fight-me-buddy 3 years
The Overly Cautious Heiress To A Reckless Man's Will
By: A Lucky Oak Tree
CHAPER 1: Meeting your Maker
Ophelia Grindlebeck lives in a quaint estate in a large empire. The Opaline Empire was famous for its massive city's and markets but infamous for its lack of respectable authority. The emperor himself was widely know for being a womanizer and frugal man while his court was filled with sleazy men trying to claw their way to the thrown. Ophelia would knows her father was one of those people, brother to the emperor's closest advisor. Ophelia's uncle, Eugene, was a reckless man. A Smoker, drunkard, and all around angry man he was only know for his closeness with the emperor and his lack of will of authority. Ophelia had no cousins because Ophelias uncle never married. Eugene thought women were after his money and rather despised them. She could could on her hand the times he had called her mother unsavory things however he had never once spoke Ill of Ophelia herself so she could never bring herself to speak Ill of him.
Ophelia wished she could say anything good about her empires people of importance. She also wishes she could say that the Opaline Empires wealth was evenly split but sadly the lower class stayed poor and the upper class still taxed and under paid them. When Ophelia was young she was taught to be happy with her empire, have high nationalism and be proud of those in power.
As of now, sitting in her bedroom at her desk, she could only be disappointed. Laid across her desk was the daily paper opened to the obituary. A number of lord's had passed away, though they're ere rather old, Ophelia had no hope for their children who she had attended school with; however that wasn't why she was so upset, her uncles name was place neatly listing of her family and how he had passed, lung cancer. She wasn't surprised one bit, she wished she could be. Her uncle's smokers cough was annoying and loud and she was glad to be rid of it but not to be rid of him.
(not done just posting so I keep it fresh on my mind!
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fight-me-buddy 3 years
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fight-me-buddy 3 years
I didn鈥檛 know cheetahs meow I鈥檝e always thought they roar my whole life has been a lie
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