fins4legs · 10 years
The mermaid shook her head,"Why is that a bad thing? Why can't you forgive yourself or move on? Why do you have to be so hard on yourself. I mean trust me, I've had the inner battle and I still have the inner battle but I still give myself some leeway. No one is perfect love bug and that includes you. Take this life as a way to start over and be someone new. You can accept the past but you don't have to let it drag you down."
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"I don’t know if they’re here or not. Everything’s scrambled, it still…confusing." Mina gave a small smile at her confidence, "That’s sweet, but while I"m not good at a number of things, putting an ass on his best side is something I’ve become most adept at."
Mina wasn’t sure that the sins she’d heard the Evil Queen and Rumple capable of committing were necessary for anyone’s survival but she wasn’t in the mood to go down THAT road. 
Mina tried to think, “I’m afraid that one day, the things I”ve done won’t be as heavy. I’m afraid that one day I’ll excuse them. 
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fins4legs · 10 years
What kind of coffee would you like?
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Whoever brings me coffee within the next hour gets my undying love and affection.
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Okay then don't work for law enforcement. Are your enemies here love?" she asked a bit confused. "I think you need to start learning to live in Storybrooke as hard as that may be. We don't know if we are going to go back to our old lands and dimensions that we lived in and I don't think that anyone is going to kill you here and if they attempt to I'll put them on their ass" she said with a chuckle. Delmara squeezed her hand,"You don't have to start forgiving your enemies but you have to remember that not everyone is perfect. We all make mistakes and maybe the decisions they made back in your old world was due to necessity and survival."
The mermaid pulled her in closer,"What are you afraid of being. Are you afraid of becoming weak? You can still be compassionate and strong honey."
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She was the only one that saw Mina as beautiful. Everyone stayed away, “I can’t become law enforcement, I think the Sheriff, Deputy and I would be constantly at odds with how to deal with the people that mindlessly hurt the innocents here. It would never get done. They cling to forgiveness and I…if I forgave my enemies the way some did here, I”d be dead. Am I wrong or are they? Or does it depend on what world we’re in?” 
Mina wiped a tear from her eye, “Sometimes monsters do want to change. Sometimes they just aren’t strong enough. Sometimes I’m terrified one easy push could send me to being something I don’t want to be.” 
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fins4legs · 10 years
"You may not see your beauty but I definitely do" the mermaid stated. Sighing she held the girl close to her,"Everyone has their scars and broken pieces. It's what you do with those pieces that matter. Why don't you become apart of law enforcement here. I feel like that would give you a sense of purpose and you'd still be putting away the bad guys." Delmara looked at the girl,"Well considering that I'm just getting use to being human I don't quite understand them either but what don't you understand honey. Plus, I believe you are way different than the monsters you hunt. You are obviously wanting to change and fix yourself where as the monsters that you hunt are clouded and only see the evil thats in them. You at least are trying to change in some way and I'll be here to help you through out the way. If you'd like that of course."
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"I’m not beautiful," Mina whispered, "I’m just….broken and….scarred up." 
She let her hug her. Even half returned it. Was she blushing? “I just…I feel like I”m drifting sometimes. I don’t…understand people anymore. And that’s a scary thing because then how am I different than the monsters I used to hunt? I’m angry and risking turning bitter…I don’t want to go down that path, Delmara. And I don’t know how to stop.” 
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Hey you have to start somewhere so you might as well start with me sweetie" she said glancing at the girl. "It's nice to meet a beautiful girl like you" the mermaid said with compassion. The mermaid blushed,"My name is actually Delmara but feel free to call me whichever." Delmara watched the girl and then wrapped her arms around her,"You are not beyond repair. I promise you. If I can go from killing and slaughtering to being compassionate and kind you can too" she stated as she kissed the girls forehead. 
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"The things that are wrong with me will take years to fix if they can be helped at all," she muttered." 
When the former mermaid introduced herself, Mina brushed her hair back , “I’m Mina…I’m a monster hunter, though you already know that part.” 
Mina pulled her knees up to her chest, “I”m scared I’m broken beyond repair.” 
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Why, because I haven't killed anyone here?"
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"Delmara, you are aware that you’re not the least bit intimidating, right?"
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fins4legs · 10 years
"I would love a refill but I'm not afraid of you even if you went all Wonderland on my ass I'm pretty sure I could still kill you."
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"Oh, fine. If you don’t want a refill, I’m more than happy to walk away. That is, unless you’d rather me go all Wonderland on your ass.”
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Alright I'll give you that. But, Pan never let anyone walk away unless they had something he wanted and if that they still suffered. I would have known if you were there at some point."
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"Not always. In the previous life, I was a realm jumper. Not that hard to get to, if you know what you’re doing."
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fins4legs · 10 years
Delmara squeezed her hand," Hey it's not going to fix itself in a day and you have to be willing to work at it. Let's start simple. You are a monster hunter and I at one point was a monster. I lived in Neverland and my name was Maritza the Mermaid. Not too sure if I landed on your wanted list but how about you start with me. You can start with being my friend and I can help you with the being angry part."
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"I can’t continue in this survival mode. I’ve done it for seven years and it’s nearly killed me. I want to heal. I want to be softer but I don’t know how. I can’t..be the way I am in this world. I t doesn’t work. I need to be softer. But….for the life of me, I can’t go back. And I don’t know how to be different.  I’m….just so tired of being angry." 
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Oh honey. I knew everyone whom ventured to Neverland because in order to get there they had to pass through me. Trust me close to none made it to Neverland and most whom did died shortly after. Neverland only allowed people whom it wanted to have a visitors. Plus Finding Neverland is rather difficult and most died by the hand of a mermaid there whom was sworn to protect the land and sea from invaders."
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"I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re not in Neverland anymore, so I don’t really have much to fear. And how do you know I haven’t journeyed to Neverland before? You don’t know who I am." 
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fins4legs · 10 years
"I'm not trying to be charming. I'm not exactly a charming person nor should I have to be."
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"How charming."
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Well you definitely don't want to find out."
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"I’m eternally mortified of what going ‘Neverland on my ass’ is."
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Hey don't mock me. You should be shaking in fear. I know you never made it to Neverland but I was feared there."
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"All Neverland on my ass? I am just shaking with fear.” 
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fins4legs · 10 years
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"That's right don't go near my alcohol and if you aren't afraid of me you should because I'm not afraid to go all Neverland on you ass."
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fins4legs · 10 years
"Hey it's going to be okay" she said wrapping her arm around her. "You don't always have to have a soft heart."
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"I don’t know how to soften my heart anymore." 
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fins4legs · 10 years
Delmara looked surprised,"Uh okay. I'll see you around town then or in class" she said with a smirk.
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Well, that was a relief she supposed. Though it was probably best that she shouldn’t bring up in the old life she’d have killed the….she was going to guess mermaid….because a lady of her position couldn’t take chances. 
"I have to go," Mina told her politely. 
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fins4legs · 10 years
Delmara laughed and put her hand on the girls shoulder,"Relax honey. I only guarded Neverland, well the waters at least. I don't think you had a bounty for me and I wouldn't of killed you, you are way to cute."
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Mina tensed, she was worried that if she went and said something without thinking (as she was prone to do) she could set off a ticking time bomb. She was still trying to feel around on how things worked around here, “I don’t know. It depends on…whatever monster you were and if you visted the world wtihtout color not.” 
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