fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
alright, i’m still on a bit of a hiatus as i slowly revamp. i’m going to return to activity by the end of the month ( february is my birthday month !! ). i miss writing with everyone, but i was feeling really overwhelmed and anxious with how many people i was following / being followed by, how many muses i had, and just sort of generally discouraged. but i miss y’all and i’ll be back real soon. I’d like to start fresh, so lmk if you have a thread you’d like me to keep--otherwise i’ll be starting in february ( or possibly sooner ) with a clean slate !!
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
okay, i’m finally figuring out what i want to do with my muses. i’ve unfollowed like half of the folks i was following, because i get too overwhelmed tbh. if i’ve unfollowed you and you think it might be an accident, or you want to write together, it’s very likely i’ve made a mistake or two, so don’t hesitate to im me and lmk.
i’m also going to separate my muses into mains and selective/test/something else, because i have a lot of muses i like to write, but my attention is too divided and i’d really like to focus on developing fewer muses and then maybe add more to mains if i feel they’re developing that way. 
thanks for bearing with me !! i should be back to actually writing soon. <3
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
even though i started this account not that long ago, i’m getting just like ... anxious about it and losing muse. i think in the next week i’m gonna work on paring down my muse list to focus on developing the ones that mean the most to me and moving to a new account?? i’ll keep y’all posted.
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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Carmela Zumbado as Delilah Alves in You Netflix Season 2
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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A dusty desert highway, it feels like it’s been hours since you’ve seen any sign of life, like the mountains are on a continuous cycle and never end. The road rolls beneath you, the sun beats down upon your vehicle. If you don’t get out of this car soon, you’ll scream, but pulling over seems more dangerous than to keep going. You keep going. Relief will never come. Until that faded billboard appears on the side of the road, the first sign of existence in forever: BOOT HILL, ARIZONA. Your heart quickens, tears prick your eyes. Relief has come. It’s only twenty miles away. So close you think you can hear it. You can hear it.
It’s calling you, it’s calling to you. It’s saying hurry, hurry. It’s saying YOU’RE HOME.
main. story. navigation.
Southbound is literate, semi-appless, weird west town roleplay based on the 2016 film of the same name for original characters and writers over the age of eighteen. Character and plot driven, Southbound focuses on character development through group situations and personal relationships between townsfolk and travelers alike. We’ll be waiting for you!
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
sorry i’ve been so awol, friends. the holidays have not been very kind to me in an absurd, murphy’s law kind of way. that, and i’ve been focusing on the group rp i’ve been in first. i’m off tonight though and i’m gonna try my darnedest to get all my replies here queued and maybe reply to or post some open starters. thanks for stickin’ with me. <3
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
yara & mateo, diablitabites.
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though  he  knows  that  now  perhaps  is  not  the  appropriate  time  to  smile,  especially  considering  what  he’s  about  to  confess,  he  can  help  it,  her  question draws  a  chuckle.  “ i  lost  track  after  i  hit  triple  digits,  “  he  grins,  and  for  a  moment,  the  tenseness  that  grips  his  posture  eases.  the  momentary  relief  from  the  earlier  graveness  of  his  tone  reassures  him,  if  only  for  a  minute  before  his  smile  loses  its  warmth.  
“  that’s  not  exactly  it,  but  i’ll  keep  that  in  mind  if  i  ever  do  decide  to  go  on  a  killing  spree,”  he  continues, faint  chuckle  lingering  in  his  tone.  if  that’s  where  the  line  was  being  drawn,  at  least  he  could  say  that  he  wasn’t  anywhere  near  it,  but  omitting  the  fact  that  he  had  a  kid  surely  wasn’t  pleasant  to  hear  either.  prolonging  it  was  making  him  uneasy  again,  and  when  she  asked  how  bad  it  could  be,  he  shook  his  head, mouth  falling  slightly  ajar  before  snapping  shut  again.  “  so  it’s —  it’s  not  really uh— i  don’t  know  how  to  say  this  but—”  his  cheeks  redden,  words  failing  him  when  he  need  them  most.  “  basically  what  i  should  have  told  you  was  that  i  have  a  kid.  her  name  is  esperanza,  she’s  five.”  he’s  able  to  think  clearly  again  now  that  he’s  finally  confessed  what  he’s been struggling  to  convey,  as  if  his  tongue  has  just  been  unraveled  from  the  barbed  wire  that  his  words  seemingly  kept  getting  caught  in.  “  her  mother  and  i  are  separated, “  he  adds  quickly,  hoping  that  it  reassures  her  if  anything.  though  seperated  is  hardly  the  appropriate  term  for  the  complicated  history  he  had  with  alicia,  considering  he  and  esperanza  never  got  closure,  but  his  moving  on  was  inevitably  the  final  chapter  in  that  portion  of  his  life.  “  i’m  sorry  for  not  having  told  you  earlier.  if  this  changes  things,  i  understand  but  …”  he  shrugs,  a  somewhat  hopeful  glint  in  his  eyes  as  he  meets  her  gaze.  “  i’m  really  hoping  it  doesn’t.  “
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“triple digits, huh?” yara shakes her head, lips pursed together trying to prevent the smirk threatening to reveal her own amusement to him. she’s not so great at important conversations. that’s the luxury of being an actress. every important conversation she’s ever had has been practiced, compensated for. when she wants to have a discussion she can re-imagine every scene she’s rehearsed, but when something’s sprung on her like this--yara goes blank. humor really is her most primal defense. 
“helluvah marriage proposal.” she quips back as easy as he chuckles. there’s a good reason the two of them have got on so well and the thing she likes most about him might be his quick wit. she can feel herself holding her breath as if she’s playing dead. a lifeless murder victim on a cold autopsy table in csi: miami, she takes nearly imperceptible breaths. spit it out already, mateo. what could be so bad that he’s kept it from her, but not so bad as to include killing? swallowing roughly, she almost doesn’t hear him as he tells her and it takes a pregnant moment for the word to stick. it’s a kid, but it’s not a secret family. she lets out a sound that lies somewhere between a laugh and a scoff, startling even herself, before speaking. “a kid? she’s five?” shaking her head, she lets out a sharp exhale in relief “oh, thank god, man. i really don’t know anything about babies.” pushing the hair from her face and running her fingers through the back of it, she chuckles. “i mean, she can like--feed herself, right?” it’s not a deal breaker, but it does require a certain re-framing of her mind. “i’m sorry--i mean, i don’t think that it does. or--” pulling her bottom lip through her teeth, she considers the information. “--i don’t think it does.”
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
tovah & zaire, atlvntida.
        . ✧ . * . ˚  TO PUT IT LIGHTLY, HE PANICKED.  it wasn’t a question that he would have preferred to stay home.  he fell out of the friend group after growing up and gaining a level of self respect  ,  but another part of him wanted to come back just for reference.  does that mean he doesn’t want to be somewhat masochistic ?  maybe.  though  ,  something felt incredibly wrong ever since he got the invite to ohio (  yeah,  yippie  ) .  he was always the mediator of the group  ,  the guy who told everyone to   grow  the  fuck  up   and get their shit together.
        so when zaire feels his heart racing as he speeds down slopes of sleet  ,  he is in full flight mode.  nothing can stop him from running after  that .  he turned around to see that he was alone  ,  then he felt as though he was being watched.  then he felt as though he was being  chased . zaire heard someone’s call for help and turned around to a loud screech before he fell down and lost his flashlight during the scramble to get back up.  he knocked on the park ranger’s door with urgency ,  “ hey! hey! open up, please! hurry up! god, fuck —  please !! ”  he was panting as he rushed in  ,  immediately looking over his shoulder and haphazardly explaining what little he could put together after hearing a terrifying  C R U N C H  of metal.  “ look — something chased me down  ,  my friend’s — I have no idea where the fuck he went and I just  — something’s wrong.  I heard someth— ”  
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       while the ranger’s voice was calming  ,  he couldn’t process what she was saying.  back to town ?  zaire furrowed his brows and shook his head in frustration.  “  I’m sorry  ,  you want me to what ?  no  ,  no you don’t understand.  something was  fucking  chasing me and nobody at the house knows where we are.  he screamed for help and then I got chased — that’s not something that can wait.  ”  he was eminent in explaining during his attempt to follow her as she got her shotgun and headed back outside.  the adrenaline and panic set him apart from realizing that there was a gash on his side and cuts all over his cheeks and hands from falling and racing through rigid twigs.  his hands shook and his spine was incredibly stiff  ,  but when he saw what was left of the jeep — he completely  froze  . 
       for the first time in this entire interaction  ,  zaire lowered his voice and let out the sound of a plea.  “  please ,  please  tell me you’re not the only ranger here.  ” 
the singular purpose of being the solitary park ranger of the crescent lake national park was for noting to happen. tovah genuinely preferred noting to anything else: the solemnity of the woods, the ambiance of sounds that people paid for apps to recreate just so they could call asleep at night, and the lack of people. she could predict what her days would be like and she could hide from the guilt she had about her brother or the guilt her parents buried deep down and only let out in gasping sobs when they thought they were alone in the house. the woods were lovely dark and deep; she would disappear into them forever if she thought she could’ve.
the urgency in the man’s voice gets her, but she’s also been fooled before. how many kids had disappeared in the area and just been sneaking off for a tryst? still, even if his friends were just fine, they could easily get lost in the woods. that was as deadly in some cases as whatever this guy was certain had happened to them and so that was enough for tovah to respond seriously. fighting off the urge to tell him to quiet down, she could feel her own heart quickening at the emotion of his words. he was tense and frightened and it was up to her to calm him down--something she was somewhat practiced in, but had not come naturally to her having been the misanthrope she was. “something chasing you?” she asked him dubiously, brows furrowed in contemplation. “like a bear or a cougar or something?” that was enough to get someone real frightened and--if it had attacked his group, that was not a good sign for his friends. 
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steadying her breath so as not to frighten her companion, tovah’s lips remained a thin, tight line and her exhalation through her nose was audible and sharp. they were so fucked if some animal had attacked this guy and his pals. she couldn’t help thinking of what happened to her brother and, though this was the work of some great animal and not some horrible man, she felt responsible for the camper. swallowing hard, she nodded and reached into the jeep to pull out some supplies: first aid pack, road flares, and a machete for cutting through brush, which she handed over--handle first--to the man. “i’m sorry we had to meet like this.” her voice is soft, deliberate and practiced. the kind of voice she used to comfort the frightened as well as pacify those who would yell at her over a five dollar parking pass. “and i’m more sorry to tell you that i’m the only one here, but if a cougar or something attacked you--well, we’ve gotta move if we’re gonna help your friends. you think you can remember where you were at so i can find our way back to them? i don’t wanna go the way you came.” 
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
i’m gonna try and queue some replies here tonight, because i’m almost over christmas week !! i miss y’all, but i’m also having a lovely time @southboundhq, so you should come hang out with us !
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
with all the posts that are floating around just a general psa for my partners
i will always do a platonic pair — even family 
i will ALWAYS take your females
i want your muses of color 
i will do aus that are canon (and not) 
aus that don’t involve romance 
i am okay with you losing muse for a thread
i want multiple threads even with the same muse 
tag me in posts 
i am OPEN and honest so just slide in my messages even if you’re just having a bad day
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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hill house week: day two: favourite quote
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
neve & clara, zombreaks.
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❝   You’re not the only one. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried to make the comparison between reality and TV, I’d be fucking rich.   ❞     A thoroughly amused chuckle escapes the paramedic as she shakes her head before tugging at the elastic band keeping her hair in place only to reassemble it atop her head in controlled chaos. It’s so easy with Neve; the way they sustain a healthy dose of humor and trauma, keeping each other upright when shades of the past flood into the recesses of their minds on those rare occasions. Clara is lucky to have her. While she maintains a decent relationship with her partner   ( as one should when saving lives on the run ),   no one has spoken to her soul in the way that Neve has.     ❝   Nah, not with the way you keep your car, Channing. Every time I hop in there with you, I’m afraid something’s gonna jump out from under the piles of shit you got in there and attack me.   ❞     Another laugh seeps through parted lips as she shakes her head.     ❝   I find them bugs anywhere around my place, they’re gonna meet their gods real quick, ya hear me?   ❞     As the screams echo from down the hall, furrowed brow precedes a quick explanation from her friend as eyes follow her into the room.     Just as Clara moves to pick up her bag, her name is called out from within, a hint of panic lining Neve’s tone. Without hesitation, the paramedic slips into the room while hitting the button for assistance. Coming up behind the nurse, Clara’s arms are outstretched, pushing the patient back by the shoulders. For a woman of her stature, she is surprisingly strong   ( she has to be in her line of work ).   But the incessant thrashing and gnashing of yellowed teeth forces her to lean back and away from the man’s face.     ❝   Shit,   ❞     she hisses, trying her best to hold him back.     ❝   Neve ━ stick ‘em with that syringe before I clock his ass!   ❞
“then we wouldn’t have to do these jobs and we could drink wine and watch those stupid shows with the rest of those assholes.” neve smirks in response, cracking open another pack of graham crackers and offering clara some before taking whatever remained for herself. it had been a rough fucking night--the kind that made a girl feel like a new grad all over again--but all of her patients were pending results at the moment and she could afford to shoot the shit for a few even if she couldn’t get anyone to cover her assignment long enough to catch a break. “what, you don’t think all the empty coffee cups on the floor give it a lived in feel? you call that trash, i call it ambience, mendez.” she’s not wrong though and, as far as neve’s concerned, it’s not worth the hassle. plus she’s almost convinced she’d end up murdered or worse if she was the sole driver of some would-be bundy and uber does not pay enough for her to risk it. “uber eats it is then.” giving clara a playful shove, she laughs as she wads up the graham cracker wrapper in her hand. “c’mon, man, there’s no bugs.”
in the room, the man has bucked SO HARD against his restraints that he’s bent the stretcher and managed to get himself free. he’d been intubated earlier--nearly dead, if not practically dead--and the only restraints he’d had were the soft, two-point medical restraints reserved for those who might pull out a breathing tub or ivs. they certainly weren’t meant for violent patients and this guy? not dead. not nearly dead and not practically dead either. he’s already extubated himself and the tube looks like it’s been gnawed on by a big dog.
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“jesus christ,” neve mutters before plunging the syringe into the muscle of his arm. it takes time to kick in and there isn’t time to deal with him either. they need four point restraints and a hell of a lot more people. “STAFF!” she yells behind her, keeping ahold of an arm as well as shoving him away by his jaw. she catches a glance of his eyes and he doesn not look there. not in the way people sometimes do because of drugs or psychotic episodes. he looks dead. “steve, what the fu--” her question is caught short as she attempts to ask the primary nurse what the fuck is going on with this guy. caught short as that very patient takes a bite out of steve’s neck.
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
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Alycia Debnam-Carey as Frances Campbell in “A Violent Separation”
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fiinalgiirls-aa · 5 years
i’m gonna disappear for the week because christmas !!
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