finding-hashem · 23 hours
hey Jewish converts and Jews-by-choice, Jew-by-birth here.
I see you, joining our Tribe despite how fucking scary it is to be Jewish right now.
I see you, joining our Tribe despite literal millennia of virulent Jew-hate
I see you, standing up and saying "shema Yisrael" even though doing so is as dangerous as ever
I see you, joining our ancient family even though this world hates us all so much
and I'm proud to have you with us
to listen to the roar in your heart and follow it, even though it's scary and dangerous and the world is full of screams of hate, to listen to your Jewish soul and make the choice to fully embrace it right now, that is courage beyond measure. that is true love and passion for am Yisrael
I'm proud to stand next to you. it's better with you here. we're stronger with you here.
from one Jew to another, welcome home💙✡️
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finding-hashem · 2 days
Attempts to erase Palestinian identity and connection to The Land are just as insidious as attempts to erase Jewish identity and connection to The Land.
There is active erasure taking place on both "sides." I think this is because people seem to be so unable to hold two goddamn things at once and they see the existence of one group in connection to The Land, to completely undermine the existence of another group in connection to The Land.
This is super immature and also very fucking annoying because it means we have to watch people jump through hoops to try and explain that Palestinians don't exist or that all Jews are colonizers who grew out of the ground in Europe.
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finding-hashem · 3 days
you know? it’s really fucking wild that my actual opinions about israel/palestine — not the opinions people assume i have based off bad faith interpretations of my posts or what others have said my opinions are — are so fucking controversial???
my opinions:
a permanent ceasefire that everyone involved will adhere to needs to happen, and this ceasefire needs to at the very least include bringing the hostages home and allowing distribution of aid to palestinians
on that note, aid needs to be given to palestinian civilians in a manner that ensures they will actually receive it
netanyahu needs to go (not controversial but it needs to be said)
hamas needs to go (somehow this is a controversial statement?????)
tokenizing jews who agree with you while demonizing the other 80+ percent of jews is bad
palestinians and israelis are both entitled to this region of land and ideally a 2-state solution should be the goal, but any solution that a) respects the humanity and safety of both jews and palestinians, and b) is based in reality, is acceptable
the land of israel is the homeland of both jews and palestinians and both deserve to live there in peace
jews and palestinians deserve to safely visit their holiest places
people in general deserve not to suffer through wars, and i’d personally love if the next ceasefire doesn’t get broken and if this cycle of violence could be broken
the antizionist movement has a problem with antisemitism
there is an extreme amount of misinformation surrounding this conflict that gets spread widely without any consideration or scrutiny
oct 7 was a heinous and disgusting act of evil, and anyone justifying it as an act of resistance needs to understand that most jews are terrified of you and rightly so
NOT my opinions:
palestinian children deserve to die
palestinians don’t deserve a state
islamophobia is okay
anti-arab sentiment is okay
anything that could be described as kahanism
antizionist jews deserve to be targets of antisemitism
anyways!! i am once again begging people to support solidarity organizations that promote peace between israelis and palestinians like: standing together, allmep, eco peace, etc
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finding-hashem · 3 days
I think it would be really funny if Jewish folks started using 🫣🫣🫣🫣 etc as prayer emojis instead of 🙏
🙈⬅️ me saying the shema
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finding-hashem · 6 days
me, a gentile, completely engrossed in a very long thread in which several Jewish tumblr users draw on the tenets, laws, and philosophies of Judaism to support their claims in a debate about whether it would be okay for a dragon to light a candle with its own fiery breath on the sabbath
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finding-hashem · 7 days
“…dead Jews are only worth discussing if they are part of something bigger, something more. Some other people might go to Holocaust museums to feel sad, and then to feel proud of themselves for feeling sad. They will have learned something important, discovered a fancy metaphor for the limits of Western civilization. The problem is that for us, dead Jews aren’t a metaphor, but rather actual people we do not want our children to become.”
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finding-hashem · 7 days
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Happy Rosh Hashanah! L'Shana Tova! Picture: “BETH CHAYIM CHADASHIM – JEWISH GAY AND PROUD,” Christopher Street West Parade, West Hollywood, California, June 1979. Photo by Bob Finney, from the collection of @lgbt_history. Founded in 1972, Beth Chayim Chadashim arguably was the world’s first synagogue founded by, and for, the queer community; Beth Chayim Chadashim - “House of New Life” - still serves Los Angeles’ progressive Jewish community. #lgbthistory #lgbtherstory #lgbttheirstory #lgbtpride #QueerHistoryMatters #HavePrideInHistory #BethChayimChadashim (at Beth Chayim Chadashim)
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finding-hashem · 7 days
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Vintage pins from the Lesbian Herstory Archive’s button collection | 70s/80s
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finding-hashem · 8 days
(nothing between me and god except a thin panel of aquarium glass) ahem *bonk* hey *bonk* excuse me *loud thunk* i have questions about the nature of things
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finding-hashem · 9 days
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finding-hashem · 10 days
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finding-hashem · 10 days
reminder that visibly religious people belong at pride. that person wearing a hijab is not a threat to you. that person wearing tzitzit and a kippah is not a threat to you. someone simply wearing an item that is culturally or religiously important to them is not a threat to you. however, your aggression upon seeing a religious person at pride is a threat to them.
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finding-hashem · 10 days
Palestinians see Israel as a colonial project that tore them away from their homeland and Jews see Israel as a decolonial project that brought them back to their homeland and we can sit here and argue about who is “right” for 7 billion years or we can hold two narratives at once and recognize that the strip of land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is a homeland for both Jews and Palestinians so we need to find some common ground and a way for both groups to live their freely
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finding-hashem · 10 days
Hey major shout-out to my fellow trans Jews. This year has been hell and it's hard not to feel like we've been completely abandoned, betrayed, shut out, and made unsafe across the full political spectrum.
I'm so sorry; we deserved better. I hope you're okay and standing strong - we will get through this together 🕎 🏳️‍⚧️ ✡️
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finding-hashem · 11 days
Happy pride month to all religious queer people!
No matter what anyone says, your queer and religious identities are not contradictory, and you don't have to choose between them to be true to yourself.
Your queer identity is holy and sacred.
You are loved by your G-d(s) and you were created in their image to be queer.
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finding-hashem · 11 days
I think part of what brings Steve and Bucky together, from the very start of their friendship, is that both of them grew up with strong mothers who raised them to have an even stronger sense of justice.
Jewish-American women in particular have a long and rich history at the forefront of many movements for social advancement for marginalized people; a notable example being Brenda Howard, a bisexual Jewish woman dubbed "the mother of pride".
I can clearly see Winnifred Barnes being an active member of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods (now known as Women of Reform Judaism), a Jewish group with a long history of social and political activism both inside and outside of the Jewish community.
In 1965 the group adopted a resolution which called for the decriminalization of homosexuality and condemned homophobia from within the Jewish community. Winnie would have been the resolution's biggest supporter. Keeping the memory of her son alive, and ensuring it be a blessing for countless others, by fighting to build the world that she wished he had gotten to experience, that unbeknownst to her, he would get to live in with the very man she knew he'd been in love with for so long.
How deeply indescribably affirming and emotional it would be for Bucky, many years down the line, to get to experience a world where he could be himself, and to learn that, not only would his family have accepted him, but his mother actively fought so others like him could have this freedom to love and the Jewish community would embrace them with open arms.
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finding-hashem · 11 days
Note to self: remember to take a picture of my favorite gay comic for the start of pride
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