fireteam-cherrybomb · 2 years
Alrighty, so! I decided to make a character builder based off of the way that I organize my notes for all my Destiny/Guardian hcs and details! BEHOLD!!
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I realized that there weren’t really any super detailed Destiny OC sheets, so I spent a good few hours making this one. It’s completely free to use, and feel free to take notes based on it if you don’t want to use the actual sheet. I tried to make it as straightforward as possible, but in case I didn’t make something clear enough, I made an example one using my main guardian, Atlas the Titan Boi. If you want to repost it, I left instructions on the final page of the document about reposting and what my boundaries are.
If you do end up using any part of it, or just want me to see your guardian, TAG ME!! I want to see your guardians, and it makes me so happy to know that I maybe helped someone out.
Happy Worldbuilding!!
Drive folder with blank pdf + example
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 5 years
Destcember 2018: Living Without the Light
So this is over a year old, but I found it in my drafts and finished it up.
Nova knew that the others often looked at her as someone who needed to be protected. Never mind the fact that she could probably bench press a Walker and was known to punch entire platoons of enemies to death. To Kindle and Lyra, keeping her safe was a priority.
It made sense, in a way, when she looked back on it. Nova was the youngest member of their fireteam; she was first rezzed when the SIVA crisis was at its height. She wasn’t around for the threat of the Black Garden, for Crota and Oryx and the Taken War. She witnessed the scars left in their wake, saw it in the nightmares that her Fireteam, her family, suffered from. But she didn’t live through it.
Even during the SIVA crisis, she patrolled the Plaguelands with Kindle and Lyra, but she was never there alone and they made sure she was kept as far from the frontlines of the battles there as possible.
She knew many people around her saw her as naive, as an innocent. And sometimes she played into that assumption, played up that part of herself to get what she wanted or to annoy people or to make them laugh. But she spent her time crushing opponents in the Crucible and getting as close to the action as possible in any mission beyond the City. She was as much a warrior, as much a Guardian, as any of them. She just preferred to crush her enemies while wearing hot pink.
For a long time, she hated the way Kindle and Lyra would occasionally baby her or try to shield her from things in fights, in spite of both of them being far squishier than her heavily-armored self. It was a matter of pride more than anything. She took it as them thinking she couldn’t take all the same hits. While she and Molotov tended to come up with more...reckless and in-your-face tactics than the other two, they weren’t completely incapable of strategy. And besides, if it turned out she couldn’t handle something, Molotov could just rez her and they could go again.
Then, the Red Legion came. For the first time, she had to learn to fear death, if only for a little while. For the first time, she understood fearing for the lives of your comrades.
She and Molotov spent 3 days on their own. They’d been separated from the others when the Light was stolen. No way of contacting anyone, no way of knowing if they were even alive. She wondered if this was what Kindle and Lyra had felt, this breathless fear and hopelessness she felt rising every hour they spent alone, when they faced the threats she’d only ever heard about. 
When she found them both at the outskirts of the City, injured and shellshocked but both miraculously alive, she nearly wept. Kindle was openly teary-eyed, though she couldn’t fully voice her own relief. For once, Nova had been happy to fall under her protective wing, to let her Fireteam leader take the charge and guide them. It had never been so scary before, either. Watching Kindle take hits for them in skirmishes, wounds Match struggled to fully heal at the pace she needed him to. Watching Lyra openly seek reassurance, questioning whether they’d truly be able to survive like this. Watching Kindle quietly try and lock down her own panic, her own doubts, unable to voice them and unwilling to burden them with them even if she could...it all changed her. 
Before the Red War, she’d never been fully able to connect to the Void. No matter how much she tried she could never summon the patience, the resolve to defend a point or person Zavala and Shaxx described as necessary to be able to reliably summon it in her light. It never truly bothered her; she’d always preferred being up close and channeling Arc-light as a Striker anyway. Besides, Lyra and Kindle might have mastered their connection to the Void, but she knew Lyra struggled to find the fire and passion needed to harness Solar Light; and while Kindle was capable of using all 3 elements, no amount of time spent training with Cayde let her come close to mastering her Golden Gun. 
After the Shard of the Traveler was found and they made a journey out to it, while the other two moved back to their preferred elements rather quickly, Nova found herself able to connect to the Void for the first time.
For the remainder of the Red War and for some time afterward, she found herself running missions as a Sentinel more often than as a Striker or Sunbreaker. She refused to let Kindle and Nova throw themselves in front of danger for her, would pester them to bring her along on every mission they went on. Anytime things got dicey, she’d be there. A shield between her Fireteam and the world. 
And they still returned the favor.
The first night spent in the wild after the war, Kindle took first watch as she almost always had before. She patrolled around their little camp, never fully getting out of sight of the mouth of the little cave they’d bunked down in. When she’d returned briefly to check on them, Nova had jolted awake and dropped a Ward of Dawn on reflex. At first, Kindle had thought Nova had heard an enemy sneaking up that she had missed and immediately ducked into the Ward, searching for a foe that was not there in a panic. Lyra had been startled awake by the commotion. 
They stayed awake together for the rest of the night, quietly telling stories both happy and sad, sharing their nightmares and their dreams. By the time she finally drifted off again, it was with her head on Kindle’s shoulder and her legs sprawled out across Lyra’s lap. She hadn’t felt so safe in a long time. 
She still reveled in the fighting. No matter how much the war changed her, nothing ever felt quite as satisfying as crushing foes with Arc-energy humming through her veins. She would never prefer defense over offense. But to protect her friends had always been an instinct. In her own way, it’s what she’d been doing all along. 
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 6 years
New ask meme: is your Guardian OC siding with Drifter or the Vanguard?
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 6 years
Destcember 2018 Day 1-Guardian and Ghost
Yeah, this is super late. I’m gonna do my best to catch up. Enjoy!
When the dust settled and Uldren lay dead at Kindle’s feet, Match knew it wasn’t over. The look in his Guardian’s eyes, the immense weight that still seemed to rest on her shoulders...it hadn’t gone away. 
Cayde was still dead. The Prison of Elders was still lost. The Scorn were still out there. The aftermath of everything still had to be dealt with. And for Kindle...there was a lot left to do before she could heal. 
Returning to the Tower to spread the news did not lighten the burden. Cayde had been avenged, but the City had still lost a hero, a leader, a friend. Everyone was still in the throes of grief. What little comfort Uldren’s death offered was bittersweet. Zavala’s grim assertion that this was not the end rang true to Match. Judging by the look on Kindle’s face, she agreed with him too. 
Match wasn’t surprised when she lept on the opportunity to assist Petra in the Dreaming City. Or when she started avoiding the Tower, preferring to go to the Farm when she needed an engram decoded or to deposit an old weapon into her vault. And while the lure of new weapons and the secrets of Awoken history were good excuses, they weren’t enough to distract from the grief. 
All he could do was watch and do his best to help. Just as he’d always done. So he did. He watched and he helped. He had faith that his Guardian would not fall to the Darkness, like Dredgen Yor. That she would persevere through the curses of Riven. That she’d find her way back to the Light. Back home. 
It took time. It probably felt longer than it was. For months, it was just the two of them, going where they were needed in the Dreaming City and on the Shore, hunting escapees from the Prison of Elders across the system. Avoiding the City and the Tower and the painful memories they held. Spending most of their time alone, no Fireteam to back them up. 
Eventually, she started joining patrols with other Guardians. They ran a few missions with Kit and Blade, their first Fireteam back together. Then, they met up with Nova and Lyra for the first time since before the Prison of Elders. They started running Strikes again, slowly returning to normal. 
And when one day, a few weeks before the Dawning, she finally looked at him, smiled, and said “I’m ready to go home,” he knew if he could, he’d have started to cry.
“I knew you’d make it through this. Eventually. I knew we’d go home someday,” he told her, joy in his voice. 
“I only made it through because of you. My little Matchstick, always keeping my fire lit. You’ve seen the Light in me through everything. I know,” here her voice got choked up, “that these past few months have been hard. For both of us. But you stayed with me, believed in me, supported me through it all.  Thank you. For not giving up on me.” 
“Of course! We’re a team, Guardian.”
“Heh. That we are. Now, let’s go home. Together.”
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 6 years
Destcember Day 26-Sweet Dreams
I’m working on getting caught up on all the other prompts. I am determined to do the entire month. 
Nova had nightmares sometimes. It wasn’t particularly unusual. Very few guardians didn’t, especially after everything that had happened in the past few years. Sometimes it was hard to believe there were Guardians who were centuries old, and thus had centuries worth of nightmares to live with. Sometimes it was hard to believe she had only been resurrected a few short years ago. 
She knew her other Fireteam members had nightmares too. She knew Kindle dreamt of Cayde’s death, the machinations of Dul Incaru, and Riven’s curse. Lyra’s nightmares most often took the shape of the SIVA-infested corpses of the Iron Lords and the cruel whispers of Xol. The shadow of Oryx and the Taken haunted both of them in different ways. 
Nova’s nightmares were different. Like all Exos, she dreamt of the Crypt. Of slaughtering everyone she knew trying to get there. She’d jolt awake from those, itching to fight, to kill, to destroy something. But those dreams weren’t the ones that truly haunted her. It was the dreams of the past, but not of what had happened, like Kindle and Lyra. It was the dreams of what could have happened that terrified her most. 
Dreams of the fall of the City and the caging of the Traveler. Dreams of fleeing and fighting, lightless and desperate, trying so hard to keep her friends alive and failing. Kindle usually fell first; the hunter was the oldest, the leader, so determined to protect them both. Lyra would go next, sarcastic comment dying in a gurgle as she was picked off. And Molotov, her partner, her first friend, her rambunctious little Ghost. Molotov always sputtered out and died in her hands, her Light flickering out, leaving Nova alone. 
Lately, she’d added a few variations to her nightmares. Sometimes Kindle died alongside Cayde in the Prison of Elders or trying to avenge him. Sometimes she survived the fight with Xol, but they didn’t. Or they were slain on any of the hundreds of missions and strikes they’d been on since they became a Fireteam. Sometimes she’d dream of fighting her friends, Taken as Kindle said the Techeuns had been before they’d been freed. Except she couldn’t free them, no matter how hard she tried.
These were the kinds of nightmares that her Fireteam members would do their best to wake her from. More often than not, she’d find herself shaken awake midway through this nightmare, either Kindle or Lyra looking down at her with poorly-concealed concern. 
Much like tonight. 
Tonight it was the blue glow of Kindle’s concerned eyes she woke up to. 
“You were dreaming,” she said, voice gentle. Nova could only nod, sitting up and rubbing at her eyes as Molotov buzzed with concern beside her. Kindle’s face softened and she moved to sit beside her, arranging her cloak around her as she leaned against the wall. 
After a few moments of silence, Kindle spoke up. 
“Did I tell you about the time Blade, Kit, and I were all Sparrow racing through the Dreaming City and went flying off a cliff?”
Nova’s lights brightened a little. “No. How did that happen?” 
Kindle grinned in response. “We were racing to see who could get to Petra in the Strand from the Divalian Mists first, just a little fun after dealing with the heavy curse the week before. And there’s this cliff with a narrow bridge that leads to her perch in the Strand. We were all neck and neck and trying to be the first to reach the bridge. Except Blade took the turn to the bridge too tight, Kit and I hot on his heels, and missed it entirely!” 
As Kindle continued her story, Nova felt something in her core warm a little and her mind settle. It had been a while since they’d been together as a Fireteam during some downtime like this. After all that had happened recently, with Cayde’s death and the problems in the Dreaming City that had weighed so heavily, the fact that Kindle remembered this ritual was a comforting reminder that some things were still the same.
They all had their own ways of dealing with nightmares. Lyra would brood for a bit and meditate by herself. Kindle tended to find a quiet spot to draw to calm herself down. But they both knew Nova needed the comfort of her friends’ presence to anchor herself after a nightmare. So they would sit and talk and tell stories with her, sometimes for hours, until she was ready to sleep some more or to get on with the day. 
Eventually, Nova found herself slipping back off to sleep, the comforting glow from Molotov, Match, and even Penumbra over by Lyra’s sleeping form acting as nightlights. 
“Sleep well, Nova,” Kindle whispered softly. “Sweet dreams.” 
Nova had nightmares sometimes. But the comfort and support of her friends was enough to drive them away, at least for the night. 
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fireteam-cherrybomb · 6 years
Meet the Fireteam!
A series of introductions to the members of Fireteam: Cherry Bomb! (Sorry for the low-quality images, I did my best)
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First up is Kindle, an Awoken Nightstalker and de facto leader of the Fireteam. She has the most experience in the field out of this team. She doesn’t actually understand why she was entrusted with showing two kinderguardians the ropes when she’s kind of a mess herself and doesn’t actually know what she’s doing most of the time. She’s recently started working with and training two other new guardians and is the baby of a Fireteam she was on when she was first rezzed and still runs with from time to time.
Overall, Kindle is a disaster of a human being with a thin veneer of having her shit together. When she’s not with a Fireteam, she tends to approach missions by going in the general direction her ghost, Matchstick (Match for short), tells her to, shooting wildly until everything in her general vicinity is dead, and improvising as she goes, breaking out the rocket launchers when shit goes really south.
With her Fireteam, she’s more of a calming influence. She tends to opt for a middle ground between Lyra’s “slowly and methodically kill enemies from a distance” strategy and Nova-8’s tendency to rush in blind and fuck shit up at close range. They exhaust her a little bit she loves them anyway.
Kindle is fairly introspective and enjoys finding ways to improve and enjoy herself outside of combat. She took up art at one point and loves drawing and painting landscapes of the places she’s been around the system. Io and Nessus were her two favorite places for a long time. She thinks the Dreaming City is beautiful and finds the Tangled Shore aesthetically pleasing, but hasn’t had the chance to draw anything from those spots yet.
Cayde-6 was a mentor and the first person she met when she arrived at the Tower after being rezzed. His death hit her really hard. After hunting down Uldren and his barons, she avoided the City and the Tower for a while. She threw herself into helping Petra attempt to maintain order in the Dreaming City, learning the history and secrets of the Awoken, patrolling the Tangled Shore, and hunting down escapees from the Prison of Elders.
She needed time to grieve and process what happened and determine what being a Guardian meant to her. Now, she’s back in the Tower, running strikes, working with her Fireteam and dedicated to serving and protecting the City.
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Next up is Lyra, an Awoken Voidwalker and resident goth. She was first rezzed at the start of the Taken War and spent a lot of time fighting the Taken in the Cosmodrome and on Venus as a result. During that time, she decided to dedicate herself to a very...particular aesthetic.
She’s definitely more fashion-conscious when it comes to her gear than her fellow Fireteam members. She’s been known to turn her nose up at gear she finds ugly and spends exorbitant amounts of resources infusing gear that she likes so she can keep wearing it. She once spent a stupid amount of bright dust on new shaders from Tess. While she generally is okay with Kindle’s fashion choices, she despises how much Nova loves bright colors like pink and green and chrome. She prefers black and white with touches of gold or red.
Lyra is much less impulsive and less prone to rushing in than her fellow Fireteam members and could be the voice of reason as a result. Unfortunately, she is deeply sarcastic and a little bitchy, preferring to convey her displeasure through judgemental stares and haughty silences instead of through words (much to the chagrin of her Ghost, Penumbra). Kindle and Nova have a lot of practice ignoring these (much to the chagrin of Lyra).
She does genuinely care for her Fireteam, though she rarely admits it out loud. She isn’t the best at making friends herself. She’s introverted and a little solitary by nature, preferring reading over socializing. She is often dragged out of her research by the other two members of her Fireteam to get some fresh air or go on a mission. Her observant nature makes her a very thoughtful gift giver though, as she often knows exactly what to get people.
Lyra idolizes Ikora, and her judgemental silences turn much more awed in her presence. Working with her to fight Panoptes and the Vex threat on Mercury was a dream come true. While she found Cayde to be a bad influence and far too prone to goofing off, she was genuinely upset by his death, especially seeing how badly it hurt Ikora and Kindle.
Following Cayde’s death and Kindle withdrawing into herself, she did her best to support her friends and acted as the centering force for her Fireteam. She gave Kindle the time and space she needed while not letting her drift out of contact completely, and offered her support to Ikora in her own awkward and reticent way.
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Finally, there’s Nova-8, an Exo Striker and the baby of Fireteam Cherry Bomb. Nova was first rezzed at the end of the Taken War, making her the youngest, and it shows in many ways. She doesn’t have the same experience with system-wide threats, and in general is much more cheerful and optimistic than the other two members of her Fireteam.
Nova generally maintains a very sunshiney demeanor, easily making friends and finding lots of things to be positive about. Some of this is done on purpose; she makes a concerted effort to be as peppy as possible just to irritate Lyra. Similarly, some of her dedication to making her armor bright happy colors is because she knows it clashes with her teammate’s style sensibilities. Occasionally, she’ll play up her naïveté to get a reaction. As a whole though, she is genuinely cheerful and sweet, especially to her many friends.
When it comes to battle though, she’s an absolute monster. She loves getting as close to the action as possible. Her preferred strategy is “get in and cause as much chaos and damage as possible.” Her Ghost, Molotov, wholeheartedly endorses this approach. She spent a lot more time training in the Crucible than the other two due to how much it allowed her to indulge in this taste for destruction. She enjoys invading in Gambit for similar reasons, but something about the game rubs at her, so she doesn’t take part in it as often as the other two members of her Fireteam do.
When she’s not fucking shit up on missions with friends, fucking shit up in the Crucible, or training to fuck shit up, Nova enjoys strolling through the Tower and the City and even the Farm talking and spending time with people. Every time she’s on Earth, she does her very best to pop by the City and the Farm and make rounds greeting everyone there. She loves making time to hang out and do something with everyone when she can get away with it, and at least a brief chat with everyone when she can’t.
Due to her time in the Crucible and their similarities in personality, Nova thinks Shaxx is the coolest person ever and they get on like a house on fire. Lord Saladin is less prone to indulging her taste for wanton destruction, but she still thinks he’s pretty cool. She’s friendly with Zavala but thinks he’s a bit of a killjoy. Cayde was her favorite out of the Vanguard when he was alive, and she misses his humor quite a bit.
The Red War was the first real threat Nova faced and her first real brush with death. It sobered her slightly, but she came out of it just as cheerful as before. After Cayde died, she found it much harder than before. Still, she does her best to keep things positive for her friends. She put a lot of effort into trying to cheer people up in any way she could, especially holidays like Festival of the Lost, the Dawning, and Crimson Days.
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