firozeshakir · 7 years
Me and Flickr by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: Please bear with me I type with one finger of a permanently damaged hand.. it becomes very difficult for me to manage people I followed on Flickr so I pruned my list. The other problem is favoriting people's pictures when honestly I don't relate to nature or flower pictures or mundane shots that you actually call street photography or old pictures that you keep recycling that look jaded and out of sync I mean post new stuff reinvigorate your photo stream. Please give this a thought a few more days before you start your new year resolution. I also wont mind of you remove me from your friends list I will not hold it against you adding me without profile or an empty photostream is a real joke. I follow handful of friends most from my Buzznet days and those avid photographers here that have helped me hone my own photography. I am a point and shoot mobile phone DSLR photographer I shoot elusive moments I shot people who are dead and gone I shoot nostalgia magic of memories. Honestly there is nothing to learn from my photography I am a documentarist and a chronicler of my country India I live in India I shoot and breathe India. I am a middle class guy both my cameras I use were given by my ex boss but it curtailed my freedom so I left my job as a fashion designer GM commercial who're and slut from the most famous fashion store in Bandra. it's been 6 years I have no regrets nor do I earn a fat salary of big bucks but I am happy and I don't compete or try to be one up on other photographers. But I find solace in one fact I shoot what others dont shoot I am also happy I am not a press photographer I don't have to lick a photo editors ass. I shoot for myself.. I have locked up my Hijra documentary from Flickr disabled it from public view.. there is hardly any safe guard to our pictures on Flickr.. Yahoo copy right was a total mockery of photographers and Ms Meyer who saw no difference between an amateur and a professional photographer at the helm of a most famous photography site was sheet travesty like Mr Trump ruling America. I am saying this in sheer humility without any boastful claims but I reiterate I learnt a lot from all of you at Flickr you contributed to my simplicity humility and humanity. I won't be adding any more friends or followers. Merry Xmas God Bless you all. If you need any guidance in shooting what I shoot please Flick mail me or contact me via Twitter or You Tube. I am not on Facebook.
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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Urus Hazrat Ismail Qadri Shah Baba Jamli Mohalla by Firoze Shakir
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firozeshakir · 7 years
My Message to You Tube ..Naga Sadhus Ling Kriya and Penile Yoga by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: Dear You Tube I am deeply saddened at your mindset and your regressive attitude as a You Tuber I follow You Tube guidelines. I am a Muslim photographer an Indian by birth and my main concern has been promoting Hindu Muslim Amity through my documentation of diverse cultures that unify India a land of peace hope humanity. I shoot Sufis Shias Naga Sadhus Aghoris Tantrics Hijras but no porn You removed one one of my videos NagaSadhus Pulling a car with a penis an integral part of NagaSadhu rituals I do not mind the stance you take but to add that as a strike to my profile and character I think is biased and racist on your part.. Please remove my videos if you feel they are not proper as per your Victorian mindset but don't term as pornography it is an insult to my Hindu culture and all that it stands for. I am deeply hurt and I think your You Tube curator has certainly lost it ask him to see Nat Geo and NagaSadhus and penile yoga and Ling Kriya. You can age revise such videos but removing them makes me feel you don't really know the ethnicity of a religious Hindu Order who live naked the NagaSadhus of India. I have shot 4 Kumbh Melas and here it I'd NagaSadhus of the JunaAkhara that attract thousands of photographers film makers from the West so I feel you demean my efforts as a photographer and a man of Peace. As ever Firoze Shakir in pain as a You Tube Creator www.youtube.com/user/photographerno1/community?view_as=su... Message from You Tube Hi Firoze Shakir, As you may know, our Community Guidelines describe which content we allow – and don’t allow – on YouTube. Your video "Ling Kriya Naga Sadhu Pulling the Car With His Penis" was flagged for review. Upon review, we’ve determined that it violates our guidelines. We’ve removed it from YouTube and assigned a Community Guidelines strike, or temporary penalty, to your account. Video content restrictions If a video contains nudity, pornography, or other sexually provocative content, it's less likely to be allowed on YouTube. YouTube reviews content on a case by case basis and will make limited exceptions for appropriate educational, documentary, artistic, and scientific contexts. In such cases, we may apply an age restriction so that only viewers over a certain age can view the content. Learn more here. The impact of strikes This is the first strike applied to your account. We understand that users seldom intend to violate our policies. That’s why strikes don’t last forever – this strike will expire in three months. However, it’s important to remember that additional strikes could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account being terminated. How you can respond If you believe this was a mistake, we’d like to hear from you. Please follow both of these steps as simply deleting the video won’t resolve the strike on your account. The next time you sign in you will be asked to acknowledge this strike on your account. If you would like to appeal this strike, please submit this form. Our team will thoroughly review your appeal and will contact you again very soon. We value your opinions and feedback. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey. Sincerely, - The YouTube Team
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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(via Firoze Shakir - Artist Feature - Rodney Pike Humorous Illustrator)
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firozeshakir · 7 years
Last Message To Me From Late Jeff Lamb on Facebook by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: photo courtesy Leyla Lau Lamb I shut my Facebook a few days back every time I use FB and I use it more as a street photographer and as a street poet , my posts would end up hurting some bigots sense and sensibility simply that he does not like the rituals culture or spiritual ideology I post of the diverse religions of India so having added me as a friend he turns vile ,,I block him but than I get hurt so I move out of Facebook. I have deactivated Facebook many times I have lost count but I come back as I have some very beautiful friends ..some are friends from Flickr . One of them was late Mr Jeff Lamb..how we met on Flickr I still dont remember but for me after Bandra where I live my next stop part of my fecund imagination became Ann Arbor thanks to Jeff through Jeff I met other friends of Jeff highly gifted prolific photographers and camera enthusiasts almost camera demi gods like Marc Akeman . Now as a photographer I have been a late learner no formal training in photography but I shot what God told me to shoot and I came to photography to give up my deoendence on alcohol the mind doctor told my wife I needed another powerful intoxication it almost made me broke ..photography . I shot film mostly Ilford Delta 100 ASA Velvia 50 Provia ..and Fuji color I did not much care for Kodak Triax ..or their color range . There was no method to my madness in photography I shot 40 rolls color slides BW of a Shia Event Ashura perched on a gate with just one camera . So what I am trying to put across is I was not the kind of photographer that Jeff had as companions I was point shoot DSLR addict my Mantra was Fuck Fstops break rules and fuck all pedantic pompous old Renaissance masters that was shoved both up my throat and my rectum by camera club slave masters . I enjoyed Jeffs pictures the vastness the expanse and the light shadows and silhouettes his lingering love for life his surroundings his friends ..all encompassed my cosmic ever learning mind . He would send me mail comment favorite my pictures but most of all he loved my 3 year old photo shooting granddaughter Marziya Shakir and he was touched by her love of Lucky the Labrador .. I knew nothing about Jeffs life his wife or whether he had children ours was photographic platonic relationship the camera added fodder to our thoughts . I am not much of a writer I write with my camera and my words are limited to poetry ..but some episodes in life make me voluble voracious and garrulous . When I was shutting my FB I thought of shutting FB Messenger too but curiously went though the thread of old messages and found one of Jeff Lamb he wrote to me ""somehow i miss your face book posts on my fb home page, but i do check in, here or on the flickr. and am always glad to see your work and the place that you live. best to you reminds me that photography is love. thnks jl"" Last message to me on FB from Jeff I sent this to Marc Akeman and to Leyla Lau Lamb it made them nostalgic and it touched Leyla I told her I wanted to write a few lines but did not have Jeffs pictures she was kind and sent quite a few which will bring joy to lovers of Jeffs personality and photography . So dont ever assume that photography is only about picture taking or picture sharing it is our connection with life death and after life.. it is a medium invoking the spirit on the Ouija board it is about mysticism it is about unknown territories that our mind adventurously captures . I wish Flickr had a way to add all pictures of Jeff sent by Leyla on this single page but than it would pose as a blog and the greatest insult to the soul of photography according to me is blogging.. I am everything a photographer an arsehole even a dickhead but I am not a blogger . I died as a blogger I OD ed on my Blogs . Goodnight Jeff lives on Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/fej
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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Nerjis Asif Shakir Youngest Street Photographer by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: I start my granddaughters official set of photography, street photography , with her documentation of Mount Mary Fair 2014 ,,,pictures shot by her on Canon EOS 60D
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firozeshakir · 7 years
I Poetically Paint With Light by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: I was going to town I saw her moving towards the Bazar I stopped her at Bandra Reclamation and took 2 shots on my Vivo 7. She let me shoot her I did not utter a word but I thanked her and moved on. I could sense feel her inner pain I tried hard to penetrate what was Going on in the workshop of her brain But she had resigned to her fate had no Complaints.. She had lived her life Was not sure if it was all in vain. Her dreams were held by huge rusty Chains.. In the ponds of her eyes I Saw the reflections of her mystical Meanderings morbid pain
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firozeshakir · 7 years
I shoot Hope by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: The Devotee on her last legs She looked at me in awe Me in my Malang attire She could read my shortcomings My caricature full of flaws She is 95 year old her daughter Told me her hands wrinkled claws She was devoid of pain and remorse Her protector Syed Waris Ali Baba Ya Waris Piya she held him like a drowning Person clutches a floating Straw I looked at the other end at the gates of his Holy Shrine I requested him a death of dignity Honor not at the mercy of my children. I don't want to live that long.. Just take me across.. I do not want to play Wizard of Oz A street poet a rebel without a Cause A rolling stone that has gathered a lot of moss..a somber silence a poetic pause
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firozeshakir · 7 years
We are all pictures in a frame by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: We are not what we are as our picture claims We were born naked but need designer clothes To hide our shame ..if someone from amongst us throws a stone at a glass house we all get blamed .. We belong to one community but we are not the same ..for all our faults shortcomings it is our fucked fate we blame .. We are all sitting across a cosmic circle of confusion playing a game . We are molten wax candle and flame
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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Bollywoods Most Wanted Street Photographer No1 turned 8 today!
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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When a Picture Gives Birth to a Poem on Flickr.
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firozeshakir · 7 years
450,333 Photos At Flickr Since June 2007 by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: When I began my lifes adventure as a photographer at Flickr achieving 5000 photos was a moment of joy and it was blessings of friends followers wellwishers I reached the landmark of 100000 ..it could have not been possible without all of you , But I must reiterate I have cut down my photography I used to shoot all the Shia events in Mumbai but its been 5 years now I dont shoot Moharam in my city at all for personal reasons . As a blogger it was Flickr that was the origin of all my blogs street blogs poetry blogs and religious blogs so at times I wonder what spark of enlightenment made Ms Marissa Mayer buy Tumblr with that money she could have made Flickr better and she has done a good job..that should be mentioned too. I have been on You Tube since 2008 but it is only from 2014 that I began shooting videos being a puritanical photographer I did not care much for videos ,,,but now I shoot videos and stills combine them with my limited knowledge of video editing and upload them at my YouTube channel.. 7 million views in 3 years no porn... lol . I find very few people that I shoot really know about Flickr ..so shooting videos of their faith culture events gives me a greater visibility at You Tube but those who manage You Tube dont know their rectum from their elbow ,,,very poorly managed and the shit that people upload makes me puke on my shirt front , The You Tube editor was an insult to a creators intelligence and the entire Video Manager needs a total up haul but sadly Google is good at self destruct be it Google Buzz or even Google +and their most regressive monolithic Blogspot ,,, th same hackneyed templates and horrendous pretentious Blog platform. I dont blog anymore the Blogger in me committed Hara Kiri and I was once again reborn as a opinionated photographer and storyteller . Even Flickr needs a team of photographers to manage it and not nerds or dimwitted robots that use human intelligence from the backside of their pompous pedantic ass. A photographer like Thomas Hawk or Jeremy Brook or someone of that standing status should be part of Flickr management and Mabel is a an entire Flickr Forum personified . Change should come from within but than Yahoo was such a brainless self suicidal venture imagine your pictures are stolen and you contact Yahoo Copyright that puts all the onus on you and Yahoo could never be Facebook or Twitter as a matter of fact Flickr curators are so vacuous in their heads they dont know how to use Twitter lol .. I am not a cybernetic genius nor a very good photographer but I am 65 I have been a businessman now a monk I know how the cookie crumbles . I stopped using Twitter I cant be on a platform that is an institution that promotes Hate via retweets bots and trolls . My Twitter grave exits and my tweets are protected ..and my account was never verified because Twitter India hates Muslims like me that promote Hindu Muslim amity and Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone live in Ivory Towers one caught in a Square the other in a Circle of Confusion. I refuse to be on a platform where the death of journalist Gauri Lankesh fills bigots right wing Hindus with joy at her Murder .. I cant be on a platform where political leaders head of state follow bullies and women haters . I prefer Flickr ... my pictures talk sometimes I talk to poetically or mystically in metaphors . Happy Morning From Bandra .. With Malice to None .. A 140 word poet of Twitter on the Run A Father Grandfather and a Son ..
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firozeshakir · 7 years
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Ugliness is another form of Beauty on Flickr.
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firozeshakir · 7 years
I Take a Very Long Break From a Madhouse Called Twitter by Firoze Shakir Via Flickr: I have been on Twitter since 2008 those early days and I was inspired to join Twitter because of Biz Stone who I was following on the Internet since my early beginnings as a blogger in 2005 at Blogspot. I mostly posted my @Flickr post links to Twitter and this morning I decided to move out go into rehab or detoxify myself. The house that @jack @biz built is no more a paradise it has become a marketplace of Hate ,,abusive righ wing trolls , religious maniacs who rule the roost and to add to the injury it is @TwitterIndia that has verified some accounts of vitriolic Muslim baiters ,,celebrities with the blue tick Brahmanical mark harass people I mean it is a no win situation.. people like me that promote Hindu Muslim amity try to heal society with pictures are ignored denied verification...what is the real reason I dont know ,, actors with verified accounts creating hate abusing Muslims are pampered . Of late all my original posts were first uploaded at Twitter my long marathon walk from Delhi to Mehrauli known as #Chadiyan were documented at Twitter my street pictures poems all housed at Twitter, This morning I decided to move out finally fly over the cuckoos nest ..I will miss my Twitter friends and followers ..but I could not take it anymore after the right wing trolls celebrating the gunning down of journalist Gauri Lankesh. It is the celebrities politicians their lapdog trolls that have destroyed th beautiful platform that is Twitter ..Twitter too is going the Facebook way its been over a year and half that I moved out of the Father of all Madhouses Facebook. I did not tell this to my Twitter friends and followers but here it is right from the horses mouth.
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