firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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So proud of my mother for doing her own research after I sent her that meme. A sign she hung in her car window.
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Stop Israeli Terrorism & Apartheid
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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so can we start hunting down white liberals now or what
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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Ig : @letstalkpalestine
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
I’m not trying to send hate this is just a general thing I want to put out there for the people who don’t know in Israel they have mandatory service so to my knowledge unless you’re disabled like you physically cannot serve or you have certain mental conditions that you would be exempt or like sickness or whatever so any person who grows up in Israel doesn’t have a choice about serving so a lot of them just think that’s normal and especially people like Gal Gadot she just grew up that way and that was normal like you just joined when you were 18 you did your mandatory service and that was it so I just wanna put that out there that yes she can be part of the problem but you can’t really get upset at her for serving because like yes you can oppose serving but for most people that’s not an option like they can’t afford to go to prison or whatever the consequences are so I just wanted to put that out there And again I’m not saying that she’s in the right for anything but she had no choice when it comes down to it about serving
i see what you are saying here but like there is so much wrong with that mindset.
First of all you are implying that because service is mandatory, israelis can't be held responsible for their service or what the military does. in reality though, israel is a democracy, so we can see pretty clearly how much israeli support there is for zionism. in the 2020 legislative elections, 86.53% of votes went to zionist parties. that's a pretty clear declaration of support for genocide. On top of that, the idea that "a lot of them just think that's normal" and it's therefore okay, is not one I support. there are no excuses for genocide. if you would actively participate in the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians just because it means you won't go to jail or be shamed as a refusenik, then you're not a good person. once again, if you do not actively oppose the problem you are complicit. Like, idk how yall expect people to feel about this stance. imagine going up to a palestinian child like "sorry I shot all your friends the other day, it's obligatory service :(((". conscription doesn't absolve you.
Now, when we apply this whole situation to gal gadot it's even mkore infuriating. she isn't neutral on the occupation. she didn't just serve her term in the idf and shut up about it. she like many israelis actively support the IDF on social media (remember when she and her daughter prayed for the soldiers bombing Gaza on Instagram? and is proud of her service. acting like she only did what she had to do to get out of jail is bullshit.
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
Israel is a terror aparthied state
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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Zara's head designer Vanessa Perliman thinks that she and her colleagues know the "truth" about Israel. Well, i guess their truth can explain why nine families have been completely erased from the population, why almost 50,000 people lost their homes and why children are imprisoned by Isr*el. Seriously Perliman, how can your truth explain why some Israeli citizens can come and invade people's houses claiming that its their belonging from now on ? Boycott Zara. You are not going to lose anything. People are losing their lives, families, houses and they deal with constant trauma. Do not give some people who think that they know the truth any opportunity.
credits to @scoopempire
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
To people who say we need to look at both sides: how can it be both sides when one side is getting their homes stolen and demolished, while the other is moving in and demolishing them? How can you say it’s both sides when only one side sleeps with their whole family in a living room so they won’t die without each other?
“Let’s look at it both ways” ok fine. What’s the solution for the people who are being kicked out of their homes and can’t return to their original ones? If you care so much, what’s the solution for these families who are losing their homes? Will you allow them to return to their original homes?
I know about the Jordanian army and the documents. But regardless, Palestinians were there first. The UN guarantees them the right to return, these settlements are illegal by international law. I don’t give a damn about the documents, the land was theirs.
It was stolen. And before anyone talks about ancestry, let me say one thing: just because you have ancestry doesn’t mean you can take over someone’s land and force them out. I don’t care about the original definition of Zionism: Zionism has displaced, killed, and subjugated Palestinians. Under that ideology, children have lost their parents, their childhoods. They know the sound of their home being emptied by settlers and the sound of bombs. People’s lives have been lost so Israel can have its illegitimate state.
Another person put this perfectly: if Zionists claim they are indigenous to Palestine, they would not burn and destroy the land as they do. Their heart would ache at the destruction of olive trees.
Ancestry does not mean connection to land. I have mostly Chinese ancestry, but I grew up in America. I don’t have a strong connection to the land as much as a native Chinese person does.
“Don’t talk about it if-” No. I’ll talk about it as much as possible. How much context is needed when journalists are being assaulted and arrested? How much context is needed when a ten year old girl has to try to cheer up her little brother and distract him from bombs? How much context is needed when native Palestinians can’t return to their home?
Everyone was all ACAB and fuck the cops last year. Militaries and police are synonymous, and we know from the Iraq war that militaries brutalize and terrorize civilians just as police do. But once it’s the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces, not defense) it’s all “context?”
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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[ Image ID: C @stfuhassam : 2h
This was your ceasefire?? They were just
wanting to finish the trending of palastine but
this won't happen, we will make it happen
again. Use these hashtags in every tweet.
#FreePalestine #GazaUnderAttack ]
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
Israel will commit a killing spree of civilians, wiping out entire families, and Zionists will blame Palestinians with some unconscionably racist myth like Palestinians teach their children to hate. Ma’am, Israel teaches that lesson without any effort required by parents.
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
The fact that the number one trending hashtag in israel is “de@th to arabs” says a lot about who they truly are
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
You cant criticise Israel or zionism without at least one person going “so do you hate jewish people?” Or any other varient of asking you to denounce antisemitism. Yet Israelis can march while demeaning and insulting Muslims and our religious figures, or can openly call for mass genocide by chanting “death to all Arabs” and no one bats an eye? Where is the call for them to denounce Islamophobia?
Dont turn it into a “so are you saying one shouldn’t denounce antisemitism if their counterparts don’t denounce islamophobia?” Because I that is not what I’m saying. Both are as bad as the other and it’s hypocritical of you to support one and ignore the other.
Antisemitism and Islamophobia have no place in our society and it’s disturbing to know that most people don’t feel like that.
I urge you to watch this video and compare it to the previous pictures and videos of Palestine and its people that I’ve posted. You will notice a very obvious difference, people in Palestine are trying to survive while Israelis are encouraging mass genocide and an ethnic cleansing. There are countless videos of people, children, mourning their friends and family while the people in this video want more of them dead. How is this okay? Why is no one holding Israel accountable? Where are the sanctions? And where are the world leaders now? Everyone was quick to jump on the “they have the right to defend themselves” boat but who exactly are they defending themselves from? This doesn’t seem like self defence to me? The world is watching Israel and there simply is no way for anyone to deny that whats going on is wrong.
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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Palestinians are still in danger.
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firefalcon2000 · 3 years
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