finiteui-music · 2 years
I wanted to start this blog for a few reasons. The main one is to chronicle my musical discoveries, so that I might have a list to go back to and read over. Another is to simply share the music I’m enjoying. But I also wanted to work on my writing, and my ability to put my thoughts and feelings into words. It’s never been my strong suit, and even now I struggle to describe why I like something beyond just general vibes and gushing about it.
I love finding new music. I’m constantly reading different blogs, watching YouTube reviewers, and looking for recommendations on multiple platforms for new music. I have a standing goal of listening to at least 52 new (to me) albums a year, but I don’t take this to strictly.
I’ve been through a lot of musical phases. Growing up, my family mostly listened to whatever country music was on the radio. While I don’t generally listen to country now, I still have a fondness for late 90s early 2000s country. Outside of this, there were some CDs that my parents had that got a fair amount of play (Metallica’s black album, Beastie Boy’s License to Ill, Maroon 5’s Songs about Jane, a few funk compilation CDs, and a plethora of country albums to name a few), and obviously songs popular in movies, tv, commercials, and the pop radio stations when we got a bit older. In my early teenage years, the discovery of Linkin Park on YouTube and Slipknot from Guitar Hero 3 (lots of stuff from GH actually) dominated the music I listened to. In high school, I found Gorillaz. In early college, I went through several phases, including a Christian Rap phase, Power Metal phase, Black Metal phase, Christian Metalcore phase, rap phase, and a progressive metal phase. In recent years I’ve been listening to a lot more death metal, tech death, and the like. This year I’ve gone back to a lot of older emo and metalcore bands. I’m always looking for new music to listen to.
Anyway, hopefully I actually start writing on here. I hope to start with album reviews for the more notable albums I listen to.
Here’s my music site links:
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