fightasone · 4 years
Emma Frost
Jessica Jones
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fightasone · 4 years
Here are your thread assignments! The order is only suggested, if you’re busy this week feel free to reorder who starts.  Fallout Thread 1: Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff are in a mall full of mutant looters. Fallout Thread 2: Cassie Lang, Danielle Cage and Anna Marie are in a coffee shop held up by a gang of four teenage mutants. Diplomatic Thread 1: Shuri is launching the Wakandan space programme, which is attacked by three New Brotherhood members. She calls on the nearest attendees to help her hold off the first attacker - Bobbi Morse, Matt Murdock and his friends. Diplomatic Thread 2: Cornell Stokes, Quentin Beck and Pepper Potts help the Dora Milaje evacuate the other guests. Negotiation Thread 1: At the Metro General hospital, Sally Stevens [Mystique] takes the opportunity to berate Tony Stark live on social media for extra views. Negotiation Thread 2: Peter Quill is stuck in traffic because Tandy Bowen is standing on top of his bus as part of the same protest. Mystery Thread 1: Billy Kaplan witnesses Callisto and her gang kidnapping anti-mutant lawmaker Congresswoman Michelle Green.
Mystery Thread 2: Baron Helmut Zemo and Madame Masque independently have the same idea of breaking into the Congresswoman’s empty home in order to get their hands on her computer system.
[longer scene-setting below the cut]
It’s a normal day in New York, until it’s not. For Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff, it’s a chance to run the shopping errands they’ve been meaning to finish. For Cassie Lang, Danielle Cage and Anna Marie, it was a chance to grab a coffee before going about their daily business.
Peter’s spider sense goes off, and not a second later a volley of spikes shoot into an upmarket boutique window, shattering the glass. Further down the mall’s central area, a group of Morlocks and whooping teenagers tear past Wanda. Simultaneously, a group of four teenage boys step into the coffee shop. One turns to stone, blocking the exit. Another raises his hands, standing before Anna’s table as they crackle with electric energy. “This is a hold-up! Your money or your life! Aw, man, I’ve always wanted to say that!” Another boy smirks at Cassie, stalking past her and pushing Danielle aside in the queue to threaten the cashier with an energy blade he’s conjured from thin air. Across town, Shuri takes the stage at the Wakandan embassy, beginning her presentation about the new Wakandan space programme. They opened registration to anyone, mostly to show off. She can see some familiar faces scattered in the crowd. Pepper Potts, Quentin Beck - and a blonde woman she doesn’t recognise (Bobbi Morse). That man who caught her underage drinking is also here (Cornell Stokes) and she doesn’t let it faze her, as she begins her presentation. When she asks for questions, a teenage boy stands up and walks towards the stage. “What’d Wakanda ever do for mutants, s’ what I want to know?” The nearest Dora Milaje descends from the stage, stepping before him to block his path. He simply reaches out to touch her, instantly turning her to ice and shattering her into small pieces. Karen Page, having dragged her friends Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson to this lecture, throws her shoe at the boy, giving Shuri time to attach her gauntlets and hold the boy immobile with sonic energy. “I can’t hold him forever!” The remaining three Dora Milaje point their spears menacingly at the boy’s two allies, one of whom begins to turn invisible and another who closes his eyes and causes the ground to shake. Across town, Billy Kaplan is returning his library books. A poster downstairs advertised Congresswoman Michelle Green’s latest book launch. Or, rather, her ghostwriter’s latest thinly veiled anti-mutant tirade. The librarian suddenly freezes on the spot, staring into space. As Billy turns to look behind him, Callisto and another group of Morlocks drag the kicking and screaming Congresswoman towards the exit. It’s not clear if Baron Helmut Zemo and Madam Masque knew this was going to happen, but they certainly know how to take advantage of it. An empty Congresswoman’s home is an easy backdoor into the Congressional network - good for an attack on the heart of American democracy, or simply gathering blackmail material. Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending on your alignment - they had the same idea at the same time. Near the Metro General, Peter Quill checks his phone. The bus has been in traffic for ages, and he’d really like to get home some time today. A news alert goes off about the incident at the Wakandan embassy, and he’s going to jet over there when a loud thunk can be heard above his head. Quill sticks his head out the window to see Tandy Bowen standing atop the vehicle with a placard. He’s too old for this, he resolves, pulling himself out of the window to confront her. Tony Stark was at the Paediatrics Ward of the Metro General, making a charitable appearance to raise money for rare diseases and to boost morale among the staff and patients. Unfortunately for him, Sally Stevens [Mystique] spotted him and his staff trying to evade the protesters while leaving. She didn’t miss a chance to berate the oh-so-great-Iron-Man about mutant rights during her Facebook Live.
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fightasone · 4 years
Thank you for sending in your choices for the event! We will finalise the plot groups tomorrow and get back to you about who you’ll be writing with in your allocated group! If you haven’t sent in a message and want to participate, this is your last last chance! The final deadline is 9AM Central European Time (CET) Monday 27 April: you can see here what that is in your timezone. The allocations will take place after 9PM CET.
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fightasone · 4 years
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Mystique’s online insurrection is beginning to bear fruit in many different ways. Simultaneous incidents across the city will stretch the heroes to their limit. Are your characters into diplomatic observation? Or maybe they want to try their hand at some negotiations themselves? Perhaps they’ll deal with those who’d take advantage of the chaos...or something else entirely.
→ WHERE: Across New York City → WHEN: 27 April - 10 May → WHO: Anyone can take part, participation is optional as activity checks are suspended → TAG: Please use fao: new brotherhood
OOC Info
Please message the main letting us know what incident (below) you’d like your characters to handle. More details will become available about these in due course. If you have multiple characters, they can’t all be in the same event - if there’s an imbalance we’ll have to redistribute them around!
attend a diplomatic event
go and do some negotiating of their own
handle the fallout 
a Bonus Mystery Option
As an example:
attend a diplomatic event - Shuri
handle the fallout - Matt Murdock
bonus mystery option - Peter Quill
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fightasone · 4 years
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fightasone · 4 years
                                  ≡ MEME MONDAY ≡
Meme Mondays are here to encourage new threads and character exploration! These will occur periodically throughout each month, and will consist of various writing, bold/italics, or headcanon prompts.
You can reblog one or both memes if you want to participate; participation is not mandatory– just encouraged! You can respond to writing prompts within our current plot and timeline or do flashback threads for a previous plot! You can also request reversed prompts or certain timelines when you send your prompt: i.e. “this is a sentence” (Secret Invasion). Enjoy! 
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fightasone · 5 years
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Carol Danvers
Trish Walker
Jennifer Walters
Jane Foster
Bucky Barnes*
Hector Cervantez*
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Erik Lehnsherr
Jessica Jones
Emma Frost
→ Characters on Activity Notice have until Sunday, March 29th to claim their characters. At that time, each inactive character must be claimed and made active or placed on hiatus. As a result of being put on notice this week, each character listed will receive a Strike. Asterisks indicate that a character is on their final strike of two, and will be messaged in regards to their activity.
→ If your character’s name has an asterisk next to it and you do not post by the next activity check, your character will be removed from the group.
→ If your hiatus has expired, failure to post by the next activity check will result in your character(s) being removed from the group.
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fightasone · 5 years
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fightasone · 5 years
Is this RP alive? Because it looks like it's dying.
Hey, thanks for your candid question. This RP is active! We’ve had a slow start to the new year due to vacations and other responsibilities, as most of our players are full time students or workers. We’re always looking for new players who enjoy in depth, plot-based threads and actively seek them out with our current roster, and welcome writers of various activity levels. We strive to create an environment that doesn’t put pressure on our players, as we understand that most of us have lives outside superhero writing.
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fightasone · 5 years
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Bruce Banner
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fightasone · 5 years
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Betty Ross
Natasha Romanoff*
Trish Walker*
Carol Danvers*
→ Characters on Activity Notice have until Sunday, February 23rd to claim their characters. At that time, each inactive character must be claimed and made active or placed on hiatus. As a result of being put on notice this week, each character listed will receive a Strike. Asterisks indicate that a character is on their final strike of two, and will be messaged in regards to their activity.
→ If your character’s name has an asterisk next to it and you do not post by the next activity check, your character will be removed from the group.
→ If your hiatus has expired, failure to post by the next activity check will result in your character(s) being removed from the group.
0 notes
fightasone · 5 years
                                               ≡ MEME MONDAY ≡
Meme Mondays are here to encourage new threads and character exploration! These will occur periodically throughout each month, and will consist of various writing, bold/italics, or headcanon prompts.
You can reblog one or both memes if you want to participate; participation is not mandatory– just encouraged! You can respond to writing prompts within our current plot and timeline or do flashback threads for a previous plot! You can also request reversed prompts or certain timelines when you send your prompt: i.e. “this is a sentence” (Secret Invasion). Enjoy! 1. WRITING PROMPT
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fightasone · 5 years
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Elektra Natchios (blog deleted)
Betty Ross*
Bucky Barnes*
→ Characters on Activity Notice have until Sunday, February 23rd to claim their characters. At that time, each inactive character must be claimed and made active or placed on hiatus. As a result of being put on notice this week, each character listed will receive a Strike. Asterisks indicate that a character is on their final strike of two, and will be messaged in regards to their activity.
→ If your character’s name has an asterisk next to it and you do not post by the next activity check, your character will be removed from the group.
→ If your hiatus has expired, failure to post by the next activity check will result in your character(s) being removed from the group.
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fightasone · 5 years
Billy Kaplan (new blog)
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fightasone · 5 years
would you be interested in seeing squirrel girl around here? particularly with a shannon purser fc?
We would be interested in having her, yes, and your FC idea seems good! Feel free to apply and we’ll have a look at it :)
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fightasone · 5 years
How long after having a first character do you have to wait to apply for your second?
Hi! Our rules on this say:“We require that players be at least four weeks active on each character they play before picking up another. This is to ensure player activity as well to grant opportunity for new players to join the game.There is a maximum of four characters per player. Only two of your characters can be Avengers.”Thanks for asking :)
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fightasone · 5 years
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James ‘Logan’ Howlett
Loki Laufeyson
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