filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Idea generation;
I have start to create idea generation for my public space I have designed in unreal engine, this was made because I wanted to have all the possible ideas and looks that I would like to re-create in my designing landscape process in Unreal.
I have also made pages of planning in the sketchbook, such as drawings of different water features and public spaces’ as well as top view planning.
I have researched what is a a public space and why it is used for, I have also made some primary research, by taking some photographs of  parks and public spaces’ as well as some sculptures and different patterns in town, I have also looked at some images of other public space concept ideas and some images of water feature and some seating area, I have also designed a design sheet featuring what colors I wanted to use and what ideas I would like to use in my public space design.
I have then made my proposal of the features that I would tell what I would try creating and what sort of music I would like to add.
I have opened Unreal engine so I can start my process of designing the public space, firstly I have made a water feature and then I have made a seating and eating area then I have placed foliage such as grass, plants and trees all over the public space, I have also created a stage area in the ancient Greek style and a wall with arts displayed for the public, as well as some handmade graffiti using adobe illustrator, I have imported WAV files of different sounds in the park such as birds, wind, music, water. 
Afterwards when everything was finished I have created a cinematic preview of my whole space in a few second using unreal engine.
How I feel overall about my work;
I think the process of designing my area went really well but I did have a problem with creating my cinematic but I have managed to make it work at the end and make it before the deadline, I could improve on the looks and details of my public space if I would have a little bit more time.
It was very easy using the unreal engine as I have some experience with it already and this technology is the future because more people are into virtual worlds and visualizations and unreal engine helps to promote the technology for future.
I have changed the water feature, instead of making it a river because I had a  idea I would make a river with seating are on top like they have it in Osaka, Japan, I have also change the idea of stage are and made it into a classical Greek style because I felt like I would want to place some originality into my modern public space, I have also changes the gallery, I have planned to make it in a building but instead I have made it as regular wall display because I wanted to make a art display I have recently seen as they have in Moscow Russia.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Cinematic of my public space design, I have made in unreal engine.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
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I have start to create my public space, I have decided to also place river beneath the surface instead of a path or a road as my first initial idea was, I then placed some foliage on the grass areas I have placed on the public siting area where the river is. I did this because I had an image of a city Osaka in Japan, I thought that this looks very unique because you don’t really have things like that here in Europe.
After that I have Placed a dense amount of foliage with trees, this was made not only to make it look good but also cover up the end area that’s just a blob of blue color, I have made the stage area and art are showing memorial of soldiers from world war 2 and world war 1 as well as a Greek stone writing, which was placed in the statue as well as the stage area, I have made this because I wanted to make something original and mix ancient style with modernism as well as to remind people of the events that actually occurred in history because history is the fundamental of every civilization and society, I have changed some things about my first plan for example the trees, and the river I have made supposed to be a path or a road, I made it like this because I thought it would look nice and make the viewer feel more relaxed in the public space, however I have kept a lot of things from my first idea such as one side would have stage and art area and the other would just have a park with seating area, that seating area was moved to the park on top of the river and the eating area has been kept on a second level above ground, this was made so that the visitors would have a nice overview of most of the area and whats going on around them.
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When I have placed several sounds, from the starter content and starter audio I have placed sounds of wind, birds,background noise, I have change the sounds setting in attenuation to override, which would allow me to check the field of view on where the sound will be heard and where it would be the strongest, this was done so that the viewers can immerse themselves into the virtual creation, and so that it would make the are seem more alive. The reason I have placed that audio was so that you could hear some nature in the environment, such as birds where the trees would be, as well as wind, because it is somewhat in open area but near a urban environment so you are able to hear more wind rather than in a city center, and the background noise of nature adds a further effect of the whole environment.
The sound is very important in any game project or in a design, because this makes the atmosphere more enjoyable, sometimes when the music is in the project, the viewer may not pay attention to this, because the sounds are perfectly timed and perfectly placed, but if the viewer notices that there is no music at all then the viewer would pay attention, music and sounds make things more interesting and it makes the viewer process the function of brain much faster if it is all done correctly.
I have selected the light source and I have rotated it in different angles, this was so that I am able to change the time, I have made a sunrise from the east, I done it because I wanted to create a pleasant feeling and make the colors of any environment to seem more realistic and a sense that everything is waking up in the current day.
I have learnt how to change the time of day in unreal engine, this will help me to change the atmosphere mood later on in the process.
what has been successful was the creation and idea generation because it all has worked the way it suppose to work, however the downside was that the program crashed at some point whilst saving which made me do some more work, I have overcame this problem by just loading the project once again and redoing the stuff I have done before and maybe making it a bit better. Overall I am happy with the process because I could spend time creating something digitally.
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I have placed sounds from the internet in the WAV files such as, frogs, water/river,  and other birds sounds, I have made this so that I could enhance the feel and atmosphere of the space environment, this would make the place more alive and dynamic by the larger amount of sounds and effects. I had a issue downloading files for the sounds, but I overcame them by simply switching to another search engine.
I have also made a graffiti using adobe Photoshop, the tools I have used was a simple paint brush with paints, I have made the background transparent and then saved it as a PNG, then I have imported the file and created a material, after that I have went on the settings and then I have made it transparent decal and then placed the tralscent option  into the opacity, after that I have placed decal objects and then placed the graffiti layer, this was made so it can show more natural feel to the environment as something might be vandalised in real world, this is very useful because I have learn how to make my own decals and I could use it later in the future unreal projects’ or for my own use. The problem that I have encountered was that I was unable to make it work properly on objects, but I have easily overcoming it with the help of my tutor that told me what to do.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Secondary Research;
A public space is a place that is generally open and accessible to people. Roads, public squares, parks and beaches are typically considered public space. To a limited extent, government buildings which are open to the public, such as public libraries are public spaces, although they tend to have restricted areas and greater limits upon use. Although not considered public space, privately owned buildings or property visible from sidewalks and public thoroughfares may affect the public visual landscape, for example, by outdoor advertising. Recently, the concept of Shared space has been advanced to enhance the experience of pedestrians in public space jointly used by automobiles and other vehicles.
Public space has also become something of a touchstone for critical theory in relation to philosophy, geography, visual art, cultural, social and urban design. The term 'public space' is also often misconstrued to mean other things such as 'gathering place', which is an element of the larger concept of social space.
Historically, public space in the west has been limited to town centers, plazas, church squares, nearly always engineered around a central monument, which informs the program of the space. These spaces acted as the 'common' of the people; a political, social and cultural area. Of the thirteen colonies that became the United States, three were comprehensively planned with integrated physical, social, and economic elements. 
The sense of change, informs how contemporary public art has evolved. Temporal art in public spaces has been a long established practice. But the presence of public art has become increasingly relevant and important within our cities. Temporal public art is so important because of its ability to respond to, reflect, and explore the context which it is placed in. 
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Images taken from the link above.
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I like the design of these public spaces’ because; it looks unique and something that’s different and stands out from most of the urban environment, it is elegant and separates the society away from the urban cement cities.
I have some inspirational of these images, on what to do in my own public space, or to have some partial ideas what to make.
Ambient sounds; is the noise or music in the atmosphere or background, this can include water, wind, animals, nature, traffic or sounds of objects’.
Ambient sound is very important in video and film work as well as games’, because it creates enhanced atmosphere making it alive or realistic to the real world.
The ambient sound can be taken from a free download web either WAV or MP3 file, if it is downloaded in MP3 I would have to convert it to WAV using ADOBE.
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I have observed how some objects or areas in public space, works with the urban environment, and how it can separate space with the city, as well as patterns of floors that look a bit artistic.
I intake ideas of a public space being in a urban environment and floor patterns.
The sounds or music I would want to add into the environment would be; wind, this would be placed in the project so that people could immerse themselves into the open space environment in urban area, I will also add some gentle traffic sounds, because it is places in a city area, I will also include gentle bird sounds, to create a more dynamic atmosphere, same goes to water sounds, because my public space will feature a some kind of water source, and some music would be placed in the background, for example Frederic Chopin, this will enhance the public space in not only that it feels nice to explore it but also relaxing and pleasant.
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The planing sheet which include the colors I would like to use and some design’s of look and layout plans.
I am creating a Neo-Modern public space, which consist of a urban park and plaza, this would be an area where people can come and relax themselves as well, it can be used as a gathering area to play local board games for example and come into the performance stage to either listen to a pianist play, or listen to what the city major would want to say, or come in to the area for the arts gallery or the park itself for a resting point or a picnic, the park will also involve a eating area that people can have a sit down and order something to drink and listen to local pianist play on weekends’, there will be a water feature placed as well for those who believe in coin toss luck, or would like to get a bit of breeze in the hot summer days’, the public space would be placed in a urban city.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Creating public space
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I have start to create idea generation for my public space I will be designing in unreal engine, this was made because I wanted to have all the possible ideas and looks that I would like to re-create in my designing landscape process in Unreal.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Secondary research:
Unreal engine, is a program that’s used for designing, creating and developing games, animations, films and cartoons.
In Unreal Editor, the scenes in which you create your game experience are generally referred to as Levels. You can think of a level as a 3D environment into which you place a multiple objects and geometry to define the world that the players will experience. Any object that is placed in your world, like a light, a mesh, or a character, is considered to be an Actor. Actor is a programming class used within the Unreal Engine to define an object that has 3D position, rotation, and scale data. However, it will be easiest to think of an Actor as any object that can be placed in your levels.
One of the popular recent games created in Unreal Engine would be Sea of thieves, and World war 3.
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This game was directed by Gregg Mayles born 29 April 1971 is a British video game designer currently working for video game company Rare as Creative director. He is one of the longest-serving members of the company, having worked there since 1989. 
Sea of thieves was made in Unreal engine, and it’s a unique visual style because they have put a cartoon form into a beautiful visual graphics, and that it is a multiplayer game where you play with friends as pirates and the steering of the ship, size and sails are made really realistically speaking of physics and it’s proper use for.
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World War 3 is a multiplayer military FPS set in a modern, global conflict. Strong team-play, national armed forces, real locations, full body awareness, and a versatile customization system all contribute to the authenticity of the modern combat experience enhanced by other essential elements such as a robust ballistic system, advanced armors and life-like weapons. Produced in cooperation with military R&D centers and consultants, World War 3 shows the consequences of every battle in the context of a global war campaign on a strategic war map.
Game is set in 2026 in the near world war 3 scenario, this game was made in unreal engine by a studio called The Farm 51 in Poland, the company wanted to make as realistic game as possible that they have used the help of the military to work on sound, physics, properties, customization, damage, front line scenarios, and special mission, all NATO members have their own flags and camouflage same as the eastern forces from Russia CSTO.
World War 3 presents a modern conflict with tactics, techniques and procedures inspired by true combat engagements. All of this packed into two exciting game modes. War-zone offers opportunities for dynamic, intense firefights in teamwork-focused battles of infantry and armored units over fortified points. The tactically-oriented Recon allows players to cooperate within small reconnaissance squads left on their own to survive and capture high-value targets in hostile territory. Together these modes create a coherent game-play experience aimed at presenting the actual feel of modern warfare.
World War 3 is being developed by competitive gamer who grew up playing FPS games. As an indie studio we strongly believe that community input is crucial in creating enjoyable and memorable games. We want to invite all of you to take part in the common effort of making World War 3 the game you always wanted to play.
World War 3 is heavily grounded in military realism, offering accurate depictions of weapons, uniforms and equipment of national armed forces. All of it to inspire you to make the war effort personal and prove that your country is the dominant force on the battlefield. All maps are based on real-life locations such as the streets of Warsaw, Berlin and Moscow (more locations planned) recreated with an unprecedented attention to detail.
To show consequences of every battle, player performance is rewarded with resources used to conquer or defend a territory. Gain additional bonuses via the meta-game and turn the tide of war! Every destroyed vehicle, every kill, every bullet fired, every achievement affects the big picture presented on a constantly evolving, interactive war map eventually covering the entire planet.
The most authentic bullet vs. armor system in the FPS genre to date, achieved through years of research and development with military professionals. Ballistics, a weight system, full body awareness, vehicle physics, and an extensive customization system all affect the game-play in a meaningful way.
The Farm 51 is a Polish video game developer founded in 2005 by Wojciech Pazdur and Kamil Bilczyński, which previously worked on the Painkiller series at People Can Fly, and Robert Siejka,former president of 3D Magazine. Originally, the company did some outsourcing contracts work for other studios, but then gathered enough IP to get funding from 1C Company for their 2009 debut project, NecroVisioN, and then its prequel, NecroVisioN: Lost Company. They were initially working on City Interactive's Alien Fear, but are no longer involved with the project. They have also released Deadfall Adventures, on November 15, 2013. Get Even was published by Bandai Namco Entertainment and released on June 23rd 2017 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Their most recent game, World War 3, is in development and released as an early access title on Steam on October 19th 2018.
A boy and his kyte, short animation made in unreal engine. It compares to dreamworks and pixar by the creativity and flow of the whole animation, in fact I would say it looks much better because of the simple attention to detail.
Zafari animation, is very interesting looking animation for children in my opinion , it lets them experience the cartoon as if they could be in it, I think it’s advancement in the future of shows, films and cartoons, because it’s innovative and something new used my modern technology present day, imagine how the future could look like.
Infiltrator shows that you could make good films, and cartoon films just as good as final fantasy, my favorite animation films would be the final fantasy thats why I have listed infiltrator from unreal engine because it shows similar concept and design, it compares to pixar because of its digital product thats made to a extend where you can see its a cartoon but on the other hand your so immersed in the atmosphere it may seem to others’ as something realistic.
VR Mode enables you to design and build worlds in a virtual reality environment using the full capabilities of the Unreal Editor tool-set combined with interaction models designed specifically for Virtual Reality (VR) world building.
Working directly in VR provides the proper sense of scale necessary to create realistic, believable worlds, while the use of motion controllers means you can build environments with natural motions and interactions.
Virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could, of course, mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation.
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Image from the Unreal engine website, of a VR example.
Augmented reality is the integration of digital information with the user's environment in real time. Unlike virtual reality, which creates a totally artificial environment, augmented reality uses the existing environment and overlays new information on top of it.
Augmented reality apps are written in special 3D programs that allow the developer to tie animation or contextual digital information in the computer program to an augmented reality "marker" in the real world. When a computing device's AR app or browser plug-in receives digital information from a known marker, it begins to execute the marker's code and layer the correct image or images.
AR applications for smartphones typically include global positioning system (GPS) to pinpoint the user's location and its compass to detect device orientation. Sophisticated AR programs used by the military for training may include machine vision, object recognition and gesture recognition technologies.
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I have found an image from the Unreal engine website of Augmented reality that’s in creation.
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filipadamskiunit7 · 6 years
Unreal engine
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I made a little outdoor shed or a room, I have made this by selecting basic shapes and bringing them into the creation menu, I have changed their size by selecting them and using a option that is the third option in the top right corner, then i have copied them by selecting them on the first option holding alt and moving them, same for other objects, I have also added materials into the shapes by selecting materials in the folder menu and dragging them over to shapes, I have also made a window using geometric shapes and subtracting them from other geometric shape, I also have rotated the chairs by using the second option in menu that is in top right corner.
made a image on illustrator 1024 px x 1024px and saved it as a PNG and imported into unreal engine 4 and I placed it into a geometric shape to create a image.
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My own created furniture in unreal engine, I have created a desk because I felt like I would want to create my dream desk, I have also started doing my own environment, I thought of creating a  neo-modern future micro city, I have chosen this idea because I creating cities, because I think it is relaxing and it can show my creativity.
what I’ve learnt was that, if I would hold down alt and drag the object it would duplicate it, this will improve my speed of working in unreal engine.
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I start to create a landscape on unreal engine, I have made a mountain/hills and a lake, I have made the mountain using the landscape tool, pressing left button on the mouse made the terrain go up, and if I would hold down shift the terrain would go down. I have placed a lake using geometric square shape and expanding it to the size and placing water lake material on top of it, I start to create a dystopian city using geometric shapes. The total area of landscape is 31 x 31.
I have placed rocks and bush in the foliage option on the paint brush so I could paint the terrain with objects.
I had to retry my foliage tool because I wanted it to look more realists, I made this by selecting zone from normal enabled to disabled, this way it will not stic straight to any terrain that isn’t flat.
It could be more effective if the computer was a bit stronger in its specifications and would work faster, this will enable me to work better and faster.
more time to work on detail.
Limited space to work on.
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Using geometric shapes I have made a factory in my city, I have also placed steams’ around the city for the more realistic feel, I placed a sound cue and I have put a wave-sound in the options and I have placed sounds that would be similar to the city.
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