Why are men so stupidly dumb? Yes I used both lol
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Damaged Goods
My heart hurts
My soul yearns for safety and security
A place in which to rest and rejuvenate
A comforting home
Things all which seem so out of reach
Tainted perspectives, delusional ideas
What is wrong with me?
I dance like she
Dress like she
Talk like she
What is the difference between me and she
I love how I want to be loved
But love is not equal
Love hurts
Love traumatises
Love irreversibly damages
Isolation must be the key
To a world of peace and bliss
A sigh of relief
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Every woman I have ever loved is still working out how to love herself. Has a closetful of ghosts and has been to a hundred funerals of the women she used to be. Wonders what wounds her mother carries that she will never know about. Hopes that the weight of the world doesn't eventually crush her, that she is strong enough to handle it all. Wishes a day will come when she can put it all down, give her aching shoulders a rest. Wants someone to truly see her and not make a feast of her kindness and dreams. Is forever hiding a secret hunger for what calls to her in the dark. Holds a universe inside her, but has been told to make herself smaller despite the paradox. Praise be that universes are not in the business of listening to anyone but themselves. Every woman I have loved has thought about it. The art of disappearing. To be here one day, and the next, like smoke, simply gone.
- Nikita Gill, Every Woman I Have Ever Loved
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I miss him :(. I shouldn’t because he treated me the worst, but I do :(
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I am deserving and worthy of love
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I deserve a love that is sure of me from the beginning
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He isn’t the right person whether for now or ever. The right person won’t make you doubt yourself. No matter how mad he is at you he won’t fundamentally treat you any different. He wont be able to spend so long away from you in anger, he will forgive because he knows we are only human and all striving for perfection we may never achieve. He will make you so sure of his love and emotion towards you, you will never have to question it even through stormy seasons. He will protect you, protect your health and your mind. He will not damage you, as he will be able to reflect inwardly before reacting outwardly. He will appreciate you for the rare refined gem you are and adore you as such.
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As much as you disappoint me
A part of me clings on to hope
Hope that I truly mean something to you
Hope that I haven’t made it all up in my head
Hope that you care about me
I love you
With my whole heart
But when do I come to terms with reality
You will never feel the same way about me
Unrequited love
- J.A
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Too numb to cry
Too sad to be happy
Too overwhelmed to speak
Too drained empty to pour
Too pessimistic to believe
Too fragile to move
A lifeless object
- J.A
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Love yourself again. Love yourself unconditionally the way you love people who disappoint you time and time again. Give this love to the one person who truly deserves it. You.
- J.A
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Trapped, Caged, Stuck.
Sinking further, deeper
Will there ever be an end
Flooding, drowning, suffocating
Closing in
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To begin is to never end
My heart longs for you
A longing that has blinded me
Blinded me to my self worth
To my happiness
And most importantly to peace
I fell in love with imperfection
An uncut diamond
With edges so sharp I hurt myself
At every turn
I allowed myself to be cut
Time and time again
Allowed wounds to bleed me dry
All because I saw the possibility
Uncut or not the end product would be beautiful
A beauty which never came
- J.A
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You cannot feel terrible forever, if so you wouldn’t even know what the feeling terrible felt like. Cling onto the moments of happiness you experience even if they are temporary. Let them be the light out of your darkness
- J.A
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Realising how much a man has messed you up is scary, will anyone ever be able to make me feel secure and truly happy?
- J.A
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Fuck you and your inconsistency
- J.A
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To the one who I thought had restored what I’d lost
I don’t want to be writing this
But somethings need to be written in order to let go
We were two matchsticks in a fire
A relationship similar to that of water and fire
I thought you were perfect, for me anyways
I tried not think too much into the future
But I couldn’t help myself
The conversation started and never stopped
Which is why the way we ended surprised me
Not having reached our final destination
Never having reaped the rewards of our labour
I could see myself falling in love with you
Falling in love with your mind and you heart
How would we have ended up?
Only if you had allowed us to blossom
Once again, men a constant disappointment
The only difference this time was that I pulled the last trigger
Sent the last bullet that left things fragmented and broken
The bullet was necessary
Necessary for me to take back all that I’ve lost
And gain all the power I needed for the battles far ahead
You will always be a fond memory
Someone I smile in memory of
I really don’t want to say good bye
But it has been said for me
- J A
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Blinded and lost
Darkness surrounding me
A waterfall of self doubt, confusion, anger
Wanting to end it all
Sunken heart
Weary eyes
Tormented mind
Secrets of the past unveiling
Neglect and disrepair
Informing actions of the present
The dim end of the tunnel
Unexplainable pain and anguish
Sinking further
No glimpse of hope
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