saying nice things about her.
because of ej, gina now understands the meaning of unconditional and irrevocable love.
because of gina, ej learned how to become a better person and made sure to put others before himself.
i'm sure this has been mentioned before, this is just me adding to a topic that has been talked about a lot, but when gina and ej first met, they had no idea just how important they would be in each other's life. a piece was missing from their puzzle, and when they realized that they were each other's missing piece, in all came together.
to revise the original quote: they saved each other in every way that people can. :D
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