fireflyknowles · 2 years
I've been here, I've done this. It's amazing... just how much joy you can have by saying what you do want and going for it.
eventually you realize you don’t want to die. you just don’t want to live the life you’re living. and slowly you try to create a life you want to live. just gotta start there.
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
Space orcs... where aliens think we are weird for having stable ribs....
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Ive never really met anyone that thought of ribs as interesting… that’s such a shame. Ribs and the things they do are fascinating…. I think about them everyday.
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
O M yes!!!!!
Especially for those with rejection sensitive dysphoria...
Humans are Space Orcs “Ethanol”
Hope you guys enjoy, feel free to send me messages, comments, critiques, ideas, and prompts :)
“So, do you guys mind telling me where we’re going?”
Sitting in the back seat of the human vehicle, snug inside his test tube he watched as Captain Vir’s three brothers exchanged grins turning down another long-dark roadway as the last rays of the setting sun sunk behind the mountains.
Today had been cold, very cold, but sunny. The distant star had lit the snow on fire making it nearly impossible to look at as it sparked and winked from out the window. Krill still couldn’t fathom how human survived on such a hostile planet, but to each his own he supposed.
They pulled up another roadway, “Little brother, it has come to our attention that we have committed an egregious oversight of brotherly protocol.”
Vir tapped his fingers against his arm impatiently, “And, what is that?”
They turned up another street lit on either side by glittering storefronts and a single glowing neon sign.
Vir glanced out the window and groaned, “No guys, seriously.”
The car pulled into a parking lot, “Yes seriously, come on, last time you were home for an extended period of time, you weren’t old enough to drink.”
Thomas, the second youngest brother, elbowed him playfully in the ribs, “And, I hear ladies drink free on Saturdays.”
Keep reading
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
The internet is not safe.... especially for children..... but ppl learn to live and work around it.
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totally normal and not deranged thing to say
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
And I present
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What would be the best fantasyland worldbuilding detail — which tiny flying animal instead of bees? I’m thinking miniscule catbees might be the best. Super adorable, and the fault of some mad wizard with more magical skill than sense.
Little fluffy kittens with wings, nuzzling into flowers, getting dusted with pollen, fluttering off to the next one, and only licking off the pollen at the end of the day. Then nap.
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
So... #HASO.....
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I’m convinced it was an interdimensional portal
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
Ship FirTy Ep 3
Its been 6 earth years since Jonathon joined the crew of FirTy to research plant J15E25 and spurred the crews belief that human behavior was vastly exaggerated. About 1 earth year ago, Alice joined the crew and proved that all the crazy stories of human behaviors are true! Completely True!! And it’s taken a full earth year for the crew to not panic when ever Alice portrays her standard healthy human behaviors. For example, wanting to cuddle vicious animals and make them “pets” or her random bouts of crying, the smile of (apparently) pleasure that scares of most of the crew, and her energy that is only rivaled by a couple other races.
About this time First Mate Ale’eek’s contract is up and he is ready to head home. A new First Mate has been picked to join the crew, his name is Bo. Bo proves to behave exactly as one would expect from a Crovanks. He spends his first few weeks getting to know the other aliens on board the ship and soon believes that he understands the personality and behaviors of all abord the ship except Alice and Jonathon. He has never before met a race with such divergent behavior patterns. Yes, every individual in each race has their own personality, likes, dislikes, desires, strengths, weakness, etc. but no other race he has been around has such divergent behaviors in their species!
Jonathon tends to perform his work exceptionally well, keeps to himself when not on duty, and few of the crew members really know much about him. Alice also performs her work exceptionally well, if a bit different than what any other race would but that is where her similarities to Jonathon end. Where he is quite, she is boisterous. Where Jonathon tends to spend his free time in his quarters, she prefers to spend time in the common areas interacting with other crew members. Bo is very confused and vows to spend more time watching the behavior patterns of these two. He may not be a scientist, but his entire race is very inquisitive and thus has learned how to observe and make accurate conclusions. Bo looks forward to more opportunities for observation of Jonathon and Alice.
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
I did some things... found quotes and free pics... we all need motivation sometimes... so.... here.....
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fireflyknowles · 2 years
So, I saw this....
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And I could help myself....
The reason the legend of Santa is dressed to differently in different countries is because the legend were started by multiple wizards. Mrs Claus is from the female wizards who traveled.
Some may have accidentally mispronounced their destination and ended up at the wrong location and were caught by the household children so have the kid a toy or treat as a bribe to forget. (Memory charms weren't very reliable yet)
But at least one saw a muggle child on their street suffering and wanted to do something nice. Whether they were caught or not, they became the Santa to that child. That child told others and within a few years the wizard had to travel to many fireplaces each year.
Some of those who traveled by accident enjoyed the utter happiness of the children encountered and continued to visit each year.
For some it was easier (and more fun) to travel by carrige pulled by a magical species of reindeer that found fly. Thestrals weren't used because they couldn't be seen by most.
Eventually these nice wizards had to get time turners to make it to each child's house and not disappoint anyone. These wizards found each other and created a guild to meet, make toys, and plan. Their house elves helped. Thus the legend of elves.
No one sees Santa anymore because memory charms work, and we don't know the presents are from the wizards because memory charms work so well. Muggle food as thanks means a lot to these hard working kind wizards.
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
In case no one told you growing up
Bras last longer if you let them air dry. Don’t put them in the dryer.
If you have a problem with frizzy hair, don’t dry your hair with a towel. It makes the frizzies worse. (I recently read an article that said to use a t-shirt? I brush mine out and let it air dry.)
Whites wash best in hot water. Everything else can be in cold - save on your electricity bill.
You can kill 99.9% of germs in a sponge by putting it in the dishwasher for a cycle or by microwaving it for 2 min (be sure to make the sponge damp before microwaving and to put a cup half full of water in with it and please DO NOT squeeze the sponge until it has cooled off)
Airing out your room/house and letting sunlight in every so often can decrease the number of household pests like silverfish and ants.
Black underwear is best during your period as stains are less likely to be visible.
To save money, put aside 10% of each paycheck into a savings account. It’ll add up.
Unless your hair has something on/in it (like grease or mud or something), using conditioner first can actually be the better choice. The conditioner holds in the good oils that help you hair look sleek and beautiful, which shampoo would otherwise wash away.
Speaking of shampoo - if you have long hair, washing just the bits that touch your scalp is generally enough. The rest of your hair gets cleaned with just the run off from your scalp.
If you put a tampon in and it’s uncomfortable/you can feel it, you didn’t do it quite right. A properly placed tampon is virtually unnoticeable by the wearer.
Apply deodorant/antiperspirant a couple hours in advance of when you need it. This gives the product the chance to block your sweat glands. Using deodorant just before going somewhere where you’ll sweat (this means walking outside for people in high humidity places) results in your sweat washing the deodorant off and starkly limiting its usefulness.
After running the dryer, use the dryer sheet from that load to brush out the lint catch - it gets everything off in a fraction of the time it’ll take you to get it clean with your bare hands. Paper towels also work well.
Wash your face everyday, or as often as possible. Forget which brand of cleanser is best. Just washing your face everyday will guarantee you clearer skin. And do you best not to pop pimples, as tempting as the urge may be.
Fold laundry asap after taking it from the dryer to avoid wrinkles. This may seem obvious for dress shirts and silly for things like t-shirts, but you’ll notice the difference even then once your shirts stop looking like unfolded paper balls.
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
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dragons in disguise -
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
Thought: I do NOT think that 50% of the world’s billionaires should be women. I think there shouldn’t be any billionaires at all.
So you are saying 0% of the world should be billionaires?
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
“Fan fiction is a way of the culture repairing the damage done in a system where contemporary myths are owned by corporations instead of by the folk.”
— Henry Jenkins (Director of media studies at MIT)
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
You’re never too old to collect figures.
You’re never too old to be in a fandom.
You’re never too old to play video games.
You’re never too old to listen to music.
You’re never too old to enjoy things.
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
so I'll try and keep this short but my phone isn't working and I'm currently looking for a place to stay and get my phone back and then an appointment with a cardiologist but I don't have any family my parents passed and I'm extremely overwhelmed and could use any help. I'm out of work for at least another two weeks. If anyone can help. Since I don't have a working phone my best friends using their phone to help me. Even just a reblog would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry to ask for help I just... don't know what else to do. Sorry and thank you.
Paypal: paypal.me/jpd05
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fireflyknowles · 3 years
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