finleypark · 1 year
closed to: zehra aksoy! (@zehraxaksoy ) location: wherever
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"hey, i got you this." finley says as he enters the room, putting down zehra's usual on the table as he stood before her. the scene he and jordan caused back at the masquerade ball, before they found dead bodies was something they still haven't talked about. it certainly was something he has been avoiding, only focusing on his work as her security. he'd mostly been quieter than his usual self as of late, at least around her, knowing what happened hurt zehra's reputation, in a way. "is there anything else you need, z?"
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finleypark · 1 year
billie -> finley
billie: i adore you protecting her honor and integrity i really fucking do billie: but there's other options to deal with his out of line ass billie: why does it always have to be punch first and think later omfg billie: causing a scene getting injured and it turns out the psycho killer was RIGHT there, for fuck's sake Finley: i didn't fucking cause that scene, i was minding my fucking business, billie Finley: yeah sure there's fucking other options, i'll think which will work next time Finley: but if you think i'd let that slide, no i won't
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finleypark · 1 year
billie -> finley
billie: want to start by saying i hope ur ok billie: that being said billie: what the FUCK was ur problem turning into a knockoff hulk at the masquerade Finley: he fucking called zehra a murderous bitch Finley: what the fuck did you want me to do? laugh?
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finleypark · 1 year
"they're all doing it for clicks, get a reaction they want outta you, z." it's one of the many things finley picked up on while he was back in LA. it looked bad for zehra, all the gossip, not just online but worse, it town. as much as both of them, more importantly, zehra knew that the people closest to her know her more than anything one anyone else, he could only imagine how this was all affecting her. "i know, z. but you've got us, you've got me to lean on, yeah?" he sighs, patting his hand on her shoulder. "elena and sasha would've loved this." he now gives her a small, sad smile. "but...if you want out, go home...just tell me, okay?"
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"They don't but they talk like they do, they say ridiculous things and act like they know me personally. They don't. They see a couple videos or pictures, they watch a few interviews and they think they know anything about me. They don't. I would never hurt either of those girls, I would never lay a single finger on them. They were my sisters. I love them. How dare they think I would ever hurt either of them." She finished her little rant and took a few deep breaths, she had a lot of built up tension that seemed to come out the moment she spoke with Finley. He was somebody she cared about, he cared for her and they understood each other. "I will try.. It'll be tough for me to get through."
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finleypark · 1 year
"it's fine. s'just some cheesecake. just take it." finley does his best to end the conversation as early as it started, not just because he was in a fight with jordan moments ago and cleaned himself up before donning the mask back on, wanting to just go along with the party, but this encounter was something he didn't expect for tonight. he didn't expect to see scout again after all this time, after she decided to leave him the moment he needed her the most. he learned to just be back on his own, and that has been the care for some time now, he didn't need this again, the painful reminder of how...good things in his life are only temporary.
"it's just cheesecake, i can take some of these brownies and blondies, i won't notice the difference." but of course, scout had to be this persistent, her poking on his mask made him flinch as it presses against his face, the aftermath of punches thrown between him and jordan. he couldn't even stop her at this point from getting into his space. "you don't have to share wit' me. just have at it." he says as he's watched her pat on his chest. "i'm no special." maybe it wasn't just about what caused this...whatever this is in the first place where those words came from, but from that day when he realized she was gone, for good. he's now changed, a different person, but that memory still bears a bit of sting. "can you just--just take the damn cheesecake. it's all yours. i don't want it anymore."
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She wasn't sure why, but she hadn't expected for him to be so nice; god knows how she might've been had she been on the other end of this cheesecake scenario— and spoiler, it wouldn't be near as graceful. It was that initial wave that had her lower lip sticking out, empathy gaining traction. "Wait, no, I mean... I'm sure they totally have more in the back." Scout looked at her tiny dessert then threw a look over at her shoulder, towards the flippy-floppy doors she's seen the waiters coming in and out of.
Whilst no tray-clad person was in view, her heart clung to the thought that, well, she could eat her cheesecake and he could have it too. So as she turned back, she erased the distance that he'd created between them, popping that bubble entirely as her hand reached for his arm. "We're getting you that cheesecake," she said assuredly, poking her finger at the nose of the mask. Just that extra bit closer now, she could see his eyes a bit better, and the vague familiarity of them caused her to sway on her feet, caused her to blink her eyes as if she couldn't trust them. "Worst case, if I have to," her loose nature caused her to tilt in towards him, to pat his chest, "I'll go 70-30 on this bitch. And I don't offer that to just anyone."
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finleypark · 1 year
There wasn't much of a chance for Jordan to snap back again. Between the punches the two were giving each other and the way the alcohol wanted to make him sway a lot more than he would have been, he needed to focus on the actions more than the words. One second the two of them were exchanging hits that would leave evidence of their fight for weeks and the next Jordans arm was being yanked and he could hear a familiar voice yelling to him. He didn't realize that Billie had been the one to force things to come to an end until they were already leaving the area and Finley behind.
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finleypark · 1 year
"you've got some fucking nerve when you're the one tryin' to fuck a murderer's sister!" normally finley would avoid conflicts, it was what he's sworn to himself upon arriving to hidehill, avoid having attention to himself and just do his job, especially when zehra and her management gave him a chance to work for her. the recent events gave him a little bit more pressure than usual, ensuring the safety of zehra now that the world was watching her, especially after the deaths of sasha and elena, how people now were believing these lies, and of course, jordan would believe them, too. once more, punches were returned, and finley's regard for safety went out the window, the taste of blood in his mouth not registering to him yet.
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There were a mixture of things fueling Jordans rage right now. Heathers name leaving his lips, all the pent-up hatred he held for Zehra for what happened to Sasha, and then there was the alcohol. He had spent weeks reeking of whatever poison he was picking that day and today was no different. "You fucking her too, Finley? Is that it? Got your hands all over a fucking murderer." He wiped his face, spitting the blood out on the floor that was pooling up inside his mouth from the hits he had received. Shoving him back, he threw some more of his own. If he was going to leave this bloody, so was Finley. "I guess when she said side whore, she was taking about herself."
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finleypark · 1 year
"they're all dumb fucks, z, it's the media tryna poison them with lies, they don't know the truth like we do." finley couldn't help but let out an exasperated sigh, looking around as people were indeed giving the singer those stares that were motivated by something that isn't even close to the truth. zehra wouldn't do such thing to harm two of the people she loves most, and regardless of working under her for such short time, finley knows enough that the woman isn't capable to doing those things accused against her. he hated that he couldn't protect the other this way, finley just wanted to do his job right. "focus on the performance later, on what matters most, z."
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"This is all feels so wrong, I feel like everyone is just staring at me, I feel like they all still think I had something to do with it." Zehra's heart was pounding a million miles per hour, even if people weren't talking or looking at her she had convinced herself that they were. She had kept herself off the internet as much as she could once she saw the first headline accusing her and the comments that followed.
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finleypark · 1 year
"i would never dare dip into that pond, lainey." finley knew it was part of lainey's little teasing, but he was true to his word. regardless of his nature around women, there were more things he's focused on right now, especially with sasha and elena's deaths, he's kept his attention on zehra longer. "s'just an observation, she looks like she doesn't wanna share things, but that's just the vibe, m'not one to judge." he was not good at it anyway. the portrait of tiffany that the conrads have up was a struggle to look away from, especially how alive it looked, contrast to how she was found that day.
"she's beautiful but that painting gives me the heebie-jeebies." finley grimaces as he finally manages to look away and turn to stare at lainey instead. "there we go, phew..." he gives her a smirk this time.
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"You mean to tell me that this hot, rich blonde girl was striding around town and you didn't try to get into her pants? I'm shocked Finley, truly," Lainey teased. Resisting an opportunity to make a dig at Finley was a strength the brunette just did not possess. There was something about the coy smile it omitted from him that was somewhat endearing; but that was never to be admitted to anyone. "Maybe you're right," she mused, still gazing into the immortalised bright blues of Tiffany's gleaming eyes. "Maybe that's worse than those two boys killing her. Getting her spotlight taken away. Poor thing."
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finleypark · 1 year
finley was trying to enjoy the ball prepared by the conrads for their daughter for tonight, adjusting to the fact that he isn't working, that he was actually a guest this time. the man has almost never left lainey's side the whole night, and this is one of those few times, needing a refill of his drink, and maybe some of the tiny appetizers people won't shut up about.
once his drink was secured, he then walks to where the appetizers were, eyes immediately landing on the sole cheesecake left. he licks his lower lip, reaching for it when his hand bumps into someone else who had the same idea on what to have next.
the voice seemed too familiar, someone from his past, and the memories he left behind when the one in it vanished on him. finley tries to process the words leaving her lips, but he couldn't. he doesn't really expect to see her in the same space as him again after what she did. "uhm, yeah...you can take that, no big deal. cheesecake's all yours." he steps back a little, attempting to turn his attention of the other appetizers on the table, hoping scout won't recognize his voice.
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location: the conrad masquerade ball, dessert table closed: @finleypark
The sugars in her bubbly were never going to be enough to satisfy Scout's sweet tooth. She was a dessert girly through and through, and from the few murmurs she'd heard, there was a mini cheesecake that she just had to get her hands on. Plate in hand, she maneuvered her way down as best she could— ultimately hindered: first by her own clumsy nature, then onward by the booze and the towering heels she'd strapped to her feet in the name of fashion.
Lemon square, pass. Macaroon, a quick one on the go. Decadent brownie, she'd have to come back for one later. Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake... ah-ha!
With just a single square left, her hand darted out, just barely beating out another. Scout looked up to meet the eyes of her competitor, only to find them hard to make out, a golden mask in the way. "I'd apologize, except... I really want this. And you know, 'mess with the bull you get the horns,' amiright?" she said, raising her right hand up to her forehead, thumb and pinkie prodded out to mimic horns. To mimic his mask. Whoever he was.
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finleypark · 1 year
"that's something a fuckin' pussy would say." the little snap in his head sends finley into a blackout, just taking in the blows returned to him by the other, he wasn't feeling anything now, but it sure would be something that he's going to regret later when the adrenaline of this interaction passes. all finley wanted was to protect zehra from everything, and it included this, from people who would think she'll do something that'll cause the death of the girls who were basically part of her. "shut your fucking mouth about zehra, you don't fucking know her." finley shoves jordan the second the second time and once more responds with strikes of his own, aiming for jordan's face. "don't...fucking talk about her again."
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Jordan knew that this was the last thing he should be doing. He knew that he needed to walk away, but he couldn't get his legs to move. Instead, he could feel the adrenaline start to rush through him, the kind only a fight could bring him. "I'm not hiding from shit." He snapped back, the Heather comment hitting him low and hard only for Finleys punch to hit even harder. Leaving it to Jordan to have picked a fight with the trained bodyguard in the room. Grabbing the other by the collar of his shirt, he returned the blow and followed it with another. If he was going to get caught fighting tonight, he was damn sure going to make it worth it.
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finleypark · 1 year
it was a response that finley never got the chance to process much about the words that just left jordan's mouth as before he knows it, the shove was immediately followed by a punch, the anger due to the man's words was the only thing he could focus on. he was not having it, the people trying to connect the deaths of sasha and elena to zehra, who has done nothing but mourn over it for the past couple of weeks, and has been scared that he was around her as much as possible. "well aren't you heather's bitch, too? scared of getting your ass caught drunk? i guess it takes a little bitch to know one." his voice has now gotten louder, and for sure people have their attention set on them now. "i'm not the fucking boozer who's hiding from someone right now."
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The aggression in Finleys voice was expected, it was the shove that really threw Jordan off. Due to Jordans height, there weren't a lot of people in town that really had the nerve to step to him when he ran his mouth. It almost made him laugh the way that he had managed to get himself into a fight so early into the night. Yet he still continued down the path that he had just claimed he wasn't going to go down tonight. "Sorry man, I thought you were just her bodyguard. I didn't realize you were her bitch too." Stepping back towards the other, he shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't going to be the first to swing, he couldn't get caught with that kind of trouble, but he didn't mind being the one to antagonize the action.
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finleypark · 1 year
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reggie mantle + his towel | riverdale 4.15
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finleypark · 1 year
"whatever you say man, i'm not the one gettin' in trouble." finley says, not really wanting to converse with the obviously drunk jordan anymore, knowing how this is potentially a recipe for trouble. the next words that leave his lips makes the bodyguard freeze in place, as silence now was filled between them. finley had been tense ever since the deaths of sasha and then elena, knowing that a little mishap and he could potentially fuck up his job. he had been to every place zehra has went to for the past couple of weeks, making sure that she was safe. tonight was an exception. but what jordan says really hits a nerve, and before he knows it, he was already disregarding his glass along with his mask before launching towards the other. "you fucking take that back, you asshole." finley's voice was now firmer, louder than usual, shoving jordan. "and keep your fucking mouth shut."
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Lifting up his suit jacket, Jordan took a sniff. "Yeah, I smell great." He shrugged, not feeling too bothered by the whole situation he was putting himself into with many people tonight. "Right, right. I'm really not that worried about her." Although it was a lie, he acted as if pissing off Heather was something that wouldn't ruin the evening for him. "I haven't really fucked up yet anyway. Can't be too hard to stay on this path, huh." He shook his head, trying not to laugh at his own words. Only the people closest to Jordan knew the way he felt about Finleys boss. The way he hated her, blamed her for the fate that Sasha had met. He had been good at keeping his comments to himself, but with how quickly the alcohol had rushed through Jordan tonight he found it harder to keep himself quiet. "I'm fine, man. It's you I should be worried about, I assume you are stuck working under some contract with that.. with Zehra. I can't imagine another reason anyone would continue to work with a murderous bitch."
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finleypark · 1 year
"have you taken a little sniff of yourself, brudder?" finley questions with a grimace, eyeing jordan from head to toe once more. he was able to sneaky into the party without anyone knowing, but the smell of alcohol was really hard to miss, something that the bodyguard immediately picked up on. "you gotta work up on your lies, if it's not workin' for a guy, imagine how successful you're gonna be with girls, man--and heather?" he grimaces, pausing for a moment to take a sip of his champagne. "not my monkeys, not my circus. i ain't gonna be part of whatever shit you're in trouble with." he lets out a laugh, stepping back just a little bit. "got a date, she's right--" finley raises and eyebrow at jordan's question, a reaction concealed by his max. "what do you mean stuck working? man...you doin' okay? for real?"
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The mention of his current state of drunk made his head snap from the crowd of people back to the other. "What are you talking about, dude?" He tried to laugh as if it was something ridiculous that Finley was saying. Completely unaware of the stench the alcohol was giving off from him and the way his words had already slightly started slurring. "Haven't had a single drop to drink." A grin spread over his lips as if he was proud of himself, despite that the entire sentence was a complete lie. "And if Heather askes, I've been on my absolute best behavior." He leaned back against the ledge behind him, setting his mask down behind him before returning his attention back to his current company. "You drinking tonight? Or are you stuck working for the popstar?"
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finleypark · 1 year
"never really knew her, but i've seen her around before." finley shrugs, staring towards lainey's direction and the portrait of the daughter of the conrads, the one they're celebrating this masquerade for, for tiffany. people had their own ways to grieve, cope with someone's death, and this was a way that isn't surprising for him at this point, knowing people back in LA that shares the same personality with people like them... "i don't know, but i have a feeling she'd want more." he shrugs, taking a sip of his own drink. "you think she'd want to share the spotlight with the others?"
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status: open
event: Conrad Memorial Ball
"So, how did you know her?" Lainey asked curiously, striking up conversation with the masked figure next to her as they both stood in front of an enshrined and (some may have said) too-large portrait of who she assumed was Tiffany Conrad. Forever smiling sweetly with a glint in her eye that seemed to say, 'I'm better than you'. Lainey pondered for a moment as she sipped her champagne if they would have come to be good friends. She'd always appreciated a woman with style. "I wonder what she'd think about this whole thing. Do you think we've done enough to appease the memory of the great Conrad heiress?"
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finleypark · 1 year
regardless of coming to the masquerade ball as one of the attendees, finley still couldn't help but watch zehra from time to time whenever he could, the conversation of him and billie floating around his mind, of her asking for him to be extra watchful. though, he still made sure this was not some boring party him and lainey was attending. the two have split for a moment, for the cheerleader to socialize, while he makes his way to get some drinks for them, when out of nowhere he bumps into jordan, who seems already had one too many, and the ball just started.
"jeez, man..." finley sips on he drink he was holding for himself, staring at the other from head to toe. "wait, you already pre-gamed? you look so fucking plastered, brudder." he couldn't help but chuckle, shaking his head. "not surprised at all. you got your hands already on the unlimited liquor, huh."
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@finleypark conrad masquerade ball
The second that Jordan promised Heather that he would stay sober for the event, he knew he was lying. Which is what brought him to the back offices of the Conrad, able to sweet talk the receptionist into letting him back there with the same charm he always used on her when picking up Daisy from her in the past.
He had just finished what he was assuming was his sixth drink of the night. Downing them so fast that he wasn't really sure how many he had gone through. He only had a small window of time to get the drinks in and attempt to clean up his breath before he'd have to return back to the party where Heather could see him. Trying to slip back into the crowd like he had never left, Jordan quickly busted through the backroom door and almost collided right into someone else. "Finley. Fuck, man." He laughed out, the other catching him off guard. "I almost didn't see you there."
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