fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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“They defend themselves, that’s all!”
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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i’m 101% sure that this entire line was improv and tom couldn’t help it
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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Hiccup and Toothless in ‘Stryke Out’.
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
i don’t usually get political but this has all the world to do with my blog and yours.
if you’re an american, please read this. even if you’re not, please read this and signal boost it. 
america has laws on something called net neutrality. this keeps internet service providers from regulating media. without it, they could 
block whatever websites they please
charge extra for websites
charge extra for different categories like social media or research
make competitor websites run slower
and our government is voting to repeal it. 
Keep reading
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Spark a Ship || winterwonderjack
Astrid sat on the dock beside Jack, propped up with her hands behind her and her legs swinging idly over the small waves rolling in to shore. The blonde cast a quick glance at her friend, taking in the way the light off of the setting sun softened his handsome features. Her eyes dropped to the curve of his lips, the ones that let out the laughter that was music to her ears, and she found herself wondering how they’d feel pressed to her own. 
 At the thought, she quickly averted her eyes to star down at the shining water as a light dusting of pink rose to her cheeks. Friends weren’t supposed to look at each other that way! And yet… Astrid couldn’t help it. Her feelings for Jack had only been growing lately. With every smile he cast her, every laugh she managed to pull from him she only found herself falling harder. 
 Blue eyes slid over to look at the young man again. He couldn’t possibly feel the same way, could he? Only one way to find out, the blonde thought, steeling her nerves. 
 Bringing her arms in front of her, she clasped her hands and inhaled. “Jack?” She began quietly, heart beating a little faster against her ribs. “I… I want to be more than friends.” The words fell quickly, forced out in a concerned rush. Astrid hardly dared to meet the boy’s eyes after, frustrated by her own apprehensiveness and worry. But what was she so afraid of? Losing a friend and a crush all at once from one sentence, the alone the potential rejection.
Jack stared at Astrid stunned at her statement. His mind blanked, too stunned to process the words that had come out of her mouth. "You what?" he asked, swallowing thickly. 
 It was impossible, was his first thought. There was no way Astrid saw anything in him other than a friend. He didn't think anything else was an option for him. He wasn't even human anymore. And Astrid was. She was alive, warm and full of passion that would've had his heart racing if it still pumped blood through his body. 
 She deserved so much better than him. 
 He shook his head and tried to smile through the ache in his chest. He didn't know how this happened. He didn't want to hurt her, but he also knew that they had no future together, no matter how much he wished things were different. 
"Astrid, I wish...." He trailed off, shaking his head again and looked down into the water, hating the words he knew he had to say next. "That's not something that could happen between us, you know that, right?" He peeked up at her from beneath his fringe of hair, blue eyes shining slightly as he spoke, hoping she'd see just how much he wished things were different. 
The thundering in her chest faltered, her heart crumpling like a wounded bird. Shoulders straightened, cautious blue eyes dropped to gaze back out at the water.
 "Right." The words were clipped by her feelings of hurt. Shaking her head and forcing a smirk, she softened her tone as she spoke next. "Yea. Knew that. I was testing you." 
 Swallowing hard, Astrid clenched her hands together tighter, the knuckles white. She dared not meet the spirits troubled gaze lest he see the silver lining her own. She gave a terse nod. "You know as well as I do we can't have that." Now she was babbling, fighting to agree and push down the thoughts she'd been having.
Jack felt his heart breaking. He never wanted to hurt Astrid, but he knew this would never work out between them. Not in the long run. She was human, alive. He wasn’t. She would grow older, while he would still look the same twenty, thirty years in the future. 
 Maybe he was just being a coward, he thinks. Only thinking about protecting his own heart because in the end, no matter what, he was the one that would be left alone. He would have to watch Astrid grow older, no matter what. But at least this way he wouldn’t be holding her back from living her life to the fullest. He loved her too much to do that to her. 
 It really was better this way. 
 He swallowed and let out a soft breath. “I’m sorry, Astrid,” he said gently, placing his hand over hers. He ran his thumb over her knuckles, hoping to ease the tension in them. “I wish things were different…” 
 He gave her fingers a small squeeze, leaning over to try to catch her eyes. “You deserve someone you can actually have a life with. Not…me. You understand?”
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
The Job
Jack breathed out a sigh of a relief when he managed to successfully land his ship in the dock. He wasn’t sure he was going to make it for a second there and that would’ve sucked. A lot. 
 Oh well, no point dwelling on the “would be"s and "what if"s. He’d made it and that was all that mattered! 
 He spun around in the pilot’s chair and made his way to the cargo bay, booted feet feeling unnaturally heavy as they clanked lightly through the ship. He wasn’t used to wearing anything on his feet, but being planet side meant he’d have to endure it. Who knew what he’d contract walking around barefoot on this backwater planet. Better to be uncomfortable for a few hours then dead, is what Jack always said. 
 He opened the hatch and stepped out of the ship, walking down the ramp. He looked around at the busy dock, at all the stalls lining the streets and took a deep breathe of fresh air. 
 He immediately choked, breathing in smoke and dust and who knew what other toxins that permeated in the air. Okay, so "fresh” was kind of pushing it, but it was better than the stale, recycled air he’d breathing in for the past few weeks anyway. Or at least a nice change of pace. He could smell spices and food cooking too and that was definitely a nice change. He hadn’t had any real food in weeks, surviving only on protein bars.
He strolled down the street, smiling and greeting anybody who even glanced at him. He’d been without any human contact in so long that he didn’t care that no one responded to him. It was just good to see people and have them bustling around him. 
 Sometimes he thought about finding a crew, but he could barely keep his ship up in the air and barely managed to keep himself fed. He didn’t know how he’d keep a whole crew fed and paid. Besides, he wasn’t sure he’d like the responsibility that would come with a crew. 
 So, yeah, it was better if he stayed on his own. He worked better that way anyway. 
 Finally making it to the meeting place he’d scheduled to talk about a potential job, he entered the dark and dinky bar and looked around for the guy he’d spoken to a few days ago. He had no idea what the job was, but the pay was enough that he didn’t particularly care what it was.
Turns out, the job is just transporting some goods. Which is kind of boring and anti-climatic in Jack’s opinion, until he hears where he’d be taking it and then he perks up in interest. 
 The planet he’d be transporting the goods to is right in the middle of some dangerous space that’s notorious for pirates. And not the nice kind like Jack who usually kept to raiding long dead ships that were floating though space, but the ruthless kind that killed children and did unspeakable things to women just for the fun of it. 
 He eagerly accepted the job despite the danger(or maybe because of it), but on his way back to his ship, he realized a problem. His baby would never make it that far into space. She was on her last legs already(if ships had legs anyway) and he didn’t have enough to fix her up to good working condition. 
 With a sigh, he tried to think of a solution. The job was too good to turn down and he’d already given his word that he’d do it. Jack hated backing out on his word.
By the time he got back to his ship, he realized there was only one solution to his problem. He’d have to get a new ship. He balked at the idea, but there was nothing he could do about it. He needed to find someone who had a more reliable ship and would be willing to let him use it for a percentage of the pay off. (Again, he balked at the idea of splitting the pay but again, he didn’t see any way around it.) 
 The problem now was finding someone to help him. He didn’t exactly have any friends, and what few business partners he’d had in the past probably all wanted him dead now. But. There was one person he thought he could count on not to try to kill him until the job was done. And she had a pretty good ship that she kept in pretty good shape. 
 They had a pretty bitter parting a few years prior, but he was sure she’d gotten over it by now. Besides, the whole thing was her fault anyway so if anything she owed him this favor. 
 With that thought, he settled into the pilot’s seat and kicked off his boots, wiggling his toes. “Ahh, freedom,” he murmured with a small chuckle and spun around to face the console. He pressed a few buttons to pull up the vidscreen to call his old partner…Astrid.
Astrid leaned back in her chair at the console, watching in satisfaction as the stars began to blur into bright lines. Her ship, the Valhalla, hurtled off into hyper space, its sleek design meant for incredible speed. The engines thrummed softly in the back ground, mingling with the contented growls of Stormfly, her Star Dragon, sleeping. 
 The ship’s movements smoothed out and the blonde got up from her seat to walk to the beast. She had found her on a voyage in Deep Space, a dangerous one she had barely made it out of alive. However, she’d stumbled across this magnificent creature, covered in shimmering blue scales with luminous gold eyes. The dragon had seemed so familiar, the strange azure muzzle striking a chord inside the blonde. 
 The beast had been caged and bleeding, distrustful of the girl’s intentions. When she had instead released her, desperately hoping for the wingless-dragon to provide her with a means of escape, she’d be confused. Knowing she was her only chance, Astrid had coaxed her out, resting her hand on the warm snout and keeping her gaze locked on hers. As she had watched the dragon, she’d noticed something in her eyes, something that took her back in her memories…
She’d been so very young, adventuring through the forests of her home planet when she’d come across the dragon. Only avid curiosity had existed in that moment as she’d regarded the ferocious animal, one that could easily tear her apart. Yet she’d spared her, played with her even. 
Looking at Stormfly now, Astrid remembered how she’d amazingly lowered, watching the young girl with careful, steady eyes. She’d remembered her, and sensing her desperation and fear, had offered her help in compensation for hers. They’d been companions ever since. 
 The faint tinkling sound of her communications device had her startling out of her reverie. Brow furrowing slightly, she strode back to the cockpit, eyes searching the display to see who was calling. They widened in disbelief at first before swiftly narrowing in displeasure. She tapped the Answer option on the screen before saying frostily, “Hello, Jack.”
Jack was surprised when she answered on the first try. He thought he’d have to call her a few times before she finally answered, so he wasn’t prepared to see her right away. 
 “A-Astrid!” he exclaimed in disbelief, eyes widening a fraction. He quickly shook off his surprise and sat up in his chair, lifting a hand in greeting. “How’ve you been? It’s been a while, huh? You look great, though. Did you change your hair?” he asked, pasting (what he hoped was) a charming grin on his face. 
Flattery probably wasn’t going to get him far with Astrid, but it didn’t hurt to try.
Astrid watched the screen, her face an unimpressed mask. Eyes narrowing at the flattery attempt, she tossed back her bangs to clear her eyes. “I’m fine,” came her lofty voice, followed by, “Yourself?”
 Sitting back in her chair, her face softened in curiosity. It had been a long time since she’d last seen the white-haired boy, and they hadn’t parted on good terms then. So why was he contacting her? 
Ignoring the attempt at flattery, she continued, “What is the meaning of this call?”
Seeing her unfazed by his words, Jack smiled a little more naturally. Even if they parted on bad terms, he still kind of missed her and her no nonsense attitude. 
“Aha, straight to the point, as usual, huh?” Jack cleared his throat and sat back in his seat, grinning at her through the screen. “I need your help with a job. Well, mostly I need your ship. As much as I love my baby, it won’t make the trip.”  
   She watched him in interest as he spoke. He certainly didn’t seem to hold a grudge by the way he was looking at her. Then again, that could be just be because he needed her. She set her elbow on the arm rest of her chair and propped her chin in her hand. “All right… You have me intrigued. What’s this job?”
Jack stared at her in surprise. This was going a lot easier than he had expected. For some reason, he thought she’d still be pissed at him for what happened between them, but he guessed not. Which was great, seeing how it wasn’t his fault in the first place. 
 He quickly shook the shock off and grinned at her, leaning forward in his seat. “Okay, it’s just a simple delivery to one of the Rim planets,” he explained, deciding against mentioning the pirate infested space they’d have to go through to get there. At least for now. Once they were on their way and Astrid was too invested to back out, then maybe he’d bring it up.
Astrid Her eyes narrowed thoughtfully and her lips pursed. “The Rim Planets, huh?” They sounded familiar, but Astrid couldn’t quite place why. She hadn’t been there in the past… Had she heard it from one of the ports? 
 Despite that, she knew better than to accept straight away. “So what’s the pay? And what would we be delivering?” The blonde looked at the young man on her screen inquisitively, a hint of wariness in her gaze.
Jack hesitated a moment. She was agreeing to this way too easily. What if this was some kind of trap and she was using this as an excuse to get him alone on her ship so she could feed him to her Star Dragon! 
 He quickly pushed the thought away because that was ridiculous. Stormfly loved him (kind of) and would never hurt him (maybe). Well, there was a fifty-fifty possibility of Stormfly not eating him….if he was lucky.
 He cleared his throat lightly and smiled again, trying to ignore all thoughts of being eaten. “Ah, they’re just supplies, I think. No one ever wants to go out to those dusty little planets, ya know,” he explained, waving a hand dismissively. “The pay’s pretty good too, all things considering. 10k. We can split it eighty-twenty,” he offered, raising his brows at her.
Astrid regarded him with a closed expression, thoughts and possibilities dashing through her mind. She was still skeptical of the task, as well as Jack’s intentions.  
Her wariness grew at his hesitation. Why would he hesitate? Was he hiding something? Her brow knitted together in displeasure as Jack continued. It was a high price sure, but the ‘deal’ he was offering ticked her off. Replying coolly, she said, “80 for me sounds great, as we’ll be using my ship like you wanted.” Icy blue eyes fixed on his in interest, waiting for a reaction from him.
    Jack stared at Astrid for a small moment, before he threw his head back and laughed loudly. He’d forgotten how dry her sense of humor could be. “I’m kidding, obviously. Wow, come on, Astrid. We’ll be splitting it 50-50 as usual, of course. We may be using your ship, but it’s my job and I’ll be doing most of the work anyway, you’re getting the better end of the deal, really,” he said quickly with a grin. 
 And hopefully we won’t run into any pirates, he thought to himself. He didn’t know which he was more afraid of though: running into pirates, or dealing with Astrid once she found out about the possible run-in with pirates…
Her eyebrows shot up at his laughter and she couldn’t help the twitch at the corner of her mouth that nearly pulled her lips into a lopsided grin. Oh, how she’d missed his laugh and never even realized it until now. Maybe this wouldn’t be such a terrible idea after all. 
 Muscles loosened and the blonde leaned back in her chair. “Alright… You have a deal, Jack.” She cocked her head to the side with a small smirk. The task seemed simple enough, and the pay was good. Almost suspiciously good… But Astrid was confident in her varying skills. She’d handled various other trying missions in the past.
Jack’s face brightened at hearing her words. “That’s great! You’re a real life saver, Astrid. I owe you big time!” he exclaimed, leaning closer towards the screen in his excitement. Honestly, if she were there in person, he might’ve kissed her. (And probably gotten a fist to the face for it, but it would’ve been worth it, in his opinion.) 
 He settled back in his seat once again, calming down a little. “Now,” he started with an awkward chuckle. “Do you think you could come pick me up? I’m kinda stranded…,” he confessed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.
Her smirk disappeared at mention of being stranded. Scowling lightly, she leaned back in her chair, a hand running through blonde locks. Astrid shook her head and crossed her arms with a half-hearted mutter. “I don’t think I should be surprised by that…” 
 She had half a mind to take back her approval of the deal, in all honesty. But, the pay was going to be excellent, and maybe she’d get in a few good swings at Jack. Neither did she feel that she could leave a friend stranded. Sighing aloud, she raised her eyes back to the monitor and asked dryly, “Where are you stranded?”
Jack laughed lightly and was struck again by how much he truly missed Astrid. He was glad he’d called her for this job. Of all his past partnerships, he liked and trusted Astrid the most. Maybe they could finally reconcile their friendship from their last job. 
 “I’ll send you the coordinates,” he said, typing a few buttons into the control panel to send them to her. “I’ll be waiting on the docks for you. Just send me a message when you’re landing.”
Wary eyes watched the young man and then flicked to another monitor when the message showed up. Astrid let out an exasperated groan when she recognized the coordinates. 
 Teeth worked at her lip and the blonde let out a huff. “Alright, I’ll be there soon. Probably no more than a couple hours.” She programmed the numbers into the ship’s warp drive and powered up the engine. She shot a pointed look Jack’s way before saying, “Keep out of trouble.” With that, she ended the call and hurtled into space.
Jack grinned as Astrid cut off communication. He'd had a feeling she wasn't going to like his location and boy did he love being right. Almost as much as he loved pushing people's buttons. And Astrid's were always a joy to push.
 He spins around in the cockpit chair, chuckling softly. "Keep out of trouble, she says," he repeats to himself, amusement lacing his tone. "She does know who she's talking to, right?" he asks the small bobble head he keeps taped down on the ships control panel. 
 With that thought, he gets to his feet, stretching slightly from sitting down. He had a few hours to kill before Astrid showed up, it seemed. Time to find something fun to do on this backwards planet.
Astrid ran a hand through her bangs, releasing a tired sigh. This job had better be worth it. Blue eyes raised to the windows before her and narrowed in displeasure. Oh, how she hated this planet. 
 Standing from the console, she made her way to the wall and grabbed an axe to sling over her shoulder. Stormfly heard the clank of the metal and was soon padding out of her chamber, greeting Astrid after her nap with a soft headbutt. Astrid grinned and patted her head. "Of course, I couldn't go out there without you." As intimdating as she could be on her own, the dragon often ensured that no trouble causers would come too close. 
 A riding seat was tossed onto the beast and quickly fastened. Astrid hopped up into onto her and the pair prowled out the door as it lowered onto the docks before closing behind them. A warm, dry breeze blew past, a few stray grains of sand hitting the blonde's cheek. She scanned the bustling area for that stark white hair with a faint scowl. "Ugh... Jack had better be here..."
Staying out of trouble was definitely not in Jack's skillset. He tried though, he really did. But he had a hard time keeping himself preoccupied when left to his own devices. He got bored too easily and stirring up trouble just made life more fun if you asked him. 
 After hanging up with Astrid, he wandered around the market, looking at the different goods on display. Eventually he found himself sitting down at the local bar. He'd only have one drink to pass the time til Astrid got there and that was it. 
Or at least, that was the plan. One drink turned into two and then there was a card game and such an easy mark that Jack just couldn't pass up the opportunity to make some quick cash. 
 And well, long story short, that's how Jack found himself being thrown bodily out of the bar. He landed hard in the dirt, coughing as the air was knocked out of his lungs. He scrambled to his feet as the group of men he'd tried to hustle surrounded him. "Whoa, whoa, can we talk about this like civilized gentlemen?" he said, chuckling sheepishly, hands going up in surrender. "I swear, I have no idea how that ace got up my sleeve!"
The docks yielded no sight of that familiar young man. Astrid scowled deeply, dark eyes scanning the area before patting Stormfly's shoulder to urge her on. 
Barterers and traders flowed out of the way of the dragon. The blonde couldn't help the small smile of satisfaction at the ease with which they swept through the crowd. Still no sign of her old comrade. 
 Wait- There. 
 A flash of white as the trouble maker was thrown on his ass. The smile on Astrid's face vanished, replaced with the same scowl as before as she leaped from her dragon’s back and bellowed, "JACKSON FROST." 
 She pushed her way through the rest of the crowd to grab him by the back of his collar. Yanking him back she gave him a brief, deadly stare before looking to the men surrounding him. Outnumbered. Oh, the situations he got himself into. "I need this guy in one piece. I don't want any trouble, and you sure as hell don't want it from me. Got it?"
Jack wasn’t sure if he was relieved or terrified that Astrid had found him in that moment. On one hand, he wouldn’t get his ass beat by a couple of sore losers, but at the same time, he wasn’t so sure Astrid wouldn’t kick his ass herself for causing trouble. It’s one of the things that caused their partnership fall apart before. 
 “A-ha, I’d listen to her if I were you…” he said with a sheepish chuckle, glancing at Thor meaningfully. 
 And as expected, the men took one look at the dragon and decided Jack wasn’t worth it. With some grumbling they went back inside, leaving Jack’s fate in the hands of Astrid. 
 Once they were gone, Jack turned to her with a wry grin. “You have impeccable timing, has anyone ever told you that?”
Astrid gave him a flinty stare, mouth pursed. Whirling, she pulled Jack along behind her. "You're fortunate that my timing is so good- you were going to be a pulp, soon." 
 Jumping back onto Stormfly, she glanced back over her shoulder with a shake of her head. "Do I even want to know what you got up to? Honestly, Jack. You sure have a way of making a girl question her choices in life, have I ever told you that?" 
 She patted the seat behind her impatiently. "Hop on. This will be faster than dragging you back to the ship myself."
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
A Prince Remembers His Dragon || winterwonderjack
Golden scales glinted in the dying light of day that reached into the depths of the cavern.  A keen blue eye flicked open, blinking away the embrace of sleep. Nearly hunting time.  She stretched her legs out before her, sending a scatter of jewels and coins clinking. 
 All at once, the motion stopped.  An all too familiar scent drifted towards her. Human.  The dragon lowered herself back to her hoard, senses now alert and focused towards the entrance to her cave.
But... something was different.  The footfalls of the approaching enemy had no where near the practiced stealth that most hunters had.  That fact alone had the dragon relax only just.  A passerby, perhaps. In this case, waiting until they had carried on was her best option.  No sense causing a stir when she's only just relocated to where she hoped would be a safer den.
Jack had wandered too far away from the camp and now couldn’t find his way back. He was starting to get scared as the sun set and the shadows among the trees grew bigger. An involuntary whimper escaped him as he looked around, clutching the hem of his shirt in his small hands. 
 Thunder rumbled in the distance, making him jump, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. He was absolutely terrified of thunder! He whimpered again and took off at a run through the trees in a sudden panic. 
 He kept running until he found a cave and then he stopped, looking at into the dark opening fearfully. Thunder erupted again, this time closer and louder and he jumped, letting out a small cry before he ran straight into the cave without another thought. 
 He didn’t make it too far into the cave before he tripped over a rock and rolled to the ground. And that’s when he finally let himself cry, arms wrapped around his head protectively as the thunder continued to grow louder with each passing moment. 
 “Ma…mama…” he cried, tears falling from his tightly closed eyes.
The dragon's head rose, curiosity now gleaming in turquoise eyes. She had heard those kinds of noises before- whimpers and pleas from the men who had dared to approach her.  But these... sounded small. Juvenile. 
 With a huff, the beast got to her paws and let out a low gurgle. Sand shifted as she made her way towards the small figure on the floor, watchful eyes checking on the entrance to her shelter. A deep inhale told her the small human was alone, piquing her interest even more. 
 She slunk closer, slow and deliberate and paused a tails-length away, letting out a long breath of warm air. This hatchling posed no threat that she couldn't deal with quickly, and besides- the distress of the small creature tugged on something in her.
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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“Heh. Well, crazy thing is… I’m actually the one who shot him down.”
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Dear RPers who have wanted to interact.
I feel like i need to address this because i find it’s an issue many people, especially newcomers, have in RP.
There’s no reason to be anxious or hesitant if you want to talk to me. I will happily accept a random starter, or a random tag, or an inbox message! Even if we’ve never interacted or even acknowledged one another, i will still HAPPILY interact with you!
You’re not bothering me. You’re not annoying. You’re not making me uncomfortable. I LIKE to interact with new people, it’s very exciting and fun!
Please, PLEASE, don’t be hesitant when sending in ANYTHING. I’m having a lot more fun than your anxiety tells you!
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
“You tried to kill me!”
“Don’t insult me. If I’d tried to kill you, you’d be dead.”
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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*guns the throttle*
like this if you’d like me to message you about starting up a thread! 
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Send me one to see how my muse reacts!
“Shut up!” “Please, talk to me.” “I have no idea…” “I know what this is!” “Why did you do that?” “How could you do this?” “Let me do it!” “Leave me alone.” “Don’t leave me.” “Kiss me.” “Don’t touch me.” “Why weren’t you there?” “Why are you here?” “What are you doing?” “Don’t look!” “Just look at it!” “How did you get in here?” “How did you escape?” “Help me.” “I want to help you.” “You’re a monster!” “You’re not a monster!”
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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Hookfang and the sea slug.
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Game: You need to be about level 20 to defeat this boss!
Me: oh geez I better go do some grinding
Me, two weeks later overleveled by 80, returning to the boss: I’m your god now
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Send “That doesn’t look like a scratch.” for my muse to react to yours finding them bandaging a wound.
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
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{so apparently tumblr changed the way to cut posts... can anyone tell me how to cut replies so my posts don't get horrifically long?}
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fiercexbeauty-blog · 7 years
Her gut was one giant knot of dread and anguish. She had been pacing the small space enough that it was a wonder the tile didn't look any more worn down.
How much more could she really take? It was becoming a vicious cycle of mistake and forgiveness, over and over and over. At what point was she just considered a push over for accepting his apology each time? If there was anything that Astrid was, it was not a pushover.
Her fingers fidgeted, picked at her nails when her teeth weren't worrying at them, a bad habit she'd picked up in the stress of university. The knock at the door called an abrupt stop to it, heart dropping and stomach rising at how the next few moments would go. For a long moment her feet wouldn't move, round, silver-rimmed eyes staring at the doorway.
Swallowing hard, Astrid reached for the handle, opening the door to see her boyfriend standing just outside. The words tumbled out of her mouth in a rush, tears rising to sting her eyes and choke her throat. "I don't think I can do this anymore, Jack."
Better That We Break || fiercexbeauty
Jack had really fucked up. He could feel it in his gut as he made his way to Astrid’s place on his bike. He was almost afraid to confront her, but he knew that if he didn’t talk to her now, it’d only make things worse. He needed to face her anger head-on and then he could apologize.
He’d already waited long enough to talk to her anyway. When he’d woken up that morning, she had already left for her morning class. He didn’t have a class that morning so he had just gone home, showered and slept for a few more hours.
He felt terrible when he woke up. Both physically and emotionally. He had a major headache from drinking the night before and his stomach felt knotted up with guilt. He puked a few times, but he still felt horrible afterwards.
As he made his way up to Astrid’s room, Jack had to take a few calming breaths. He was nervous. So, so nervous. He always fucked up like this and he didn’t know how to stop. And he always felt miserable about dragging Astrid into all of his shit. Because Astrid was so good and amazing and beautiful and he loved her so much. She was too good for him in every way. A screw up like him didn’t deserve a girl like Astrid.
He put a sudden stop to those thoughts. He was driving himself into a panic thinking about it so much. He fucked up, he was going to apologize, Astrid was going to forgive him because she always forgave him even if it took a while, and then everything was going to be okay. Right? Right.
With a nod to himself, he took one more deep breath and exhaled slowly before he knocked rapidly on Astrid’s dorm room door and tried not to fidget as he waited for the door to open.
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