fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Rune Casting
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I recently got my Amethyst Runes and started getting more into it. It was pretty hard to find some good information online, so I thought I’d share with you guys what I found! I just write down what I have in my book of shadows, and this is just what I found, so there may be things that I wrote wrong or that doesn’t fit your believes. I request you look up on this subject yourself too, but this right here might give you a head start.
Runes are symbols which may be used in divination. They are very old and there are many theories as to how or when they originiated, but it’s well known that they were used in Europe. The word itself comes from the old norse word “Run”, and the old german word “Runa”, which translates to “whisper” or “secret”. Runes are closely tied to Odin and according to ancient germanic people they were created by him. The runic alphabets are called “Futhark”, after the first six runes, which are Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido and Kenaz. While the elder furthark has 24 characters, just like our alphabet, there are also other versions of the Futhark which range from 16 to 33 characters.
Now to the Meanings!
I have to say, I had a really hard time looking up the meanings of every rune. While some runes have the same meaning everywhere, others seems to have a different meaning every time. I chose what was either mostly named or felt right for me. Feel free to share what you found out about them, or how you use them in the comments below! Every rune is associated with a letter of our alphabet, so I decided to include them and write them right beside the name. I don’t have the sources to post pictures of every rune (nor the space), but you can easily look them up youself online and get in touch with them.
Fehu - F “Fay-who” The Cattle - Wealth, Prosperty, Financial Matters
Uruz - U “Oo-rooze” The Aurochs - Strength, Courage, Vitality, for that matter also Health and Recovery
Thurisaz - TH “Thoo-re-saws” The Thorn or The Hammer - Destruction, Anger, Violence, sometimes a Warning or Protection
Ansuz - A “Awn-sooze” The Deity or The Antenna - Wisdom, Communication, Thoughts, Words, Signals, Learning, but also Truth or a Leader
Raido - R “Rye-tho” The Wagon - Travels and Journeys, maybe even an inner journey
Kenaz - K “Kee-naws” The Torch - Light, Inspiration, Creativity and Knowledge, but for other also Hard Work
Gebo - G “Gay-bo” The Gift - A Gift or Generosity, but for another matter also Love, Marriage or Partnership, by seeing the love of another person as a gift
Wunjo - W “Woon-yo” Joy - Happiness, Harmony, Comfort, as well as Victory o Productivity
Hagalaz - H “Haw-gaw-laws” The Hail - Destruction, Force, Disruption, Chaos, Drama, Hazard, Fury, Anger, can be associated with The Tower from the Tarots Major Arcana
Nauthiz - N “Now-teese” Need - Constraint, Neccessities, Distress, Delay, Patience
Isa - I “Ee-saw” Ice - Stagnation, Standstill, Frozen, Stuck
Jera - J/Y “Yare-awe” Harvest - Rewards, Success, Accomplishments, also associated with Earth
Eihwaz - EI “Eye-waws” Yew - Either Reliability, Stability and Trustworthy, or Constricted, Protection, Pain, Perseverence (by looking at it like a bow). The meanings are pretty split with this one.
Perth - P “Per-th” The Cup - Destiny, Fate, Magic, Mystery, The Unknowable
Algiz - Z “All-geese” The Elk - Protection, Self Defense, Shield, Standing Up For Something
Sowelu - S “Soe-wee-loo” The Sun - Good Fortune, Power, Energy, Health
Teiwaz - T “Tea-waws” Týr - Victory, Justice, Honor, Higher Spiritual Power, or Focus and Responsibility
Berkana - B “Bear-kaw-nah” The Birch - Birth, Beginnings, Fertility, (Personal) Growth, Nurture, Family
Ehwaz - E “Ay-waws” The Horse - Transportation, Movement, Travel, maybe also Trust or Loyalty
Mannaz - M “Mawn-naws” The Self - Person, Human, Man, Identity, Culture, Individual
Laguz - L “Law-goose” The Water - Lake, Sea, Ocean, mostly the Flow, also Intuition, Proohetic Dreams and Feminity
Inguz - NG “Een-goose” Seed or The God, Ing - Common Sense, Internal Growth, Potential, Fertility, Success, Masculinity
Dagaz - D “Thaw-gause” The Day - Awareness, Breathrough, Transformation, Evolving, Growth, Changes
Othila - O “Oa-thee-law” Ancestral Property or Homeland - Property, Home, Family, Legacy, Possessions, Inheritance
The Blank Rune No one really knows how or when it came into the set, but at somd point, the blank rune has been occasionally beed added and used in a reading. Using the blank rune or not is personal preference. It can be useless to you or help you, it’s your choice whether you keep it or not. If you do, it should be read and used based on intuition. Consider it’s placement and the relation and connection to other runes. Some runes sets doesn’t even include the blank rune. It may represent Odin or Fate.
Please note that these are just the names of the runes that I prefer, there are a lot, lot, LOT more other pronounciations or names for each rune, but adding them in here too would be too much. Runes also have reversed meanings, but that is sonething I haven’t got into by now. Just research for yourself a little bit, learn some more and stick to what feels right to you.
Now to casting them. There are many different ways to cast runes. You may simply pull runes out of a bag with your eyes closed, or you dump some or all of them on the ground. You can do simple Tarot Spreads with your runes or look up different ways to use them.
You can use the runes in magic as well! You may use fitting runes in a spell, or write with then in your book of shadows, or draw them on your altar, wand, etc. There are many things you can do with runes, just take your time and get closer with them! I hope you liked this little lesson and that it may help you an your way.
Lot’s of love your way, Laura 💕
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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This was an extremely personal ritual and spell for me, but I want to share so that maybe others who deal with similar feelings can use it and mold it to fit them.
ITEMS 1 jar Banishing spices/hot spices that represent pain: black pepper, Chipotle pepper, chili powder, cinnamon, salt, paprika 1 black candle
HOW TO 1. Focused all my negative energy into my actions. 2. Put all of the spices in the jar along with ashes, coffee grounds and scabs. The scabs are the most important part to ME because they are self inflicted. Therefore they represent the sum of all my self hatred 3. Start the ritual by casting a circle which I used the crystals for. 4. Light the candle and tell it all of your bad thoughts 5. Close the jar and seal it with wax. Close the circle and Hide the jar. As you seal it say something like
“As I seal this jar I banish all of these negative thoughts. They are now in this jar and no longer plaguing my heart. As I hide this jar out of sight I banish these thoughts out of sight as well. They will no longer hurt me. I am free of self hatred.”
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Easy Ways To Raise Your Energy/Vibration
While the terms “raising energy” or “raising vibration” may sound like there is a big complicated ritual involved in doing so, it can be a very simple process. There are many benefits to raising our energy/vibration, which range from aiding in spellwork to just simply feeling better. All of these things listed below are simple ways to do so! Thank you in advance to all of those that helped me put this list together! 
Enjoy things that you like!
Dancing (alone or with a partner!)
Listening to music (Any you like is good, but binaural beats specifically helps a lot of people)
Playing an instrument
State how grateful you are for this moment you are currently in
Take a Bath
Eat raw, unprocessed food (organic is best!)
Go outside & enjoy nature
Earthing - go outside, kick those shoes off and enjoy the dirt between your toes
Do something creative
Do breathing exercises
Give someone a hug (& get hugged in return!)
Hug a tree!
Do something nice for someone
Get rid of all tech for awhile. Yep. Step away from the cell phone for a few hours.
Learn how to say “NO” to things that drain your energy!
Play with animals
Learn to forgive yourself as well as others!
Stop watching so much TV
Drinking tea
Drinking water charged with crystals
Burning incense/diffusing essential oils
Talking to plants
Focusing on the moon
Spending time with your favorite crystals
& Last but not least… having fun!
This isn’t a complete list of ways to raise your energy, because there are TONS of ways to do it easily, because pretty much anything you enjoy doing can raise your energy/vibration up, but this is a good list to start off to give you an idea of things to do! Go out there and have fun! <3
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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This adorable DIY is super easy and great for any witch! All you need is a shell, 2-3 tea light candles, a glue gun and an optional fragrance! HERE’S HOW TO MAKE IT! 1⃣ Remove a wick from one of the tea lights and glue it into the shell. 2⃣ Heat a tea light till the wax is melted and pour it gently into the shell. 3⃣ You can add fragrance to the melted wax before pouring it into the shell to make it smell great! Checkout ‘CierraCarnage’ on YouTube to watch a detailed tutorial on how to make this! 🐚✨
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Witch Tip!
draw sigils on your body with roll on perfume, rub it in to activate! happy witching :)
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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Incense uses
*not mine
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Witchy mental health tip
Offer up your excess energy built up from anxiety or unwanted negative energy from depression to the deity of your choice, on the condition that they take it immediately and leave you feeling stable and content.
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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Help the bees by giving them a bee pool bath! It’s a simple way to help the bees get water throughout their busy day. ALL you need is a bowl or dish and rocks or marbles! It’s very simple! To make a bee pool all you have to do is line the bowl or dish with rocks or marbles and add water! MAKE SURE the rocks or marbles are slightly above the water to give the bees a place to sit or perch while getting a drink! Bees can end up drowning if they attempt to drink from a pool or bird bath because there is no place for them to perch! It’s a great way additive to your bee friendly garden 🌿🌹🐝
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
As a witch with a chronic illness that can leave me extremely low on energy for weeks at a time, I’m always looking for witchy things to do that won’t leave me exhausted. Even simple spells draw from your own energy pool so these are the things I do when my pool is running dry.
Cleansing -  Negative energy always builds up in my space during a bout of sickness, after a good cleansing of my outer I find my inner much more positive also. Here are some easy ways to cleanse
-Light some incense -Fill a spray bottle with water (moon water would be handy for this), herbs of your choice (I usually use sage), and some salt. Then go around to each room and spray some into each corner -Cleanse yourself by taking a bath or shower and using gorgeous smelling products -Open a window and let the fresh air blow positive energy into your house
Sigils -  When I don’t have the energy for full-on spells/rituals I sit down and make some cute sigils. I try to make them specific to my situation, so when I am feeling especially down because of health issues I will make a sigil with the intent “My health does not affect my mental state” or something similar. You can also
 -Put a sigil on your pill bottles for a little boost (although magic is NOT a replacement for medicine and you should never completely rely on it for any health issues) -Put a sigil on your heat bags/hot water bottle -Draw them on your wrist -Draw them at the bottom of your tea mugs with honey
Beauty Products -  Being stuck in bed feeling like death himself can make me feel, well, not awesome appearance wise. I found making myself feel nice on the outside can help my moral SO MUCH. I don’t mean you have to get up and put on a full face of make-up, but these little things can make a big difference
-Rosehip oil spray. It smells amazing, has many magical benefits including health and feeling calm and sensual, and is super refreshing with the added bonus of being rly good for your skin -Scented lip balm for when your lips are feeling dry and sore eg I have pomegranate lip balm for when I want to make an offering to Persephone but have absolutely no energy. They come in sooo many flavors and scents, just pick which ones resonate with what you need! -Perfume/essential oils. Just use a scent that corresponds with what you would like to do, like tea tree oil for health or lavender for relaxation. Also, smell pretty=feel pretty.
Prayers -  It can be hard keeping up appearances to the Gods when you have no energy so every night before bed, or generally whenever I feel like it, I say a little prayer. Of course if you are a secular witch you could just take some time to appreciate the things in nature/your life that makes it magical.
Tea -  It’s so nice having a soothing hot drink when your throat feels like a huge cluster of quartz has gotten stuck in there. There are so many posts out there about magical uses for tea but here is a couple 
-Adding herbs for intent -Leaving a crystal in your mug overnight so your mug and tea is charged with intent -Blowing away the steam and visualize blowing away negative energy
Get to know your crystals - Lets be honest, I have so many crystals I’ve forgotten what half of them are. I like taking them out and surrounding myself with them and then picking them up one by one and focusing on its energy to re-connect. This takes barely any of my energy as I can do it in bed, and makes me feel warm and fuzzy seeing all my pretties in front of me.
Read/Study - This is what I spend the majority of my time doing. There is ALWAYS more to learn about witchcraft and I can do it while lying down. There are so many free witchy book pdfs on tumblr as well, just remember not to believe everything you read.
Witchy Crafts - This one could take a little more spoons than the others, but it’s super gratifying. To find some things to do you can scroll through the tumblr tag “witch diy”. Some things I have done are 
-Sewed cute tarot bags to hold my cards -Used thick cotton to make my own little necklace crystal holder -Bought gemstone beads and made my own jewelry
Visualization - This is in my opinion the foundation of all spells and a lot of the time I don’t even use any other ingredients because that takes too much energy. I just focus on my intent and chant a little bit or sing and let the spell come to light all through visualizing it. I have charmed items, helped my plants grow and a lot more this way. I also like to visualize myself in a beautiful, flower-filled forest and feel the sun/moon pulling dark clouds of negative energy/illness out of my body to help when i’m feeling particularly unwell.
Meditation - My favorite spoonie witchy thing to do. It calms you, cleanses you, broadens your mind and senses and helps me personally deal with any pain caused by my illness. It can be done at any time and you really feel recharged afterwards. You can even light some candles, light some incense, sit outside under the moon, so many things.
So these are all I can think of right now, feel free to add on so we can all help each other out! Much love to every one of you 💕
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
50 Simple Charms
Basil at the door, windows, or scattered in the home will increase money.
Lay thorny branches on your doorstep to keep evil from your dwelling.
Eat a pinch of Thyme before bed, and you will have sweet dreams.
Place chips of Cedar wood in a box with some coins to draw money to you.
Carry an Anemone Flower with you to ward against illness.
Hang a bit of Seaweed in the kitchen to ward evil spirits.
Keep a jar of Alfalfa in your cupboards to ensure the prosperity of your house.
Burn Allspice as an incense to draw money or luck to you, as well as speed healing.
Cut an Apple in half, and give one half to your love to ensure a prosperous relationship.
Carry an Avocado pit with you to let your inner beauty shine outwardly. Avocado is also an aphrodisiac.
Strawberries are an aphrodisiac.
Place a piece of cotton in your sugar bowl to draw good luck to your house.
Celery is an aphrodisiac.
Place Almonds in your pocket when you need to find something.
Scatter Chili Peppers around your house to break a curse.
Carrying a packet of strawberry leaves will help ease the pains of pregnancy.
Scatter some sugar to purify a room.
Throw rice into the air to make rain.
Carry a potato in your pocket or purse all winter to ward against colds.
Eat five almonds before consuming alcohol, to lighten the effects of intoxication.
Place a pine branch above your bed to keep illness away.
Chew celery seeds to help you concentrate.
Carry of chunk of dry pineapple in a bag to draw luck to you.
Ask an orange a yes or no question before you eat it, then count the seeds: if the seeds are an even number, the answer is no. If an odd number, yes.
Eat olives to ensure fertility.
Toss Oats out your back door to ensure that your garden or crop will be bountiful.
Eat mustard seed to ensure fertility.
Place Lilacs around your house to rid yourself of unwanted spirits.
Eat Lettuce to drive lustful thoughts from your mind.
Rub a Lettuce leaf over your forehead to help you sleep.
Add Lemon juice to your bathwater for purification.
Eat grapes to increase psychic powers.
Carry a blade of grass to increase your psychic powers.
Smell Dill to get rid of hiccups.
If you place a Dill sachet over your door, those who wish you ill can not enter your home.
Place cotton on an aching tooth, and the pain will ease.
Burn cotton to cause rain.
Place pepper inside a piece of cotton and sew it shut to make a charm to bring back a lost love.
Carry a small onion to protect against venomous animals.
Eat grapes to increase fertility.
Place a sliced onion in the room of an ill person do draw out the sickness.
Place an onion underneath your pillow to have prophetic dreams.
Place morning glory seeds under your bed to cure nightmares.
Walk through the branches of a maple tree to ensure that you will have a long life.
Mix salt and pepper together and scatter it around your house to dispel evil.
Smell Lavender to help you sleep.  (Lavender makes me fall asleep so fast).
Hang a pea pod containing nine peas above the door to draw your future mate to you.
Eat a peach to assist in making a tough decision.
Carry peach wood to lengthen your lifespan.
Carry a walnut to strengthen your heart muscle.
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Tea For Headaches
Plum Tea For Headaches
5 dried plums (prunes)
1 tablespoon of green tea
2 tablespoons of mint
3.5 cups of water
Boil everything in water for 15 minutes, and drink no more than 3 cups a day until headache subsides [source].
Simple Ginger Lemon Tea
Fresh ginger root
Cut the ginger root in thing pieces and place in boiling water for 5-10 minutes before removing. Squeeze lemon juice in to your liking. You can also buy ginger root tea at most health food stores. 
Homemade Headache Tea
2 parts Lemon Balm
1 part Feverfew
1 part Lavender
Combine the herbs and prepare as an infusion.  Drink ¼ cup every 30 minutes until the headache is gone.  To make an infusion:  Boil 1 quart of water per ounce of herb (or 1 cup of water to 1 tablespoon of herb).  Pour the water over the herb(s) and let steep for 30 to 60 minutes. 
Green Tea for Headaches
1 cup water
2 tsp dried green tea
2 tsp dried or fresh mint
Bring water to a gentle boil. Pour water over green tea and mint leaves. Steep covered for 10 minutes to prevent the volatile oils from escaping. Strain leaves, pour into your favorite cup, and enjoy. [source]
Tea For Migraines
4 parts chamomile flowers
3 parts lemon blam
2 parts feverfew
1 part skullcap
1 part passion flower
¼ part ginger root
Measure the parts of each of the herbs listed and mix in a large bowl until well combined.Use tea infuser or tea pot to brew.This herbal tea blend will keep when stored in a cool, dark place for six months. [source]
Other teas:
lemon balm
vervain (can make you drowsy)
bay laurel 
wood betony
Jamaican dogwood
Please do research on the herbs above before use to see side effects. Some herbs are not suitable to consume while on certain medications, while pregnant or breast feeding. Webmd is a perfectly good website to look up side effects.
Many of these herbs can be found in supplement form. 
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
Witch Bottle
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History of the Witch Bottle:
In the early times, Witch Bottles were designed to protect homes against malicious witchcraft. They were commonly made around Samhain to protect the home from evil spirits. The witch bottle was commonly made up of glass, pottery, pins and nails. Sometimes, the maker would include his own urine to link the magick to the home and the family with in it. They were used as far back as the 1600’s! Witch Bottles are said to be of English origin.
Purpose of the Witch Bottle:
The Witch Bottle provides the home with protection from negative entities, the evil eye, or any malevolent spells by sending the negativity back to it’s caster.
How to make one:
Step 1: Find a Glass Bottle or Jar.
Step 2: Decorate the bottle with ribbons, feathers, charms, and crystals that are associated with protection.
Colors that symbolize protection: Black, White, Blue, Red
Charms that symbolize protection: Horseshoes, arrowheads, eye of horus, four leaf clover, snakes, scarab beetle, scorpion, unicorn, pentagram, raven, seal of solomon, Thor’s hammer, celtic knots/crosses, bells, etc.
Crystals for protection: Amber, Agate, Cat’s eye, Carnelian, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Onyx, Pearls, Quartz, Topaz, Turquoise
Feathers for protection: Black feathers, Blue feathers, White Feathers.
Step 3: Fill it with sharp, rusty, and pointy object. (Handle these objects with gloves and proper care!)
Feel free to add protective herbs as well.
Objects you can put in your witch bottle: Barb wire, mirrors, glass shards, bent and rusty nails, thorns, pins, fish hooks, a tangle of string, salt, needles, razor blades.
Step 4: Add an item that was once a part of yourself and can be used to symbolize yourself.
Such as: Blood or urine which is pretty gross and I definitely would not recommend. Instead add hair, nail clippings, menstrual blood, etc.    
Step 5: Seal the top with black candle wax. You may also say a chant while doing this.
Step 6: Bury it somewhere inside your property or hide it somewhere in your home.  
Your Witch bottle is complete!
May the moon light your path!
==Moonlight Academy==
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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Spirit Cernunnos
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
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🏵witch mandalas🏵
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
💧✨ "Cleanse and Protect" Spray Potion ✨💧
This potion is meant to be sprayed in each of the four corners of your rooms to have a two-in-one benefit of cleansing your space and protecting it as well!
Items needed:
- A Spray Bottle - “Cleanse and Protect” Sigil - Jasmine Oil - Peridot (chips or the stone) - Filtered Water - Amethyst - A candle
Put a couple drops of Jasmine Oil into the spray bottle. Add the Peridot and then the filtered water. Draw or tape the sigil onto the bottle and then set it near or on top of the Amethyst. Light the candle near by to allow it to charge and soak up the energies of the Peridot, Amethyst, Jasmine Oil, and the candle light.
When you are finished, spray in all corners of your room or house and breathe in the scent of Jasmine to soothe and cleanse your soul and aura. It would be good to meditate on these good feelings to fill your space with positive energy. 💕
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fireflyglow-blog1 · 7 years
My advice for baby witches!
Here is a ton of stuff I wish someone told me 7 years ago.
You do not have to be Wiccan.
You do not have to worship any deity.
You do not have to believe everything you read on the internet.
Witchcraft cannot bend the laws of physics or the material world.
Witchcraft cannot give you the ability to fly, change your eye color, change your species, etc.
There are many “fluffy” websites out there full of misinformation like the above point.
You do not need to have a fancy journal where you write your shit down.
You can do that with a computer or in a cheap notebook. But if you want to go all out, go ahead!
Witchcraft does not do all the work for you. If you cast a spell to get an A on a test, you best study too.
Do not let others shame you from doing what works for you.
This includes cursing. Please don’t shame others if they want to curse!
If you want to do dream work or astral work, start keeping a dream journal now. 
You do not have to spend an arm and a leg for spell ingredients. 
If you’re closeted, paper magic and energy magic are your friends.
If you’re going to curse, ground and cleanse before AND after.
Understand that every spirit/entity you meet might not be your friend and you may have to get rid of it.
Understand that learning anything takes time, be it spirit communication or tarot.
Do not give up on yourself.
It’s okay to take a break from the craft. I do that every so often.
You can be christian/any religion AND a witch.
Witchcraft is not a religion. Wicca is.
You don’t need to be religious if you don’t want to.
Feel free to add anything else and my askbox is always open if you have questions!
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