filegedhiel · 8 years
do re mi fa so la ti
You ok there nonnie?
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filegedhiel · 8 years
(¬_¬) ( and just gonna jump on the band wagon here)
*does a little wiggle b/c she’s already nude*
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“How about a Strife?” Fil tipped her head, considering. “They’re difficult to trick alone.”
I saw you kissing Xephos the other day. What's up with that?
He looked at the woman, raising an eyebrow. “I kiss a lot of people. Actually, I kiss him in particular a lot, for no real reason. Mostly being annoying. Why, you mad about it?”
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil’s posture stiffened ever so slightly, the hair at the back of her neck prickling. She bit her lip gently, hoping Dusk didn’t notice her reaction.
★- Our muses looking at the stars (hope this is ok!)
(Sorry it’s soo late!)
Dusk let out a small hum as she slowed her movements, her air was cool in the night, brushing around her in a soft melodie. She stopped in a clearing, sitting down on her grass. There was no rush tonight, she could take her time if she wanted. Laying back, an arm cusioning her head, she gazed at the star scattered sky, drifting in her calm thoughts.
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil giggled at the purring, kneeling down to better pet the dragon.
A black, and pink dragon with fur, and feathers was in the woods looking around what looked like a house. (quinnxthedragon)
“Hello there.” Fil spoke softly to the dragon, dropping the basket full of veg onto the floor as she approached cautiously. ”What’re you doing around here?”
(( @quinnxthedragon ))
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil sighed softly, beginning to bob her head along his shaft as she did.
Human Service | Closed RP w/ filegedhiel
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“Really? How so?” Although it was obvious that the girl wasn’t fully human Fil couldn’t tell what her DNA had been mixed with. “I don’t mean to pry, but how did you get out?”
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil took her hand, shaking it quickly, still blushing beet red. “Filegedhiel, or Fil for short.”
“It’s good to see you.” Wait, that didn’t sound too weird did it. “And meet you too!” The other’s girls nervousness was helping to hide her embarrassment a little at the least. “And for the record you have pretty nice lips too!” Smooth Fil, not creepy at all.
I dare you to kiss filegedhiel
Zoey approached the girl. She hadn’t really ever talked to her but she was super pretty. “Uh.. I’m sorry but..” Leaning in, she touched the girl’s cheek and kissed her. She pulled away, blushing really hard. “You have really soft lips but like… oh man this is awkward.” Zo giggled as she looked at the ground. Play it cool Zoey. Come on.
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil ran her fingers down their back, stroking through the feather carefully.
A black, and pink dragon with fur, and feathers was in the woods looking around what looked like a house. (quinnxthedragon)
“Hello there.” Fil spoke softly to the dragon, dropping the basket full of veg onto the floor as she approached cautiously. ”What’re you doing around here?”
(( @quinnxthedragon ))
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“No problem.” FIl smiled at her, a mug of steaming tea in each hand.“Here.”
She looked over the girl with a concerned eye. “I’m a healer. I saw how cut up your jumpsuit was. Do you need any medical aid?”
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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filegedhiel · 8 years
FIl laughed happily, just about able to keep up with them as they ran.
A black, and pink dragon with fur, and feathers was in the woods looking around what looked like a house. (quinnxthedragon)
“Hello there.” Fil spoke softly to the dragon, dropping the basket full of veg onto the floor as she approached cautiously. ”What’re you doing around here?”
(( @quinnxthedragon ))
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Xano took them thankfully, about to just change in the middle of the room before pausing, her cheeks flushing slightly green. “Sorry. Do you have a bathroom or someplace I could change in? Just not really used to having actual privacy”
She had adverted her eyes when it looked like Xano was about to start stripping in her livingroom. “You can get changed in my room if you want.” Fil pointed towards an open door on the other side of the room. “I’ll pop the kettle on while you do so.” 
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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filegedhiel · 8 years
*Pulls of pants shamelessly*
“Another new face. I feel blessed”
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“I can do that.” Fil dug through her clothes drawer quickly, pulling out one of her smaller tunics and a pair of short leggings, holding them out to the girl. “Here, this should work.”
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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filegedhiel · 8 years
Fil climbed the ladder quickly, pulling herself up onto the wooden platform and opening the main door into her home. “Come on in. I’ll try to find some clothes that’ll fit you.”
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“Well you’re new around here.”
*raises an eyebrow as she undoes her bra*
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filegedhiel · 8 years
“It keeps the mobs out at night, and the owls prefer it up here.” Fil shrugged, holding the bottom of the ladder steady for her as she climbed, on foot keeping it taught.
“You’ll have to shove the trapdoor pretty hard, it’s started to stick.”
Escaped Specimen (Open Started)
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