firestartermelia · 4 years
well who says I didn’t
I know that Eliade is probably talking about falling in love when she mentions the ‘one thing she wished she could do’ but like. For some reason I always thought of that as ‘Eliade wants to fuck’
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firestartermelia · 4 years
I saw you mention your D. Gray-man OC, was curious about them
hiya stranger! my OC is based on the idea: what if Krory and Eliade had a child and he’s a half demon/half exorcist
Name: Kay Krory Age: 3 (biologically, but he looks like a 12 year old) Gender: Male Species: Half Demon Birthday: July 22nd (Leo) Birthplace: Brașov, Romania General appearance: At 5'5'' Kay is quite tall (and will grow even taller). He's slender, well-proportioned and possesses and innate grace. He has a handsome, symmetrical face and stone white skin. His hair is a rich, chocolate brown color, though it may darken with age. The tips of his ears are slightly pointed, giving him an elfin appearance. Kay's most striking features are his eyes, which are reddish-pink, and his sharp canine teeth. General information: General Marian Cross came across Kay and Eliade on one of his many, many sidequests. Cross, being the only general who wouldn't shoot first and ask questions later, wasn't shocked or appalled by the half demon child. He instead smirked, happy to have found something interesting for a change. He was the one in charge of Kay's training before he was sent to the Order (And there had been a time, at first, when Kay thought Marian was his dad). No one ever confirmed that, but Kay felt lied to nonetheless, and was hesitant to meet the other (human) exorcists, even though he wants to. Cross treated him with kindness and accepted him just the way he is. In return, his love for the general is endless and borders on worship. He'd do anything to make Cross laugh (like saying the F word or roasting people in a mean way). He wishes for Eliade to marry him: Quote: ''How could my mother turn away from such a man?'' sigh ^^ Kay came to the Order to meet his real human father, and to fight against the akuma and the millenium earl. He had the choice not to, but decided he couldn't run and hide, and look the other way, when the bad things were destroying the world. General personality: Sweet, courageous and protective. Kay sides with the exorcists against the evil forces and would do anything to save the ones he cares about. He is impulsive, says things without thinking and definitely underestimates the enemy (and the human exorcists), thinking he is stronger than everybody else. Kay loves being the center of attention. He knows he's powerful, special, good-looking and a real aristocrat (a fact he will gleefully throw in your face) ''I'm rich, you know...'' Due to his young age Kay simply doesn't understand everything. He's intelligent, but to those who don't know his true age, he appears to be immature and naïve. He still doesn't know how to read and feels self-conscious about it. Kay needs to be the center of attention. He is sassy and takes no disrespect from anyone, standing up for himself and others. He's playful as well, often bored by meetings and anything 'serious' due to a short attention span. If you give him love, he will love you in return! If not...well, then you're against him..In the end, he just wants to be loved and accepted (just like Eliade). He has a tendency to become extremely jealous when his favorite people ignore him in favor of others. He wants Krory to like him so bad! He's aware he's not human and ultimately, thinks and behaves differently. Kay fears this will turn the others against him and Eliade, because he understands it's human nature to fear the unknown, and that without innocence, people are very weak. They don't want to be at his mercy, but he is at theirs as well (being weak to innocence) Fears: Clowns (shouldn't have watched the movie IT), Mimes, Spiders (srsly, he is so scared), The doctor, The dentist, School, Innocence, The millenium earl, Krory not loving him, Krory dying, dying, the dark, being trapped in a cave (and covered in spiders), cave spiders (he could go on, I had to stop him) Dislikes: Weakness, Rules (he does what he wants), Showers (rain: great. Puddles: HELL YEAH. A river: NOW WE'RE TALKING. he's literally a water-bending exorcist but showers are of the devil and he hates them. Losing (he isn't used to losing), Liars, food he considers gross (list too long) Sleep, it is for the weak. Likes: Eliade, Marian, Krory, Kanda. (He worships Kanda for being cool, calm, and having a sword.) Spongebob Squarepants (to everyone's dismay), Fighting ( equals winning), the rain, swimming, animals, hugs, robots, amusement parks, fun fairs, playing golf, computers, glitter pens, fluffy blankets, sushi, candy, chocolate, cereal, waffles..(list so long the narrator got tired and they had to hire a new one) Ultimate goals: owning a pet. He has his heart set on a wolf or a snow leopard. Becoming an astronaut and being the first to meet aliens (He believes there are other worlds than this one and wants to see them with Eliade, knowing they will outlive their human friends.) Fun Facts: Kay is half Irish and never learned to speak Romanian. Kay is colorblind and gravitates to bold, bright, in your face colors (he has a glittery, hot pink backpack and no one can say anything). He liked to dress up, wore skirts and painted his nails when he was younger (Cross was ashamed of walking around with his student like that but NEVER made him feel bad in any way) It was just to play and look like Eliade^^ He was never raised in any religion, but found out about that when moving to the Black Order. He wonders if the other gods are real and believes his power comes from Neptune, god of the sea, and that maybe if the Christian God made humans, Neptune made him. He once made a sacrifice by chucking Marian's wine overboard. Strengths: Greater physical strength (with or without innocence), Longevity (when reaching young adulthood, he won't age anymore, won't die from old age) Quick (on par with Kanda, not Lenalee), Immune to akuma virus, fast healing Weaknesses: Impulsive, Overconfident: underestimates enemies and team members alike. Innocence (getting hurt by crossfire is a danger), Commands great power, but due to his age and inexperience he cannot think ahead and cannot stay activated for long. Unable to comprehend everything, very naïve. Innocence: Nereid (water faerie) Parasitic type, inherited from his father. This leads Komui and Inspector Levellier to believe that children of Parasitic type innocence users have a greater chance of being accommodators themselves, although Kay is the only confirmed case. Basically, his special power is the manipulation of water. He make it rain, freeze anything solid, make waves bend to his will, throw ice shards, summon a blizzard, you name it. Like many other exorcists his innocence takes the shape of wings, although they are shimmery and translucent, fae-like. The wings allow him to fly, not drown in his own tsunami and to move fast underwater. When transformed, he does not need air, but he can only keep that up for so long. His ace up his sleeve is the ability to manipulate the water in one's blood(be it people or akuma) and move them like puppets, make them unable to move, or freeze/make their blood boil from within. this takes a massive amount of energy and serves as a last resort. he is not skilled enough to do this to multiple people, or akuma higher than lvl 3.
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firestartermelia · 4 years
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due to personal reasons this user is a worm on a string
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firestartermelia · 4 years
Me: I’m gonna be productive today! I’ll clean my room, do my homework and work on my fanfic!
Also me:
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firestartermelia · 4 years
Where do you go to study Kanda?
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firestartermelia · 4 years
Reblog if your inbox is ALWAYS open for random asks, even if you haven’t reblogged any meme
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firestartermelia · 4 years
me af
if i lay here
if i just lay here
do u think this fanfic will write itself
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firestartermelia · 4 years
i feel you
I have to talk about D Gray Man or I will die
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firestartermelia · 4 years
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle
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firestartermelia · 4 years
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✧Interest Check Now Open✧
Click here
Reblogs are appreciated as this is a crucial step for this project, with which we will measure the scope it could have.
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firestartermelia · 4 years
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Thank you for your reply, I appreciate you listening to my ramblings. I’d like to write fanfiction, so I was just looking for creative roleplays to help me portraying characters. You have a great feel for writing Cross, and I love it! (he’s such an interesting character.) (The ideas I have are VERY AU btw, for obvious reasons ^^ cross needs to be sort of au for this to work, i’m just interested in how he would react to his, because i’m fairly certain he wouldn’t kill this half demon right away.) If you’re ever interested in talking about my oc or anything, let me know! ^^
Hey, are you still interested in RP? I have this idea in my mind and it's gonna sound weird, but please go with it ^^ I kind of tend to break lore because well, it's all made up anyway..Anyway in my AU Eliade is a demon, with a human body so not a metal snake monster. The exorcists still came, but she didn't die and suprise! she had Krory's baby, my OC, Kay Krory, half demon who can use innocence. Kay meets Cross and wants to learn from him, and to meet the humans, but is scared too, wdy think?
Hmmm...I actually wasn't expecting roleplay requests on this blog XD even though I do advertise it. I dont know if I fit more of a character blog or a roleplay blog.
As for the roleplay idea...its not a bad concept...im just kind of not confident in my own ability to give you the roleplay partner you would need for it? I havent had much practice with more canon DGM Cross. I dont want to disappoint and ruin the lovely idea in your head because my characterization isn't right ^^".
I'm trying to figure out role-playing more canon Cross but I haven't had much people willing to interact (I've only had one constant person willing to interact with him away from Tumblr).
I guess in the end my answer is this: I am honored you told me your idea and it sounds like an interesting concept...I just feel like I'm not ready on my end...im not sure how I would approach the story with Cross at the moment. I think I would need more information on your OC...probably would need to brush up more on Cross to, thank god I have my DGM manga almost everywhere I go.
(I wish we also had more Cross interactions with the other characters to so I can get a better grasp on his canon dynamic)
I'm not opposed to roleplays at all...I just dont want to fuck up someone's story because my Cross might suck or be OOC, if that makes sense ^^".
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firestartermelia · 4 years
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Say no more
I need more Kanda content in my life
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firestartermelia · 4 years
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Have you seen this silly Krory face?
...Now you have ^_^
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firestartermelia · 4 years
*thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vampires* *thinks about vam
10K notes · View notes
firestartermelia · 4 years
“No...no, I don’t want to fight.” Relief flooded the younger demon’s face . For just a second he was able to sense the full extent of Marian’s dual innocence: a raw, destructive power that withdrew from him at the very last moment.
Eliade showed up next to Cross, pulling him gently back to his chair and offered him a replacement drink. It was the least she could do, after all. A strange thought crossed her mind after she touched him briefly. Perhaps she and Marian Cross had something in common after all. The strongest exorcist seemed to feel (tormented?)  just as out of place as they did, somehow disconnected from other humans. Furthermore, he was hiding something. A bad thing. It was as if he knew something no one else did. It would probably be a bad idea to press him too much, though. So instead she said:
“You were telling me about the other exorcists, before we were interrupted.” She rolled her eyes playfully at Canach who shot her a dazzling smile, showing just a hint of sharp, canine teeth. The boy brightened at once at the mention of the exorcists.
“Oh! Are they your friends? What are they like? Tell us!”
“So, I hear you’re the one that ‘vampire’ is so hung up on.” The man smirks, taking a long sip from his glass. “I also know you’re an akuma that should be long dead.” ‘Curious, how did she live?’ Cross thought, not letting his curiosity show in his features.(@wastedexorcist)
General Marian Cross never bothered to introduce himself and he didn’t need to. The general looked both curious and very pleased with himself, as if he’d discovered a great secret. (which of course he did)
“Shouldn’t you be on a mission, Marian Cross?” She smiled ruefully at the mention of the ‘vampire’ The last time Eliade had seen Alistair was a little over 2 years ago and it still hurt.
It was a long story, but Cross was in no hurry to leave (at least not until he’d finished his bottle of wine and probably another.) Perhaps he wouldn’t kill her -not here at least-, but he wasn’t going to let her go.
Eliade picked up a glass of her own, not to drink from, Demons didn’t need to drink, or eat, or sleep for that matter, but to organize her thoughts, as she twirled it around.
“He didn’t kill me, that night. I expected them to come for him eventually, but not then. It was supposed to be a such a happy day…when it became clear they would fight me…I ran, I just ran, with all the strength I had left. I had to! I never made contact after that day. I don’t want to stand in your way. Trust me, I want a world without the goddamn Millenium Earl in it. I’m just glad he’s finally happy, even if it’s not with me.” Eliade still loved him and missed everything about him, even the emotional outbursts and that hideous ruffle shirt he’d always insisted on wearing, but she would never tell that to Cross.
He had said little throughout her vague explanation and Eliade supposed he was thinking it over and would be coming to a decision soon.
Before Cross could say anything, Canach Krory suddenly burst through the door, letting it slam shut behind him. At just 2 years of age, the half demon/half exorcist had quite a few unique abilities already. For instance, he looked like a middle schooler, a form better suited for his demon energy, and was taller than Allen. Other than his slightly pointed ears and sharp canines, he barely resembled the vampire he’d never met. Canach inherited Eliade’s beautiful face and ruby eyes, had dark brown hair and a much more outgoing personality.
“Who…are you?” He asked Cross, although he could sense exorcists.
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firestartermelia · 4 years
“So, I hear you’re the one that ‘vampire’ is so hung up on.” The man smirks, taking a long sip from his glass. “I also know you’re an akuma that should be long dead.” ‘Curious, how did she live?’ Cross thought, not letting his curiosity show in his features.(@wastedexorcist)
General Marian Cross never bothered to introduce himself and he didn’t need to. The general looked both curious and very pleased with himself, as if he’d discovered a great secret. (which of course he did)
“Shouldn’t you be on a mission, Marian Cross?” She smiled ruefully at the mention of the ‘vampire’ The last time Eliade had seen Alistair was a little over 2 years ago and it still hurt.
It was a long story, but Cross was in no hurry to leave (at least not until he’d finished his bottle of wine and probably another.) Perhaps he wouldn’t kill her -not here at least-, but he wasn’t going to let her go.
Eliade picked up a glass of her own, not to drink from, Demons didn’t need to drink, or eat, or sleep for that matter, but to organize her thoughts, as she twirled it around.
“He didn’t kill me, that night. I expected them to come for him eventually, but not then. It was supposed to be a such a happy day…when it became clear they would fight me…I ran, I just ran, with all the strength I had left. I had to! I never made contact after that day. I don’t want to stand in your way. Trust me, I want a world without the goddamn Millenium Earl in it. I’m just glad he’s finally happy, even if it’s not with me.” Eliade still loved him and missed everything about him, even the emotional outbursts and that hideous ruffle shirt he’d always insisted on wearing, but she would never tell that to Cross.
He had said little throughout her vague explanation and Eliade supposed he was thinking it over and would be coming to a decision soon.
Before Cross could say anything, Canach Krory suddenly burst through the door, letting it slam shut behind him. At just 2 years of age, the half demon/half exorcist had quite a few unique abilities already. For instance, he looked like a middle schooler, a form better suited for his demon energy, and was taller than Allen. Other than his slightly pointed ears and sharp canines, he barely resembled the vampire he’d never met. Canach inherited Eliade’s beautiful face and ruby eyes, had dark brown hair and a much more outgoing personality.
“Who…are you?” He asked Cross, although he could sense exorcists.
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firestartermelia · 4 years
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Big red eyes widened in shock and surprise, and for a minute or so, the young half demon could only stare at Cross. The strange exorcist’s anger caught him off guard, and he wasn’t sure what to do or say. The only thing he wanted was to live peacefully. He’d never hurt a person, never felt the need to. But now at this moment, he knew he could, if he had to. They both knew this moment would come, and now the exorcist was finally here.
“Have you come to kill her, mr. exorcist? Are you gonna kill me, too?” Instead of shrinking back in fear or crying, Canach felt himself get angry, really really angry. It gave him power. He slowly walked up to Cross, standing close enough to feel his breath.
“I’m strong. Really strong. Stronger than all of your regular soldiers! You want the truth? I’m not just a demon...I’m also an exorcist. And if you want a problem...you can get one.
He braced himself for whatever would come next. He would destroy anything, humans, the world...as long as he could keep on living!
“So, I hear you’re the one that ‘vampire’ is so hung up on.” The man smirks, taking a long sip from his glass. “I also know you’re an akuma that should be long dead.” ‘Curious, how did she live?’ Cross thought, not letting his curiosity show in his features.(@wastedexorcist)
General Marian Cross never bothered to introduce himself and he didn’t need to. The general looked both curious and very pleased with himself, as if he’d discovered a great secret. (which of course he did)
“Shouldn’t you be on a mission, Marian Cross?” She smiled ruefully at the mention of the ‘vampire’ The last time Eliade had seen Alistair was a little over 2 years ago and it still hurt.
It was a long story, but Cross was in no hurry to leave (at least not until he’d finished his bottle of wine and probably another.) Perhaps he wouldn’t kill her -not here at least-, but he wasn’t going to let her go.
Eliade picked up a glass of her own, not to drink from, Demons didn’t need to drink, or eat, or sleep for that matter, but to organize her thoughts, as she twirled it around.
“He didn’t kill me, that night. I expected them to come for him eventually, but not then. It was supposed to be a such a happy day…when it became clear they would fight me…I ran, I just ran, with all the strength I had left. I had to! I never made contact after that day. I don’t want to stand in your way. Trust me, I want a world without the goddamn Millenium Earl in it. I’m just glad he’s finally happy, even if it’s not with me.” Eliade still loved him and missed everything about him, even the emotional outbursts and that hideous ruffle shirt he’d always insisted on wearing, but she would never tell that to Cross.
He had said little throughout her vague explanation and Eliade supposed he was thinking it over and would be coming to a decision soon.
Before Cross could say anything, Canach Krory suddenly burst through the door, letting it slam shut behind him. At just 2 years of age, the half demon/half exorcist had quite a few unique abilities already. For instance, he looked like a middle schooler, a form better suited for his demon energy, and was taller than Allen. Other than his slightly pointed ears and sharp canines, he barely resembled the vampire he’d never met. Canach inherited Eliade’s beautiful face and ruby eyes, had dark brown hair and a much more outgoing personality.
“Who…are you?” He asked Cross, although he could sense exorcists.
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