filthygonzokinner · 14 hours
This website is too mobile focused these days. Reblog and tell me what your desktop/laptop background is.
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filthygonzokinner · 16 hours
nothing beats the intimacy of being silly together
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filthygonzokinner · 20 hours
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
"childs is the thing!" "no macready is the thing" LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER THE CREDITS CLEARLY SAY JOHN CARPENTER'S THE THING
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
Gravity Falls being popular again but this time as more about Stan and Ford is really a test for artists. Can you draw an old man? Or is that a 20-something twink you tried to put wrinkles on?
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
Stop using the word degenerate to mean horny challenge
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
I don’t think you’re ready to have an adult conversation about politics until you’re able to admit that there are things you love and enjoy that would not and should not exist in a just world. $8 billion dollar budget movies every other month don’t exist in a just world. New 900 GB AAA video games every year don’t exist in a just world. Next day delivery doesn’t exist in a just world. 80 different soda brands don’t exist in a just world. 
All of those things come from exploitation on some level, and if you wouldn’t trade those for a world where everyone can eat and have a home no matter who they are or what they do, I don’t know what to tell you. 
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
so embarrassing when i forget im checking someone's blog and i start scrolling through and liking and reblogging shit as if it's just my dash. it feels like wandering into someone else's apartment and not noticing and making myself lunch
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
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Autumn 🍂 is here !!
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
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ok. ok ok i know essentially everyone knows about this comic but theres 200 other comics im 99% sure are made by the same person and reading through it i?s so fucking surreal??? nobody talks about the rest of these comics when theyre just as good as this one??? what the fuck??
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
"why is EVERY song about love" I'm begging you to dig just a tiny bit deeper, there's literally thousands of songs that aren't love songs. You don't even have to look for the most obscure underground artists ever, the fucking Beatles of all people have a song about a guy who kills people with a hammer
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
to this day i think one of the funniest moments in all of Gravity Falls is the episode where Soos is going on a date with that woman at the mall and she gets roped into battling the monster of the week with him and in the climax he’s making combat plans with Mabel and Dipper and the woman says, “Soos. These are children.”
It absolutely takes me out every time because this is a rare outside perspective in the show from another adult who rightfully points out how absurd it is to expect the children to fight
But as an older cousin and someone who’s been a camp counselor, like Soos I too have spent entire summers as an adult surrounded primarily by 12 year olds and I know for a fact how quickly I could find myself relying on them as equals in a supernatural battle against gnomes or whatever the fuck
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
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u can call ur skull-head deer oc literally anything else u don't even have to change the design
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
Can we make weather above 75°F illegal I want to wear my cardigans
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
I love snake handling, as a religious practice.
Because while they can point at some Bible verses to justify it (a couple gospels use "snakes can't hurt you" as a metaphor for strength of belief, and they took it very litteraly) it's basically a modern invention. Like, the American Christian practice of snake handling is barely over a hundred years old! That's very young for a Christian practice.
It's younger than Mormons and Christian Scientist, and it's mostly limited to my area: the Appalachians.
It's basically just a regular Pentecostal service (which often involves laying of hands for healing, and my favorite Christian tradition, glossolalia!) except they add The Snake.
Like, you're at church, and there's the pews, and people are going up and Feeling The Spirit, and some of them are Picking Up The Snake.
That's alright, it's a harmless snake, right?
NOPE! They use venomous snakes. Usually American ones (your rattlesnakes and copperheads) but sometimes they import cobras and the like.
The venomous nature is the point. They believe that if they're blessed by God, they'll be able to handle the dangerous snakes without being hurt.
And given that this is a relatively rarely practiced thing, and it's connected to faith healing, you might think it's just a con. There's some traveling "holy man" with a well-trained snake that he can "miraculously" handle without being attacked, right?
Oh god no. It's a bunch of different guys and they get bitten all the time. Wikipedia has a list of 15 of 'em who died because of it, and that's just the "notable" ones.
People are allowed to just come up and touch the venomous snake! No training or safety equipment needed, just Jesus. Reportedly people who get bitten are not considered to be lacking in faith, just "it was their time to go". Like, they don't even call the hospital about anti-venom. You just die.
(Did I mention sometimes they drink poison too? Mainly strychnine, possibly because it's survivable in small doses. Same reason: their faith will protect them)
Anyway I really do love it. It's such an unusual thing to jam into Christianity, that I can't help but be mesmerized by it.
But it makes up the majority of 20th and 21st century American deaths from snakes. Most people avoid snakes so even the most deadly venomous snakes in America usually only ever kill by surprise, like someone reaches into a gopher hole and gets bit, or they accidentally bother one trying to piss in a bush. And even then, we've got anti-venoms! Lots of people bitten make it to the hospital and get treated.
So naturally the main group that ends up dying from snakes is the ones who are constantly handling deadly snakes and then refuse medical care.
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filthygonzokinner · 2 days
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filthygonzokinner · 3 days
faggot fall is almost upon us! like and reblog if you want a faggot upon you
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