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They’re known as Butterworts or Pinguicula and they are officially THE COOLEST PLANTS EVER
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See those leaves? They’re coated with DIGESTIVE ENZYMES TO TRAP AND KILL INSECTS
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This has been your Cool Thing of the Day you’re welcome
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Me on Tumblr app after finally reaching the end of a long post I wasn’t interested in:
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since fall has officially started it’s illegal for it to be hot out 
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my little sister just found out at school that you can create a religion and wants me to help her turn Halloween into a year long religion. And i  never knew i wanted this until now. We will be the Halloween Cult. I am so ready for this.
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other witches: *meditates and pulls out their crystal pendulum, asking questions of the unclear future*
me: *holds up my fishing rod cat toy* hey so is today gonna suck or not dude
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You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.
Maya Angelou (via minuty)
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A great way to create Samhain candles or spell candles.
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How selfish are we, to become so accustomed to this world's beauty, that those who marvel at the sky are considered "unusual"..
- Meggan Roxanne
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I just want to be “buy stuff for my hobby and not feel guilty” rich.
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May you NEVER be in a position to not afford your rent!
Sending good vibes to everyone with rent, utilities and more bills than bills! Better days are ahead.
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Witchy Sleepover Ideas
A bunch of fun witchy activities that can be done with friends at sleepovers or when just hanging out.
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Cleanse the house using salt or incense, good thing to do before anything else witchy
Turn a recipe for food or baked goods into a magical one and make it together
Decorate cookies or cupcakes with sigils that will activate when you eat them
Make flower crowns with fresh or fake flowers
Practice tea magick and then give each other readings from the leaves (tasseography)
Practice palm reading on each other
Do some tarot readings, oracle readings or other cartomancy techniques especially if everyone brings their own deck
Get some rounded wood pieces and some paints and make yourself some homemade simple runes
Practice knot magick by making each other friendship bracelets
Use beading supplies and charms to make other types of jewelry with intent corresponding with the colors, shapes, and charms of the jewelry and then enchant them to make them even more magickal
Make your own poppets with cloth, stuffing, rice, buttons and other ingredients to be used for positive purposes such as self love
Enchant each other’s favorite plushies or stuffed animals
Make homemade bath bombs, salts, and/or bath potions
Do each other’s make up hiding sigils in it and/or practicing glamours
Do each other’s nails using color magick, sigils, and other symbols
Make homemade magickal candles
Watch witchy movies!
Decorate binders to make unique new grimoires using paper, glitter, stickers, felt and other materials
Work out each other’s natal charts 
Practice group energy work and aura reading
If everyone is comfortable make a homemade custom Ouija Board/Spirit Board and use it (please note that only do this if everyone is emotionally ready and before I get backlash for suggesting this check out @theouijagirl‘s blog)
Make homemade wands using crystals, beads, wires, and paint
Make pendulums or dowsing rods
Make sachet or jar spells for one another or together
Write a brand new spell!
Listen to music and use lyrics to write spells, incantations or chants
Do witchy arts and crafts like enchanted flower pots using sigils, rock charms, witch’s ladders, pine cone/acorn charms, acorn/seashell candles, ceremony/ritual masks, jewelry, sensory bottles/jars, enchanted slime, witch’s web, offering bowls, etc
Make a camp or bonfire and burn some (safe to burn) herbs (practice fire safety and only do this if you have a safe place to make a fire)
Soap making/carving
Make collages of things that make you feel witchy to put into your grimoires
Work on grimoires together and make custom pages, calenders, charts, illustrations, pressings, etc
Use erasers and x-acto knives (carefully) to make custom stamps of sigils, animals, words, etc
Dream interpretation the next morning
Make witchy tea and coffee together
Have fun!
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