filthysin · 2 months
coming out of my shell to ask for some specific kinky stuff on discord
i'm looking for someone who wants to write watersports in a m/f ship, with me playing the male. like or dm if interested
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filthysin · 6 months
im pretty much only on discord atm, if anyone i've written with there wants to write with me there, shoot me a message or like this
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filthysin · 9 months
having a hard time remaining active on here with rl, but i would love to write some filth over on discord. like this and ill come to you to plot
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filthysin · 11 months
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filthysin · 11 months
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DIANNA AGRON as Dalia in the movie Zipper (2015)
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filthysin · 11 months
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#it’s their love language
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filthysin · 11 months
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filthysin · 11 months
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Thomas was a hard worker, he had been all his life and it had never stopped. He was eager to please, parents, teacher's, bosses, co-workers, girlfriend's, girlfriend's family. The two latters had probably suffered the most though. Because school and work had always been a top priority for Thomas, he wanted to be good, the best even. He wanted to be liked and he never wanted to be called lazy. Which is why he was currently working late at his job, staying late and organizing files at the request of his superior. He had been so in the zone of organizing that he hadn't heard the woman approaching him from behind. "Oh!" he let out a little yelp as the voice startled him. He turned around to find HER, Andrea Fernway, she was acting managing partner at the law firm. He had learned all the names and positions of the people at the company, thinking that would help him out. She was an older woman, well older than him that was, he was twenty five and she was at the end of her thirties he believed. Not that you could tell at all, she was gorgeous, beautiful, stunning. So much in fact that he realized he had been looking at her for a little too long without saying anything. "What?" he said a little bewildred. "Oh! Yes, just organizing some files for Gerwin Ms. Fernway." he said with a polite smile, a little nervous. "Sorry, I'm a little out of it." he said trying to explain away him not being able to talk for a few seconds. "You're working late too, I see. Anything interesting? That is if you can tell me of course."
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Another LATE night at the office. Such was the life it seemed of one Andrea Fernway but for all those looking in, no one would think she minded it. Andrea loved her job after all. From top to bottom she took PRIDE in her little empire and thus? She was once again burning the midnight oil without protest. Though as the hours wore on and the buzzing of the fluorescents above began to take their TOLL, the Queen of the Firm decided it was time to take a break. She rubbed her face with a small huff of breath and pushed away from her desk. No more thoughts could be spent upon the case at hand ... not until she took a little walk to clear her head at least. Andrea silently toed off her heels and made her way towards the long hallway that opened up to the rest of the office floor. No one was around, she could get away with being a little LESS than professional. That's what she thought anyways, for after taking a turn down another corridor, the light seeping out from the BULL PEN caught her eye. Was someone else really here? Brows furrowed and curiosity got the better of her, sending her in that direction before she spotted a SINGLE first year associate at his cubicle. The woman padded in silently up behind him then lent against the half wall with a quiet chuckle on the tip of her tongue. ❝TELL ME that Gerwin doesn't have you here organizing all of his files again or something.❞ Thinking fondly towards one of her Junior associates, she wouldn't put it past the man to torture the newbies into submission.
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filthysin · 11 months
plotted starter for @dimplcdcheeks
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zane loved delilah with all his heart, sure he got the looks. he was older than her, but that didn't mean there couldn't be love between them. they spoilt each other, how they did, was a private matter. he spent his money on her, he was a successful real estate broker, and she showed her appreciation for him in more physical ways. it worked for them. it was a late night and zane sneaked into the kitchen where his wife was. he wrapped his arms around her stomach and pressed kisses to her neck. "what are you up to?" he asked in between the kisses to her neck and up to her cheek, his crotch pressing against her ass. he was feeling a certain type of way this night, and looking at his gorgeous wife, it got him in the mood.
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filthysin · 11 months
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mark had had his eyes on gabriella for a long while. she had grown into a beautiful woman. something his son had also seen, and mark couldn't fault him for jumping at the opportunity, if mark was young, he would have done the same thing. but hearing that she actually wanted him like he wanted too, it surprised him even though that's what he expected. mark looked down at the dress that higlighted her breasts perfectly. "i like it a lot." he said as he took in form, her curves. mark dared to put his hand on her back, feeling the material of her dress as his hand slowly stroked her back. "it feels nice." he said as he looked down at her. she was forbidden, that's what made it feel both better and worse. "is this okay?" he asked her, but nothing in his face or tone made it seem like he was apologetic for putting his hands on her. mark wanted her, more than he had wanted anyone in the last decade. in his youth, before he settled, he had been with many women. but he had settled down. now that hunger was coming forth once more.
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gabriella followed mark into the house, up the stairs and inside the bedroom that she knew he shared with his wife, well aware of what it meant. well aware of the fact that they both wanted each other in ways that they shouldn't. she should be celebrating his son, her actual boyfriend. and she should be celebrating her father, his best friend. and yet, here they were, staring at one another across the space, the bedroom door closing behind her as she offers him a knowing smile. the air was thick with the sexual tension between them. “ i know. ” her accent was a little thicker, given she had a few glasses of champagne. she approached him, slowly. “ i had you in mind when i picked this dress. do you like it? ” her voice was a purr as she stood in front of him, one dainty hand reaching to tug at the lapel of his suit jacket. her big, innocent eyes looking up at him. the heels she was wearing barely made a dent in their height difference.
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filthysin · 11 months
plotted starter for @unbriidled
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the storm outside was not stopping, and the power had been cut a few hours ago. ronan's house was starting to get very cold. he didn't really care too much about him. he was more worried about his daughter nastasia. ronan looked at his daughter and he took her hand. "come on baby, we need to keep warm." it wasn't going to be deadly, but it wasn't going to be comfortable either. the power would probably come back in a few hours, hopefully. "it's late, it's time for bed either way." ronan said as he led her up the stairs to his bedroom. he had a bed they could share, it was big, but they would need to keep close to keep warm. "i'm just going to change." he said as he went to the bathroom and got into some long boxers and a t-shirt. he got back into the bedroom and laid down and waited for her to get into bed with him.
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filthysin · 11 months
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mark knew what he felt for her was wrong, but he couldn't help himself. he was at a breaking point. he had been resisting his urges for too long. and here she was standing in front of him, willing as far as he could tell she had followed him up here. he was a bad man, but it was too late to turn back now, they were technically already doing something wrong. they had already taken this step, they could deny it to themselves, but they had already taken as step in the "wrong" direction.
mark stepped closer to her and replied in a low voice. "but you are.". they were still a bit away from each other, but were getting closer and closer as each of them had moved. "you know why." he remarked. mark closed the distance between them as he took in her dress "you look beautiful." his hand reached for her thigh feeling the soft skin there. "if you want me to stop, you can just tell me." but he knew she didn't want that. he was betraying his son, but right now he couldn't care, not when this young, sexy woman was standing in front of him. "but i don't think you want that, do you?" mark whispered in her ear as his face had come closer to hers.
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lucinda knew she shouldn't have followed him, the thought immediately crossing her mind. it felt wrong, considering her boyfriend was just a few feet away, mingling with other partygoers. yet, there she was, drawn to his father with an undeniable attraction. had he sought her out among the crowd with that look in his eyes? she couldn't deny the fact that she had come forward willingly, dressing up in an exquisite olive green dress that accentuated her curves provocatively. the split in the dress revealed her right thigh with every step she took, and the cowl neck emphasized her alluring figure, hinting at the absence of a bra underneath.
though she should have felt exposed, under his gaze, she felt beautiful and desired. as she entered the room, her eyes searched for him, a mix of apprehension and excitement causing her to bite her bottom lip. her skin flushed with a combination of nerves and attraction. "i shouldn't be here," she whispered, a faint protest escaping her lips. despite her inner conflict, she found herself moving closer to him, though not yet within his reach, knowing that the party was still ongoing outside. "why am i here?" she mused, the words more of a contemplative thought spoken aloud than a genuine question.
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filthysin · 11 months
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beck was going through a bit of a dry patch right now. coupled with stress at work and a recent break up he just hadn't had time to get back into the game. so on top of everything else he was quite sexually frustrated. it had to have been at least two or three months and beck was definitely an every other day kind of guy. so of course seeing emma like that, had some sort of effect on him. but he was outraged of course. this was his best friend she was betraying! "no i didn't fucking like watching my best friend betrayed." beck spat back at emma who had now pressed play on the video, which made beck wonder what the fuck was going on. beck took the phone back and locked his phone screen "you're fucking crazy." he yelled. emma had shown no signs of this before, it was like he had just stepped into upside down land. beck tried to rack his brain for a reason why the fuck emma would be doing all of this. and he soon got his answer, she was trying to seduce him.
"for me?" beck's voice dropped a little, not sounding as angry as he had. for what he could have. he'd be lying if he hadn't checked emma out before, she was gorgeous and hot. but if she thought he was betraying his best friend to fuck her she was delusional. "you are not right in the head." beck scoffed. and now she was trying to tell him what he was thinking. "i don't think this is text news. beside i thought you had sent to the wrong person at first." beck said explaining himself. and suddenly before he knew it emma's hand was down his pants and feeling him up and it took him a few seconds to regain control of the situation. beck grabbed emma's arm and pushed her against the wall, pulling her hand out of his pants. "you've got some fucking nerve don't you. think you can fuck your way out of being exposed as the biggest fucking slut in manhatten." beck growled at her, he usually didn't use this kind of language, but something in emma brought it out of him. and the most fucked up thing was that he felt himself being more turned on by this, calling her a slut, pressing her against the alleyway wall. beck's eyes wandered down to her body, he knew what she looked like naked and he was getting harder in his pants. fuck.
beck licked his lips as he looked down at emma's cleavage, fuck he wanted her. his best friend's girfriend. his best friend's cheating slut of a girlfriend. the alcohol in his blood mixed with his horniness was responsible for his next actions, at least that's what beck told himself. beck's hand found their way to emma's crotch. "is this what you want emma? for your boyfriend's best friend to touch you like this?" beck growled as he cupped her sex. he could feel the heat radiating from her crotch, which made manners just worse for him. "you are such a fucking slut." beck could blame emma for this and he did, thinking she brought it out of him. but the truth was, it had always been there. she just uncovered it. beck's hand found it's way into her pants to find her smooth and shaved pussy, warm and wet for him. "you're so fucking wet too, you whore." beck spat out at her as he pushed three fingers inside of her, giving her no time to adjust, like he was punishing her. he started fingering her in the alley. "is this what you wanted emma?" beck breathed against her lips, and before he knew it he had crashed their lips together in a violent kiss, biting down on her lip. "say how much you like it slut."
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it wasn't a coincidence that they were at the same club tonight. no, like every step of her plan up until tonight, emma had planned it out methodically, using her advantage of sleeping with someone that was close to the current object of her desires. one might think, if knowledge of her many affairs ever came to light, that she was unhappy with her boyfriend, but it was quite the contrary. she loved max, loved how he treated her, paid attention to her. but the problem was that she got bored, and it was just too easy to have her way with multiple men and women whenever she was in the right mood. and lately, she had her eyes set on his best friend. she had been covert with her flirting, keeping it to a minimum as she tested the waters. little comments here and there, always with max around so it didn't seem obvious. but she had decided to make her first major move tonight, and that included being in the same place as him when she sent him the carefully chosen photo and video. she watched as he left his group and quickly hit send, his read receipts letting her know that not only was the bait delivered, but he had seen both.
so when he came storming towards her, she kept her face passive. when he grabbed her hand and practically dragged her up and out of the club, she looked back at her friends with a single shrug of her shoulder. and when he confronted her about the video, all she did was grin. "did you like it?" right now, it was just the two thumbnails of what she had sent, so she reached forward and pressed play on the video, the sounds of her moaning soon filling the empty alleyway. it was quite obvious that there was no shame in her actions, no remorse that she had not only sent her boyfriend's best friend her nudes, but also gave him video evidence that she was cheating on him.
"it was for you," she said, voice leaning towards hurt as she gave him big, puppy dog eyes. "i wanted to give you a sneak peak of what you could have." there was no scenario where she thought he would give in to her so easily, and emma had planned for that. she knew he'd be upset, righteous, shower her with his holier-than-thou attitude, thinking that he was going to be doing his friend some big favor by tattling on her. but to do any of that, she'd have to be guilty and that was something beck wouldn't get out of her. "the fact that you haven't even sent those to max tells me more than what you can say," she shared, eyes glancing once again to his phone. once again her fingers move across the screen, pressing back to gain access to all of his messages and seeing that hers was still resting right on top of the threads. "some best friend you are, beck," she reprimands. "i bet you wouldn't even stop me if i tried..." but she trailed off, her attention now focused between them as her fingertips began to slide beneath the waistband of his jeans. "bad boy. you're not soft!" she giggles, her hand moving lower to cup him. "i think you liked my little video more than you let on."
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filthysin · 11 months
plotted starter for @unbriidled
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simon walked into the hotel room alongside love, his assistant. just a few minutes prior when he had checked in and she had waited for him like he had told her to, his plan had been set in motion. simon had developed a fondness for love and he wasn't quite happy with their current relationship, which was strictly professional. no, simon wanted more. he wanted her. ever since he had hired her, he had fantasized about her, wondering how he could get his hands on her. he'd often get sidetracked running after other women who had been more accessible, but his lust for her had never waned. and this business trip had been the perfect opportunity to seduce her. he had gone back and lied to her, saying the hotel had only booked one room and they were full up so they would have to share a room, he had assured her that it was big and so was the bed. of course the hotel had done nothing wrong, he had done this on purpose. "just like i told you. a nice big bed and a nice room." simon said as they walked into the room. "perfect, even champagne." he said as a bottle of champagne in ice was there for them. simon popped the bottle open and poured champagne in two glasses before he handed her one. "we'll manage with this right?" he asked with a charming smile.
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filthysin · 11 months
plotted starter for @lunarrscribbles
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dominic was casting for his new movie, and he needed good young actresses willing to sacrifice anything for the arts. dominic was currently seeing a beautiful young woman, the last of the day. she was promising there was only one more thing. "wonderful!" he said putting his hands in the air. "good work." he said with a charming smile and a nod. "there's just one thing." he said as he got up from the chair, the camera was still running. since these were upcoming actresses he had handpicked himself, he had chosen to do the casting process alone. not wanting anyone to ruin his vision or interfere with his process. "this movie is going to be modern. and there's going to be quite a lot of nudity. and you need to be comfortable with that. americans today are so afraid of the naked body. but we are going to show it to them! we're going to show them it's beautiful and natural, how we all were made. does that make sense?" he asked as he looked at the young actress.
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filthysin · 11 months
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filthysin · 11 months
plotted starter for @lunarrscribbles
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beck had just used the bathroom at the club he was at, he was here with a couple of buddies. his best friend max's girlfriend was here, he was stuck working. he had waved hi to her across the club but they hadn't talked. she was here with some girlfriends as far as he could tell. he was just getting out of the bathroom and into the hallway, where at the end of it was a door leading to the club dance floor and bar. he could hear the booming through the walls, but it was somewhat quiet here, enough to take a little breather before going back out. he heard his phone beep and he saw it was a text from emma he didn't think anything of it, they were at the same club maybe she wanted to say hi or something. but when he unlocked his phone his mouth opened. it was a nude picture of her. it hadn't been taken now, it was at her apartment, he had been there a few times. beck immediately exited out of the text as soon as he got over the initial shock, this was obviously meant for his best friend and not him. but what should he do? pretend it didn't happen? he at least needed to delete it. he opened the text again, again being greeted with emma's naked body on display for him. he found himself looking at a bit too long, she was hot and her body was perfect. beck felt guilty that he looked a little too long, he held down on it and was about to delete before he got another text.
this time though, it wasn't an image, but a video. his curiosity got the better of him, beck scrambled for his earpods in his pocket, put them in and pressed play on the video. it was emma sucking off and riding a guy. yes, a guy. how did he know it wasn't his friend? because his friend did not share the skin color of the guy in the video, what the fuck was this. was she cheating on his friend? beck felt weird, a mix of a little turned on, angry and upset. he put his phone and earpods back in his pocket, storming off to the dance floor. he scoured the dance floor and looked for emma. when he spotted her he headed straight for her and grabbed her hand pulling her with him out of the exit door to the alley way. none of her friends did anything to stop him, probably used to there being some drama every night. beck let go of her and pushed his phone in her face. "what the fuck is this?" he yelled. "and don't give me some bullshit, that's not max. i don't know who you meant to send this too. but you are so fucking busted."
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