fiereflie · 5 years
اللهم ألهمني رشدي .. وقني شر نفسي
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
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I live like a man who’s dead already. I have no fear whatsoever of anybody or anything.
انا أعيش كرَجُلٍ قد مات. ليس لديّ خشية من أي شخص أو أيّ شيء [غير الله]
Source: hatemelater, via IslamicArtDB
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fiereflie · 5 years
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fiereflie · 5 years
ربّنا أصبحنا لكَ شاكرين ذاكرين حامدين راضينَ عليكَ مُتوكلين ربنا فأتمم نعمتكَ وعافيتكَ وستركَ وأسعِدنا في الدُّنيا والآخره
(via sama-bianky)
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fiereflie · 5 years
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Ramadan-Tahajjud Protip: Pray atleast 2 rakah of Tahajjud salah right before or after having Suhoor. At the end of the salah, make sure to make alot of dua and istighfar.
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fiereflie · 5 years
اللهم أرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا اتباعه ،، وأرنا الباطل باطلاً وارزقنا اجتنابه …
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
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fiereflie · 5 years
اللهم إني أسألك خير المسألة، وخير الدعاء، وخير النجاح، وخير العمل، وخير الثواب، وخير الحياة، وخير الممات، وثبتني، وثقل موازيني
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
يا خير الغافرين يا خير الفاتحين يا خير الرازقين يا خير المحسنين اجعل امري كله خيرا
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
10 Don’ts that will Lead to Better Friendships
1. Don’t brag about what you’ve done or what you’ve got.
2. Don’t put others down.
3. Don’t stereotype people.
4. Don’t take over the conversation. Let other people have their say.
5. Don’t try to control other people.
6. Don’t gossip about people.
7. Don’t make jokes at others’ expense.
8. Don’t demand perfection – allow your friends to be human.
9. Don’t be overly sensitive but assume good motivates, where possible.
10. Don’t be mean or stab others in the back.
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fiereflie · 5 years
Seeing so may posts of everyone prepping for Ramadhān. I feel so comforted subhanallah. Ramadhān is such a beautiful time, it’s the month of peace. It’s the month of safety. It’s the month where we rectify ourselves. It’s the month of chances. Subhanallah. I pray everyone tastes the pleasure and sweetness of this holy month. No matter how far you’ve gone, Ramadhān is always your chance. Don’t waste it.
اَللّهُمَّ بَلِّغْنَا رَمَضَان
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fiereflie · 5 years
اللهم أنا نشهدأنك أنت الله لاإله إلا أنت الأحدُالصمد ياذاالجلال والإكرام ياحي ياقيوم يامنان يابديع السموات والأرض ياقوي ياقهار ياعزيزياجبار
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
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Allahummaj’al nafsi nafsan tayyebatan mutmainnatan tai’atan lak.
O Allah, make my soul a soul that is good, assured, and obedient toward You.
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fiereflie · 5 years
اللهم انك اعطيتنا الاسلام من غير ان نسألك فلا تحرمنا الجنة ونحن نسألك
http://twitter.com/Du3aa (via iiislam)
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fiereflie · 5 years
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Source: alimaashfaq, via IslamicArtDB
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fiereflie · 5 years
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fiereflie · 6 years
If a person truly recognizes his worth, then what will he gain from the praise of the people?
Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (via islamic-art-and-quotes)
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