  Wow what a week! I have loved every second of it. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite Holidays but now I think it is my favorite. I love the fact that all my family is together. Life gets crazy and we aren’t always able to see each other but when we do get together it is like time freezes. I am so lucky. My siblings are truly my best friends. We may fight and have our disagreements but there is no other people I would rather be with, especially this time of year.
This year we had a small and personal Thanksgiving dinner. It was just my siblings and their families along with my grandma and parents. It was one for the books. We ate, we laughed, and we loved. Being at the table with everyone I truly realized how much I have to be grateful for.  I want to dedicate this post as my grateful post. It’s been a minute since I took the time to realize all that I have and all that I am grateful for. So here it goes my top 5 things I’m grateful for post.
My Family- My family is the most important thing in the world to me. I would do anything for them and I know they would do anything for me. These past few years we have had some challenging moments but we have always come together and gotten thru the challenges together. I love my family and wouldn’t change them for the world.
My Faith- I am so grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that I am a member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints. I am so lucky to have the knowledge that I have from it. I believe.
My Freedom- Freedom is what gives me the chance to have my family and my religion. I am so blessed to be born in a country where men and women volunteer to serve and to protect my freedom. Their families have sacrificed so much for this country and I have a special place in my heart for them.
Medicine- Being born with this ability I am so blessed to have the amazing doctors and nurses who have helped me make ability out of this disability. The known fact that I can do whatever I put my mind to is also something I can thank medicine for. I wouldn’t be here without it nor would many of my loved ones.
Education- I have been blessed with many examples of the benefits of education. Both of my parents are educated as well as grandparents. Education is very important in my family whether it be thru trade or schooling. Education has made a huge impact on my life, if it wasn’t for education I wouldn’t be here today and I wouldn’t live the life I live.
There are so many things I am grateful for but I only had space for 5. I love this season and the meaning to which it brings. What are you grateful for?
PIE TIME!! Wow what a week! I have loved every second of it. Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite Holidays but now I think it is my favorite.
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How can something so stinky, slobbery, and loud help you so much? You probably are confused but todays post is about dogs. I have been blessed with the best when it comes from that perspective. I have had so many experiences when something so hairy has saved me. When I was talking to my sister about what my next post should be on she said dogs. She told me that I have had so many instances when a dog has been the answer to my most trying questions and to share the experiences with all my readers. So here I go.
Growing up we have always had dogs. My mom bread Saint Bernard’s and at a young age I connected to the animal. We had one saint for example who would sleep next to me and let me sit on her. She would push me out of the street and keep me in the front yard. Many people would question my mom because how can such a big animal be such a gentle giant to a little baby in diapers. My mom never had to worry about me because of that dog. Cinnamon was her name and she still shares a special piece of our hearts. She helped my family and I learn how to give me a normal life. With her protection and guidance at such a young age I was able to do many things that the average toddler was able to do. I practiced stairs, played in the dirt and ran around the yard but my life differed because I also had a huge dog following me. Cinnamon is just one example of the amazing impact dogs have had on me.
Bear David Hiatt is the dog who had the most positive impact on my life. I got Bear for Christmas when I was nine or ten. I had him for over ten years. He helped me through multiple surgeries. Two bouts of cancer in my family and many other trials I had to overcome. He was there for me when I was all alone. He was honestly my best friend and he knew it. I would wake up to him under my blankets sleeping like a child. He was the best babysitter for the babies in the family and suffered thru many tail pulls and fur grabs. Bear was the dog I wish everyone could have or experience. Everyone who met him fell in love with him. He was the laziest dog and was overweight from all the years of table scraps and following the kids around. One of my experiences that Bear helped me thru was the day my dad was diagnosed with cancer. I was in Junior High which is a tough age for everyone.  I remember from the day dad told us about the cancer like it was yesterday. As the tears flowed Bear was there. He made me laugh when I cried and was there to cuddle the fears away. I know this sounds super cheesy. I know he was just a dog but Bear wasn’t just any dog.
Another example is Liberty. Liberty was a full bread poodle who came into my life when I was in pain. I just had one of my most massive operations where the doctors had to break both bones in both legs and separate them a quarter inch leaving a gap in the bones. I woke up from surgery in massive pain and had some complications. I couldn’t find relief and my mom and sister were heart broken. My mom went out in the hallway of the hospital to pray. Pray for relief for me and that I could overcome the complications. Next thing she knew she looked up and a black wet nose dog was coming down the hall. She stopped Liberties worker and asked her if Liberty could come see me. All I remember was a head resting on my lap. I was able to relax enough and all my complications eased. My pain went down and I was able to rest. I think I even fell asleep with liberty on my lap.
Many people have experienced dogs in this way and many people haven’t. You don’t really understand the impact an animal can have on you. Right now Moose the Malshipoo is my go to doggo. He is still training but man I love that dog. Some people experience this thru other types of animals. My grandpa was really sick as a child and his animal he came to love and related to was a horse. He could spend hours with is horses and wouldn’t feel any of the side effects of his sickness.  To everyone we have a way of coping and dealing with things. The important thing is we find and hold onto what we love. You heal thru love. So find what you love and don’t be ashamed if it’s a silly dog, an activity or a person. These little differences in life are what make you unique.  What is your way of dealing with things? Is it an animal or activity?
Smile Moose!
Moose just turned 1!
Bear David
Hot Dog. How can something so stinky, slobbery, and loud help you so much? You probably are confused but todays post is about dogs.
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"Mind over Matter"...
“Mind over Matter”…
Today I want to talk about mental health. I feel like it’s something that people don’t realize can be just as debilitating as a physical disability. It doesn’t get the attention it should but let’s be honest the world is getting better at accepting it in the public spot light. The truth is everyone knows someone with a mental illness but you might not realize it. It’s a silent epidemic that isn’t…
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Goodbye Weekend
  It’s late. I probably should be in bed.
  I know last time I said I would tell you My Story but I think I need a little while longer to put it into words. So in the meantime for kicks and giggles I’ll give you 10 things about me.
  I am one of those cool people who don’t have a middle name. Brianne Hiatt is all you get. My parents didn’t give either of their girls a middle name. My mom doesn’t…
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Have You Ever?
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  Have you ever watched someone walk? Talk? or even eat? I know it sounds stalkerish but we all do it. To be honest people watching is one of my favorite past times. I find myself interested in their lives. Who are they? How are they? Are they having a good day? Bad day? Cold shower first thing in the morning kind of day? With all these questions going thru my mind I tend to stare. When you stare…
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Hey guys check out my blog!! New Post soon!!
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