finnyhudson13 · 10 years
//. ok now I'm craving a violate 1x1
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
She's knocking at our door every other five minutes because apparently, we make too much noise, and I try to be nice to her, but she keeps being super rude. I even told her that I was sorry about the fact that her husband dumped her, but she almost hit me with her bag, so, not a good idea.
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
That’s… awkward, Finn. You’re coming back to New York though, right?
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Aff, you have no idea. :p
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Of course I am. New York is my home now. Visiting Lima was wonderful though.
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
She's like eighty...so, old woman. Yeah! I convinced her to come with me, and of course it cheered me up. It's just shitty that my Christmas break is coming to an end, 'cause they were too awesome.
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What about you? Did you have a good time?
Who the hell is this woman? An old woman or fucking hot chick? But you spent NYE with Berry, right? It should cheer you up no? Fuck the work! 
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
I know...none taken. I think that even my mom doesn't like her, and you know that she likes everyone.
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Yeah! I wanted to stay for as long as possible. To be honest, I only realized how much I missed Lima when I arrived there.
That lady always did give me the creeps. No offense. Anyways, you’ve known about starting on Monday for weeks now. Are you just getting back?
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
Nah. She even used to give me chocolate cookies when I was younger, but then she and her husband got divorced and bam.
Me too! My mom loved you totally loved you. I knew she would. (:
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I know! On the bright side we have Spring Break..but it's still far away. :(
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
I wish I hadn't gone to Lima for New Years. The lady who lives next to me is bothering me again. (How lovely!) And I have to go back to work on Monday. It keeps getting better and better.
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
30, 33, 55.
30 (Have you ever been told that you are amazing?) Yep
33 (Do you like when people play with your hair?) YES. I love it. :D
55 (Is there someone you wouldn't mind kissing right now?) Duh, my girlfriend.
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
That's awesome Rach. Wait, True Blood? Don't the characters spend like...90 percent of the time sucking each other's necks?
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Youuuu know that I'm leaving for Lima tomorrow for New Year's Eve, and for the hundredth time, I still think that you should come with me. Yeah, I mean, New York is like, fifty times bigger and fifty times cooler, but you would have fun there. And my mom would love to meet you. :)
I've slept more in the past 2 days [Private]
… than I think I have the entire semester. I’ve barely known what to do with myself when I don’t have either work or school. I’ve already gotten through four seasons of True Blood (at Quinn’s suggestion) and I’m probably going to get through at least one more before it’s time for me to get back to school. I can honestly say I never thought I’d be addicted to a TV show about vampires, but I can’t stop, and it certainly doesn’t hurt that everyone is extremely attractive. (I have to admit that I’m a little more partial to Eric than to Bill; he may be a terrible person but he is gorgeous.)
And as strange as it may sound I’m definitely eager to get back to work! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas and Santa brought you all the things you wanted from your list. I for one did manage to receive at least one thing that I’ve always wanted, so you won’t hear any complaints from me this year. ☆
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finnyhudson13 · 10 years
Ask me stuff from this list? ;)
Is this the best year of your life?
What was the first thing you did when you woke up? 
The person you like is? 
Is anything bothering you? 
Does anyone annoy you?
Would you like things to go ‘back to normal’ with a certain someone? 
What was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Is life good? 
Do you remember who you liked on New Years? 
Do you still like them?
Do you still speak to them? 
Told your parents you were going somewhere but went somewhere else? 
Are you dating the last person you kissed on the lips?
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? 
Would you go out with someone right now if they asked?  
Three days from now will you be in a relationship? 
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? 
Have you kissed anyone in the last month?
What was the last reason you went to the doctor for? 
Do you like being home alone or does it freak you out?
Would you ever kiss anyone you texted today? 
Do you have any bruises on you? 
How was 2011 for you?
How late did you stay up last night and why? 
Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
Do you regret anything you’ve done lately?
What woke you up today?
What makes you happy?
Ever kissed on a boat? 
Have you ever been told that you are amazing?
Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed is…
This time last year, can you remember who you liked?
Do you like when people play with your hair?
Do you plan on sleeping in tomorrow?
Waiting for something?
Was last night terrible?
Did you lose friends when you started dating someone?
Are you the type of person to make people laugh?
Don’t tell me lies, so is the last person you texted attractive?
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Are you missing someone?
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?
Do you believe in karma?
Do you sleep with a fan on?
You think anyone’s thinking about you right now?
Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now?
Do you go to school?
Is the person you last texted single?
Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
Have you ever used the word ‘rawr’ in an actual conversation?
Are the blinds on your window open or closed?
Did you leave milk and cookies for Santa when you were little?
What were you doing at 11 last night?
What could you eat any day of the week & never get tired of?
Is there someone you wouldn’t mind kissing right now?
Someone knocks on your window at 5 am, what do you say?
Would you change yourself for the person you love?
Let me guess, your last incoming call was from the opposite sex?
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Would you have sex with the 5th person on your contacts?
To who did you last give the finger to?
Did your last kiss take place on a bed?
Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
Do you talk in your sleep?
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
What time did you wake up today?
What were you doing at midnight last night?
What song are you listening to?
Has anyone put their arms around you in the past 5 days?
How do you feel about chocolate-covered strawberries?
Do you have nice eyes?
Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
Are you texting anybody?
Do you swear in front of your parents?
Concert tickets or NFL game tickets?
Are you addicted to cigarettes?
Do you tell your parents everything?
Do you have any tattoos?
If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to?
Do you have any nicknames?
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
He nodded in agreement. "You really are. Also, good point there." Finn chuckled before leaning down to drop a kiss on her head, feeling happy to finally have her with him for the first time in what seemed like forever.
"Uh...You know, she seemed pretty mad when it happened, but she was actually the one calming me down..and I don't think that she's really mad at you anymore. I'm not saying that she completly forgived you, but she'll get there with time." He assured with a small shrug.
Birthday Discussions | Finchel
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
Uh. I seriously don't know how you can put up with that, Kurt. I would probably freak. Like, really bad.
And I'm the last one on the list, right? In a way, it would be cool if not, because that meant that I would get to meet someone even more clumbsy than I am, which is..almost impossible. On the other hand I would be worried with his or her security. :p It's too dangerous having two left feet. I blame it on the fact that I am too tall. :3
I'll wait! My door is always open for whenever you can visit. Unless I am not home, 'cause in that case of course I close the door, but I'd warn you about that. And colours don't make sense to me. Like, not at all. And then people are worried with the shades of blue, or the shades of purple, and I just, ugh. It's the same colour in the end, so, why bother trying to put them apart?
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Someone please explain to me why an intern like myself got roped into helping plan the Masquerade Christmas Benefit Ball,
Apparently not. 
Well, there is a reason for that, Finn. You’re not the most graceful person I’ve ever met. Actually you’re not even close to the top of the list. Or the middle. Or the top of the bottom… Just saying.
It’s no problem, I just need to find some time. Well, it is Christmas, so I’d say go red and green. And I enjoy it - colors just make sense to me.
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
"You do?" He wondered with a smile on his face. His face lightened up at her last phrase. Maybe he actually got it right. "Yes! It comes in a little box! How would you know?" Finn asked, wrapping one of his arms around her shoulders as they kept walking.
Birthday Discussions | Finchel
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
Hm, can't she do that without exhausting you?
Good! And god, you sound just like my mom. She even 'has her eye on me' whenever I pick up a spoon.
And awesome. \o/ Thank you! Plus, I can't figure out if red looks better with blue or with green. This whole decorating thing is so confusing. I have no idea of how you can do it.
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Someone please explain to me why an intern like myself got roped into helping plan the Masquerade Christmas Benefit Ball,
Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love Isabelle. I think she’s just trying to make the transition from intern to employee easier for me, by… Burying me in work.
It really does look amazing. And good lord, Finn, I don’t trust you around anything that can be put into an outlet. Of course I’ll come over and help you decorate.
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
He smiled. "Yep. I did...but don't get your hopes up. It's nothing special, really." Finn admited with a shrug. He went to the mall on porpuse, and spent hours and hours trying to find her a decent present. When he was almost losing his hope, Finn passed by the jewelry store and miraculously found a 'Finn' necklace. "Hint? Hm. Well, it's just a little thing that will remind you of your boyfriend everytime you look at it" He replied with a chuckle.
Birthday Discussions | Finchel
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
Finn looked down at his phone to check the time, and sighed. Uh, unless there had been some kind of delay, she would be meeting up in a few. He put the phone back in his pocket and rubbed his hands. Damn, it was freaking cold.
As he kept waiting, the young adult started observing the couples who passed by. A petit brunette walked past him, and his mind went back to his girlfriend, Rachel. Girlfriend. Uh, if you had told Finn last year that right now he would have a girlfriend, he wouldn't have laughed in your face or anything like that, but he'd totally secretly not believe it. Maybe he never really showed it before, but it was really important for him to find his soulmate. Yep, he was pretty sure that Rachel was in fact, the one. His soulmate mark had even started getting clearer and clearer, to the point where you could already read 'rach'. You couldn't figure out the 'el' yet, not that little detail mattered anyway.
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a petit body against him, his strong arms immediatly moving to wrap themselves around her tiny frame. Finn smiled into their kiss, and his smile widened as he looked at her after breaking the kiss. "Happy Birthday, baby. I'm pretty glad to be here as well." He replied squeezing her hand. "Uh, my place sounds good! I was already planning to take you there anyway, since that's where your birthday present is."
Birthday Discussions | Finchel
Rachel had been getting used to coming out to the stage door after the show; despite being a chorus girl, she still liked talking to the people who enjoyed the show, and they seemed to like talking to her, too. The night of her birthday was a little different, though; she’d gotten a message from Finn that he was coming to meet up with her, so she skipped stage-dooring with everyone and went right outside afterwards. 
In some ways she hated that this was the only time that she had to see him, but if she really wanted to make this work — and she really, really did — they would have to content themselves with these few hours after the show and before going to sleep. Fortunately she didn’t actually need too much sleep, and with both of them on winter break, they could both sleep in … so maybe they could stay out a little later than usual. 
She spotted Finn waiting for her outside the lobby doors, and immediately greeted him with an eager hug and a kiss, smiling when she pulled back. When he was actually here, all the worries she had about their mismatched schedules just melted away. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she said, and slipped her hand into his as they started walking. “So where do you want to go tonight? I’m really going to have to caution against going back to my place since it’s in the dorms, but if we go back to yours then we’ll probably have a little more privacy, and I’m sure Charlie won’t mind the extra attention.”
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finnyhudson13 · 11 years
You're going to Lima for Christmas? Give my mom an hug for me, please?
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I would help you with that if I could. I would just tell you to take everything, but that's no help. :p
Who knew packing could be so hard?
I’m trying to pack for going home to Lima for Christmas, but it’s turning out to be very difficult. I’m only going to be there for a week and I have no idea what to even bring with me.
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