fionafelicia · 1 year
Today, I have a dream about Leedo. In my dream, i walked in living room, saw Leedo on sofa, reading newspaper. He wear white t-shirt, black tracksuit, his long hair been tie up. I look the porch, I see the SUV's door on passenger site are slightly open, I tell him that I want to check on it.
I open the door, and see a few candy wrappers and tissues on floor. I pick up the trash and sit on passenger seat. Suddenly I feel the suv been pushed forward, it like someone pushing your back. And then, the second and third push become aggressive, almost crash the wall. I got panic and quickly pulled hand break. Leedo rushing to me, he doesn't say anything, I stare at him and say " scare" . He hug me and ask me " Are you feel afraid?" I just nod my head while hugging his body, not realise that my body shivering. I feel my lips on his neck, his skin soft, moist and also warm. He take me inside house, I see Hwan Woong, Keonhee and Xion at living room. They ask some questions and Leedo explain to them.
Ravn and Seoho check the SUV and not found anything. But Ravn want send to workshop for technical issues.
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fionafelicia · 1 year
What happen when Yandere Jisung meet a fan have same birthday with him? My birthday also on same day with Jisung, but I such older than him, the age gap between Jisung and I is 7 year. I born in 1996, my age is 26 year old. I also have short height, in 151 cm.
Warnings: None
Female reader
AN: Thanks for requesting and i hope you like it :) also, i've got other requests but because i'm busy with college, i'll do them more towards the summer (after college is finish) so thank you for the patience.
“Really? On the same day?”The tall boy gasps in utter surprise, his eyes never leaving yours which makes his signature a bit crooked on your NCT album, but neither he or you pay attention to it. You excitedly nod  at Jisung, who’s more excited than ever, his adorable eyes glinting with joy.
Such a funny thing that you both share the same birthday date.
“Wow, noona, that’s so cool!” he happily squeaks, suddenly grabbing your hand with his free hand. “It’s like destiny wanted us to be soulmates. Being born on the same day.” His eyes are full of adoration as he looks at you.
In a moment, his eyes are brought to your joined hands as he intensely gazes at them, in amazement. His hand is evidently much bigger than yours, completely enveloping it in his large palm. 
His finger absently rubs your hand, as he zones out, eyes still fixed on your joined hands. 
“You know, I think I've never felt this connection before. We haven’t even spent 5 minutes together yet it’s almost like-” just as he’s about to continue, the manager quickly interrupts him, signaling to you that your time with Jisung had ended and for you to move to Renjun, who is now waiting for you. 
Your heart drops at that but you still put on a smile to Jisung, whose lips form a cute pout. You have to force yourself to move away from him, gently pulling your small hand from his hold . 
“Bye, noona. See you later!” he exclaims, his deep voice losing track as a new fan takes his attention. But even like this, he can’t stop thinking about you. 
He needs to find more about you, no matter what. What’s your favorite color, what’s your hobbies and more specifically, who’s your favorite NCT member. 
You’re special, he knows it. 
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fionafelicia · 2 years
When Ravn look to camera, he make me feel blush, nervous and squirm. My heart beating fast.
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fionafelicia · 2 years
I feel afraid with Mark. The writing was good.
Yandere NCT U: You want to become an idol (Let's play ball unit)
All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge.
Check more: Masterlist.
Female reader
WARNINGS: Toxic/Unhealthy relations; emotional manipulation.
AN: Not all of them are in a dating situation. Hope you guys enjoy it 💖
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Your heart drops at the sound of that word, unable to hear it again. Your muscles are completely sore, the white top you’re wearing drenched in sweat. The result of practicing the same choreography for several hours. 
“But I did everything right this time!” you try to argue only to be shut down by your boyfriend, who gives you a stern look. “No, that’s what you think. I’ve been training and performing for years so trust me when I say this is far from perfect. No one will debut you if you keep up this poor excuse of dancing.”
His words are crude and they hit you in the wrong spot. Tears start rising to your eyes, your shoulders slumping forward with defeat.
Doyoung clearly notices the impact of his words, his expression immediately softening as he comes forwards to embrace you. 
“Hey, I didn’t mean it like that, you know that. It’s just…. you asked me to help you practice and no matter how demanding you think i’m being right now, the truth is I’m nothing compared to professional choreographers level. They are going to be even more strict.” he tries explaining, offering you a bottle of water that you immediately accept. Drinking a greedy sip of water, you feel your whole body in fire, unable to do anything else. 
It’s too much for you, you can’t do it.
“Doyoung…I don’t think I want to do this anymore.” you slowly whisper, your face falling into your hands in defeat. 
“It’s okay, babe. Maybe being an idol isn’t for you anyways. It’s for the best, I’m sure of it.” Doyoung is quick to console you, embracing you and nuzzling his head on your hair.
He hides an evil smile, happy that you’ve done exactly what he wanted.
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Jungwoo’s reaction was something you didn’t expect. You assumed your fiancé would be happy, even thrilled to know that you would be joining him in the industry, only to receive a heartbreaking look as he blankly stares at you, mouth slightly open in confusion. 
“Please, don’t accept their offer.” he desperately begs, trying to hold one of your hands. His face scrunches with exasperation as he stares at you. “I really don’t want you to become a trainee nor an idol. It’s going to come between us and destroy our relation.” he sobs miserably, this time grabbing your shoulder to make you face him. 
It’s hard not to feel guilty when Jungwoo acts this way and you sigh. “But Jungwoo, I might like it…”
“You won’t like it, I promise. You’d hate it, it’s so damn stressful and if you do it, then we’d have no time for ourselves. It would lead to us breaking up and I don’t want that. I love you too much for that.” Jungwoo hastens to clarify, as he forces tears down his face. 
Hesitation fills your features but Jungwoo can see you’re close to giving up on this foolish dream, so he continues. Grabbing your face with his hands, he makes you face him, making sure you see his red eyes and sad puffy face. “Please, Y/N. Don’t do this. For us. If you’re committed to us, if you truly love me, then you won’t do this.” 
As soon as these words leave his lips, he knows he won. The look on your face says it all as you weakly nod, agreeing to give up on your newfound dream for the sake of Jungwoo and your relationship.  
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You excitedly watch as Mark opens the box that you gifted him. You wanted him to be the first person to find out that you got casted by one of the Big 3 companies for a trainee contract. 
But you didn’t expect his face to turn completely sour at reading the papers, the realization hitting him. He pushes the papers away and turns towards, giving you a serious look.
“What’s this shit? Are you really considering going through with this? Without even talking to me?” he throws, raising his eyebrows. 
“But I…I thought you’d like this and-” you confusedly stutter around until you stop, too intimidated by the strict gaze Mark gives you. He stands up and starts pacing around the living room.
“Then you thought completely wrong. Fuck, what did I tell you about making decisions on your own?! Stop using your brain and leave the important stuff up to me since you obviously don’t know anything about this.” he furiously snaps, giving you an angry look that makes you shrink back into the couch. Grabbing the contract papers and giving them a quick verification. “At least you didn’t sign it. You’re not completely dumb, after all.” 
“Where’s your phone?” you raise your head, confusedly looking at him. Mark loses his patience and snaps his fingers in front of your face. 
“Your phone, now!” his loud yell awakens you from your lethargy and you immediately hand him your phone. He practically snatches it from your hold, dialing a number that he finds on the contract papers.
“Hello? This is Mark, Y/N’s boyfriend. Yes, about the trainee thing…,” Mark pauses, giving you a dirty look before continuing, “ actually she’s unable to do so because of some personal incompatibilities. Sorry for wasting your time. Bye.” he hangs up the call before the other person can even say anything. You can’t even utter a single word from how embarrassed you are.
You hold out your hand to receive your phone back but Mark ignores you and puts the device in his back pocket. “Since you pulled so much trouble, you don’t deserve to have your phone back until you start behaving accordingly.” 
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Xiaojun forces back a witty smile as he tries to console you. It does create a bit of a turmoil in his heart to see you so shaken up, almost traumatized but it’s all for a good cause. He puts his hand on top of yours, faking a concerned expression, like a good friend would. 
“And you’re sure you found it in the manager’s bag?” he asks again, like he was trying to understand it. You shakily nod, a shiver making your body tremble.
“Yes, I’m sure of it. My lost panties were literally in his bag. I just can’t believe my manager would steal my panties. For weeks, now! I really thought he was a good person, he never acted weird around us or anything so I don’t understand why..” you trail off, too shaken up to continue as Xiaojun involves your shoulders with his arm. 
“That’s really awful, so sad. And…” he strategically pauses, waiting for you to ask him. A second later you look at him, taking in his worried expression. “What is it, Xiaojun?” 
He shrugs off his shoulders, pretending to be confused. “I just… I mean, who tells you that he’s going to stop there, you know. He’s the manager while you’re just a trainee. Who knows if he doesn’t get bold with his actions and instead of just stealing panties he doesn't… you know.”
Xiaojun doesn’t  finish the sentence, knowing you’d understand the implicit meaning of his words and he disguises a malicious smile. 
Things get even better as a few days later you inform him that you’re quitting the trainee life to go back into college, hugging him and thanking him for being such a good friend.
Xiaojun rejoices with your touch but even more with the fact that his plan worked. He had some doubts but it went better than what he expected. Your manager never stole your panties, Xiaojun did it and afterwards stacked them in an older man’s bag, knowing you’d find them. 
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Tears stream down your eyes, wetting your shirt. “Jeno, please! Why can’t you understand?” you beg, only to encounter your boyfriend’s angry eyes. 
His brows twitch with rage as he looks at the piece of paper you had proudly handed him, throwing it back at you. You grab the document, sadly eyeing it. Your contract as a trainee. 
“Why don’t you understand then? I don’t want you to be in the industry!” he yells, hand roughly grabbing his colored hair.
“Do you think I want guys ogling and thirsting over you? Really? Or maybe that’s what you want, isn’t it?” he groans, an irritated growl leaving his lips as he points at you, who’s wearing a tank top and shorts. Typical outfit to practice, same as the other trainees. “To have thousands of fanboys drooling over you?” 
“It’s not like that, I promise! Jeno, I just want-” 
“No, that’s exactly what you want!” he interrupts you, turning his back on you and kicking a chair with such force that it falls on the floor. You flinch at his actions, but remain in silence and so does Jeno.
Both of you don’t speak for a good minute and you can see Jeno’s back suddenly straightening up as if he’s made a decision.
Turning back to you, he looks a bit calmer although a frown still adorns his face. He wets his lips with his tongue before speaking. “You know I love you, right? But I can’t accept this so it’s either being an idol or me. Simple as that.” he nonchalantly declares, but a worried wrinkle appears in his forehead.
Your mouth dries as you look at Jeno, your eyes widening with shock. 
“No, Jeno, please. We can talk this through and-”
“Not gonna happen. You have to make a choice and you need to make it now.” he shuts you down, watching your pretty eyes starting to water. It’s a bold move but he can’t allow you to do this. He won’t share you with random strangers, no.
Jeno already struggles with sharing you with your friends and family, he’ll be damned if he lets thousands or even millions of people have access to you.
He just hopes you make the right decision or else….
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“Are you sure of that? Like, absolutely certain you want to do it?” Haechan asks you, a weird expression over his face. He scrunches his brows at you, biting his lip. His reaction makes you confused, not understanding why your boyfriend is acting so weird. 
“Yeah. I mean, I think I want to become an idol. You are one.” you point out, receiving a careless shrug in return.  
“I am, yes. But it took me years of training and lots of sacrifice. And in the end, it’s all a matter of luck.” Haechan claims, an intense look taking over his eyes as if memories are coming back.
“Fuck, there was a time where me and the boys didn’t sleep for almost a week because they wouldn’t let us. And that period when we could only eat an apple every two days.” 
You start appearing more and more scared as Haechan continues telling you stories and it makes the boy internally smirk. You getting scared of pursuing an idol career suits him just fine, he doesn’t need you having so much spotlight. Not that you don’t deserve it but he can’t stand it.
Only Haechan wants to give you attention. His attention. 
The more you look scared, the more Haechan lies. He improvises as he speaks and by the time he’s finished talking about the trainee life, although most of it consists of highly doubtful facts, you look like a wreck. 
You’re looking on the verge of passing out and ultimately decide to give up on the idol career.  Which makes Haechan more than happy. 
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The table is awfully quiet, only the sounds of the plates and the cutlery being heard as you and Jaemin eat dinner. You don’t dare to pronounce a single word, too intimidated by Jaemin’s cold aura. He hasn’t even properly looked at you ever since you happily revealed to him that you got casted  in the street by a random lady to become a trainee. 
As you reach dessert, you finally build the courage to talk. 
“Jaem, I really want to try this.” your voice is barely above a whisper, but it’s still heard by Jaemin, who flashes you an icy glance. 
“And I really don’t want you to. That simple.” he shortly says, his attention back to the food. The uncomfortable knot in your stomach tightens, you’re not used to fighting back Jaemin. He’s the one who usually makes all the decisions and you obediently follow him, trusting his judgment.
This time, you’re risking into unknown territory all for  a mere desire to be a trainee. 
“I just want to try it, maybe I could like it, you know?” you tentatively try. Jaemin’s hand flexes hard around the fork as if he’s trying to contain his anger before pushing the plate away from him.  
“We had a plan, Y/N, didn’t we? I'll work and make the money while you take care of the house.” he sharply reminds you. You open your mouth to say something but Jaemin notices it and puts his index finger in front of his lips, indicating you to stay silent. 
“We are going to get married, then we have kids and you stay home to take care of them. This is what we agreed on, isn’t it? And now you want to change our perfect plans because of a selfish whim of yours.” he says, livid with cold anger as he crosses his arms in his chest.
“If I wanted to be with someone who’s unreliable, then I’d be with another girl. I’m dating you cause I thought I could trust you. Maybe I was wrong.” his eyes send daggers your way and you bite your lip, suddenly feeling guilty for almost ruining your future plans together.
Jaemin often talked about them with so much love and passion that you couldn’t stop yourself from agreeing with whatever he said. And now you can’t break his dreams because of something that may not work.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you weakly nod. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I’ll back down from it.” 
Words never sounded so good to Jaemin.  
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YangYang gently kisses the top of your head, his hand rubbing comforting patterns in your back. “I can’t believe none of them wants me. Am I that bad dancer?” you question YangYang, commiseration all over your voice as your eyes shine with utter sadness. 
“It’s not like that. You’re probably too good for them anyways.” You glance at him, still not looking very convinced so YangYang tries again. “Look, if they don’t appreciate you then it’s their loss. They don’t deserve you, anyways. Fuck them.” he declares, nodding with his head in a determined manner.
“Maybe it’s simply destiny for you to not be able to sign with any company. It’s a sign that you shouldn’t be in the industry.” he affirms, watching you as you wonder about it. 
You give him a small thoughtful look. “Do you really think so?” 
YangYang has to contain himself from smiling widely, so much is his happiness. You're so naive sometimes.
“Of course, babe. Actually, you should take some time off from thinking about career paths, I mean, there’s no rush in it, right?” he says, a small bubble of excitement building inside him as he’s sure you’re gonna agree with him. 
You hum, still in deep thoughts. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I should take some time to think about it and then we’ll see about it.” 
This time, YangYang doesn’t even try to disguise his growing smile. “See? I’m always right. You made the best decision ever.” 
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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Dorian Gray being obsessed with her.
requested by @fionafelicia
It was the same event like every year. Lord Henry's birthday. The man always made a big event out of it and everyone knew he loved it. Lord Henry invited a lot of noble families.
One of them were Fiona's, her family was known around entire London and they were really proud about it, I mean who wouldn't with a beautiful young girl like her?. Still Fiona was very shy and quiet. She was hard to recognize in the middle of a party but maybe it'll change tonight.
On the other side, Dorian Gray moved new to London. He was one of these beautiful boys you walk past one day and never get him out of your head. He appears in your dreams. He looked like a perfect picture of a man and everyone could easily notice. A lot noticed actually.
That's the reason everyone turned around when he walked into Henry's Party. The music didn't stop but the conversations did. Young and old turned around, men and woman, married and even not married.
Fiona stood somewhere in a quiet corner, enjoying the party in her own way. Sipping a bit of the delicious alcohol and letting her eyes dance over the crowd. She didn't like it to stand in the middle of a lot of people. Everyone was asking her some stupid things she didn't care about in her young age, like marriage, family, money. Just everything that seems so important for everyone these days.
The girl stopped when her eyes fell on Dorian too, he was beautiful she had to admit. The black hair and the flawless hair was like balm to her eyes.
Lord Henry put an arm around the young boy and started introducing him to everyone, they were really excited to meet him.
On one side Fiona wanted to meet him and get to now him, he seemed to be really interesting, but on the other side she already planned a conversation in her head, everytime she did that it ended bad. She was nervous, it's obvious. She took a second look around the party and started walking into another quiet edge, when suddenly she walked into something and spilled her entire drink.
"Oh no, I'm terribly sorry." Fiona excused herself immediately and looked up into dark eyes. I mean really dark like almost black.
"no, don't worry it was my fault. I got distracted." The boy explained took one of her hands. "I'm Dorian." He added and kissed the back of it.
Fiona started blushing immediately but gave him a little smile. "I'm Fiona, it's a pleasure to meet you." She explained and pulled her hand back to her, a bit embarrassed.
"That's a really beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Dorian told her honestly which made her chuckled a bit. "Are you enjoying the party?" He asked.
The girl shook her head honestly. "not really, I prefer it to be in smaller groups. I'm just not made for a lot of people." She explained.
The boy nodded understanding. "So what do you prefer then? You like going into the city like the other woman?" He asked her, really interested.
"Oh no, I love buying dresses and jewelry, no woman can say no to the perfect diamonds but I prefer it to stay at home and read a good book." Fiona explained to him, smiling a bit.
Her words were quiet and collected but deep down inside her, her heart was racing almost jumping out of her chest. She felt the eyes on her back, watching her and him talking together. Fiona played with her ring while talking to him and gave him a nervous smiles.
"I totally understand." Dorian gave her a honest smile. "Nothing could beat a good book in the sunset, right?" He chuckled.
"Exactly!" Fiona agreed immediately with him. "I always thought no one would think so, especially not a man but here you are." She smiled.
"You're joking, right? There's nothing better than that." He smirked and took another sip of the delicious alcohol.
They kept talking for many hours and even forgot the time, until her father came up behind the girl.
"Fiona? Darling it's time to go home." He put his hand on her back, making her noticing him.
Fiona turned around to her father and nodded. "Of course father." She said and turned back to Dorian. "I hope we can continue this conversation one day." She smiled.
Dorian nodded smiling, taking her hand and kissed the back of it. "We will, I promise." He said and watched the girl walking out again.
The following days felt like a dream to Fiona, everytime she came home a little package laid on her doorstep. They were filled with little presents like jewelry, flowers or letters addressed to her, all of that from Dorian Gray of course.
Until one day there only laid a letter, she picked it up smiling and walked into her garden, she sat down on the swing her father built when she was little and opened the letter.
"My dearest Fiona,"
"the last time we met, we hoped to continue our conversation very soon. So I'm inviting you to our garden for a cup of tea. I'll be waiting for you."
"Your Dorian."
Fiona chuckled happily about it and pressed the letter to her chest. She stood up from the swing and ran up in her room. She took out her favorite white dress with the blue flowers on it, making her look like a porcelain doll and braided her hair a bit together.
Her parents would be home late at night so she had plenty of time to spend with him. The girl walked carefully through the streets of London, passing some creepy figures but she just kept on walking until she arrived at his home. It was huge.
Fiona knocked on the door a bit nervous and a unknown man opened the door for her.
"Mister Gray is waiting for you in the garden." He told her and Fiona nodded politely.
"Thank you very much." She told him and walked through the house to the next exit, of course she took a look around, he really had a beautiful house.
When she stepped outside the sunlight hit her face again and she walked along the stone way, surrounded by the green grass and the many flowers even a little pond was in the middle of it.
She arrived at a little blanket in the middle of a lot of flowers and in front of the pond.
"Do you like it?" A voice behind her asked and sat down on the blanket placing a strawberry bowl on it.
Fiona flinched a bit first but smiled then. "It's stunning, Dorian." She said and sat down next to him. "I'm so glad we met again." She added.
The boy moved closer to her and took a grape for him to eat. "I'm happy too, believe me. Did you get my presents?" He asked her.
Fiona smirked a bit and showed him the ring he gave to her. "I did, yes and I loved them." She moved closer to him too, giving him a smile.
They kept talking together for a lot of time until it started raining suddenly. They packed everything together and started running back into the house. Both of them ran through the door laughing and dripping from the rain.
Dorian hold her hand tightly and moved her in front of him. He moved the wet strands out of her face. "You're beautiful." He whispered and leaned down to her.
Fiona looked up into his eyes and got on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and kissed him. Dorian smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her even closer. They released each other as soon as no air reached their lungs anymore.
"Do you think you can stay the night here?" Dorian asked her put of breath.
Fiona looked to him and shook her head. "Sadly not, my parents would be worried." She explained to him and he nodded understanding.
"Alright then, take a seat in the living room and I'm gonna make us a tea, alright?" He asked and kissed her forehead. She smiled and walked into the living room, sitting down on the comfy furniture.
Dorian prepped a tea for both of them and walked then after her. "There you go." He placed it on the table in front of them and sat next to her.
"Thank you very much." Fiona said and took a sip of the tea. "mh a bit bitter, don't you think?" She chuckled a bit.
"I'm so sorry darling." Dorian gave her a little smile.
Fiona smiled a bit too and leaned back in the couch, suddenly so tired. She put the tea back on the table and stood up. "You know, I think it's time for me to go." She told him and walked to the door, almost tripping.
Dorian hold her waist from behind and supported her. "wow, careful. I think you should stay here. I'm not letting you walk around London this time of the day." He explained and picked her up, holding her in front of him. "I promise, I'll get you home tomorrow morning." He said when she already closed her eyes.
The boy walked up into his bedroom and placed her in the king size bed, closing the curtains around them. He laid down next to her and smiled.
"I'm sorry I put that in your tea but I just wanted to stay with you a little longer." He explained and kissed her cheek. "Sweet dreams, Fiona." Dorian said and wrapped his arms around her waist, falling asleep.
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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Thumbnail on NCT U Home (Rearranged version) was taken by dearest ji hansol ~
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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serve well hansol, i’ll be waiting for your return
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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newkidd ot7 lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it!! 🌿
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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Leila Williams has appeared in Fifty shades of grey and Grey: Fifty Shades of Grey as told by Christian. I have a copy Christian's book. She has told by Christian when Ana changed song in his car. She put Britney Spears " Toxic" in Christian's iPod.
#fiftyshadesofgrey #fiftyshadesdarker #fiftyshadesfreed #leilawilliams #fiftyshadesseries
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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Today is Bella Heathcote birthday. She held role Leila Williams in Fifty Shades Darker. Leila Williams is a former submissive of Christian Grey, she want more with Christian, as girlfriend. But Christian doesn't agree, she leaves him and married someone else. Her husband died in car crash, she had mental breakdown.
In the book, after Leila leaves him, she married with her husband. But she doesn't felt happy, she left the husband for someone else. Leila suffered after her boyfriend died in car crash.
#bellaheathcote #leilawilliams #fiftyshadesofgrey #fiftyshadesdarker #fiftyshadesfreed #fiftyshadesseries
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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vampire energy
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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fionafelicia · 2 years
Mark. 😂😂😂
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fionafelicia · 2 years
His wink. 🥵🥵🥵
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doyoung // the link log ep. 1
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fionafelicia · 2 years
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doyoung • loveholic special talk live
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fionafelicia · 2 years
Jisung. 😍😍😍😍
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jisung for elle
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fionafelicia · 2 years
Renjun so handsome and cute
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Huang Renjun for CANDYLAB’s Full Bloom collection
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