filmbuzz55-blog · 5 years
Layton's movie news blog 8/29/19
What's up! I hope you guys are having an awesome Thursday as we roll closer and closer to friday and the weekend! Today There isnt a whole lot going on. Im going to give you a quick headline breifing and then we talk about 1 main topic which is Marc Marons comments in the past days. As you can Imagine I have alot to say about this. So Lets start with some headlines!
Taikq Waititi is in talks to star in fellow Mcu director, James Gunns film Suicude Squad 2.
Anna Kendrick to star in upcoming crime thriller "Unsound" Directed by Bharat Nalluri.
"Angel has Fallen" is predicted to hit #1 second week in a row as box office professionals deem this summers box office "underwelming".
Thats all for today's headlines Now it's time for The Main Topic.
Marc Maron's contersial comments, the Backlash, and Marc Maron's backlash to the backlash:
So Marc Maron is a stand up comedian, Actor, and Podcaster who on Thursday was responding to Backlash for comments he made on the television series Conan. Heres what he had to say: “I have some issues with them (Superhero Films), and no, I generally don’t like them, because, you know, I don’t want to be bullied into seeing those — look, Conan, I’m a grown–up! I’m not 7,” "And I think those movies are for, for, you know, grown male nerdchilds." But it got worse as he got booed by the audience and then rampaged further: “Oh, really? Take the hit! You guys are in charge of culture! Now I gotta go travel 15, 20 minutes to a smaller movie theatre to see a grown-up movie with other grown-ups where we can all sit together and not understand ending? You know? “That’s part of the experience. Where you walk out, you’re like, ‘I don’t know, did the guy die? It’s not clear. It’s not clear.’ That’s the kind of movie I enjoy. I’m not gonna be bullied by grown nerd-men. So, no. I just don't go see 'em. I'm not interested.” And then as the Comic Book fan community hit back he tweeted on last statement reguards to his statement.: "Hey, Marvel movie fans! Stop acting like outraged religious fanatics defending their belief system. It’s okay if I don’t believe. Let it go. Also, I’m actually big fan of a lot of comic art. Try to relax your mainstream asses." After that the storm has sorta settled.
My thoughts:
Ok as a movie of all films his comments to me were ok, at first. Then his comments started to upset me a little bit and his tweet really infuriates me. I mean its ok If you don't like superhero movies but dont call the fans of those films " grown nerd men". I am a firm believer that ALL film is subjective and up to the viewer to decide if its goid or not and believe that person shouldnt be worried about being bullied over peoples opinion of films (looking at you Last Jedi Haters). Look I believe in Marcs opinion being protected BUT, he's the one that shot out his douche bag comments. His tweet says that, its ok if people dont agree, but he was the Jerk attacking fans of superhero films. This guy is a total hypocrit and by the way he's featured in octobers Joker movie which is double hypocrite. Im all for your opinion being protected but if you open your fat mouth like Marc Maron did and start calling people name and "not grown up" you loose my support.
What do you thing of Marc Marons comments? Have a headline or have a story that you would like me to react to email me at [email protected]. Thats going to do it for todays blog, Have a great day film fans. Good bye.
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filmbuzz55-blog · 5 years
Once upon a time in Hollywood review.
Whats up! Its I, layton who you will go a cinematic journey with into the world of tarentino. In other words im reviewing once upoun a time in hollywood, the latest tarentino film.
When Mr. Tarentino releases a new film, we all know that if anything, we are going to get an intriguing film. This one keeps up that tradition and then some. Lets start off with my pros.
To start out Leonardo Dicaprio, Brad Pitt, and Margot Robbie are outstanding in this movie. Brad pitt makes little scenes in the movie shine by bringing his charisma back to the table. Leonardo Dicaprio gives us some of the best comedy acting (and this isnt even a comedy movie.) That we have seen all year long. Though I do have a few gripes about the film, the ending of this movie is up there aling side toy story 4 and Avengers Endgame for the best cinematic ending of the year. My God, Leonardo Dicaprio whips something out at the end (get your mind out of the gutter) that is so shocking that it brings this great ending into Fantastic status.
Now for my cons of the film. Though margot robbie gives a fantastic performence in this film, I almost wonder how neccessary her character was. I understand the point of the film, that tarentino was making a love letter to 60s film and also a love letter to sharon tate but I have to say that her part was overly long especially the movie theater scene. This brings me too my 2nd and last con, some scenes are too long, for example the ranch scene. I kinda felt some tarentino tension when Brad pitt went to visit Bruce Dern's character, George. Then as the scene moves foward I quickly realize that the tension will go no were. That scene just could have been sized down.
Over all I like this movie, Its not my favorite movie of the year but, not not a bad edition too the Quentin Tarentino collection.
My score: 7.5/10
Did you see this movie? If you did what did you think? And what movie should I review next? Email me at [email protected]. Well thats it today folks! Bye Bye
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filmbuzz55-blog · 5 years
What is Up!!!! Welcome to the very first edition of Layton Tapley's movie blog. To kick it off Im just going to report on one thing.....Todays joker trailer!
The trailer: This trailer seemed much like the first but this time we have a little bit more attention to mental health. We see joker getting tormented and planning his revenge upoun Gotham.
General Reaction: slightly disapointed
Consensus: Though I adored the first trailer, I thought we saw more of the same today. I mean more wierdo stuff,more dancing, more laughing, more tormenting. I pray to god that this isn't reflective of a repeating tone in the movie. Hopefully The film is so spoiler filled much like endgame, that there is no choice but to have a bland final trailer, but only time will tell us.
Did you see trailer? If you did, what did you think? If you have a topic or story for tommorows show email me at [email protected].
Thank you all for joining me, So long!
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filmbuzz55-blog · 5 years
What is Up!!!! Welcome to the very first edition of Layton Tapley's movie blog. To kick it off Im just going to report on one thing.....Todays joker trailer!
The trailer: This trailer seemed much like the first but this time we have a little bit more attention to mental health. We see joker getting tormented and planning his revenge upoun Gotham.
General Reaction: slightly disapointed
Consensus: Though I adored the first trailer, I thought we saw more of the same today. I mean more wierdo stuff,more dancing, more laughing, more tormenting. I pray to god that this isn't reflective of a repeating tone in the movie. Hopefully The film is so spoiler filled much like endgame, that there is no choice but to have a bland final trailer, but only time will tell us.
Did you see trailer? If you did, what did you think? If you have a topic or story for tommorows show email me at [email protected].
Thank you all for joining me, So long!
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