groom persona chart
jupiter in the houses
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what is a groom persona chart? this chart exhibits qualities that your husband will have and possible placements that can be seen in their chart. it is simply a chart all about your spouse in a woman's chart. the asteroid groom can be identified using the code 5129.
Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, growth, luck and expansion. in the GPC it can tell us how the husband finds luck and how they may expand their their opportunities and where they may find purpose in learning things.
jupiter in 1st house: your fs can have luck with their appearance and how they look. They can honestly look good in anything that they do or anything that they wear. They have luck when it comes to how they present themselves to the world and may have plenty of lucky interactions or opportunities that they simply get because of their good vibes or how they appear to the world. They find growth in areas to do with their appearance, your future husbands appearance may change a lot whether it’s style or the vibe or simply just change of personality, like for example if 1st house is in Libra they can change their aesthetics and their accessories that they may wear but they have luck when looking after themselves if that makes sense. They can have the tendency to enjoy themselves a little too much and be in the zone of thinking they are everything which if handled excessively it can make them gain weight, develop health problems, greed, make them think they are better than everyone etc. but this can only occur if there are bad aspects towards Jupiter especially if Mars is conjunct or if there are squares to Jupiter.
jupiter in 2nd house: with this placement, the fs can find luck within the home and when it comes to comfort. he can have luck comfort wise meaning that he may always be comfortable and he may never stress or worry about not having to not have a home. he may have luck with finance and so he may have a steady pay check and can not worry as much about their stream of income because he will always either find loyalty dedicated to his job or will have more that one streams of income so he's all set. the sign can have a little bit of significance as well so for example if in sagittarius, can have luck in finance overseas and especially in foreign land. this placement is a huge placement of loyalty and how your husband can have wisdom and has his head wrapped around the fact that loyalty is the most important thing in the relationship.
jupiter in 3rd house: the fs will tend to have luck when it comes to electronics and vehicles. With this placements I noticed that a lot of the grooms know how to fix cars and know so much about cars in general, they can also be very good drivers and may have a very deep fond about them. Also with electronics they tend to know a lot about them as well, they may know what phone is the best and their interior and exterior and just anything to do with laptops, computers etc. they tend to have opportunities with his siblings so they may be very close with them and may prioritise their sibling or siblings. Another thing with your fs is that he may like to take road trips a lot, and especially take you along with him, since no questions asked with their interest in cars it only makes sense when they go out for a spin in their car. In addition your fs can be very interactive with people around him so he may be very communicative with others and is an easy person to talk to. For example may like small talk with strangers and such.
jupiter in 4th house: fs may develop a sense and desire to have a family. This may be because it may bring them luck in life when having someone to care and look after. They tend to attract luck when taking care of others and being protective with those around him. He may have luck with his home and depending on the sign it’s in it can tell us a bit more. So for example if in Virgo, can have luck when being delicate and precise with the interior of the house and may have an eye for such things. If in Leo, can be very good with children in the house and may have a way with them and know how to prepare meals, play with them etc. your fs may have opportunities with bettering the home and such, this can be an indication of them having a good eye for a cosy home so expect him to have a fabulous and cosy home. If aspected badly can be overly protective and can become very strict within the household almost to the point where they don’t appreciate their family members and are too focused on being in control.
jupiter in 5th house: your husband can have plenty of luck when it comes to them attracting attention and an audience. They are very good bribers and are very good with making everything around them look good. Can have luck with children, their hobbies, can be good at anything that is fun for them. So whatever your fs may find entertaining or he has a deep interest in he will for sure be very good at it as he takes his interest to heart and for him being interested in something isn’t enough, he has to know EVERYTHING about it. Fs can have luck in romance, so he can be a very subtle yet beautiful a pro when it comes to attracting people. He has this talent of making nothing be embarrassing for him because he may have too much ego and can just be very confident in himself that there is no need for him to doubt himself.
jupiter in 6th house: your fs may find luck in every day simple things. he may not be aware as much but lots of every day things may go very smoothly. he may rarely have any major problems in life and if he does then he is the one who knows how to fix it and get passed the hurdle. he can find luck in his job as well, with this placement he may not worry about trying to acquire a job or trying to get a job as it may come to him naturally. your fs service to others whether it be being generous or just simply being helpful for others can bring luck to him. depending on the sign, this placement can add some touches of meaning to it, for example if in gemini, spouse may have resolutions to do with intellectual ability so he may be smart and be analytical. with this placement also when 6th house represents daily routine and handiness, jupiter in gemini or aquarius can mean that spouse can be handy with technology and may have a fair hand with tech stuff.
jupiter in 7th house: your fs can have luck when it comes to having people on their side. This can develop them to have lots of opportunities because of their relationship to other people. They are natural charmers and can use their charm to make other like them however if aspected badly can lead to others being overly jealous of their success or how they may be liked by people and can cause enemies. They are someone who speaks their mind and has a very creative and broad mind. They can have the most obnoxious thoughts and ideas that may bring them attention. It is as if whatever they say or that comes out of his mouth other people tend to agree with him and your fs makes it sound appealing.
jupiter in 8th house: the future husband can have a lot of inheritances to his name. He may make lots of money due to being smart financially and that can set him up for luck money wise. Can have luck with getting money from other people, and getting things from others as well. This can be either a very good placement or a very bad one depending on the sign and aspects. If it is in Taurus, can be very lazy with their finance and when given the opportunity to invest or do something with an inheritance they can splurge the money and not be very careful with how they treat it which can lead to losing the money very fast. But if in Leo, can have lots of motive to strive to better the amount that they are given and can strive to double the amount that they got from an inheritance for example. Your fs may also have opportunities when it comes to figuring others out. This can mean that they have a very good intuition and can read a person very well. Which can save them their energy on getting involved with the wrong person. They can tend to reserve their energy and be quite isolated at times, most of the time it’s needed for them to strive better in life.
jupiter in 9th house: your fs can have luck generally and with a variety of things. He can be seen as a very very lucky individual. As Jupiter is in its own sign it is very happy here that can bring extra luck to your husband. Can often be very wise in life meaning that he may know a lot of facts and a lot of knowledge about life and the world. He can seem to know everything to put it into simple perspective. He may have lots of opportunities when it comes to education and wisdom. So for example he may get invited or attend lots of talks, he may have multiple of degrees from universities, he can have a fondness of collecting things and learning new things. He may never get tired of learning as learning can be what keeps him alive and free. Another thing is that freedom is very important to him, so it’s best for him to do what his heart most desires in order for him to not feel unaccomplished in life.
jupiter in 10th house: your fs can have luck in finance and with money. Can have luck with their career meaning that they can have a well respected and good paying job that they worked hard for. For this placement I have noticed that whatever they may put their mind towards or something that they want very badly if they work hard for it they will get it because this placements hard work will work out for them. They can have lots and lots of career opportunities whether it’s promotions or meeting with vip people or just opportunities that people would only dream of they may experience them. They can go through most of their luck in their job so that can mean that most of the good things that happen to him may happen in their job or during their job. His career is like the centre of his life and it’s what makes him want to live the best life.
jupiter in 11th house: the husband has luck when interacting with other people and when meeting strangers in general. He may have this social ability that gives him the natural sense of starting a conversation with other people. And the thing with this placement that I picked up on is that they don’t have a care in the world either, they can rarely get embarrassed or they just simply don’t care what they do and who sees them. This is a very lucky placement so your spouse can generally have luck with anything they they do, they can have luck in the most simple of things and they may not even realise that it’s lucky because it happens to them all the time so they don’t even second guess it.
jupiter in 12th house: your fs can have luck when it comes to all things spirituality. They can develop a lot of luck when they are working on themselves and being mindful and bettering their mental health and so forth. They can tend to have luck when they travel, seek a religion or have faith in anything. They can attract a lot of luck from the higher realm meaning they may be spiritually protected so if anyone does them harm or get on the wrong side of him they are going to get hurt. They can also be very psychic and cannot even know it, for example can predict things that haven’t happened yet or say something and the best day it happens sort of thing. But they may not be aware of that and if not attune with this ability may think it’s just a coincidence. Can have opportunities to go abroad, to help people, to teach people and especially to work on themselves. And these opportunities will help him with his path.
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fireelementalessence · 2 months
Thank you to the graphic novels for confirmed that Katniss is like 5’1 and not an inch taller. Did the whole Katniss is tall/Peeta is short thing come from those cursed live action movies??? Because the book clearly states she has to get on her tippy toes to kiss Peeta on the cheek.
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fireelementalessence · 4 months
Had to temporarily leave THG reddit sub because I’m sick of seeing random ass blonde white men being cast as young Haymitch. Every time “The Seam being POC” topic comes up on that sub I question it schools are even teaching the basics of active reading, biology and history anymore because the ability to use context clues and inferencing as well as the basic ass knowledge of how genetics work and US history are always severely lacking in those conversations. I really wish Suzanne Collins had stood ten toes down on Katniss being biracial who passes more for her non-white side (becaue yes folks, mixed race people can come out looking literally anyway including mostly white passing like Prim or like an equal mixture of their ethnicities) instead of handwaving away people who were confused by the castings of Jennifer Lawrence and Woody Harrelson but she’s a white American woman at the end of the day so whatever…………
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fireelementalessence · 5 months
Hot take: I don’t like when people take Peeta’s hijacking and make it all about Katniss while act like he has something to be sorry for as if he wasn’t the one that was tortured and brainwashed.
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fireelementalessence · 10 months
I hate when people try to retcon Mrs Mellark into not being abusive or try to justify her abuse. Lightly spanking your kid is one thing, but striking him so hard in the face that he have to go to school the next day with a welted eye and letting the last thing you say him before he sets off to fight for his life basically tell him that you have zero confidence in him will forever have her on my shit list. Toastbaby boy is truly blessed because he’ll never have a mother like that.
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when we talk about haymitch calling out katniss for how she treated hijacked peeta in chapter nineteen of mockingjay (ie. calling him a mutt), the fandom usually seems to take katniss's side. saying that haymitch was being too harsh on her. that if the situations were switched, peeta would act just like katniss. by giving a hypothetical hijacked katniss space and whatnot. 
but i don't think that haymitch is calling out katniss for giving peeta space. because she wasn't giving him space in the warzone. she was actively being antagonistic towards him, unprompted. she is stripping peeta of his humanity. so, haymitch is upset. and he is calling her out on it. 
katniss emphasized that peeta was no longer a human, but a mutt. in the games, killing a human being took a huge toll on katniss. in contrast, katniss doesn't feel regret over killing a mutt. so by calling peeta a mutt, she essentially saying that (1) she no longer considers him a human and (2) his death would not mean anything to her. 
and. that. is. not. okay. 
it doesn't matter to me how upset she was. it doesn't matter how different this peeta was. it doesn't matter to me the cutting remarks peeta said to her before in district thirteen. this is more than just insulting peeta. this is more than just putting distance between herself and peeta. she is stripping a human being of his humanity. exactly the type of perspective that peeta always posited was wrong, even in the context of the games and war. the kind of perspective that turns people into monsters they are not.
in this moment, katniss's rage turns her into a monster, someone who is able to put aside the humanity of her enemy. because of her blind rage. a type of rage that doesn't consider consequences. and it reminds me of someone else who, in their worst moments, can use their rage to justify dehumanizing people. gale.
and so it is so ironic that, right after this, katniss is so surprised by the brutality and extremity of gale's offer to kill peeta for her. like girl, why are you so surprised? gale is just picking up the messages you were putting down. and i have heard many people talk about how gale was too harsh in this moment, but not enough people calling out katniss for expressing the same opinion the moment before.
and i guess i am a little upset at katniss here. i can understand her lashing out at peeta in district thirteen. i can understand her running from him. i can even understand her casting him off (though i don't support it). but i refuse to acknowledge any validity of katniss's actions or feelings in this instance. 
and i do not conclude that haymitch was too harsh on her. someone needed to call her out for how wrong she was acting. 
because it was not okay what she did. period. 
and she did need to consider what peeta would do if their positions were reversed. maybe peeta would give her space. maybe he would run away. but peeta would never, ever dehumanize her. because he did not, even at his worst, dehumanize people. not even hijacked peeta did not dehumanize people.
so, i just hope that she found time after the war to officially apologize to peeta for it. because that type of dehumanizing language can mess with a person for a long time. and i imagined that it took peeta a while to get over that.
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The Mellark’s
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Thinking again about how Peeta gets sick from the train food, that it’s too rich for him, that he lived on stale and burnt bread, that he might have had materially enough food but not the right kinds. Thinking about how malnutrition is a spectrum, and food insecurity looks different in different households. That yes, he might not be one missed meal from starving to death, but that his teeth are probably weak. His mouth probably breaks out in ulcers when he eats fresh fruit. That he probably snuck down to the bakery when he was hungry and all there was were spoonfuls of sugar or jam. Maybe he had to take cake scraps to school for lunch, and how awful that would be, because it looks so luxurious but it’s not. How he probably loved when his dad bought one of Katniss’s squirrels because it was so fresh and alive, so unstale. Thinking a lot about food insecurity.
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So we know that Everlark would have happened anyways, regardless the universe or circumstances but not many people talk about how different Katniss’ personality and behavior would be in a universe where Mr. Everdeen survived. This is a girl who used to play house and proudly raised her hand to sing The Valley Song on the first day of school (I could never) people!
She lost her father during the age range that most girls start puberty (8 - 13 years old) and was thrusted into being a mother figure for Prim and head of household thus not allowing her to explore normal things that kids that age do such as developing romantic thoughts and feelings.
In a universe where Mr. Everdeen lived I see her still being a bit of an introvert and reserved but I doubt she would walk with a scowl on her face all the time and try to project an image of intimidation and indifference in order to protect her own feelings. Seeing the love her parents share at that age would most likely lead to be more comfortable accepting her compassionate side and as well as have a positive effect on her early interactions with Peeta (how they finally talk to each other is up your imagination lol).
I also see Madge being her best friend in this universe instead or Gale but I have a question for you guys. Given that her and Gale’s relationship was forged out of them both becoming head of household at young ages and being transactional where taught each other in exchange for something to provide families, do you think they would become friends?
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Katniss Everdeen is not the ambitious girl boss and fierce leader the movies and some audiences are trying to make her look like.
She was forced into that role because of who she is and the circumstances. She never wanted to become a leader or anything like that. She just wants a peaceful life for herself and the people she loves.
I don't know how to put it, but people who try to push her as the ultimate girl boss always give me the impression that they only watched the movies.
It especially rubs me the wrong way when they're like, Katniss is such a girl boss she doesn't have time for romantic love! She doesn't love boys like that!
Excuse me, she's canonically a teenage girl who actively daydreams while staring at Peeta's eyelashes, blushing when she's caught; she whines about not getting his affection when he doesn't hug or kiss her; she calls him when he just left her house to go back to his, which is only 3 houses away.
It's like, tell me you didn't read the books without telling me you didn't read the books.
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So, ok! Why not. That’s my thoughts about THG characters heights. Thank you @lovely-tothe-bone for discussion! And I’m ready for you meta!
What do we know from the books:
Katniss always mentioned that she is “small” but how much small?
THG: When Atala begins to read down the list of the skill stations, my eyes can’t help flitting around to the other tributes. It’s the first time we’ve been assembled, on level ground, in simple clothes. My heart sinks. Almost all of the boys and at least half of the girls are bigger than I am, even though many of the tributes have never been fed properly. You can see it in their bones, their skin, the hollow look in their eyes. I may be smaller naturally, but overall my family’s resourcefulness has given me an edge in that area. I stand straight, and while I’m thin, I’m strong. <...> I’m small enough to tuck the top of the bag over my head, but I put on my hood as well. [the regular length of a sleeping bag is 6’, the small one is 5’6 usually]. <...> She’s [Foxface] even smaller than I am and unarmed, unless she’s picked up some weapons recently. TCF: It's true that Mags can't weigh more than about seventy pounds, but I'm not very big myself. Still, I'm sure I've carried heavier loads. TM: Suddenly, I see myself through his eyes. A smallish seventeen-year-old girl who can’t quite catch her breath since her ribs haven’t fully healed. <...> Peeta to Katniss: You’re not very big, are you?
Ok, IMHO she is small but not so very small, not tiny. 160 cm (5’3) or even 163 cm (5’4) in my opinion.
Peeta is medium height (but what is it exactly?). I think something like 176 cm (5’9) in the first book. 15 cm difference between Peeta and Katniss is very comfortable for cheek kissing standing on tiptoes 😉.
Gale in THG: He was only fourteen, but he cleared six feet and was as good as an adult to me. Ok, Gale is super tall and (like Glimmer) sexy all the way. So let it be 193 cm (6’4) 😅.
Finnick: Tall, athletic, with golden skin and bronze-colored hair and those incredible eyes. <...> He's the biggest [between him, Katniss and Peeta].
Madge: I imagine her really tall [178cm, 5’10] like her father (Madge’s father, Mayor Undersee, who’s a tall, balding man).
Johanna: We know that Peeta's much bigger than Johanna (TCF). So I think something about 163cm (5’4).
The others are totally headcanon 😅. And I can’t not include Peeta’s brothers because I love them both.
Will be happy to hear your thoughts about the topic 😉
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Me imagining when Peeta and Katniss’ oldest daughter turns 12 and the anniversary of reaping day but all the kids in the district including theirs are just out and about all day enjoying a nice spring day playing with their friends, eating ice cream, being loud and happy
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